
Jede Verbraucherbewertung wird vor ihrer Veröffentlichung auf ihre Echtheit überprüft, sodass sichergestellt ist, dass die  Bewertungen nur von Verbrauchern stammen, die die bewerteten Produkte auch tatsächlich erworben/genutzt haben. Die Überprüfung geschieht durch Abgleich der Kundendaten mit den bei uns getätigten Bestellungen. Bewertungen von nicht zugeordneten Personen werden nicht veröffentlicht.

Kunden empfehlen Anifit
Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) Vor dem Einzug unseres Welpen Fynn haben wir uns intensiv mit dem Thema Ernährung und Futterarten beschäftigt. Dabei sind wir auf ANIfit gestoßen und füttern seit dem ersten Tag nach seinem Einzug ausschließlich deren Produkte. Nach gut zwei Monaten können wir durchweg positive Erfahrungen mit dem Nassfutter von ANIfit berichten. Fynn liebt das Futter, und wir sind begeistert von der hohen Qualität der Inhaltsstoffe. Die Umstellung auf ANIfit verlief problemlos, und bis heute haben wir keinerle... Vor dem Einzug unseres Welpen Fynn haben wir uns intensiv mit dem Thema Ernährung und Futterarten beschäftigt. Dabei sind wir auf ANIfit gestoßen und füttern seit dem ersten Tag nach seinem Einzug aus... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) Unser Chapo hat die letzte Zeit gefressen ,aber sehr Lustlos ,hat viel stehen gelassen. Seit dem wir Anifit füttern,ist er wieder gut drauf viel fitter freut sich auf sein Essen. Ich könnte gar nicht sagen welche Sorte er am liebsten mag , er mag sie alle. Super Beratung super Produkte . Unser Chapo hat die letzte Zeit gefressen ,aber sehr Lustlos ,hat viel stehen gelassen. Seit dem wir Anifit füttern,ist er wieder gut drauf viel fitter freut sich auf sein Essen. Ich könnte gar nich... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) Wir haben Anifit von Anfang an der Missy aus dem Tierheim gefüttert. Kurze Zeit später zogen zwei kleine rote Katerchen bei uns ein und haben nach kurzer Zeit ihr Kittenfutter links liegen gelassen und sich an Missys Napf den Bauch vollgeschlagen. Und so voll gefuttert lässt sich prima ein Nickerchen halten. Unsere Fachberaterin ist Sandra Paruzel. Liebe Grüße  Verena, Missy, Calico und Piefke   Wir haben Anifit von Anfang an der Missy aus dem Tierheim gefüttert. Kurze Zeit später zogen zwei kleine rote Katerchen bei uns ein und haben nach kurzer Zeit ihr Kittenfutter links liegen gelassen un... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) (copy) Unsere Terrierhüdin Josie und wir sind hellauf begeistert von ANIfit. Josie ist sehr empfindlich und wir haben uns während der Futterumstellung eng mit unserer Fachberatung Sandra Paruzel ausgetauscht. Frau Paruzel hat uns bei der Umstellung begleitet und wir sind einfach nur dankbar für die tolle Beratung und ihre Tipps. Josie frisst die Gourmetwurst der Sorte Pferd und erhält zur Umstellung das Produkt Powerdarm. Demnächst wollen wir auch die tollen Leckeries von ANIfit ausprobieren. Danke für... Unsere Terrierhüdin Josie und wir sind hellauf begeistert von ANIfit. Josie ist sehr empfindlich und wir haben uns während der Futterumstellung eng mit unserer Fachberatung Sandra Paruzel ausgetauscht... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) Ich bin Odi und 6 Jahre alt ich habe Pankreasinsuffienz und bekomme seit Juli das Futter von Anifit es bekommt mir sehr gut. Seitdem habe ich keine Probleme mehr auch nicht denn ständigen Juckreiz denn ich vorher vom anderen Futter hatte.Frau Klisz hat uns super geholfen. Das neue Futter schmeckt fantastisch. Ich bin Odi und 6 Jahre alt ich habe Pankreasinsuffienz und bekomme seit Juli das Futter von Anifit es bekommt mir sehr gut. Seitdem habe ich keine Probleme mehr auch nicht denn ständigen Juckreiz den... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) (copy)   Nun habe ich mich mich entschlossen meine Erfahrung mitzuteilen weil das Futter unseren beiden DD Hündinnen  so sehr schmeckt und so so gut tut. Unsere erste DD Hündin haben wir von einem Züchter der uns das Trockenfutter empfohlen hatte das er selbst auch nahm, was unsere Pepper eine gewisse Zeit gefressen hat doch dann wollte sie es nicht mehr , und so fing die Miesere an für sie was zu finden was sie frisst, mir ist auch aufgefallen das Pepper extrem festen Kot hatte und ziemlich große Ha...   Nun habe ich mich mich entschlossen meine Erfahrung mitzuteilen weil das Futter unseren beiden DD Hündinnen  so sehr schmeckt und so so gut tut. Unsere erste DD Hündin haben wir von einem Züchter ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) Unsere Dackeldame Lara ist von Natur aus etwas anspruchsvoll, besonders was das Futter angeht. Da sie aufgrund ihrer Rasse auf ihr Gewicht achten muss und Trockenfutter nie wirklich mochte, haben wir das Nassfutter von Anifit ausprobiert. Unsere Ansprechpartnerin und Ernährungsberaterin Sandra Paruzel hat uns dabei wunderbar beraten. Lara freut sie sich nun regelrecht auf ihre Mahlzeiten. Nach dem Spielen im Garten rennt sie direkt ins Haus und wartet geduldig vor ihrem Napf. Wenn sie endlich fr... Unsere Dackeldame Lara ist von Natur aus etwas anspruchsvoll, besonders was das Futter angeht. Da sie aufgrund ihrer Rasse auf ihr Gewicht achten muss und Trockenfutter nie wirklich mochte, haben wir ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) Mein Hund Kaspar ist aus dem Tierheim zu mir gekommen und schwer begeistert von dem ANIfit Nassfutter. Aktuell ist die Sorte "Falscher Hase" sein Favorit. Mein besonderer Dank gilt der lieben Sandra Paruzel, die Anifit-Ernährungsberaterin ist. Sie hilft mir auch bei dem Bestellvorgang, da ich mit dem Computer nicht so fit bin. Das finde ich ganz toll. Dankeschön. Mein Hund Kaspar ist aus dem Tierheim zu mir gekommen und schwer begeistert von dem ANIfit Nassfutter. Aktuell ist die Sorte "Falscher Hase" sein Favorit. Mein besonderer Dank gilt der lieben Sandra ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bubi ist topfit (copy) Wir hatten eine ziemlich entspannte Futterumstellung und Fox liebt sein neues Trockenfutter Hirsch von Anifit. Verdauungsprobleme gab es gar keine und das Wiese mümmeln ist schon weniger geworden.  Wir haben endlich das passende Futter, mal wieder von Anifit gefunden. :-) Danke dafür an ANIfit und meine Beraterin Sandra Paruzel Wir hatten eine ziemlich entspannte Futterumstellung und Fox liebt sein neues Trockenfutter Hirsch von Anifit. Verdauungsprobleme gab es gar keine und das Wiese mümmeln ist schon weniger geworden.  ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bubi ist topfit (copy) Hallo, ich möchte Ihnen jetzt auch mal ein großes Lob aussprechen. Die Beratung war sehr professionell. Ich war schon ziemlich verzweifelt und auf der Suche nach einem geeigneten Futter für unseren Hund Maksi. Maksi wird 10 Jahre alt und leidet seit ca. 5 Monaten an einer Bauchspeicheldrüseninsuffizienz. Meine Tierärztin hatte mir daraufhin Futter empfohlen. Maksi ist jedoch ziemlich wählerisch und frisst nicht alles. Es wurde nur kurzfristig besser, dann kam der Durchfall wieder. Ich musste al... Hallo, ich möchte Ihnen jetzt auch mal ein großes Lob aussprechen. Die Beratung war sehr professionell. Ich war schon ziemlich verzweifelt und auf der Suche nach einem geeigneten Futter für unseren Hu... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bubi ist topfit ich habe meinen Chihuahua seit 2018. Nach Recherche im Internet welches Fressen am besten ist, bin ich auf Anifit gekommen. Seit dieser Zeit bekommt Bubi die leckeren Dosen von Euch. Was soll ich sagen –  Bubi ist topfit und hatte in der langen Zeit keinerlei Beschwerden. Genetik oder Futter – oder beides? Wir bleiben auf alle Fälle bei Anifit. Liebe Grüße Helmut und Bubi ich habe meinen Chihuahua seit 2018. Nach Recherche im Internet welches Fressen am besten ist, bin ich auf Anifit gekommen. Seit dieser Zeit bekommt Bubi die leckeren Dosen von Euch. Was soll ich s... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Ronja and her favourite activities (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) Ronja has two favourite pastimes: Sleeping and eating. And her favourite thing to eat is Anifit's Eismeer Terrine. She can't get enough of it. And I am reassured that she likes a food whose ingredients are 100% good for her and contain no unnecessary fillers. Ronja and I are delighted! Looked after by Mrs Sandra Paruzel. This product review was translated automatically. Ronja has two favourite pastimes: Sleeping and eating. And her favourite thing to eat is Anifit's Eismeer Terrine. She can't get enough of it. And I am reassured that she likes a food whose ingredient... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Ronja and her favourite activities (copy) (copy) (copy) Ronja has two favourite pastimes: Sleeping and eating. And her favourite thing to eat is Anifit's Eismeer Terrine. She can't get enough of it. And I am reassured that she likes a food whose ingredients are 100% good for her and contain no unnecessary fillers. Ronja and I are delighted! Looked after by Mrs Sandra Paruzel. This product review was translated automatically. Ronja has two favourite pastimes: Sleeping and eating. And her favourite thing to eat is Anifit's Eismeer Terrine. She can't get enough of it. And I am reassured that she likes a food whose ingredient... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Ronja and her favourite activities (copy) (copy) Ronja has two favourite pastimes: Sleeping and eating. And her favourite thing to eat is Anifit's Eismeer Terrine. She can't get enough of it. And I am reassured that she likes a food whose ingredients are 100% good for her and contain no unnecessary fillers. Ronja and I are delighted! Looked after by Mrs Sandra Paruzel. This product review was translated automatically. Ronja has two favourite pastimes: Sleeping and eating. And her favourite thing to eat is Anifit's Eismeer Terrine. She can't get enough of it. And I am reassured that she likes a food whose ingredient... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Ronja and her favourite activities (copy) Ronja has two favourite pastimes: Sleeping and eating. And her favourite thing to eat is Anifit's Eismeer Terrine. She can't get enough of it. And I am reassured that she likes a food whose ingredients are 100% good for her and contain no unnecessary fillers. Ronja and I are delighted! Looked after by Mrs Sandra Paruzel. This product review was translated automatically. Ronja has two favourite pastimes: Sleeping and eating. And her favourite thing to eat is Anifit's Eismeer Terrine. She can't get enough of it. And I am reassured that she likes a food whose ingredient... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pandy&Tommy (copy) The photo shows Pandy and Tommy after lunch. A midday nap is a must :-) They love power pots, fish a la mode and delice de coeur. Advised and ordered at Thank you This product review was translated automatically. The photo shows Pandy and Tommy after lunch. A midday nap is a must :-) They love power pots, fish a la mode and delice de coeur. Advised and ordered at Thank you This produc... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pandy&Tommy (copy) (copy) The photo shows Pandy and Tommy after lunch. A midday nap is a must :-) They love power pots, fish a la mode and delice de coeur. Advised and ordered at Thank you This product review was translated automatically. The photo shows Pandy and Tommy after lunch. A midday nap is a must :-) They love power pots, fish a la mode and delice de coeur. Advised and ordered at Thank you This produc... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mila's switch to ANIfit: a sense of achievement with positive changes (copy) Our Mila, 13 years old, is still in the middle of the changeover, but has really enjoyed every meal so far (before that she often left the food out) and was the first to eat the Anifit food 🙈 Her stomach has also recovered considerably and there has been no new diarrhoea or vomiting so far. We are now at about 50:50 old and new food and are confident that things will continue to improve 🙂🐶 We are supervised by Sandra Paruzel. This product review was translated automatically. Our Mila, 13 years old, is still in the middle of the changeover, but has really enjoyed every meal so far (before that she often left the food out) and was the first to eat the Anifit food 🙈 Her st... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pandy&Tommy (copy) (copy) The photo shows Pandy and Tommy after lunch. A midday nap is a must :-) They love power pots, fish a la mode and delice de coeur. Advised and ordered at Thank you This product review was translated automatically. The photo shows Pandy and Tommy after lunch. A midday nap is a must :-) They love power pots, fish a la mode and delice de coeur. Advised and ordered at Thank you This produc... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pandy&Tommy (copy) The photo shows Pandy and Tommy after lunch. A midday nap is a must :-) They love power pots, fish a la mode and delice de coeur. Advised and ordered at Thank you This product review was translated automatically. The photo shows Pandy and Tommy after lunch. A midday nap is a must :-) They love power pots, fish a la mode and delice de coeur. Advised and ordered at Thank you This produc... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pandy&Tommy (copy) The photo shows Pandy and Tommy after lunch. A midday nap is a must :-) They love power pots, fish a la mode and delice de coeur. Advised and ordered at Thank you This product review was translated automatically. The photo shows Pandy and Tommy after lunch. A midday nap is a must :-) They love power pots, fish a la mode and delice de coeur. Advised and ordered at Thank you This produc... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pancreas problems Dear Anifit Team, Our Ace (10 months old) kept having diarrhoea, extreme ravenous appetite, greed for strange dog faeces which I was extremely disgusted by - despite her greedy food intake she was constantly losing weight - unfortunately we discovered that her pancreas was not working well. The vet gave her a restorative treatment and we switched to her food. Ace loves to eat it, it smells good and she has already put on weight - to achieve this success, however, we have to feed a lot more tha... Dear Anifit Team, Our Ace (10 months old) kept having diarrhoea, extreme ravenous appetite, greed for strange dog faeces which I was extremely disgusted by - despite her greedy food intake she was co... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Food was rejected Ladies and Gentlemen, As I have only found positive reviews on your site, I would like to give my feedback and hope that you will publish it so that other customers have some guidance. Wet cat food power pots: Completely rejected by my two cats. Three neighbouring cats also refused the food. The food is far too expensive for that. Susanne Braeuer This product review was translated automatically. Ladies and Gentlemen, As I have only found positive reviews on your site, I would like to give my feedback and hope that you will publish it so that other customers have some guidance. Wet cat food ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mouse (overweight) Dear Anifit team, I first heard about ANIfit at the spring market in Mönchengladbach in April 2014. Mrs Beyers kindly approached me, and as I attach great importance to healthy eating, not only for myself but also for my cat "Mouse", I was very happy to give her my contact details. Mrs Beyers visited me a few days later and brought some really tasty things for my mouse. Not only was the advice about the Anifit products and the philosophy of this company convincing, but my mouse, who is VERY pic... Dear Anifit team, I first heard about ANIfit at the spring market in Mönchengladbach in April 2014. Mrs Beyers kindly approached me, and as I attach great importance to healthy eating, not only for m... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Blue (digestive problems) Dear Anifit team, I have been feeding my little French Bulldog Blue with Anifit for almost 2 years now. I learnt about this food and its positive effects from a friend. Before that I fed dry food as this was recommended to me by the breeder. Until then I had never thought about the food. However, Blue was already a little overweight at the age of one and often had problems with digestion.When I started feeding Anifit and listened to the advice of my Anifit consultant, I could almost see Blue ga... Dear Anifit team, I have been feeding my little French Bulldog Blue with Anifit for almost 2 years now. I learnt about this food and its positive effects from a friend. Before that I fed dry food as ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Dog tummy, vomiting or diarrhoea are a thing of the past The vitality menu chicken and the vitality menu lamb are ideal for our two French bulldogs. My two dogs Buddy and Maggy have a very sensitive gastrointestinal tract and the dog breed in general has a lot of intolerances, it has been incredibly difficult for me to find the perfect food. After a year of trying out several high-quality foods, we came across Provital and now perfectly catered for with the two menus. Both my dogs love it. The great combination of carefully selected ingredients, in... The vitality menu chicken and the vitality menu lamb are ideal for our two French bulldogs. My two dogs Buddy and Maggy have a very sensitive gastrointestinal tract and the dog breed in general has a... Erfahrungsbericht lesen There is nothing better! Dear team, with my input for Anifit I would like to thank you very much for giving my 13 year old dog Beny Yorkiemischling a more cheerful dog life.I very much regret not having discovered Anifit much earlier, which I found out about through Dentadog because I had the dry food analysed which Beny unfortunately got for years from our unfortunate ignorance.The dog food was also supposedly very high quality, the inventor was a naturopath etc... Beny had gastrointestinal problems so often that only ... Dear team, with my input for Anifit I would like to thank you very much for giving my 13 year old dog Beny Yorkiemischling a more cheerful dog life.I very much regret not having discovered Anifit much... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our dog definitely recommends buying it. :) We have a dog with allergies and therefore always have to be careful about what we feed it. The food is very high quality at first glance and we know exactly what's in it. As our dog naturally doesn't always want to eat the same food, we came across Rydog Goat and Horse and simply gave it a try.And lo and behold, no problems with the allergy and the bowl was empty so quickly that we doubted whether we had filled it at all. Conclusion: Our dog definitely recommends buying it. :) This product re... We have a dog with allergies and therefore always have to be careful about what we feed it. The food is very high quality at first glance and we know exactly what's in it. As our dog naturally doesn'... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Redfish is simply super Our cats Wilma and Barney love almost all freeze-dried treats...including the redfish. Unfortunately, I still think that the packaging size could be better adapted to the contents, i.e. more contents or a smaller bag. Perhaps paper packaging would also be a consideration. In any case, the quality seems to be reflected in the flavour! Keep up the good work! This product review was translated automatically. Our cats Wilma and Barney love almost all freeze-dried treats...including the redfish. Unfortunately, I still think that the packaging size could be better adapted to the contents, i.e. more contents ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Xera (underweight) Dear Anifit Team, Our 2nd dog Xera came to us from southern Spain at the end of February. The dog was in a miserable condition. I received the animal emaciated and dehydrated. She immediately contracted a bladder infection, which had to be treated with antibiotics. Xera was now able to enjoy all Anifit products: Intestinal build-up with Manosan and Fructosan. This got her first bout of diarrhoea under control within a day. However, it took a few weeks for the faeces to solidify. Brewer's yeas... Dear Anifit Team, Our 2nd dog Xera came to us from southern Spain at the end of February. The dog was in a miserable condition. I received the animal emaciated and dehydrated. She immediately contrac... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Nando (overweight) Dear Anifit Team, My dog has been fed Anifit dog food since August last year. The dog (a 9-year-old Golden Retriever) thinks all the flavours are "beastly good". I am particularly pleased that the animal has become more lively and agile again. Nando has also lost weight, which is great for his joints. Switching to this high-quality diet was a clear "life improvement" for my pet. Yours sincerely Gabriele Lankes and Nando April 2013 This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, My dog has been fed Anifit dog food since August last year. The dog (a 9-year-old Golden Retriever) thinks all the flavours are "beastly good". I am particularly pleased that the an... Erfahrungsbericht lesen two kittens (pine litter) Dear Anifit Team, We have had two kittens in our family for seven months and at the beginning I used Catsan cat litter, which seemed to me to be the non plus ultra, as many of my friends bought it. When I then switched my cat food to anifit and trialled the anifit pine litter, a whole new world opened up to me. Now I know what it means when a cat litter clumps well and really binds odours. I will definitely continue to use only pine litter. Sincerely Elke Tillmanns April 2013 This prod... Dear Anifit Team, We have had two kittens in our family for seven months and at the beginning I used Catsan cat litter, which seemed to me to be the non plus ultra, as many of my friends bought it.... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Baby (overweight) Dear Anifit Team, Baby, our little cat is about 8 years old and has run away. When he was about ½ year old, he went from house to house at Christmas time. He found a home with us. Baby had a healthy appetite right from the start. The food bowls were and are licked out meticulously; not a crumb is left in them. However, Baby also has a weight problem as he is always hungry. The dry diet food prescribed by the doctor has not been successful. Baby was never really full. Then, while on holiday, I r... Dear Anifit Team, Baby, our little cat is about 8 years old and has run away. When he was about ½ year old, he went from house to house at Christmas time. He found a home with us. Baby had a healthy ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Sammy the dog & Kaspar the cat Dear Anifit Team, Before we got to know Anifit, we only fed our dog Sammy dry food and at best some tinned rumen. As a result, our dog, who we got from Spain two years ago when he was about nine years old, put on weight continuously - even though he only got about two thirds of the amount of food recommended by the manufacturer. Sammy smelled very unpleasant, had oily skin and a dull coat and a distended stomach with severe flatulence. In addition, his major and minor ailments, such as itchy sk... Dear Anifit Team, Before we got to know Anifit, we only fed our dog Sammy dry food and at best some tinned rumen. As a result, our dog, who we got from Spain two years ago when he was about nine year... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Samy (fussy when choosing food) Hello dear animal lover! My name is Brigitte Thuy from Heinsberg and this is Samy, my 16-month-old Tibetan spaniel.He is a fussy, complicated, but very sweet and loving dog. The drama began when he was about 3 months old. I bought every kind of food in the food bowl, but none of it was the right one. It was exasperating, the same thing every day: "What do I feed him today?" But one day there was a flyer from Anifit at the dog groomer. So I rang them. The nutritionist, Mrs Zintl, came round and... Hello dear animal lover! My name is Brigitte Thuy from Heinsberg and this is Samy, my 16-month-old Tibetan spaniel.He is a fussy, complicated, but very sweet and loving dog. The drama began when he w... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Good experiences with Wurm-EX Dear Anifit team, I have had a good experience with Paula - a Chihuahua mix from animal welfare (Spain) - through Wurm-Ex. good experience with Wurm-Ex. We have been using Wurm-Ex for several years and have never had a worm infestation. I can only recommend the product as it is completely chemical-free and there are no problems whatsoever when administered with food. Best regards Roseli Hartwein This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, I have had a good experience with Paula - a Chihuahua mix from animal welfare (Spain) - through Wurm-Ex. good experience with Wurm-Ex. We have been using Wurm-Ex for several years a... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Natural flakes for a balanced diet Dear Anifit team, Our Amy is now a twelve-year-old Australian Shepard bitch. From the very beginning, a high-quality and balanced diet was important to us for our darling. That's why we've been feeding Amy Anifit products for over eleven years. We start by soaking a handful of Anifit natural flakes in water. The natural flakes are full of nutrients and fibre and are the perfect addition to Anifit's varied wet food. Our Amy loves her food, even after all these years. Amy is super fit for her ... Dear Anifit team, Our Amy is now a twelve-year-old Australian Shepard bitch. From the very beginning, a high-quality and balanced diet was important to us for our darling. That's why we've been feedi... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Purin low - my favourite! Dear Provital team, Purin low - my favourite! Well, my mum thinks I'm a bit picky. Well, I think that's okay when it comes to choosing the "menu", because I have leishmaniasis. When purine is low in the bowl, I can't hold on. It might taste good! Especially when my master adds a little chicken breast to it. I can only recommend it, even if it's a bit expensive - but you can't treat yourself to anything else. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Provital team, Purin low - my favourite! Well, my mum thinks I'm a bit picky. Well, I think that's okay when it comes to choosing the "menu", because I have leishmaniasis. When purine is low in... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Give your dog the food from ANIfit I am so happy I was given super good advice and my little one tolerates it super well, above all she poops normally again and not as hard as a rabbit. Mrs Carola Zintl is always available and if you have a problem she always helps and advises you super especially so that the dog is doing well no even better I am so grateful to her for her commitment and her advice. If you want your dog to be well, I can say call and give your dog the food from ANIfit This product review was translated automatica... I am so happy I was given super good advice and my little one tolerates it super well, above all she poops normally again and not as hard as a rabbit. Mrs Carola Zintl is always available and if you h... Erfahrungsbericht lesen On the road with the emergency ration We have been feeding the wet dog and cat food for years. We always buy the 810g tins for our small dog (3.3 kg) at home and freeze it in portions, as this size is the cheapest. For our annual 3-6 week cycle tours with tent and panniers, the small 200g tins are ideal, as we don't have any cooling facilities on the road. Now I wanted to order the small tins for our upcoming bike tour and got really big eyes about the new freeze-dried "emergency ration". WHAT AN INGENIOUS INVENTION 😃 As we hav... We have been feeding the wet dog and cat food for years. We always buy the 810g tins for our small dog (3.3 kg) at home and freeze it in portions, as this size is the cheapest. For our annual 3-6 week... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bruni loves the deer snack Ladies and Gentlemen, Our dog Bruni is always happy when she gets a "treat" in the form of a deer snack. We like to take the deer snack with us when we go for a walk. Bruni likes to roam around the neighbourhood when we are walking in the field and she is off the lead. She also likes to look at barbecue sites to see if there's anything tasty left lying around. But when we call her with the deer snack, she "comes running" because she knows that she will definitely get something tasty. This pr... Ladies and Gentlemen, Our dog Bruni is always happy when she gets a "treat" in the form of a deer snack. We like to take the deer snack with us when we go for a walk. Bruni likes to roam around the n... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Potato flakes are easily digestible and easy to process My dog really likes the potato flakes. Even boiled potatoes are now spurned, it has to be the flakes from Provital! I feed the flakes daily with Provital tinned food. They are easily digestible and simple to prepare. Easy to take with you when travelling, just mix with water, leave to swell for a moment - ready, very practical. The quality is consistently good. A very clear recommendation! This product review was translated automatically. My dog really likes the potato flakes. Even boiled potatoes are now spurned, it has to be the flakes from Provital! I feed the flakes daily with Provital tinned food. They are easily digestible and si... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Liza sticks to the food bowl We have now tried a few food manufacturers and finally ended up with Anifit because of a detailed review in a blog and what can I say?Our husky dog Liza loves it!The main reason for the switch was her almost chronic ear infections and being a little underweight.The vet therefore recommended switching to slightly more unusual meat sources, i.e. away from chicken and beef, in case that was the cause of the ear infection.You don't find too many manufacturers who can offer a varied diet, but Anifit ... We have now tried a few food manufacturers and finally ended up with Anifit because of a detailed review in a blog and what can I say?Our husky dog Liza loves it!The main reason for the switch was her... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bonny is doing much better now My Bonny is 2 years old and has been diagnosed with renal insufficiency. As I used to cook my own food, my mouse refused the tinned food from the vet. We were in despair until a fairy godmother told me about Anifit. She eats the Anifit-Vet renal insufficiency food with enthusiasm and has already gained 500g within a short time. I always cut the pieces of meat in half (which is done in 5 minutes) because I have a small dog and otherwise the Wunderfix only picks out the meat. Since then she h... My Bonny is 2 years old and has been diagnosed with renal insufficiency. As I used to cook my own food, my mouse refused the tinned food from the vet. We were in despair until a fairy godmother told m... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Venison snack is the perfect training treat Dear Anifit team, The Hirsch Snacks and Picco Train are very popular. We use these snacks alternately during dog training and on all walks. This has enabled us to teach Motte (Cairn Terrier), who is 7 months old, a few things. Motte also finds the wet food "Witwe Boltes Schrecken", Schäfer's Pfanne" and "Zum Goldenen Ochsen" very tasty. Yours sincerely Matthias Frost This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, The Hirsch Snacks and Picco Train are very popular. We use these snacks alternately during dog training and on all walks. This has enabled us to teach Motte (Cairn Terrier), who is ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No digestive problems thanks to Anifit! Dear Provital Team, Our dog Bera (called Bear) is a Gos d'Atura Català mix. We got her in 2017 when she was about 5 years old from the animal rescue centre in Romania. As she has a very sensitive stomach, we came across Provital products in our search for a well-tolerated and rich food. She loves all Anifit varieties, so her new "Moby Dick" perfectly complements the range of flavours. For years she has been thanking us for this food with a splendid coat and no digestive problems, is happy as ... Dear Provital Team, Our dog Bera (called Bear) is a Gos d'Atura Català mix. We got her in 2017 when she was about 5 years old from the animal rescue centre in Romania. As she has a very sensitive sto... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The tricolour snacks make Milla happy Hello dear team, When we picked up our BKH cat Milla from our breeder in January 2018, we were given the recommendation and some of the Anifit products on the way, which we immediately tried out. Milla quickly acquired a taste for them, but her absolute favourite snacks are the Tricolor Snack 35g. Milla can be deep asleep somewhere on our floors, but when her food drawer opens and she hears the crackling of her Tricolour Snacks bag, she is unstoppable, immediately on the spot, and only quieten... Hello dear team, When we picked up our BKH cat Milla from our breeder in January 2018, we were given the recommendation and some of the Anifit products on the way, which we immediately tried out. Mil... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Digestive problems are blown away Dear Provital Team,We, two Bombay's called Zorros and Pepper, are quite fussy eaters and therefore not every food is allowed on our plate. Zorro is also quite sensitive and already had bad digestive problems as a kitten. Fortunately, our mum quickly became aware of Anifit and lo and behold, the digestive problems have disappeared. Even the changeover to the new food went without a hitch, we devoured it immediately with enthusiasm. Of course, we also like treats and because our mistress also fav... Dear Provital Team,We, two Bombay's called Zorros and Pepper, are quite fussy eaters and therefore not every food is allowed on our plate. Zorro is also quite sensitive and already had bad digestive p... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chicken stomachs - the perfect snack Our first order came with a sample pack of the stomachs. Molly found them so delicious that we decided to order the 200 gram pack for our next order. These chicken stomachs are a particular highlight for Molly. As her stomachs are a little bigger and Molly is a small dog, this treat also keeps her busy for a few minutes. The special treat is also healthy and contains no ingredients that make us doubt that Molly is getting something unhealthy.Our conclusion:We recommend the chicken gizzards witho... Our first order came with a sample pack of the stomachs. Molly found them so delicious that we decided to order the 200 gram pack for our next order. These chicken stomachs are a particular highlight ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen RyDog Goat&Horse improves Bonny's gastrointestinal tract Our Bonny has had problems with his gastrointestinal tract since he has been living with us. He lived on the street in Spain until a year ago and is about 5 - 6 years old, and I have tried many different types of food.But since he's been on RyDog Horse&Goat, the problems have got much better very quickly. He loves eating the food and I think it smells really good too. This product review was translated automatically. Our Bonny has had problems with his gastrointestinal tract since he has been living with us. He lived on the street in Spain until a year ago and is about 5 - 6 years old, and I have tried many diffe... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We used to buy dry food... Dear Anifit Team, We have been using Anifit products for our 3-year-old mixed-breed dog for over a year now. We used to buy dry food, but it didn't go down well with our dog and unfortunately she didn't always eat it. The wet food from Anifit contains a very high proportion of meat and she devours it in no time at all. Whether it's lamb, beef or poultry, our dog simply loves everything from Anifit. We also use the flakes, which we soak in water for a few minutes, as a supplement. The tins can a... Dear Anifit Team, We have been using Anifit products for our 3-year-old mixed-breed dog for over a year now. We used to buy dry food, but it didn't go down well with our dog and unfortunately she did... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Natural worm removal with Wurm Ex Hello dear Anifit team, I tried Wurm-Ex because I think natural worm removal is better than chemical worming. My Odessa (French Bulldog, 8 years old) didn't have any yet, but prevention is often better than actually having them. My counsellor then explained to me exactly how it works. It's supposed to work best at full moon. So I waited for a full moon and sprinkled it on her food for 10 days. Odessa then found her food with the herbal mixture even better. It smelled like a strong vegetable cub... Hello dear Anifit team, I tried Wurm-Ex because I think natural worm removal is better than chemical worming. My Odessa (French Bulldog, 8 years old) didn't have any yet, but prevention is often bett... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Peppa loves the fine tramp Hello dear Anifit team, I've been ordering them at least twice a season ever since the fine hobos have been available. They are conveniently packaged in 10 x 40g and I keep them in the vegetable drawer of my fridge. Even when I go to the fridge, my Peppa is standing next to me. She knows that I hide the sausages in there. When I take one out, she's happy in circles and drools. I cut off the tip at the top and she's already begging on two paws. Peppa pulls the contents into her mouth with her fr... Hello dear Anifit team, I've been ordering them at least twice a season ever since the fine hobos have been available. They are conveniently packaged in 10 x 40g and I keep them in the vegetable draw... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Finally a food that Rusty tolerates well Hello dear Anifit team, I'm Rusty and as you can see from the photo, I'm a real sweet tooth. I actually like everything, but unfortunately I don't tolerate every food. My owner had to try out a lot of different foods before she found one that didn't give me a tummy ache or diarrhoea. A few weeks ago, my owner found Anifit and that's what I eat now. DELICIOUS! And......I tolerate it really well, no more tummy ache and I feel great! After the Gockel's Duett worked so well, my mum is now planning ... Hello dear Anifit team, I'm Rusty and as you can see from the photo, I'm a real sweet tooth. I actually like everything, but unfortunately I don't tolerate every food. My owner had to try out a lot o... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The dogs love the bones! Hello dear Anifit team, I have been feeding these jumbo bones to my heavyweights Aramis and Athos, both Newfoundlanders, for some time now. They both love these bones. Athos carries them around to find a cosy spot with them. It looks very funny as he is still a young dog of 5 months. Aramis (7 ½ years old) doesn't care - he eats everywhere and he's also the boss and doesn't need to worry about it being eaten away J After 2 weeks, however, I throw the leftovers away. The faeces are completely no... Hello dear Anifit team, I have been feeding these jumbo bones to my heavyweights Aramis and Athos, both Newfoundlanders, for some time now. They both love these bones. Athos carries them around to fi... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mr Schröder will soon have reached his ideal weight! Dear Anifit team, Mr Schröder (French Bulldog, 4 years old) always had a bit too many kilos on him, but that never bothered anyone. Suddenly he started to sit down when we took him for a walk.... so off to the vet. Long story short, Mr Schröder has HD (HÜFTGELENKDYSPLASIE). No surgery is necessary yet, but he MUST lose 2-3 kg to relieve the pressure on his joints and hips. So according to the vet FDH (eat half) and it should take about 1 year. This naturally made Mr Schröder very unhappy. The... Dear Anifit team, Mr Schröder (French Bulldog, 4 years old) always had a bit too many kilos on him, but that never bothered anyone. Suddenly he started to sit down when we took him for a walk.... s... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Fit and active after a change of food! Dear Anifit team, I think the Anifit dog food is great, because my dog's health is very important to me and I also have the feeling that he is more active and alert since I have been feeding it to my 2.5-year-old miniature poodle for a few weeks. I am glad to have heard about Anifit and can only recommend it. In the beginning it was quite a change for my dog, as I have to admit that I spoilt him a lot and my consistency was required. But after 2 weeks he has adapted really well to the new dog f... Dear Anifit team, I think the Anifit dog food is great, because my dog's health is very important to me and I also have the feeling that he is more active and alert since I have been feeding it to my... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No more Pippi strikes! Hello dear Provital team.For me, Bento litter fulfils all the requirements of a super cat litter. We have never had a litter strike. The litter is super absorbent and still smells fresh even after four days of use. It clumps as a whole and not in several small lumps. For me and especially for Paul, there is nothing better. This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear Provital team.For me, Bento litter fulfils all the requirements of a super cat litter. We have never had a litter strike. The litter is super absorbent and still smells fresh even after fou... Erfahrungsbericht lesen A biscuit always works We have been feeding our dogs exclusively with Anifit products for about a year now, from wet food to treats. It is varied and they still like it today. I don't even need to come home with any other food. The Picco Tabs are particularly popular.They fit in every trouser and jacket pocket and are always with you. Even at home, a biscuit is always a good idea. This product review was translated automatically. We have been feeding our dogs exclusively with Anifit products for about a year now, from wet food to treats. It is varied and they still like it today. I don't even need to come home with any other ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Change of feed Dear Anifit team, My dog, who is now 9 years old, has been eating Anifit with dedication for 3 years now. She is fit as a fiddle and bursting with health. After switching to Anifit, I could see how her digestion and coat developed in a positive way. Before the change of food, I described dull and loose fur as normal. Today I would be worried about my dog's health if I saw this development again. I also noticed in my work as a dog groomer that my customers' dogs developed a stronger and shinier ... Dear Anifit team, My dog, who is now 9 years old, has been eating Anifit with dedication for 3 years now. She is fit as a fiddle and bursting with health. After switching to Anifit, I could see how h... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Kimba and Julchen Dear Anifit team, I assume that it is now about 1 year ago that I switched to Anifit food. At the beginning it was a bit difficult because the two girls (Kimba 5 years and Julchen 7 years) were probably very used to the taste of the industrial food. But in the meantime they have got used to it and I hope that they also like it. The two types of fish, Nautilus Ragout and Fish ala Mode, are going well and we alternate between Power Potty and Puterich's Delight from time to time. I also have the i... Dear Anifit team, I assume that it is now about 1 year ago that I switched to Anifit food. At the beginning it was a bit difficult because the two girls (Kimba 5 years and Julchen 7 years) were proba... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Aika (diarrhoea) Dear Anifit team, My dog "Aika" was about 2 years old and had repeated allergic reactions to various foods. She often had unmotivated severe diarrhoea and as she begged everyone and picked up everything else she could eat, it was difficult to find the cause. In the summer of 2012, I happened to meet an "Anifit nutritionist" with her dog on a walk. We got talking about the animals and when I told her about my problems with my "Aika", she managed to convince me to change my dog's diet. Aika had p... Dear Anifit team, My dog "Aika" was about 2 years old and had repeated allergic reactions to various foods. She often had unmotivated severe diarrhoea and as she begged everyone and picked up everyth... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Shiny soft coat and no more belly bubbling Our little Rudi 4 years old (Russian Toy Terrier) loves all types of wet food (Gockels Duett, Falscher Hase, Goldener Ochse .....).We recently tried the Vital Menu Organic Beef and Chicken. Rudi didn't hesitate for a second and the bowl was immediately empty. When he comes home from his walk, his anticipation is always great when he sees his food bowl.He literally licks the bowl clean. We also mix flakes into his food. Whether it's carrot flakes, natural flakes or vegetable mix. Everything is e... Our little Rudi 4 years old (Russian Toy Terrier) loves all types of wet food (Gockels Duett, Falscher Hase, Goldener Ochse .....).We recently tried the Vital Menu Organic Beef and Chicken. Rudi didn'... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Benny is crazy about it! He can hardly wait until the organic duck is in the bowl... He devours the delicious duck with a satisfied purr and smacks his lips. But the other products are also excellent and our cat loves the variety. He will continue to enjoy this good and healthy food. And a treat every now and then... This product review was translated automatically. He can hardly wait until the organic duck is in the bowl... He devours the delicious duck with a satisfied purr and smacks his lips. But the other products are also excellent and our cat loves the va... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Konica Dear Anifit team,After a very friendly and informative consultation, I was horrified at what we feed our dogs every day if we rely on the adverts in the media. As I want to feed my dog, as well as myself, a natural and healthy diet, I tried the Anifit food and am delighted. My dog seems to love it too, because he doesn't leave a crumb.Due to my age, I am dependent on a good service as I can no longer walk for long and carry heavy loads. Home delivery is a huge relief for me. I can also contact m... Dear Anifit team,After a very friendly and informative consultation, I was horrified at what we feed our dogs every day if we rely on the adverts in the media. As I want to feed my dog, as well as mys... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lotte Hello dear Anifit team, especially dear Yvonne Nederkorn... a big, big THANK YOU for the great advice and especially for the super products. Our little Lotte is more than thrilled. She "pounces" on her food every day anew and her food bowl is more than empty&clean!!! ;-) What else I have noticed... since we have been feeding Lotte wet food from Anifit, she no longer "smells" like a dog ;-) and her coat is "softer"... :-) :-) :-) We are really ALL very satisfied...! Many thanks for that... ... Hello dear Anifit team, especially dear Yvonne Nederkorn... a big, big THANK YOU for the great advice and especially for the super products. Our little Lotte is more than thrilled. She "pounces" on h... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lee Dear Anifit Team, Lee's switchto Anifit dog foodhas gone really well! When my dog only sees the red tin now, he can hardly be stopped! There are never any leftovers in his bowl and it tastes great! Thank you very much! Best regards Nicole Hollender December 2012 This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, Lee's switchto Anifit dog foodhas gone really well! When my dog only sees the red tin now, he can hardly be stopped! There are never any leftovers in his bowl and it tastes great! T... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Super shrimps! Dear Ani-Fit team, our cat loves her treats through and through ;-) She has her rituals and knows exactly when she can "dust off" something again :-D The health of our cat is very important to us!!! Thanks to the super quality - NO added sugar / NO colourings / preservatives or flavour enhancers and also grain FREE - it's no problem at all if our sweetie wants another treat ;-) is completely natural!!! We are grateful to have found you!!! Our cat takes the shrimp, shakes it once to ... Dear Ani-Fit team, our cat loves her treats through and through ;-) She has her rituals and knows exactly when she can "dust off" something again :-D The health of our cat is very important to us!... Erfahrungsbericht lesen I can recommend Anifit with a clear conscience! Hello I have a 4 month old kitten Nelly before she came to me I looked for a high quality food and the test winner is anifit I have been busy for a long time through videos and experiences of pet owners anifit comes very well to the animals I have also tested myself for my Nelly she accepts well but of all is important to me that she gets a healthy diet. I also have the anifit pine cat litter which is very very good, no comparison with the one I had before, in this sense I would like to thank Mr... Hello I have a 4 month old kitten Nelly before she came to me I looked for a high quality food and the test winner is anifit I have been busy for a long time through videos and experiences of pet owne... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Frieda is fit as a fiddle! Dear Anifit team, Thank you very much for your sound advice on pet nutrition and ANIFIT dog food. Now that the contents of 20 tins (approx. 16 kg) of ANIFIT wet food have passed through my Frieda's mouth, I can say that this 4-year-old bitch is even more agile than before the changeover! The coat is much softer and shinier. In short, it looks like she feels "poodle" comfortable :) Initial concerns that the food smells bad have not been confirmed. During the changeover (approx. 2-3 days), ... Dear Anifit team, Thank you very much for your sound advice on pet nutrition and ANIFIT dog food. Now that the contents of 20 tins (approx. 16 kg) of ANIFIT wet food have passed through my Frieda's ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bono loves Anifit Our Bono comes from a killing centre in Bosnia and had severe digestive and intestinal problems when he came to us. Thanks to our vet and the Anifit food that was recommended to us, we have got these problems under control. He loves the chlorella snacks and, of course, the beef lung. But his absolute favourite is the premium turkey sticks. He goes crazy for them. We hide the Picco Trains on our walks and let him search for them. He tolerates the various wet foods really well. With the Anifit ... Our Bono comes from a killing centre in Bosnia and had severe digestive and intestinal problems when he came to us. Thanks to our vet and the Anifit food that was recommended to us, we have got these... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Treats for the fiddle board Anjuli and Nala were given Anifit wet food from day one, but the question soon arose - what for a treat in between? My two fur noses love the shrimps and red bar cubes from Anifit. I hide them on the fiddly board I made myself and always have to be careful that they don't dismantle it to get to the treats. I have to lock myself in the bathroom to fill the fiddle board in peace, because they literally tear the bags out of my hand. Appetising to look at, and it seems to taste delicious... It's nic... Anjuli and Nala were given Anifit wet food from day one, but the question soon arose - what for a treat in between? My two fur noses love the shrimps and red bar cubes from Anifit. I hide them on the ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lupa has loved Anifit for 13 years Hello dear team, Our Lupo will be 13 years old in January and has been eating your food for most of his life.Because I wanted to offer him some variety, I tried the lamb and chicken vitality menus.I mix both with 2 cups of Multiflocke per meal and he also tolerates this food very well.Chicken is at the top of the list of favourites and I immediately noticed the firm composition and pleasant smell.Thumbs up for that. This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear team, Our Lupo will be 13 years old in January and has been eating your food for most of his life.Because I wanted to offer him some variety, I tried the lamb and chicken vitality menus.I m... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We can only recommend Anifit! Hello dear Anifit team, We would just like to say THANK YOU again! It's all so natural when things are running smoothly. We've been involved right from the start - 10 years already - and our dogs are in excellent health. Our beagle from animal welfare has reached the age of 17, although the average age is 13. It's just great that there is such a wholesome, species-appropriate diet for dogs (and cats)! What would a wolf do with grain? So: We can only recommend Anifit! If you love your dog, feed... Hello dear Anifit team, We would just like to say THANK YOU again! It's all so natural when things are running smoothly. We've been involved right from the start - 10 years already - and our dogs are... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Fish day! My BARF menus also included a fish day!As I fed my last dog meat, fish, vegetables and fruit (BARF) for many years,I didn't want my new dog to miss out on anything. However, I no longer felt likeelaborate barfing. I found an ideal alternative in the ANIFIT tins from PROVITAL.I am particularly pleased that fish is offered. My BARF menus also included a fish day.The 5-year-old Yuma comes from an animal rescue centre and has only been with me for 3 months. Because she is quitelean, I feed ... My BARF menus also included a fish day!As I fed my last dog meat, fish, vegetables and fruit (BARF) for many years,I didn't want my new dog to miss out on anything. However, I no longer felt likeelabo... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pixie and Panda are absolutely happy Hello, we are Persian mix Pixie and Panda and BKH Feline with our owner Christina and we all have something in common: We are bon vivants! Anifit is a high-quality, healthy meal with a very high, clearly declared meat content. That's why our mum feeds it without hesitation and we know that our mum would never give us anything that could harm us. We have been getting AniFit for a few months now, preferably the Delice de Coeur variety. We have got a super thick and above all shiny coat. My mum ... Hello, we are Persian mix Pixie and Panda and BKH Feline with our owner Christina and we all have something in common: We are bon vivants! Anifit is a high-quality, healthy meal with a very high, cle... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Osteoarthritis in cats I would like to briefly share my very positive experiences with Bewegungsfit: My then 3-year-old cat started limping for no apparent reason. At first I thought she had twisted her ankle. As it didn't get any better, I went to the vet and he x-rayed her leg and unfortunately found nothing. As he was at a loss (his comment: "It's like looking for a needle in a haystack"), I contacted my nutritionist Anke Roski and she recommended giving my cat Bewegungsfit. No sooner said than done. After a few d... I would like to briefly share my very positive experiences with Bewegungsfit: My then 3-year-old cat started limping for no apparent reason. At first I thought she had twisted her ankle. As it didn't... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Gina and Friso Hello dear Anifit team, My mum would like to thank you for the great advice. She is so happy that Gina and Friso like to eat the food, because the two of them are a bit fussy about what they eat. I've also had a look at Anifit and think the whole range is great. At last she can feed her treasures the way they deserve. The coat has become so soft and the bad breath is also less. The constant diarrhoea has also gone. Personally, I think that's great, because I look after them from time to time. S... Hello dear Anifit team, My mum would like to thank you for the great advice. She is so happy that Gina and Friso like to eat the food, because the two of them are a bit fussy about what they eat. I'v... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Luna Dear Anifit team, I came across Anifit at our city festival last year. After a detailed consultation at our home, we decided to take a first delivery of the food. I was quite sceptical at first. But in the meantime we have not regretted this decision at all. Luna is doing very well. Even our vet was absolutely delighted! Luna's excess weight has melted away, her coat is shiny, she no longer smells unpleasant and she is lively and agile. In other words, she is simply perfect!!!! And here is our... Dear Anifit team, I came across Anifit at our city festival last year. After a detailed consultation at our home, we decided to take a first delivery of the food. I was quite sceptical at first. But ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bessy (overweight) Dear Anifit Team, I too can only report positive things about the change in dog food. My Bessy, who was pretty badly affected by "anaplasmosis" last year, has recovered well within a year. Mrs Gilgen's treatment and the weight loss of almost 4 kg certainly contributed to this. On good days, Bessy, who is now 10 years old, plays happily with the other dogs again and also survived the summer holiday with my daughter and her 3-year-old, very stormy Ridgeback very well. Best wishes, also from Bes... Dear Anifit Team, I too can only report positive things about the change in dog food. My Bessy, who was pretty badly affected by "anaplasmosis" last year, has recovered well within a year. Mrs Gilge... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Improvement of liver values with Anifit Hello dear Anifit team, I am Ronja, a 12-year-old medium-sized - rather low-slung - mixed-breed bitch weighing 14 kg.I have attached a photo of me where you can see me in all my beauty.That way you know better who you are dealing with - because if you know someone personally, they are much more credible. You have to believe me, that's why I'm writing you my story:There's nothing better than Ani Fit - I'm fit again thanks to Ani Fit!!!!! I wasn't feeling well at the end of last year - my mistr... Hello dear Anifit team, I am Ronja, a 12-year-old medium-sized - rather low-slung - mixed-breed bitch weighing 14 kg.I have attached a photo of me where you can see me in all my beauty.That way you k... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Veal liver sausage from Anifit is an absolute favourite! Hello dear Anifit team, The veal liver sausage from Anifit is an absolute favourite with my 3 pets. My two Chihuahuas, Rocky and Lina, love the sausage, but our cat has also acquired a taste for it. My 3 pelt-noses tolerate the sausage very well, there were no problems when feeding it. I feed the Landstreicherwurst as a reward after our outdoor exercise sessions or simply as a snack between meals. It has also become a favourite treat for on the go. The four of us are already looking forward to... Hello dear Anifit team, The veal liver sausage from Anifit is an absolute favourite with my 3 pets. My two Chihuahuas, Rocky and Lina, love the sausage, but our cat has also acquired a taste for it.... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Arthi is delighted with the cod Hello dear Anifit team, We have been Anifit customers for about 3 months and are very enthusiastic about the products! The picture shows our Turkish Angora Karter "Arthi" with his favourite treats, the cod dry treats. All you have to do is rustle the bag and Arthi is already full of anticipation. The dried pieces are divided into different sized pieces, but can also be reduced in size so that the treats can be added at your own discretion. Our Arthi also loves the "Nautilus" wet food and has ac... Hello dear Anifit team, We have been Anifit customers for about 3 months and are very enthusiastic about the products! The picture shows our Turkish Angora Karter "Arthi" with his favourite treats, t... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Thanks to Anifit, Jerry no longer has diarrhoea! Hello dear Anifit team, I ordered your wet food for my dog Jerry (two and a half years old). I was convinced by the statement that no animal testing and only ingredients that are edible for humans are used. When the first parcel arrived and I put the wet food in front of my Jerry for the first time, he literally sucked it in and didn't get diarrhoea. The wet food is very high quality with its high meat content and it also smells good. We have been ordering it for a while now and our coati toler... Hello dear Anifit team, I ordered your wet food for my dog Jerry (two and a half years old). I was convinced by the statement that no animal testing and only ingredients that are edible for humans ar... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The contents are convincing Dear Anifit team, Our dog is delighted with these tins, she also seems to tolerate them well. We have been feeding them for a month now. I was very pleasantly surprised by the smell of the tins, they don't smell as strongly of dog food tins as others. The consistency is convincing, but the ingredients are even more so. It states what percentage of the meat comes from offal and which parts of the animal are involved. This kind of transparency should become the standard. We will continue to feed ... Dear Anifit team, Our dog is delighted with these tins, she also seems to tolerate them well. We have been feeding them for a month now. I was very pleasantly surprised by the smell of the tins, they... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Page (itching) Hello dear Anifit team. Until recently my Westie Page had itching all over his body and extreme digestive problems. Her paws and snout were reddish in colour. She has been on the Anifit products for about four weeks now, the digestive problems are a thing of the past, the discolouration is receding and my Page is feeling great. Thank you very much! This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear Anifit team. Until recently my Westie Page had itching all over his body and extreme digestive problems. Her paws and snout were reddish in colour. She has been on the Anifit products for ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bumo has a shiny coat! Dear Anifit team, Now I finally have the time and leisure to tell you how my dogs are doing since I switched to Anifit as their sole food. People really do ask me every day what I have done to my dog "Bumo". He used to look terrible with his tousled coat. He had no fur at all under his belly and behind his ears. And the rest had become very thin and shaggy. He also scratched himself a lot. He is now 9 years old and is more agile than ever. I tell everyone else about the food and swear by it. Ev... Dear Anifit team, Now I finally have the time and leisure to tell you how my dogs are doing since I switched to Anifit as their sole food. People really do ask me every day what I have done to my dog... Erfahrungsbericht lesen She loves to eat it In January 2024, a red Great Poodle bitch moved in with us. Her name is Rosalie and she is now the best friend of our black Great Poodle Jeannie. Rosalie (now 16 weeks old) has been on Anifit Junior for a few weeks now. She loves eating it and tolerates it well. So I will stick with it for now, at least until she is 1 year old. As I have also had good experiences with the other varieties of Anifit (Jeannie has been eating it for 1 1/2 years), I will then feed both pelt-noses with the different... In January 2024, a red Great Poodle bitch moved in with us. Her name is Rosalie and she is now the best friend of our black Great Poodle Jeannie. Rosalie (now 16 weeks old) has been on Anifit Junior f... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Nana & Nino (weight problems) "Dear Anifit team, At the fair in Rheinberg (the "Tierwelt") we were invited by you to a banquet for both of my dogs to get to know your food. We gladly took advantage of this and I have to say that we are super satisfied and that after just 3 weeks! Of course, everything was explained to me at the banquet and I was also asked to talk about our food. When we came to the subject of dry food, I said that since our dog has put on a bit of weight, we haven't been able to get Nana's weight down, eve... "Dear Anifit team, At the fair in Rheinberg (the "Tierwelt") we were invited by you to a banquet for both of my dogs to get to know your food. We gladly took advantage of this and I have to say that ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Odessa (bad breath, coat problems) Dear Anifitteam, After almost a year of using Anifit, I can now share our results with you. I was introduced to this brand by a friend who I had never heard of or seen before. I'm usually sceptical about anything new, but the sample convinced me and Odessa even more so ;) You came to our house and we went for a quiet walk. I thought that was great. You really got to know us, observed a lot, scrutinised Odessa and of course asked me a lot of questions so that you could then get a good picture o... Dear Anifitteam, After almost a year of using Anifit, I can now share our results with you. I was introduced to this brand by a friend who I had never heard of or seen before. I'm usually sceptical a... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The Super Litter I became aware of the food through a friend. When it was delivered with the product catalogue and we were dissatisfied with the current tax, we ordered the Bento litter with the next delivery of food. The Bento litter has a slight lavender scent, which is not overpowering and does not change the scent when the cats use the litter tray. When the cats, we have two male cats who are 7.5 months old, had the choice between the old litter (natural litter from the pet shop) and the Bento litter, they ... I became aware of the food through a friend. When it was delivered with the product catalogue and we were dissatisfied with the current tax, we ordered the Bento litter with the next delivery of food.... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Great compatibility with Moby Dick Hello Provital Team, My name is Boomer and I am a 7-year-old Morky (Maltese/Yorkshire mix). My mum ordered me a special tasty meal from you - MOBY DICK, simply delicious, even for my sensitive stomach. But I also love your other meals!!! Best regards,Boomer This product review was translated automatically. Hello Provital Team, My name is Boomer and I am a 7-year-old Morky (Maltese/Yorkshire mix). My mum ordered me a special tasty meal from you - MOBY DICK, simply delicious, even for my sensitive stomac... Erfahrungsbericht lesen My cat Tiger loves the food from ANIfit My cat Tiger loves the food from ANIfit. Sometimes he is very picky when it comes to food, but he took to this immediately and can't get enough of it. I can recommend the food with a clear conscience as it is very high quality. This product review was translated automatically. My cat Tiger loves the food from ANIfit. Sometimes he is very picky when it comes to food, but he took to this immediately and can't get enough of it. I can recommend the food with a clear conscience ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Wet food with a high meat content Dear Anifit Team, I got my King Poodle Carlo with the breeder's recommendation of dry food, which he quickly refused. Whilst looking for wet food with a high meat content, I came across Anifit, which he really likes. He just doesn't like the tinned food with added potatoes as he is very picky. But he doesn't have to, because there's so much on offer. MfG Franz Hopfenbeck This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, I got my King Poodle Carlo with the breeder's recommendation of dry food, which he quickly refused. Whilst looking for wet food with a high meat content, I came across Anifit, which ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Einstein is happy with Anifit Dear Anifit Team, My name is Einstein and my "dog parents" say I'm a little wolf. I am now 10 months old and have been eating Anifit wet food for a very long time. As my appetite is always very big and I'm not supposed to eat just meat, I get potato flakes with it. At first I couldn't imagine what they were like. But honestly, they are so delicious that I would miss something if I no longer had them. They are also a healthy addition to the two kilos of wet food that I devour in a day during my... Dear Anifit Team, My name is Einstein and my "dog parents" say I'm a little wolf. I am now 10 months old and have been eating Anifit wet food for a very long time. As my appetite is always very big ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The itch is over Since my Yorkshire Terrier dog developed a massive skin problem after the loss of our first dog in the pack, we absolutely had to find a suitable food. The problem was that her skin was cancerous red and she was literally scratching herself raw. The administration of cortisone and a dry allergy food made her condition worse and worse (as soon as the cortisone was stopped!!!). I stopped this food on my own and strictly refused to give the poor dog even one more cortisone tablet. I tried to brin... Since my Yorkshire Terrier dog developed a massive skin problem after the loss of our first dog in the pack, we absolutely had to find a suitable food. The problem was that her skin was cancerous red... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chlorella snack: tasty and healthy Dear Provital team, Chlorella snack: tasty and healthy My Nanni is a very fussy cat. I've noticed that she eats better since I crumble the chlorella snacks into her wet food. I think it's great that the snack contains detoxifying chlorella algae, which has a detoxifying effect. This is important for outdoor dogs, who also breathe in car exhaust fumes. Yours sincerely U. B. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Provital team, Chlorella snack: tasty and healthy My Nanni is a very fussy cat. I've noticed that she eats better since I crumble the chlorella snacks into her wet food. I think it's great that... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Thanks to alkaline powder, Lilly and Nanouk can eat without any problems We have two dogs of the Gos d'atura de Perro Catala breed, which are Catalan herding dogs. The female dog Lilly is ten years old and the male dog Nanouk is almost five years old. Lilly has been fed for seven years and Nanouk since he was three months old. As Nanouk has been suffering from licky fits for a long time and the reason for this is often hyperacidity of the stomach, we switched him to wet food from Anifit with some Anifit potato flakes a few weeks ago. The changeover has worked very we... We have two dogs of the Gos d'atura de Perro Catala breed, which are Catalan herding dogs. The female dog Lilly is ten years old and the male dog Nanouk is almost five years old. Lilly has been fed fo... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Great product this Dentax Hello Anifit team, Thank you very much for this great product. I use it regularly with our three cats. Just sprinkle it over their food and that's it. Is eaten without complaining 😄 Thank you very much Ilona Clemens This product review was translated automatically. Hello Anifit team, Thank you very much for this great product. I use it regularly with our three cats. Just sprinkle it over their food and that's it. Is eaten without complaining 😄 Thank you very ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Simply happy Dear Anifit Team, Here is my favourite photo of my two "men". Sammy is happy because ANIfit tastes so good to him - and Julian is happy because Sammy is so healthy thanks to ANIfit! Best regardsMrs Daniela H. June 2013 This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, Here is my favourite photo of my two "men". Sammy is happy because ANIfit tastes so good to him - and Julian is happy because Sammy is so healthy thanks to ANIfit! Best regardsMrs D... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lilli (weight problems) Dear Anifit team, I have noticed that my cat is much more agile and attentive thanks to the Anifitna wet food. She sleeps less and is interested in everything. She explores new corners - some of which can only be reached by thinking and planning. I would like to emphasise that my cat has been given special dry diet food by the vet to help her lose weight. She was already being fed less than half the recommended daily amount and still continued to put on weight. Anifit food has completely change... Dear Anifit team, I have noticed that my cat is much more agile and attentive thanks to the Anifitna wet food. She sleeps less and is interested in everything. She explores new corners - some of whic... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The food is so great! I have been feeding my two cats Penauts (3) and Bounty (3) Anifit food for some time now.It's not just me, my two furry friends are also delighted and devour their food with relish.They love the power potty variety.Thanks to Nina Kniely we are/got great advice and she is always there for us with great tips, thank you very much.My pelt-noses have been doing very well with their food since then, the flatulence no longer plays a role, they are more active when playing and their reddened gums and ba... I have been feeding my two cats Penauts (3) and Bounty (3) Anifit food for some time now.It's not just me, my two furry friends are also delighted and devour their food with relish.They love the power... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lucky finally has good kidney values! Dear Anifit Team, We have been feeding our cat with Anifit for about 1 year. We met at an event and got talking straight away. Our cat Lucky is about 15 years old, quite heavy (9.5kg) and has kidney disease. We were looking for suitable food that would be well tolerated by him, i.e. that would take his kidney disease into account. They were very convincing, so I bought a few samples and tried them out at home. You might think that our cat gets a lot of treats, but that's not true, as you have ... Dear Anifit Team, We have been feeding our cat with Anifit for about 1 year. We met at an event and got talking straight away. Our cat Lucky is about 15 years old, quite heavy (9.5kg) and has kidney ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Enthusiastic about the taster pack My cat Mr Schnuffi is quite demanding when it comes to his food. Following advice from Sandra Paruzel, I decided on the taster pack for cats and was curious to see what my cat would say. With ANIfit, my Mr Schnuffi really digs in and the bowl is empty every time! We are thrilled. This product review was translated automatically. My cat Mr Schnuffi is quite demanding when it comes to his food. Following advice from Sandra Paruzel, I decided on the taster pack for cats and was curious to see what my cat would say. With ANIfit, ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Willow and Anifit When the Anifit parcel arrives, our Willow goes totally crazy every time. Whether wet food or treats, she loves to eat everything, and has done so for many years, since 2015 to be precise! She is now almost 11 years old and still in great shape. Surely this is also due to the good food! I'm always amazed at how quickly the goods are delivered! This product review was translated automatically. When the Anifit parcel arrives, our Willow goes totally crazy every time. Whether wet food or treats, she loves to eat everything, and has done so for many years, since 2015 to be precise! She is now ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Baya Dear Anifit Team, I have nothing but positive things to say about Anifit dog food. Baya loves it and I am often asked about her shiny coat. My dog girl is also much more agile since she has been eating Anifit. Kind regards, Yours, Susanne Tegtmeier September 2012 This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, I have nothing but positive things to say about Anifit dog food. Baya loves it and I am often asked about her shiny coat. My dog girl is also much more agile since she has been eat... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Greyhound Dear Anifit Team, I am very happy to feed my dog with Anifit. I would like to send you some pictures that show how important good care and very good food is. We took pictures of my dog before and after. The small picture is from February where the dog is clearly emaciated. If you look at the large picture in comparison, you can see the difference. Best regards Sabine Dyck This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, I am very happy to feed my dog with Anifit. I would like to send you some pictures that show how important good care and very good food is. We took pictures of my dog before and af... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Finally a healthy treat Hello dear team, The shrimps and beef hearts go down really well with our cat. Finally a healthy treat that is ideal for clicker training or for a treasure hunt in the home. The shrimps can also be divided again depending on their size. Best regards Franziska Schollmeier This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear team, The shrimps and beef hearts go down really well with our cat. Finally a healthy treat that is ideal for clicker training or for a treasure hunt in the home. The shrimps can also be d... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The food smells delicious! Dear Anifit team, I recently gave my furry friend Anifit for the first time. I don't think my little one has ever eaten with such relish as with Anifit. As he has often had gastrointestinal problems, I am of course hoping for the food. What I find very pleasant is the smell when you open the tin. It doesn't smell like typical dog food, but really delicious. Kind regards Kerstin Kübler-Aslan This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, I recently gave my furry friend Anifit for the first time. I don't think my little one has ever eaten with such relish as with Anifit. As he has often had gastrointestinal problems,... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Moby Dick now also on the menu Dear Provital Team, We recently ordered and tried your new Moby Dick 810g wet food product. Our dog, a 3 ½-year-old English springer spaniel, is sometimes a little sensitive when it comes to food, but he loved the Moby Dick and ate it happily. It has been excellent for him and this new variety, along with Gockels Duett, will always be on our dog's menu in future. Thank you very much for always endeavouring to include such great new products in your range. This product review was translated aut... Dear Provital Team, We recently ordered and tried your new Moby Dick 810g wet food product. Our dog, a 3 ½-year-old English springer spaniel, is sometimes a little sensitive when it comes to food, bu... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Sally Dear Anifit team, I have been feeding Anifit for more than 5.5 years (as far as I remember). Sally has a wonderful coat - which I am often asked about. She has a great figure - which is not only due to exercise. She loves her food - which is always reliably delivered on time. She has no problems with diarrhoea, vomiting or main problems. Her constant ear infections are also a thing of the past. We can only recommend Anifit. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, I have been feeding Anifit for more than 5.5 years (as far as I remember). Sally has a wonderful coat - which I am often asked about. She has a great figure - which is not only due ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Beetie and Lulu Hello dear people, Our names are Beethoven and Lulu, we are two bright pugs of the best age from Cologne. We can only rave about ANIfit, every morning and every evening we go crazy for our food and make sure that the food bowl is always sparkling clean afterwards. Mum says that we've never felt better since we got the new food. She also finds the personalised advice and support for the food unique... My mistress has already been through quite a lot. We've tried various dry and wet foods, home-c... Hello dear people, Our names are Beethoven and Lulu, we are two bright pugs of the best age from Cologne. We can only rave about ANIfit, every morning and every evening we go crazy for our food and m... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Calmer hangovers thanks to Pro Relax Ladies and Gentlemen, Four tomcats are part of my life. Unfortunately, a tomcat reacts very anxiously in many normal situations. He doesn't like fast movements, loud noises or anything unfamiliar. I wanted to do something about this and have already tried various things. Even a visit to a veterinary practitioner did not lead to the desired success. Your advert on the Internet drew my attention to your ANIFIT food and your other products. PRO RELAX caught my eye. I immediately tried it out and ... Ladies and Gentlemen, Four tomcats are part of my life. Unfortunately, a tomcat reacts very anxiously in many normal situations. He doesn't like fast movements, loud noises or anything unfamiliar. I ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Ally's vitality thanks to ANIfit wet food: a successful change of diet Our dog Ally looks forward to the wet food every day. Since the change of food, she is more agile and much fitter in everyday life. She runs after other dogs much faster when playing and seems to have more energy. Her coat also shows clear improvements. It is no longer dull and shinier now that we have been giving her the food for several weeks. Overall, her well-being seems to have improved significantly and it appears that she is also tolerating and utilising the wet food better. We can only ... Our dog Ally looks forward to the wet food every day. Since the change of food, she is more agile and much fitter in everyday life. She runs after other dogs much faster when playing and seems to have... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Finally carefree jumping thanks to power gut I had big problems with my 5-month-old shelter dog. The endless visits to the vet for diarrhoea didn't help, he recommended dry food for sensitive dogs, it went well for a few weeks, but nothing would get to her and then the diarrhoea started again, she was limp and listless, I was at a loss! Then I met Andrea Hermann (nutritionist) who listened to me intensively, she recommended Anifit and intestinal build-up and finally things started to improve for her. She was very happy when she was fed, re... I had big problems with my 5-month-old shelter dog. The endless visits to the vet for diarrhoea didn't help, he recommended dry food for sensitive dogs, it went well for a few weeks, but nothing would... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Snoopy's better digestion Dear dog lovers, I have a 14-year-old Jack Russell and he has always had stomach and digestive problems, mostly diarrhoea. I switched to the Anifit food 5 weeks ago and I'm just annoyed that I didn't give Snoopy this food much earlier, because he loves eating it, he's much better, has much better digestion and is much more active as a result. His favourite food is "rooster duet and fake rabbit". This product review was translated automatically. Dear dog lovers, I have a 14-year-old Jack Russell and he has always had stomach and digestive problems, mostly diarrhoea. I switched to the Anifit food 5 weeks ago and I'm just annoyed that I didn't... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Best food for tomcat Bleky We took in our tomcat from the animal shelter. We were able to take advantage of the Anifit animal aid programme. That was great, because I had already decided in favour of Anifit when I was looking for healthy food. He ate very little at the shelter and preferred dry food. I was very excited to see how things would go with us. Bleky really liked the Anifit food straight away and within a week he increased his ration from just under 300g to about an 800g can/day. In between I tried other goo... We took in our tomcat from the animal shelter. We were able to take advantage of the Anifit animal aid programme. That was great, because I had already decided in favour of Anifit when I was looking f... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Luna tolerates the meat flakes very well We got our Luna, a Maltipoo, from the breeder in August at the age of 12 weeks. Everything went well except for the food. We continued to feed her the breeder's food. But she hardly ate at all, and when she did, it was always in stages. We didn't know that from the two dogs we had before.So I checked out the Facebook group to see what other people were feeding her. After some research, I came across Anifit. The food and its composition convinced me. I also like the nutritional advice.With the g... We got our Luna, a Maltipoo, from the breeder in August at the age of 12 weeks. Everything went well except for the food. We continued to feed her the breeder's food. But she hardly ate at all, and wh... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chlorella snack is a popular treat Ladies and Gentlemen, Our dog loves the RyDog Vital Menu Lamb and tolerates it very well. The diarrhoea problems that used to occur more frequently have become much less frequent. The chlorella snack 35g is a favourite treat that our dog loves to eat. It feels good to give our dog something healthy. Our Belgian shepherd is a very agile animal with a great urge to move. This product review was translated automatically. Ladies and Gentlemen, Our dog loves the RyDog Vital Menu Lamb and tolerates it very well. The diarrhoea problems that used to occur more frequently have become much less frequent. The chlorella snac... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our experience report with the Anifit food We got to know Anifit through a dear friend who has been a counsellor for years. We had fallen head over heels in love with the Cocker Spaniel puppy and as the second dog in my life he was suddenly there. Without much pre-planning and after 13 years of dog experience, I suddenly started thinking about the dog's diet before he even moved in. Perhaps I wanted to do some things better than I had done twenty years ago with my first dog. The breeder recommended and sold dry food. Through my conta... We got to know Anifit through a dear friend who has been a counsellor for years. We had fallen head over heels in love with the Cocker Spaniel puppy and as the second dog in my life he was suddenly ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen I only eat Anifit now! Hello everyone, my name is Nero and I am 11 years old. A few weeks ago I was very unwell because I have always had a very sensitive stomach, I was vomiting and could hardly keep any food down. Then my mistress went to Mrs Carola Zintl and she gave us mega professional advice and gave us ANIfit food and a homeopathic remedy because I had no real appetite. I liked the Anifit food straight away and I tolerate it really well and no longer have any stomach problems. I am fit for my age and now have a... Hello everyone, my name is Nero and I am 11 years old. A few weeks ago I was very unwell because I have always had a very sensitive stomach, I was vomiting and could hardly keep any food down. Then my... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Absolutely thrilled and an absolute buy recommendation! Buddy loves the food and tolerates it very well. We have no problems whatsoever and Buddy's bowel movements are perfect! He loves every one of the different varieties I've fed Buddy so far and so far there hasn't been one that he hasn't liked. As soon as I know which varieties are Buddy's favourites, I'll order more. Absolutely thrilled and an absolute recommendation to buy! Kind regards This product review was translated automatically. Buddy loves the food and tolerates it very well. We have no problems whatsoever and Buddy's bowel movements are perfect! He loves every one of the different varieties I've fed Buddy so far and so far ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Good food and a healthy dog I am very happy that we found this food for our Filou. The quality is really very good and my dog loves to eat it and tolerates it very well. He always had stomach problems. These have now disappeared. Good food and a healthy dog. It doesn't get any better than this. This product review was translated automatically. I am very happy that we found this food for our Filou. The quality is really very good and my dog loves to eat it and tolerates it very well. He always had stomach problems. These have now disappeared... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Finally no more vomiting and everyone is active and fit Nala, Simba, Tinka and Minka.After a difficult initial phase, all 4 are now very happy to eat their new food from Anifit 👍Finally no more vomiting and they are all active and fit.Pedigree cats simply need a balanced diet and are very susceptible to gastrointestinal problems due to breeding. We have now found a good solution. I'm glad to have found the right one and will stick with this really high-quality and balanced food! This product review was translated automatically. Nala, Simba, Tinka and Minka.After a difficult initial phase, all 4 are now very happy to eat their new food from Anifit 👍Finally no more vomiting and they are all active and fit.Pedigree cats simply ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen I am absolutely thrilled and convinced When the new ANIfit Junior came onto the market, I was curious. Although my Australian Shepherd dog Mira is already eight, I ordered it for her because I really liked the composition. I am absolutely thrilled and convinced: it smells fresh and meaty and is very juicy. My dog loves it and tolerates it extremely well. I can therefore wholeheartedly recommend it for adult dogs too. Junior is now one of the three regular foods I order for my dog and she thanks me every day with her health and agilit... When the new ANIfit Junior came onto the market, I was curious. Although my Australian Shepherd dog Mira is already eight, I ordered it for her because I really liked the composition. I am absolutely ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen I look forward to a new and delicious dish every day My name is Carlo and until recently I was fed BARF. After a while I always turned up my nose and didn't want to eat it any more. Now my owner feeds me Anifit and I love it. I look forward to a new and delicious dish every day. Best regards This product review was translated automatically. My name is Carlo and until recently I was fed BARF. After a while I always turned up my nose and didn't want to eat it any more. Now my owner feeds me Anifit and I love it. I look forward to a new and... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Spaiki loves the food from Anifit! Dear Anifit team, Thank you so much for the great food from Anifit! Our Frenchie has been fed this since he was 5 months old, before that he was unfortunately given dry food on the recommendation of the breeder. Now the little one is 10 months old and is doing splendidly! He tolerates almost all varieties and is growing and thriving. Thanks to Mrs Felicia Gräfe I discovered Anifit, I was given top advice and can always turn to her when questions arise, she is very competent and courteous. D... Dear Anifit team, Thank you so much for the great food from Anifit! Our Frenchie has been fed this since he was 5 months old, before that he was unfortunately given dry food on the recommendation of... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Thanks to Gockel's duet, everything is great! I switched my 14-year-old Labrador dog to her Gockels Duett variety in mid-October. She had considerable problems passing faeces as they became increasingly solid. After about 1 week of switching, this problem was solved immediately. Her faeces are just as they should be, not too soft and not too hard. Unfortunately, my dog has severe osteoarthritis and I tried a lot of medication to strengthen her muscles, but unfortunately nothing helped. By changing her food, her muscles have built up very we... I switched my 14-year-old Labrador dog to her Gockels Duett variety in mid-October. She had considerable problems passing faeces as they became increasingly solid. After about 1 week of switching, thi... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Erna & Argos Hello lovelies, As you know, we have been your customers since the end of 2011, first our dogs Cindy and Tiger (sadly deceased), and now our dogs Erna and Argos. They both really love Anifit and look forward to every parcel. You can see that both dogs look great. They have a shiny coat, good digestion, feel totally fit and hardly ever need to go to the vet. We can therefore confirm that Anifit really is a good, healthy food. We feel that we are in very good hands with our specialist advisors, C... Hello lovelies, As you know, we have been your customers since the end of 2011, first our dogs Cindy and Tiger (sadly deceased), and now our dogs Erna and Argos. They both really love Anifit and look... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our cats are crazy about it I can only recommend the Hirschleckerlies for cats. Our 2 cats pounced on them like hungry cats of prey as soon as I opened them. And that's when the fun really started. As soon as I had put the treats somewhere, one of the cats came and carried the bag of treats to his "hiding place". I then had to put the bag away in the cupboard so that they couldn't get at it. So I can only recommend the Hirschleckerlies to everyone. This product review was translated automatically. I can only recommend the Hirschleckerlies for cats. Our 2 cats pounced on them like hungry cats of prey as soon as I opened them. And that's when the fun really started. As soon as I had put the treat... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mega treats I like to give him dried beef hearts and pieces of venison (as well as chicken hearts, chicken breast and spikey fish) as treats. As small treats are enough for me, I like to divide them up. This works particularly well with beef hearts. Many of the pieces are like a cube and are easy to cut. The venison pieces are more like "mega treats". My dog particularly likes them. Both varieties are very dry and low in odour for humans, but Micky loves them just as much as the stronger-smelling varieties... I like to give him dried beef hearts and pieces of venison (as well as chicken hearts, chicken breast and spikey fish) as treats. As small treats are enough for me, I like to divide them up. This wor... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Jimmy (change of food) Dear Anifit team, Until 2 months ago, we fed our young Doberman Jimmy dry food and Pedigree. Until we were made aware by a specialist consultant of what was really in the food we were feeding him. As we love our new family member Jimmy more than anything and want him to stay healthy for a long time, we tried the Anifit food. Our Jimmy loves the food and when we put his previous food in front of him he refused it outright. It seems that our Jimmy knows what is good for him and that there is actu... Dear Anifit team, Until 2 months ago, we fed our young Doberman Jimmy dry food and Pedigree. Until we were made aware by a specialist consultant of what was really in the food we were feeding him. As... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mika is doing better thanks to Anifit Dear Provital team, Our Mika suffers from many allergies and therefore reacts to intolerances or stress with diarrhoea. Thanks to the gentle diet of chicken/rice, we can counteract this without medication and it also tastes really good. RyDog Vital Menu Chicken is one of Mika's absolute favourites - not a crumb is left in her bowl. Since our dog has been eating Provital wet food, his health has improved significantly! This product review was translated automatically. Dear Provital team, Our Mika suffers from many allergies and therefore reacts to intolerances or stress with diarrhoea. Thanks to the gentle diet of chicken/rice, we can counteract this without medic... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Nika eats this combination with great enthusiasm. Anifit natural flakes are free from preservatives, flavour enhancers and colourings. Thanks to the way they are prepared, the cereals can be broken down and utilised by the dog's digestive tract. My Spanish water dog Nika gets a handful of natural flakes with her Anifit wet food every day. I soak the natural flakes in water beforehand and then add them to the wet food. Nika eats this combination with great enthusiasm. Thanks to the additional fibre, she never has any digestive problems. Her gast... Anifit natural flakes are free from preservatives, flavour enhancers and colourings. Thanks to the way they are prepared, the cereals can be broken down and utilised by the dog's digestive tract. My S... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Employment in (almost) all situations Our dog loves the dried chicken stomachs very much - we use them as reward treats. All previous treats have been discarded because they can't keep up. Yogi's dog buddies are also very interested in what's in my bag because it smells so good. For humans, it's good to use an extra bag because the good odour is intense. Yogi loves the scalp - to create a sense of security when no one else is in the den; to chew on when the pack returns or everyone is eating - except for him; for "search" play - ... Our dog loves the dried chicken stomachs very much - we use them as reward treats. All previous treats have been discarded because they can't keep up. Yogi's dog buddies are also very interested in w... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Emely loves the gourmet sausage Our dog tolerated the gourmet horse sausage very well despite his allergy problems. Whilst searching the internet for good dog treats and dog food, we discovered your website. Both the dog food and the treats are very well accepted and tolerated by our French Bulldog Emely. We can really recommend the products with a clear conscience! This product review was translated automatically. Our dog tolerated the gourmet horse sausage very well despite his allergy problems. Whilst searching the internet for good dog treats and dog food, we discovered your website. Both the dog food and th... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lamb rumen great for training Dear Provital Team, We have ordered lamb rumen several times. Our dog loves lamb rumen, also because it is so nice and crunchy. It is ideal for training and as a reward between meals. We can therefore highly recommend lamb rumen - a healthy snack without additives. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Provital Team, We have ordered lamb rumen several times. Our dog loves lamb rumen, also because it is so nice and crunchy. It is ideal for training and as a reward between meals. We can therefor... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Luna loves the deer snack We have been buying our Luna's food from Anifit for some time now and thought: If the food is so popular with Luna, the snacks are probably good too. While browsing Anifit's online site, we discovered the venison snack. Our dog Luna liked this variety straight away. The snack is intended as a special reward when playing with the dummy. Luna is really happy when we play with it and she happily brings the dummy to us and then gets the deer snack. This product review was translated automatically. We have been buying our Luna's food from Anifit for some time now and thought: If the food is so popular with Luna, the snacks are probably good too. While browsing Anifit's online site, we discovered... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Luzy is absolutely thrilled Hello, I'm Luzy (no, not the terror of the streets) and I've been getting RyDog Vital Menu Chicken from my boss for a little while now.Well guys, I can whisper it to you, this stuff tastes really great. When it's in my bowl, I eat it even faster than anything else. My boss says I don't eat it, I inhale it. Will you be making other flavours soon? I'm happy to join in the testing. So, all's well and goodbyeYour Luzy This product review was translated automatically. Hello, I'm Luzy (no, not the terror of the streets) and I've been getting RyDog Vital Menu Chicken from my boss for a little while now.Well guys, I can whisper it to you, this stuff tastes really gre... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Perfect for removing tartar, low in calories & natural Our Kiri comes from Spain and has been part of our family for 7.5 years.At the beginning we had big problems with her as she was allergic to many foods. Thanks to Anifit, we have got this under control very well. It was important to us to give them a healthy, low-calorie "treat". Our mouse can spend a long time with the scalp - it is good for removing tartar and is low in calories and natural. This also applies to beef lung. Simply a good healthy distraction. This product review was translated... Our Kiri comes from Spain and has been part of our family for 7.5 years.At the beginning we had big problems with her as she was allergic to many foods. Thanks to Anifit, we have got this under contr... Erfahrungsbericht lesen More variety for Amy We like to buy the "Gourmetwurst Pferd" and the "Gourmetwurst Wild" in addition to our regular order so that our Amy has more variety. You can also tell from the smell that the sausages are food quality. She likes the gourmet sausages just as much as all the other varieties in the AniFit range. We are super satisfied. It is also very important to us that the food is free from preservatives, colourings and flavour enhancers. This is all given! This product review was translated automatically. We like to buy the "Gourmetwurst Pferd" and the "Gourmetwurst Wild" in addition to our regular order so that our Amy has more variety. You can also tell from the smell that the sausages are food quali... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The food bowl is always empty in no time ;) Hello Provital team,Our experience with Anifit has been consistently positive.We got our two Waudis Shira and Sandy from the animal shelter and at the beginning there were always digestive problems.Since we switched to Anifit wet food, everything has normalised.We occasionally give them sliced gourmet sausage with game as an alternative dinner and both of them are always very happy.The food bowl is always empty in no time ;)I would recommend Anifit to any pet owner who wants to feed their pets i... Hello Provital team,Our experience with Anifit has been consistently positive.We got our two Waudis Shira and Sandy from the animal shelter and at the beginning there were always digestive problems.Si... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The venison snacks are simply great! We are extremely satisfied with the "Hirsch-Snack" product. They are a firm favourite in every Anifit order.The deer snack is one of his favourite treats, which he only shares with his best buddy. They particularly look forward to these little "crackers" and the great thing is that they are grain-free etc. and you can put them anywhere without them smearing or sticking. This product review was translated automatically. We are extremely satisfied with the "Hirsch-Snack" product. They are a firm favourite in every Anifit order.The deer snack is one of his favourite treats, which he only shares with his best buddy. The... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Buddy loves his training treat Deer Snack Hello dear Anifit team, Not only is my dog Buddy extremely enthusiastic about the "Hirsch" dog treats, but so am I of course.The treats are ideal as a reward snack when travelling.The snacks can simply be slipped into a jacket or trouser pocket as they don't stick and don't leave any greasy residue. The snacks also have a very pleasant scent. Other dogs also like to come running to me to sniff my jacket pocket filled with deer treats and when I take out a piece of deer and feed it to them, you ... Hello dear Anifit team, Not only is my dog Buddy extremely enthusiastic about the "Hirsch" dog treats, but so am I of course.The treats are ideal as a reward snack when travelling.The snacks can simp... Erfahrungsbericht lesen RyDog Vital Menu Chicken is Helga's favourite variety Our 10-year-old French Bulldog Helga tolerates this menu very well and has been eating it every day for many months. That's why we stick to this variety, which is Helga's favourite. She digests it perfectly and there is very little defecation, max. 1 or 2 small poops a day and no foul-smelling vapours. No constipation, no diarrhoea... Everything to her complete satisfaction. This product review was translated automatically. Our 10-year-old French Bulldog Helga tolerates this menu very well and has been eating it every day for many months. That's why we stick to this variety, which is Helga's favourite. She digests it per... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No digestive problems with RyDog Goat&Horse About RyDog Goat/Horse: My dog Tango had really bad digestive problems. Although he was diagnosed with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), he has tolerated the goat & horse variety of RyDog from day 1 without any problems. His piles are small, his coat and skin are finally top notch, he is much better cognitively and he doesn't leave a crumb in his bowl! RyDog horse sausage: We baked this sausage as recommended and what can I say: it stinks a lot, but Tango loves it. We use it as a ... About RyDog Goat/Horse: My dog Tango had really bad digestive problems. Although he was diagnosed with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), he has tolerated the goat & horse variety of RyDo... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Deer snack is our new treat Our Dara is totally convinced by the "meat flakes deer" as a treat. She loves them.Super good quality and suitable for the trouser pocket. They don't crumble and are also a good alternative to other treats for the wallet. This product review was translated automatically. Our Dara is totally convinced by the "meat flakes deer" as a treat. She loves them.Super good quality and suitable for the trouser pocket. They don't crumble and are also a good alternative to other t... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Get tasty rewards without getting fat Our Labbi "Marley" loves tasty rewards We attach great importance to a healthy diet and make sure our always "hungry" Labrador has a good figure. However, as he is always rewarded by us for his many learning advances, it is important to us that the treats are soft and quick to swallow, have few calories and are also healthy. The beetroot snacks and turmeric snacks fulfil these expectations completely and Marley loves them and can have many more rewards without getting fat. And that's not so ea... Our Labbi "Marley" loves tasty rewards We attach great importance to a healthy diet and make sure our always "hungry" Labrador has a good figure. However, as he is always rewarded by us for his many... Erfahrungsbericht lesen PeeWee is a big fish fan Hello dear Provital team, My Malinois dog PeeWee has been fed Anifit tins for years.An important criterion for me was that my dog tolerates the food over a longer period of time, as we have unfortunately had problems with other types of food in the past, that it is of high quality - and a very important aspect: it has to taste good to my dog!All of this is true. PeeWee empties her bowl with fervour and when I read that the "Moby Dick" fish can was now also available, I knew she had to try it t... Hello dear Provital team, My Malinois dog PeeWee has been fed Anifit tins for years.An important criterion for me was that my dog tolerates the food over a longer period of time, as we have unfortuna... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Enya loves Anifit and the snacks Enya, a Labradoodle Medium, is now almost 1 1/2 years old and has been with us from an early age.We became aware of you quite early on after a lot of research on the Internet. She loves all the varieties, so I always buy different ones to give her some variety. When the deer meat flakes were added, I wanted to try them straight away, so Enya did. I take them in between playing (in a cardboard roll, sniffing box ...) or also a handful when she gets hungry. So keep up the good work. We are alwa... Enya, a Labradoodle Medium, is now almost 1 1/2 years old and has been with us from an early age.We became aware of you quite early on after a lot of research on the Internet. She loves all the variet... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No digestive problems with lamb Dear Provital team, Our dog Alba is five years old and came to us in June 2020 with the help of the animal welfare organisation "Wir retten Hunde e.V.". Alba is a wonderful furry friend. A life without her is now unimaginable for us. The only "problem" Alba had right from the start was her digestion. We had already tested a number of very high-quality foods, but Alba found it very difficult to switch from what was presumably very poor quality food to the very high-quality food. There was also... Dear Provital team, Our dog Alba is five years old and came to us in June 2020 with the help of the animal welfare organisation "Wir retten Hunde e.V.". Alba is a wonderful furry friend. A life wit... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lizzy loves Picco Train We received Picco Train in our taster pack.Our 15-year-old retriever-mix lady Lizzy loved it straight away. That's not always easy with this spoilt lady. :-) Picco Train in the trial pack was virtually "inhaled". It was tested in a sniffer toy and the covers really flew off. The odour is pleasant for a dog treat. We are still a relatively new customer of Anifit products, but are already enthusiastic, not only about Picco Train, but also about the other products we have tested so far, such as th... We received Picco Train in our taster pack.Our 15-year-old retriever-mix lady Lizzy loved it straight away. That's not always easy with this spoilt lady. :-) Picco Train in the trial pack was virtuall... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Luna: enthusiastic, good advice, delivery on time Dear Anifit team, Our Luna, a 2 1/2 year old Golden Retriever bitch, has been on Anifit for several months now. We are completely thrilled, especially our Luna. The changeover phase was totally easy, partly thanks to the wonderful advice from Mrs Zintl. She is always available if questions arise and always has a quick and easy solution. The delivery can be changed or delayed at short notice, it always arrives on time after prior notification. Payment is made by direct debit a few weeks later! W... Dear Anifit team, Our Luna, a 2 1/2 year old Golden Retriever bitch, has been on Anifit for several months now. We are completely thrilled, especially our Luna. The changeover phase was totally easy,... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Shorty (loss of appetite) Hello dear Anifit team, My Jack-Russel Terrier Shorty finally looks healthy! For a long time we had to struggle with recurring illnesses, dull fur and loss of appetite. Then our veterinary practitioner, Mrs Lohmann, drew our attention to the ANIfit food. At first I was sceptical because I was also told that my last food (xxxxxx*)) was very healthy and contained a high percentage of meat. "Well, the proof of the pudding is in the eating", I thought to myself. And that was exactly right. Shorty ... Hello dear Anifit team, My Jack-Russel Terrier Shorty finally looks healthy! For a long time we had to struggle with recurring illnesses, dull fur and loss of appetite. Then our veterinary practitio... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lucie Our experience with ANIfit dog food We took in a little lady dog from the Heinsberg animal shelter on 9 December 2014. At the time, Lucie was being fed dry food, which we continued to feed after extensive consultation with a pet food supplier and our experiences at the animal shelter. After Mrs Rosen-Strauch advised us, we switched to the food from Provital, ANIfit. Lucie eats the wet food much better than the dry food, she has now put on enough weight, has a shiny coat and is as fit as a fiddl... Our experience with ANIfit dog food We took in a little lady dog from the Heinsberg animal shelter on 9 December 2014. At the time, Lucie was being fed dry food, which we continued to feed after exte... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pino & Bala (digestive problems) Dear Anifit Team, We have been a customer of yours for about 1/2 year now. Both our dogs had very severe digestive problems. Excessively hard stools led to extreme anal gland problems. After switching to the Anifit wet food, Pino and Bala's bowel movements have returned to normal and their faeces have a different consistency, which means that the anal glands are not constantly irritated. Our two pets can be spared painful expressions and many visits to the doctor. But not only that, our Pino ... Dear Anifit Team, We have been a customer of yours for about 1/2 year now. Both our dogs had very severe digestive problems. Excessively hard stools led to extreme anal gland problems. After switchi... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Shakira & Olli Dear Anifit Team, Both our pets (cat and dogs) look great, shiny coats, our cat can eat more without putting on weight and I get on really well with the application. YES, WE are satisfied with the dog food and cat food from Anifit!!! Best regards Ulrike Lamberty August 2012 This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, Both our pets (cat and dogs) look great, shiny coats, our cat can eat more without putting on weight and I get on really well with the application. YES, WE are satisfied with the d... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Elvis (overweight) Dear Anifit Team, My dog actually has legs!I was able to rescue my purebred pug dog Elvis 2.5 months ago from a very bad home. He was far too fat, shedding and smelled funny. In the past he had only been fed dry dog food, rice and potatoes. After opening the first tin of Anifit, he pounced on the full bowl without hesitation and this has not changed to this day. After only 2.5 months of Anifit, I noticed the following change: Elvis visibly lost weight - from 10.5 to now 8.8 kilos, his hair be... Dear Anifit Team, My dog actually has legs!I was able to rescue my purebred pug dog Elvis 2.5 months ago from a very bad home. He was far too fat, shedding and smelled funny. In the past he had only ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Nelly (dull coat) Dear Anifit Team, Our dog Nelly has been living with us for a good 12 months now. She comes from Spain and has taken me and my husband by storm. We were immediately captivated by her friendly nature. But we soon realised that she was very picky about her dog food. She wouldn't eat, downright refused dry food. She licked off the small chunks of cottage cheese that was mixed in. We attributed her shaggy coat to the wild mixture. After a nutritional lecture, we decided to switch Nelly to Anifit. T... Dear Anifit Team, Our dog Nelly has been living with us for a good 12 months now. She comes from Spain and has taken me and my husband by storm. We were immediately captivated by her friendly nature.... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Fuzzel (food allergy) Dear Anifit Team, We have been testing the Anifit products for several weeks. Our dog, a Lhasa Apso, had previously always reacted to conventional products with food allergies, which were due to more or less definable fillers and additives in the dog food. We are pleased that these reactions no longer occur. We can therefore give the Anifit products the highest marks in terms of safe tolerance and good digestibility. The variety of products offers our dog a balanced nutritional basis so that ... Dear Anifit Team, We have been testing the Anifit products for several weeks. Our dog, a Lhasa Apso, had previously always reacted to conventional products with food allergies, which were due to more... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Deer flakes perfect for sensitive stomachs Hello dear Provital team, Our little Felix loves your venison flakes. He can hardly wait for lunch and always "shows" us which drawer we have to open to prepare his lunch: Of course the one with the deer flakes !!! Although he also has a sensitive stomach, we have only had good experiences with the venison flakes so far. This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear Provital team, Our little Felix loves your venison flakes. He can hardly wait for lunch and always "shows" us which drawer we have to open to prepare his lunch: Of course the one with th... Erfahrungsbericht lesen My topping is the venison flakes from Anifit! Dear Provital team, About the venison flakes: I had actually decided to stop feeding dry food, because after long and intensive research I found out for myself that dry food is not dog food... My dogs have been getting the tinned food and various other products from Anifit for 10 months now and I feel good about it! They both like it and they are fit and healthy. Hirschflocke also has a good composition of ingredients, which is unfortunately not a matter of course with many other dog food ma... Dear Provital team, About the venison flakes: I had actually decided to stop feeding dry food, because after long and intensive research I found out for myself that dry food is not dog food... My do... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Species-appropriate food is the basis for a healthy dog! Unfortunately, we only found this out very late! My Labrador Simba (12 years old) started refusing her food and we couldn't explain why. We tried all kinds of dry food, sought advice from the vet, but there was no improvement. Then we came across Anifit by chance and after a very nice 2-hour consultation I realised why our dog no longer liked her food. There were a lot of artificial ingredients in our dry food, nothing natural. No wonder I thought, I wouldn't eat that either. When we switched ... Unfortunately, we only found this out very late! My Labrador Simba (12 years old) started refusing her food and we couldn't explain why. We tried all kinds of dry food, sought advice from the vet, bu... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mila's switch to ANIfit: a sense of achievement with positive changes Our Mila, 13 years old, is still in the middle of the changeover, but has really enjoyed every meal so far (before that she often left the food out) and was the first to eat the Anifit food 🙈 Her stomach has also recovered considerably and there has been no new diarrhoea or vomiting so far. We are now at about 50:50 old and new food and are confident that things will continue to improve 🙂🐶 We are supervised by Sandra Paruzel. This product review was translated automatically. Our Mila, 13 years old, is still in the middle of the changeover, but has really enjoyed every meal so far (before that she often left the food out) and was the first to eat the Anifit food 🙈 Her st... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Surprised by the effect of the wet food and the liver treatment Wouldn't have thought that the wet food and the liver treatment would go down so well with our 14-year-old Ricky (who had poor liver valuesand previously only received Hepatic food). He is really fit, plays with his ball again and has perfect digestion.Thanks to the good advice from Mr Hagen This product review was translated automatically. Wouldn't have thought that the wet food and the liver treatment would go down so well with our 14-year-old Ricky (who had poor liver valuesand previously only received Hepatic food). He is really fit,... Erfahrungsbericht lesen A real relief Dear Anifit Team, Parcley had constant diarrhoea before switching to Anifit. I feed Rydog lamb and goat/horse, and he also tolerates Thanksgiving Day with turkey very well. The potato flakes supplement the food for his sensitive stomach and save me having to cook potatoes every day. A real relief 🙂 I'm hoping for more monoprotein varieties for dogs with food intolerances in the future. Keep up the good work! All the best This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, Parcley had constant diarrhoea before switching to Anifit. I feed Rydog lamb and goat/horse, and he also tolerates Thanksgiving Day with turkey very well. The potato flakes suppleme... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Porthos Hello dear Anifit team, Our family dog Porthos, then 9 years old and a Newfoundland, was not exactly in the best of health. So we thought he would die within the next year. We decided to bring in a Newfoundland puppy. 1 month later, we had a nutritionist in the house to tell us about our beloved dry food. The conversation was very extensive and we decided to give Anifit a try. Today Porthos is 12 years old, limps a little and is now being given Gelenk-Fit. Our young Newfoundland, Aramis, now 2... Hello dear Anifit team, Our family dog Porthos, then 9 years old and a Newfoundland, was not exactly in the best of health. So we thought he would die within the next year. We decided to bring in a N... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Cesar (kidney stones & hair loss) Dear Anifit team!!! First of all, we would like to thank you and Mrs Nederkorn very much! Since we started giving our Cesar Anifit food, we have forgotten the last time we visited the vet. About a year ago we had real problems, we were helpless and didn't know who else could help us...... Our Cesar had only been fed dry food for years and then it all started with kidney stones and hair loss.Thanks to the switch to Anifit food, our Cesar is healthy again and in a good mood. We would like to tha... Dear Anifit team!!! First of all, we would like to thank you and Mrs Nederkorn very much! Since we started giving our Cesar Anifit food, we have forgotten the last time we visited the vet. About a ye... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Goat and horse are very well tolerated by our dog. The goat and horse product is very well tolerated by our dog. In the past he often had diarrhoea, the cause is unknown. But since he has been given Anifit food, the problem has disappeared. I also recommend it to my circle of friends. Our dog (10 years old) now has a very nice coat, he is fit and vet costs have fallen. He also tolerates Vital Menu Chicken very well. This product review was translated automatically. The goat and horse product is very well tolerated by our dog. In the past he often had diarrhoea, the cause is unknown. But since he has been given Anifit food, the problem has disappeared. I also rec... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No gastrointestinal problems thanks to gourmet sausage Heidi is a street dog from Romania who often had problems with her stomach and intestines. She often had diarrhoea or mushy faeces. After I added gourmet horse sausage to her special dry food, which she loves, the symptoms quickly improved. Her bowel movements were regular over a longer period of time and her faeces were normal. I now feed gourmet sausage, horse, Ry Dog Vitalmenüe organic beef and Ry dog goat horse constantly, alternating between the two. Heidi practically devours the food and t... Heidi is a street dog from Romania who often had problems with her stomach and intestines. She often had diarrhoea or mushy faeces. After I added gourmet horse sausage to her special dry food, which s... Erfahrungsbericht lesen the very best is" Healthy treats without empty calories, fat and chemical additives I would like to introduce myself briefly. My name is Hedi Pollermeier, I am a two-year-old Yorkshire Dwarf Spitz mix bitch weighing an impressive 3.4 kg. I guard a large property and the surrounding forest and am always praised by my pack members. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to be the boss, that's Mausi. Mausi is always the boss, even Schatz is subordinate to her. At least that's what they always call each other, for me it's mum and dad. I'm a bright and lovable dog and love my pack more than ... I would like to introduce myself briefly. My name is Hedi Pollermeier, I am a two-year-old Yorkshire Dwarf Spitz mix bitch weighing an impressive 3.4 kg. I guard a large property and the surrounding f... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Thanks to Power Darm, their bowel movements are back to normal I am the proud owner of 2 dog ladies. Finya got diarrhoea from every dog food, which was only alleviated by medicinal mud. The disadvantage is that the appetite is extremely increased.Last week I tried Anifit for the first time.The previous consultation with Mrs Zintl was very good, no time pressure etc. Today I went straight for supplies, because Finya has had no more diarrhoea since the first feeding with Anifit! I am therefore convinced that Anifit is a really high quality dog food.In terms o... I am the proud owner of 2 dog ladies. Finya got diarrhoea from every dog food, which was only alleviated by medicinal mud. The disadvantage is that the appetite is extremely increased.Last week I trie... Erfahrungsbericht lesen My two love the meat spice. My two love the meat spice. My Erica is very picky and doesn't really eat much. Since I sprinkled the spice on her food, she eats everything without any problems. I just have to be careful as she likes to cheat and lick down the spice and then stands in front of me screaming and asking for more! 😃 This product review was translated automatically. My two love the meat spice. My Erica is very picky and doesn't really eat much. Since I sprinkled the spice on her food, she eats everything without any problems. I just have to be careful as she like... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Good help for diarrhoea As my dog has a very sensitive stomach and often suffers from diarrhoea, I became aware of your food. As it is easy to prepare and he likes to eat it, I can only recommend it. It helps my dog recover very well after diarrhoea. This product review was translated automatically. As my dog has a very sensitive stomach and often suffers from diarrhoea, I became aware of your food. As it is easy to prepare and he likes to eat it, I can only recommend it. It helps my dog recover... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Turkey sticks and chicken stomachs are great Premium Turkey Sticks:In addition to Gockels Duett as his main food, our Max, a now 1 1/2 year old Bolonka zwetna male dog, gets Premium Turkey Sticks from time to time as a snack.He nibbles them with relish and they are very good for him. Chicken stomachs:Our Max always likes to be kept busy - even when eating, and chicken stomachs are perfect for this!If some pieces seem too big for us - and occasionally for him - we simply cut them into smaller pieces using a conventional nutcracker, so they... Premium Turkey Sticks:In addition to Gockels Duett as his main food, our Max, a now 1 1/2 year old Bolonka zwetna male dog, gets Premium Turkey Sticks from time to time as a snack.He nibbles them with... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Inka is doing great with chicken Our dog Inka is quite picky when it comes to her food. She loves RyDog Vital Menu Chicken. We alternate it with other types of wet food from Anifit. Since she has been fed this food, she has been very agile, much more agile than before and has fewer fitness fluctuations. Her faeces are also almost always very good. We are completely convinced and always look forward to new varieties. This product review was translated automatically. Our dog Inka is quite picky when it comes to her food. She loves RyDog Vital Menu Chicken. We alternate it with other types of wet food from Anifit. Since she has been fed this food, she has been very... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The scalp is included with every order! Dear Provital team, Attached is a photo of our two dogs Diggy (American Shepherd, 10 years old and Abby (Maltipoo, 1 year old) who have been fed anifit for several years, or rather from the very beginning.I always add the potato flakes to add some carbohydrates. The flakes dissolve very quickly in warm water, so that the whole food is well tempered and has a good consistency and digestibility. Our dogs have regular and normally firm bowel movements. Highly recommended!The scalp is a wonderful t... Dear Provital team, Attached is a photo of our two dogs Diggy (American Shepherd, 10 years old and Abby (Maltipoo, 1 year old) who have been fed anifit for several years, or rather from the very begi... Erfahrungsbericht lesen A lovely snack. We actually always have the Picco Tabs with us. Our Romanian mix dog "Iri" not only likes them during training, but also as a small reward in between. They stay super crunchy and don't soften. A great snack. They smell deliciously of fish and are therefore not really for the pocket. We have them in a food bag and Iri loves to eat them. This product review was translated automatically. We actually always have the Picco Tabs with us. Our Romanian mix dog "Iri" not only likes them during training, but also as a small reward in between. They stay super crunchy and don't soften. A great... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mona always has an appetite for it Hello Provital team, We have been using wet food and natural flakes from Anifit/Provital for our Mona since 2010. Not only our dog but also we are absolutely delighted with this food. Mona always has an appetite for it, has a beautiful coat and is always at a healthy ideal weight for her size. For her and our well-being, she always has perfect digestion with no flatulence and good stool consistency. When we had to reduce her protein intake about 3 years ago due to incontinence problems, we we... Hello Provital team, We have been using wet food and natural flakes from Anifit/Provital for our Mona since 2010. Not only our dog but also we are absolutely delighted with this food. Mona always ha... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Shrimps and venison are at the top of the list. We already tested the shrimps as a treat with our last order and were pleasantly surprised that they were well received.Our dog refuses normal shrimps from the freezer, but he loves the dry version.He recently had to take medication and we skilfully hid the tablets in the shrimps. (We soaked the shrimps briefly in water)We have also phased out the other treats and he now only gets the shrimps as a "super reward". We were happy to find a dry food variant from you and have already tested the ven... We already tested the shrimps as a treat with our last order and were pleasantly surprised that they were well received.Our dog refuses normal shrimps from the freezer, but he loves the dry version.He... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Snacks for every situation Our dog Sora (10 months) is in the young dog phase and is still at the beginning of growing up. The deer and tricolour snacks are wonderful training treats and are also suitable as a varied and healthy snack between meals. They are also ideal for playing with dummies and practising tricks. The two treats are portioned just right and our dog loves these varieties like no other. Running with the muggy almost works all by itself ;) We are very satisfied with the quality of Anifit. We have already ... Our dog Sora (10 months) is in the young dog phase and is still at the beginning of growing up. The deer and tricolour snacks are wonderful training treats and are also suitable as a varied and health... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The smell is great Our two-year-old Icelandic dog Gjöf loves eating the "RyDog Vital Menu Chicken".The consistency of the food is rather firm with little to no jelly and it smells very pleasant.Our dog tolerates the food very well.From the smell and appearance, you would think it was tinned sausage from the butcher. This product review was translated automatically. Our two-year-old Icelandic dog Gjöf loves eating the "RyDog Vital Menu Chicken".The consistency of the food is rather firm with little to no jelly and it smells very pleasant.Our dog tolerates the foo... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Small, varied, "special" reward We have already ordered this varied tricolour snack several times. Our two Havanese love each of the three varieties. As we prefer small, hard treats for training, we mainly use the Tricolor snack as a small, varied, "special" reward for in between. When the pack is empty, we simply sprinkle the crumbs that are left in the bag over the usual food so that the dogs can enjoy a tasty topping. This product review was translated automatically. We have already ordered this varied tricolour snack several times. Our two Havanese love each of the three varieties. As we prefer small, hard treats for training, we mainly use the Tricolor snack as ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Deer meat flakes are an ideal supplement Our dog, a Ratero, has been very picky from the start. So we tried a lot of dog food until we ended up with Anifit. We had given him a wide variety of dry food (also in addition to wet food), but our Lilly spurned all dry food after trying it a maximum of 3 times. We have now tried the meat flakes with venison and are delighted. We take them with us on our daily walks as a "treat" and our dog waits at the end of every walk to get an extra reward. We also use the flakes when we take our dog on... Our dog, a Ratero, has been very picky from the start. So we tried a lot of dog food until we ended up with Anifit. We had given him a wide variety of dry food (also in addition to wet food), but our... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Diarrhoea in kittens gone/smoking no hip pain Dear Anifit Team, Following a recommendation from a friend, I simply wanted to give ANfit a try for our two tigers. My friend has been a customer for a very long time and her cats are just fine. As two kittens had moved in with us and both were suffering from severe diarrhoea and were also both underweight, I got the tip just right and switched them to ANIfit. They loved the food right from the start and had a lot of catching up to do. I asked Mrs Zintl everything that was bothering me and sh... Dear Anifit Team, Following a recommendation from a friend, I simply wanted to give ANfit a try for our two tigers. My friend has been a customer for a very long time and her cats are just fine. As ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Spike has shiny fur! Dear Anifit Team, For health reasons, I switched from dry to wet food - unfortunately I didn't know any better beforehand :-( and actually only wanted the best for our Spike :-( But since he's been on Anifit's food, we've already seen some great results 😊 He's got a really great, silky-soft coat all over his body, smells much better overall and most of his dandruff - which used to be plentiful - has disappeared... But what's the most amazing thing... His white pigment spot is gone - 😲😊 ... Dear Anifit Team, For health reasons, I switched from dry to wet food - unfortunately I didn't know any better beforehand :-( and actually only wanted the best for our Spike :-( But since he's been o... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Robby (weak immune system) Hello dear Anifit team, Last winter, my dog Robby, 11 years old, Jack Russell, became very ill. Very worried, I made an appointment with the veterinary practitioner Mrs Rosen-Strauch, who is also an Anifit consultant. She gave Robby a bio-resonance treatment and advised me to change his diet to Anifit food immediately. My dog's immune system had been severely weakened by food from discount stores and his intestinal flora was out of balance. I had never thought about a species-appropriate, healt... Hello dear Anifit team, Last winter, my dog Robby, 11 years old, Jack Russell, became very ill. Very worried, I made an appointment with the veterinary practitioner Mrs Rosen-Strauch, who is also an ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Barney (bad breath) Hello here Nadine from Oedt , My little staff mix Barney is now on Anifit food. He tolerates it very well, his coat has become softer and he scratches less (he suffers from mites). As he never wanted to drink, his mouth smelled of urine. As soon as he passed urine, it was dark and smelly. I always gave him milk to drink as he wouldn't drink anything else. After the change, the urine is now light in colour and no longer has such a strong odour, and the smell in his mouth has also disappeared ☺️👍... Hello here Nadine from Oedt , My little staff mix Barney is now on Anifit food. He tolerates it very well, his coat has become softer and he scratches less (he suffers from mites). As he never wanted... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The success story of a discarded breeding dog What does this have to do with ANIFIT? Well, I've had my own dogs since 1985, I used to travel a lot and the dogs came with me, so it was clear to me that only dry food (flake-meat mix) was an option as a basic diet and then, if time and place allowed, fresh food as well. Times change, so do food compositions and in October 2014 with our English bulldog Harika from "Retriever in Not" (liberty for dogs) we quickly realised that it is no longer so easy to get good quality food...not even fresh.... What does this have to do with ANIFIT? Well, I've had my own dogs since 1985, I used to travel a lot and the dogs came with me, so it was clear to me that only dry food (flake-meat mix) was an optio... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Matschi (fur, bad breath) Dear Anifit Team, We got our dog "Maschi" (Sheltie-Dachshund mix) from the Ingolstadt animal shelter in December 2012. As it was our first dog to join our family, we took the precaution of arranging for Mrs Gaigl to be our dog trainer, who completely won us over with her training method based on the pack structure. But what also positively surprised us all was the physical change. After Mrs Gaigl gave us ground-breaking information about the food industry, answered all our questions about dog f... Dear Anifit Team, We got our dog "Maschi" (Sheltie-Dachshund mix) from the Ingolstadt animal shelter in December 2012. As it was our first dog to join our family, we took the precaution of arranging ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lulu (digestion) Dear Anifit Team, Here are our reasons why Anifit has convinced us: Our dog Lulu has lost weight. She has built up alot more muscle mass on her hind legs . She has become much more energetic. Digestion is great, the amount of faeces is less and the garden is also spared more. Price comparison: We went to various food markets and compared the prices and were amazed at the feeding recommendation alone. Lulu is full with half the Anifit food. With other varieties, we would have had to feed ... Dear Anifit Team, Here are our reasons why Anifit has convinced us: Our dog Lulu has lost weight. She has built up alot more muscle mass on her hind legs . She has become much more energetic. D... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Quendie (digestion) Dear Anifit Team, Today I would like to tell you about my experience with Anifit: Our little pack consists of the owner, our sweet little Quendie (a Papillon dog) and me. I was approached by Mrs Engelhardt at a campsite and Quendie was invited "for a meal". That's how I first came into contact with Anifit. As our sweet tooth (who is actually a very cautious eater and doesn't eat everything) was immediately keen on the good-smelling dog food, we carefully ordered the minimum quantity. As I read... Dear Anifit Team, Today I would like to tell you about my experience with Anifit: Our little pack consists of the owner, our sweet little Quendie (a Papillon dog) and me. I was approached by Mrs Eng... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mikesch & Charly Brown (blood in urine) Dear Anifit Team, I would like to tell you about my experience with Anifit, which we have been feeding since May 2012. My cat Mikesch is three years old and my cat Charly Brown is two years old. Mikesch is a very quiet cat who likes to keep his distance. About 1.5 years ago he was given a special food by the vet because he had blood in his urine. The doctor suspected that Mikesch had urinary gravel. The special food was very expensive, so I thought it had good ingredients. Unfortunately, this ... Dear Anifit Team, I would like to tell you about my experience with Anifit, which we have been feeding since May 2012. My cat Mikesch is three years old and my cat Charly Brown is two years old. Mik... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lucy & Sam (coat and skin problems) Dear Anifit Team, We, our 2 four-legged friends, Lucy (German shepherd mix, 9 years old) and Sam (Tibetan terrier-shepherd mix, 7 years old) have been testing Anifit for a few weeks now and wanted to tell anyone interested about our experiences with it. We came across Anifit through Mrs Engelhardt. She simply approached me on the street during one of our daily walks and invited our two dogs to a test meal. At this appointment, I learnt a lot about nutrition, right and wrong, which Mrs Engelhar... Dear Anifit Team, We, our 2 four-legged friends, Lucy (German shepherd mix, 9 years old) and Sam (Tibetan terrier-shepherd mix, 7 years old) have been testing Anifit for a few weeks now and wanted to... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Kalle & Juppi (flatulence) Dear Anifit Team, We are very happy with the dog food, my two boys almost kill themselves when I start to fill their bowls. I have the impression that a lot has changed in my dogs. Their coats have become more beautiful, they are both totally fit and mobile (especially the 11-year-old) and the older one's fat lumps have receded. Quite apart from the fact that I don't miss the "farting" (flatulence) that was extremely common when they were on dry food, their faeces are small and firm. So much f... Dear Anifit Team, We are very happy with the dog food, my two boys almost kill themselves when I start to fill their bowls. I have the impression that a lot has changed in my dogs. Their coats have ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Thomas (dandruff, hair loss) Dear Anifit Team, Unfortunately, I cannot make any significant "reports" on the appearance and condition of our animals. As our animals have always been fed a large proportion of fresh meat (poultry, beef, lamb and fish), there have been no abnormalities, except: Two of our male cats (the two older ones, about 8 and 15 years) and also our dog were prone to dandruff. This appearance has disappeared since we started feeding Anifit. The coats of all our animals have also become softer and shinier.... Dear Anifit Team, Unfortunately, I cannot make any significant "reports" on the appearance and condition of our animals. As our animals have always been fed a large proportion of fresh meat (poultry,... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Toby & Jack (itching) Dear Anifit Team, Our two Dalmatians Jack and Toby have been fed ANIfit for six months now. They can hardly wait when they are told there is something to eat. At the beginning they had a few problems with frequent diarrhoea, which has now been resolved. Toby also no longer has the agonising itching. Both our dogs are in excellent health and Jack, at 7 years old, is as fit as a fiddle. We believe that the ANIfit dog food was a good decision for both of our dogs. Many thanks also to our consultan... Dear Anifit Team, Our two Dalmatians Jack and Toby have been fed ANIfit for six months now. They can hardly wait when they are told there is something to eat. At the beginning they had a few problems... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Jack's change of food Sandra gave us great advice and we thank her for that. We are super satisfied. At first I was a little sceptical about changing my dog's food, but that quickly changed - for the better, of course :-) We came across a great brand that is also well tolerated by dogs with digestive problems and also places great value on species-appropriate pet food. Our Jack loves the Schmeckies and the wet food, he can hardly resist them and the bowl is always empty. This product review was translated automatic... Sandra gave us great advice and we thank her for that. We are super satisfied. At first I was a little sceptical about changing my dog's food, but that quickly changed - for the better, of course :-)... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Healthy and cheerful thanks to ANIfit Dear ANIfit team, I am very happy to tell you that the little dog next to me (he will be 4 in June) has had diarrhoea so often. Since he's been eating ANIfit, he's been healthy and lively, running up and down the garden. He loves catfish and deer flakes and is also happy to eat duck neck and other nibbles after a long stalk. Everything is wonderful for Tashi This product review was translated automatically. Dear ANIfit team, I am very happy to tell you that the little dog next to me (he will be 4 in June) has had diarrhoea so often. Since he's been eating ANIfit, he's been healthy and lively, running up ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen A clear conscience when feeding I am totally enthusiastic about ANI fit and feed my little Chihuahua Nilo exclusively with this good dog food. I am totally convinced by the ingredients in this food and my little Nilo, who will be 7 years old in October, is always in a good mood and very active. He runs about 5 kilometres every morning without any effort. His favourite food is "Falscher Hase". I have a clear conscience when feeding ANI fit and can only recommend it. This product review was translated automatically. I am totally enthusiastic about ANI fit and feed my little Chihuahua Nilo exclusively with this good dog food. I am totally convinced by the ingredients in this food and my little Nilo, who will be 7 ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bounty can't get enough of it Our dog Bounty loves the cheese sticks! They last a really long time and provide him with hours of chewing fun. The quality is excellent and I'm reassured to know that they suit his palate and his health. Bounty can't get enough of them 👍🏻 This product review was translated automatically. Our dog Bounty loves the cheese sticks! They last a really long time and provide him with hours of chewing fun. The quality is excellent and I'm reassured to know that they suit his palate and his hea... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We are very satisfied with ANIfit Our cats' favourite variety is "Fish a la mode". It contains salmon, chicken and reindeer. It also contains a small amount of vegetables. Our cats love it and can hardly wait for the delicious food to be available again. We are very happy with ANIfit. Best regards This product review was translated automatically. Our cats' favourite variety is "Fish a la mode". It contains salmon, chicken and reindeer. It also contains a small amount of vegetables. Our cats love it and can hardly wait for the delicious food to... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Flatulence is now a thing of the past! Dear Mrs Kellner, We have been feeding ANifit to our almost 20-year-old cat Timmy for a week now. Over the last two years, his digestion has changed dramatically. The poor chap was constantly plagued by diarrhoea and very thin stools. Finding a suitable food for his needs in our local pet shop was challenging, as no food could really help. In fact (as is usually the case) we came across your site by chance. We immediately compared the ingredients of the existing food with yours and were amaze... Dear Mrs Kellner, We have been feeding ANifit to our almost 20-year-old cat Timmy for a week now. Over the last two years, his digestion has changed dramatically. The poor chap was constantly plague... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Excess kilos are a thing of the past! Last year, my wife and I had four-legged offspring in the form of our cat Charlie. As neither of us had any experience with cats, we made an appointment with a vet at the beginning to have him checked out. The vet told us that everything was fine, but that he could still lose a few grams. This seemed a bit strange to me personally, as we had taken over his previous owner's food and he was eating a maximum of 200g per day. So I simply checked to see if there were any professionals who could give ... Last year, my wife and I had four-legged offspring in the form of our cat Charlie. As neither of us had any experience with cats, we made an appointment with a vet at the beginning to have him checked... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Fish always works Redfish fillet (powder) 40g is simply super, I always had to chop up the redfish pieces for my two tigers and put them in their food, so the crumbling has come to an end and they are both overjoyed. Fish spice 20g goes down very well, especially with meat, gives the whole thing the smell and probably also the flavour they prefer. This product review was translated automatically. Redfish fillet (powder) 40g is simply super, I always had to chop up the redfish pieces for my two tigers and put them in their food, so the crumbling has come to an end and they are both overjoyed. ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bad breath doesn't stand a chance Our dog Sammy (10-year-old mixed breed male) had been struggling more and more with tartar and slight bad breath due to some stomach problems and the wrong food. We have already used various dental sprays etc. - but have seen no real improvement. In a super nice counselling session about the change of food, we became aware of the Dentax powder and ordered it as a test. We mix the powder into his wet food once a day and we could hardly believe it ourselves, but after just 2 weeks we could already... Our dog Sammy (10-year-old mixed breed male) had been struggling more and more with tartar and slight bad breath due to some stomach problems and the wrong food. We have already used various dental sp... Erfahrungsbericht lesen 5 stars for quality and compatibility The Anifit food gets 5 stars from me and my furry friends Sky and Charly. Both have a sensitive gastrointestinal tract and react quickly with diarrhoea to food that they cannot tolerate. After a short changeover period to the new Anifit food, they have got used to it really well and are always waiting impatiently for their meal. Since I started adding potato flakes and vegetable flakes from Anifit, they've gone crazy for it. I can highly recommend the food on behalf of my furry friends (they bot... The Anifit food gets 5 stars from me and my furry friends Sky and Charly. Both have a sensitive gastrointestinal tract and react quickly with diarrhoea to food that they cannot tolerate. After a short... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The digestion is simply great. Dear team, The new RyDog Goat&Horse variety and the Gourmet Sausage Horse are our favourites. My old dog kept having mushy faeces or diarrhoea attacks, so we went back to the vet and changed the food again. My two dogs (10-17 years old) love Anifit and RyDog. The most important thing: digestion, simply great. This product review was translated automatically. Dear team, The new RyDog Goat&Horse variety and the Gourmet Sausage Horse are our favourites. My old dog kept having mushy faeces or diarrhoea attacks, so we went back to the vet and changed the ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Passion for Moby Dick Moby Dick:We have been feeding Anifit for over a year because our Labrador is allergic to food mites and we were impressed by the concept and the result of switching to Anifit wet food. Our dog generally loves Anifit, but he has developed a special preference for Moby Dick. We like to feed it as a change from the other varieties. The food is very well tolerated, has a good consistency and smells pleasant. We combine it with the vegetable flakes. Gourmet sausage horse:The gourmet sausage with... Moby Dick:We have been feeding Anifit for over a year because our Labrador is allergic to food mites and we were impressed by the concept and the result of switching to Anifit wet food. Our dog genera... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lower faecal output Dear Provial team,My Galgo-Podenco mix Cooper is 2 years old and only just survived a case of parvovirus. Since I switched to anifit, the mushy consistency of his faeces has improved a lot. The huge amount of faeces has also been noticeably reduced.Cooper loves everything I give him from Provital.I add apple and venison flakes to the fake rabbit.Cooper tolerates the apple flakes really well right from the start.I recently started feeding him the venison flakes. As Cooper gets flatulence from it,... Dear Provial team,My Galgo-Podenco mix Cooper is 2 years old and only just survived a case of parvovirus. Since I switched to anifit, the mushy consistency of his faeces has improved a lot. The huge a... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Kira loves cheese The cheese sticks were immediately sniffed, found to be delicious and placed in a safe basket to be chewed. And what can I say? They went down really well with our dog. A great alternative to meat. And they also remove tartar. Natural, without preservatives or chemical additives. What more could Mum want? Many thanks to Sandra Paruzel, who is a certified nutritionist for dogs and cats (ANIfit) and recommended the cheese sticks to us. This product review was translated automatically. The cheese sticks were immediately sniffed, found to be delicious and placed in a safe basket to be chewed. And what can I say? They went down really well with our dog. A great alternative to meat. An... Erfahrungsbericht lesen After many food tests, we have finally found the right one! Even as a puppy, our miniature poodle Maya was always a very fussy eater. Every meal was a real struggle. It was only with the Anifit products that we finally found a food that she was happy to eat without exception. The RyDog Vital Menu chicken and lamb varieties in particular not only ensure that her bowl is always emptied with relish in no time at all, but also support our dog's very good digestion with small amounts of solid faeces. After many food tests, we have finally found the right one... Even as a puppy, our miniature poodle Maya was always a very fussy eater. Every meal was a real struggle. It was only with the Anifit products that we finally found a food that she was happy to eat wi... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Beef hearts are a great snack I am very happy with the chicken vitality menu and the beef hearts. Our dog absolutely loves the Vitamlneü chicken, the consistency is a little too firm for us so we always dilute it a little with water. The beef hearts are very popular as a snack. This product review was translated automatically. I am very happy with the chicken vitality menu and the beef hearts. Our dog absolutely loves the Vitamlneü chicken, the consistency is a little too firm for us so we always dilute it a little with wa... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Goat & horse helps with digestive problems Loulou has had no more digestive problems since the change of food, the change of food has worked without any problems. She likes to eat all varieties, including the goat/horse variety. We have finally found the right food for Loulou! This product review was translated automatically. Loulou has had no more digestive problems since the change of food, the change of food has worked without any problems. She likes to eat all varieties, including the goat/horse variety. We have fina... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bento litter for a feeling of lasting cleanliness The experience with the BENTO litter is clearly positive. The very best thing about this litter is the feeling of lasting cleanliness.I find that the litter stays "fresh" for longer, the odour is very pleasant, natural and doesn't bother the cats. Our cats have accepted the BENTO litter without any problems and I would recommend it to anyone! This product review was translated automatically. The experience with the BENTO litter is clearly positive. The very best thing about this litter is the feeling of lasting cleanliness.I find that the litter stays "fresh" for longer, the odour is ver... Erfahrungsbericht lesen RyDog Goat&Horse - A superfood for us Dear Anifit team, We have had your products such as potato flakes 800g and RyDog goat & horse 800g for about 2 years. Our opinion: Potato flakes are cleanly processed and swell well with stock/water. When fed with RyDog Goat&Horse - a superfood for us. Doberfrau Schnuppe is a feast every time. The Provital food is very well tolerated by our Doberman. Best regards Franz Josef Sammer, Chiemsee This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, We have had your products such as potato flakes 800g and RyDog goat & horse 800g for about 2 years. Our opinion: Potato flakes are cleanly processed and swell well with stock/... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Anifit has increased stamina Dear Anifit team, We mix apple flakes into our 7-month-old German Pinscher Rico's food. He loves eating it. He also gets meat flakes with venison every day. He goes wild for it. His main food consists of Anifit wet food. We also add potato flakes and carrot flakes. We only switched him to Anifit food a month ago. We now have the impression that he has become more persistent. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, We mix apple flakes into our 7-month-old German Pinscher Rico's food. He loves eating it. He also gets meat flakes with venison every day. He goes wild for it. His main food consist... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Kelly tolerates RyDog very well. Hello dear Provital team, I have decided in favour of the two new varieties RyDog Vital Menu Lamb and Goat&Horse because I want to offer my dog variety in his diet. I find the appearance and composition of the individual components very appealing. It is very high quality meat and smells good. The meat content is very high and I think the selection of vegetables is very good. The consistency is not too firm and not too soft. Kelly has a very sensitive stomach and we have already tried man... Hello dear Provital team, I have decided in favour of the two new varieties RyDog Vital Menu Lamb and Goat&Horse because I want to offer my dog variety in his diet. I find the appearance and com... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The smell is just great! Dear Sir or Madam The food was immediately accepted by my one-year-old Havanese girl. The bowl looks like it has just been rinsed. I like the smell and especially the high meat content. I am sure that my dog is getting a healthy diet. I can recommend the food with a clear conscience. Gabriela Raßbach This product review was translated automatically. Dear Sir or Madam The food was immediately accepted by my one-year-old Havanese girl. The bowl looks like it has just been rinsed. I like the smell and especially the high meat content. I am sure tha... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No more bloody scratching with RyDog! Dear Anifit team, I would like to thank you today and tell you how happy I am that you have such good products.My little pug was allergic from the start and I was very desperate, she was constantly scratching herself bloody. Thanks to my veterinary practitioner, I completely changed her diet to Anifit. At first we only fed horse and could see how the itching became less and less. Now I also feed other varieties and am very happy about how relaxed, healthy and happy my pug is. Many thanks and ... Dear Anifit team, I would like to thank you today and tell you how happy I am that you have such good products.My little pug was allergic from the start and I was very desperate, she was constantly s... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Oskar loves the lamb vitality menu Dear team, Oskar is very demanding with his food. One 400g tin is divided over 2 days. On the 3rd day there has to be a different variety. So we tried RyDog Vital Menu Lamb 400g and he loves it. It has become his favourite. The RyDog Vital Menu Lamb has a slightly softer consistency. As Oskar also likes courgettes, it is perfect for him. He also likes the golden ox, false hare and shepherd's pan from time to time, but rarely likes Gockel's duet. Best regardsMarion Riechmann This product revie... Dear team, Oskar is very demanding with his food. One 400g tin is divided over 2 days. On the 3rd day there has to be a different variety. So we tried RyDog Vital Menu Lamb 400g and he loves it. It h... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Beef ears are the absolute favourite snack The beef ears from ANIfit were one of the first chew products for my Labrador dog. Even as a puppy, she loved the long chewing fun of the large beef ears.They kept her busy for a long time and were also ideal for dental care.Beef ears are still her favourite snack today and they are a regular part of our orders from ANIfit. This product review was translated automatically. The beef ears from ANIfit were one of the first chew products for my Labrador dog. Even as a puppy, she loved the long chewing fun of the large beef ears.They kept her busy for a long time and were al... Erfahrungsbericht lesen A healthy snack for in between meals We have three dogs and are very careful to feed them excellent products. The ingredients in the snack mentioned above are particularly important to us as a supplement to their diet. However, our dogs have never taken chlorella and turmeric because of the flavour. Since Tricolor Snack, they have been crazy about it because they like the flavour. And so I can feed my dogs the important supplements without any problems. They love this snack and get everything that keeps them healthy and fit. This ... We have three dogs and are very careful to feed them excellent products. The ingredients in the snack mentioned above are particularly important to us as a supplement to their diet. However, our dogs ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Satisfied with Anifit Hello dear Anifit team, We are super satisfied. Mikie has got a great coat and eats the food without ifs and buts. If he doesn't really have an appetite, he likes a little meat powder. He especially loves dried chicken hearts. He even goes into his transport crate for them. I would be very pleased if you would publish it. Greetings Silke Kammann This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear Anifit team, We are super satisfied. Mikie has got a great coat and eats the food without ifs and buts. If he doesn't really have an appetite, he likes a little meat powder. He especially... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Miro is delighted with RyDog Lamb We would like to report on the Anifit products, now specifically on the RyDog Vital Menu Lamb, with a very high meat content and delicious vegetables. The declaration is very detailed. This means that the buyer knows 100% what he is feeding his dog. The funny banderole on the tins is also very lovingly designed. Our Miro is now 22 weeks old and he loves the food. Not only is it delicious for our dog, it also smells fresh and looks appetising. It's not colourless or grey, it has a nice consisten... We would like to report on the Anifit products, now specifically on the RyDog Vital Menu Lamb, with a very high meat content and delicious vegetables. The declaration is very detailed. This means that... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The coat shines and the itching is gone Dear Anifit Team, We tried the Rydog Vital Menu Poultry last month. My 2-year-old Chihuahua dog has a lot of intolerances, which makes finding the right type of food a challenge. The Rydog Vital Menu Poultry has only a few ingredients and a very high meat content. The packaging looks very high quality. Furthermore, all the ingredients are well labelled and clearly listed as a percentage. When I opened the tin, I was immediately struck by a pleasant odour. It was not an intrusive tinned food odo... Dear Anifit Team, We tried the Rydog Vital Menu Poultry last month. My 2-year-old Chihuahua dog has a lot of intolerances, which makes finding the right type of food a challenge. The Rydog Vital Menu... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Great teeth thanks to PRODENTAX Hello, I was made aware of you by a friend. We often go for walks together and when she told me that she had changed her dog's food, I became very interested. She told me about Anifit and the additional build-up food she had bought. As soon as I got home, I had a look at the anifit website and read up on it. I quickly realised that this was the food I needed for my dogs. As one of our dogs has a narrow tooth misalignment, I also decided to buy DENTAX. Since my first order, my dog has been getti... Hello, I was made aware of you by a friend. We often go for walks together and when she told me that she had changed her dog's food, I became very interested. She told me about Anifit and the additio... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Quick feed changeover without problems I got my Maltese girl from the animal shelter. She was a breeding dog and 8 years old at the time. I was looking for a good food and eventually came across the name Anifit.I think my first order was at the end of 2018. The changeover was quick and super easy, she accepted the food without any problems. She eats every flavour with great pleasure. Thank you very much. This product review was translated automatically. I got my Maltese girl from the animal shelter. She was a breeding dog and 8 years old at the time. I was looking for a good food and eventually came across the name Anifit.I think my first order was ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Deeks thinks the wet food is great We are totally enthusiastic about the wet food mentioned above. Since Deeks switched from pure barf to the Anifit wet food varieties (all varieties) we finally have TOLLES OUTPUT. You can only understand that masters and mistresses can enjoy good cocoa if you have almost only experienced diarrhoea. As his blood count 8 weeks ago (B12 deficiency, urine value and liver) was not optimal, another blood sample was taken today. We are curious to see if the values are better now It is also great ... We are totally enthusiastic about the wet food mentioned above. Since Deeks switched from pure barf to the Anifit wet food varieties (all varieties) we finally have TOLLES OUTPUT. You can only unde... Erfahrungsbericht lesen My cat loves the fine tramp Hello dear Anifit team, "My cat, a proud 18 years old, gets a small piece of the fine liver sausage every day. It only takes a few seconds for the liver sausage to disappear completely from his plate. It's very digestible and the cat really likes it, because he's already at the fridge in the morning asking for his portion. He runs after me to get it. After a few laps around the table, he gets them too. So I encourage him to move even more. After he has eaten his piece, he goes back to sleep ha... Hello dear Anifit team, "My cat, a proud 18 years old, gets a small piece of the fine liver sausage every day. It only takes a few seconds for the liver sausage to disappear completely from his plate... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our allergy problems are solved thanks to RyDog Vitalmenu Lamb Hello Anifit team, We have switched to Rydog Vital Menu Lamb due to allergy problems and our dog is crazy about it. Unfortunately, our dog only tolerates lamb really well, so she usually gets this variety and even after a long time she still loves it. The food is juicy and you can really see that it is not "industrialised" and that you are doing something good for your pet. Conclusion: Our allergy problems are solved and the dog is happy. Highly recommended! This product review was translated a... Hello Anifit team, We have switched to Rydog Vital Menu Lamb due to allergy problems and our dog is crazy about it. Unfortunately, our dog only tolerates lamb really well, so she usually gets this va... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Dentax:I have tried it myself, pure recommendation! Hello Anifit team, "At the last but one visit to the vet, my three cats' tartar was checked, among other things, and Info was due for an operation to remove the tartar. Expected costs, approx. 200 euros per cat. We then bought the Dentax from Anifit and after about 2 months we had another check-up with the youngest cat and the tartar had already receded very well. We are happy to invest the money saved in Anifit food as it is obviously good for the cats. Thank you! "I have tried it myself, pure... Hello Anifit team, "At the last but one visit to the vet, my three cats' tartar was checked, among other things, and Info was due for an operation to remove the tartar. Expected costs, approx. 200 eu... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pünktchen loves the RyDog vitality menus Dear Anifit team, Even as a puppy, my dog Pünktchen was given Anifit menus and hasn't had to change her diet since. After a few months of different wet menus from "Gockels Duett" to "Falscher Hase" and "Goldener Ochsen", I discovered the Rydog vitality menus from Provital and thought I had to try them and ordered all three varieties: beef, lamb and chicken. Pünktchen is a so-called "canine gourmet" and the beef variety from Rydog was just right for her. Lamb is not quite her taste and she also ... Dear Anifit team, Even as a puppy, my dog Pünktchen was given Anifit menus and hasn't had to change her diet since. After a few months of different wet menus from "Gockels Duett" to "Falscher Hase" a... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We are well supplied with Anifit Hello Anifit Team, What does a cat need to be anifit ....and that's fine! From 400 gr to 800 gr, you can see what an appetite we have ....😂. My boys have tried a lot of things, many of them ....verschmäht. anifit cat food was accepted immediately, without ifs and buts. Bowls are filled ....zack ...empty. unbelievable. Anifit is a hit. Starting with the contents, consistency .....not forgetting the super advice and, last but not least, the delivery service. To be honest .... you ar... Hello Anifit Team, What does a cat need to be anifit ....and that's fine! From 400 gr to 800 gr, you can see what an appetite we have ....😂. My boys have tried a lot of things, many of ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No more digestive problems at last! Dear Anifit Team, I am very happy with the food and so is my dog, of course. He always had some digestion problems. Since I've been feeding Anifit, everything has been "working" perfectly. The food looks appetising and when you open the tin it doesn't smell like dog food at all. Regina Bauer with Emma This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, I am very happy with the food and so is my dog, of course. He always had some digestion problems. Since I've been feeding Anifit, everything has been "working" perfectly. The food... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Change of food for Marley Hello Anifit Team, I came across this food thanks to a great recommendation from a friend and, if Marley, my Labrador girl, has her way, I can't come home without it! No matter which variety I use, she loves it and has a heart attack every time she eats it :) What was striking from the outset was the good tolerance and that the changeover took place almost without any noticeable abnormalities. Since then she has been even more active and crazy (positive) than before and she is doing amazingly... Hello Anifit Team, I came across this food thanks to a great recommendation from a friend and, if Marley, my Labrador girl, has her way, I can't come home without it! No matter which variety I use, ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Gina's coat is finally shiny again! Hello dear Anifit team, Our German shepherd Gina has had dry skin from an early age and itching as a result. As a veterinary practitioner, I tried a lot of things and repeatedly achieved improvements, but never got the problem under control in the long term. After switching to Anifit a month ago, I have noticed that Gina's skin has improved and the itching has also decreased significantly - just today a friend told me that Gina's coat looks much better, it is now shiny in places! Gina is abso... Hello dear Anifit team, Our German shepherd Gina has had dry skin from an early age and itching as a result. As a veterinary practitioner, I tried a lot of things and repeatedly achieved improvements... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chanel is finally eating again! Dear Anifit team, I am really happy to write this review, because what Andrea Herrmann has achieved with our boarder collie Chanel with her great and competent advice and the switch to the healthy and dog-friendly food from AniFit is a miracle for us. We had to argue with our dog for ages about when she should eat. My husband and I were kneeling over the bowl to motivate Chanel to finally eat at least a little. And then there was always diarrhoea and vomiting, we had tried everything at the tim... Dear Anifit team, I am really happy to write this review, because what Andrea Herrmann has achieved with our boarder collie Chanel with her great and competent advice and the switch to the healthy an... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Jordi (grumpy) Dear Anifit Team, Our Jordi was a very fussy eater, he didn't really like any food. This has suddenly changed with Anifit. Now he can hardly wait for his full bowl to be placed in front of him. He also had a constant ear infection, which got better and better and has now healed. At 7 years old, Jordi is an agile, healthy dog. Five shelter dogs have found a home with us and all of them are now fed with Anifit. We use the delivery subscription and are completely satisfied. Greetings Christiane B... Dear Anifit Team, Our Jordi was a very fussy eater, he didn't really like any food. This has suddenly changed with Anifit. Now he can hardly wait for his full bowl to be placed in front of him. He al... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Witch finally has a beautiful coat again Dear Anifit Team, The ANIfit food is good and I will recommend it to others. Hexe tolerates it well, her faeces are normal, not too firm and not too soft, so normal in my eyes. Her coat is growing well, she has no bald patches. Best regards from Doris Nick and Hexe This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, The ANIfit food is good and I will recommend it to others. Hexe tolerates it well, her faeces are normal, not too firm and not too soft, so normal in my eyes. Her coat is growing we... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Candy is back in top form! Dear Anifit team, During the walk, I told them about my dog's complaints, that he was somehow not in such a good mood, didn't like to eat, often had diarrhoea and his faeces sometimes looked like they were covered in skin. That's when I found Mrs Nick's open ears. She recommended ANIfit to me. I hadn't seen it in any shop before, I thought. Mrs Nick's dog has been on it for a long time and is doing great. She gave me a card with a telephone number and told me to call them, they would give me v... Dear Anifit team, During the walk, I told them about my dog's complaints, that he was somehow not in such a good mood, didn't like to eat, often had diarrhoea and his faeces sometimes looked like the... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Kylie (pancreatic insufficiency) Dear Anifit team, I was made aware of your products by my friend Kerstin Bröstl, a veterinary practitioner. As a result of her analysis, our Kylie was diagnosed with pancreatic insufficiency. She recommended your products to us! By switching to your wet food and adding enzymes, the dog and his character have changed completely for the better. The coat is shiny and the initial dandruff with frequent scratching has noticeably subsided. Only time will tell whether we can also counteract the pancre... Dear Anifit team, I was made aware of your products by my friend Kerstin Bröstl, a veterinary practitioner. As a result of her analysis, our Kylie was diagnosed with pancreatic insufficiency. She rec... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Walter (indigestion) Dear Anifit team, My name is Walter and thanks to Anifit I'm feeling much better again. I don't even remember my time before the street. But luckily I was taken in and looked after by the animal shelter in Aachen. As I fell ill on the street, nobody wanted to adopt me at first. But in spring I found a new loving foster family. They gave me a home, lots of cuddles and Anifit food. Since I started doing this, my diarrhoea has got much better. And my stomach no longer hurts so much, so I no longe... Dear Anifit team, My name is Walter and thanks to Anifit I'm feeling much better again. I don't even remember my time before the street. But luckily I was taken in and looked after by the animal shel... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Small Yorki with severe liver failure Hello dear Anifit team, I would like to thank you for the very informative discussion. As I already wrote in the post below, I have a little Yorki. She has been very ill for over 14 months. Severe liver insufficiency and PLE. For a long time I was looking for a diet that she could tolerate and due to her PLE she lost weight so often that it was very difficult to decide what to feed her. Her coat was dull and full of dandruff and the skin on her back was always reddened. Her belly was almost bla... Hello dear Anifit team, I would like to thank you for the very informative discussion. As I already wrote in the post below, I have a little Yorki. She has been very ill for over 14 months. Severe li... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Joli has really blossomed again Hello dear Anifit team, Today I would like to thank you very much! Not only for the super advice - with the super tasting for Joli, no, also for the weekly enquiry as to how Joli is doing and whether she is tolerating the food etc.. Nowadays it is no longer a matter of course that someone looks after her with such care. Joli was very ill and you advised me how and what I should do and which food was best suited to Joli and her situation. Of course it tasted delicious to our mouse - just like the... Hello dear Anifit team, Today I would like to thank you very much! Not only for the super advice - with the super tasting for Joli, no, also for the weekly enquiry as to how Joli is doing and whether ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Melody and Malaika Hello dear Anifit team, I became aware of Anifit food through a recommendation. As I am always on the lookout for high-quality food that is also highly acceptable, I contacted Mrs Nederkorn. I had a lot of questions and concerns, as these two girls are really not easy when it comes to food... Thanks to Mrs Nederkorn's patience and excellent advice, I decided to test them. The first variety was immediately accepted by both of them and the first tin was emptied the same evening after Hello dear Anifit team, I became aware of Anifit food through a recommendation. As I am always on the lookout for high-quality food that is also highly acceptable, I contacted Mrs Nederkorn. I had a ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Sira Dear Anifit counsellors, dear Zintl family! We have been very, very satisfied customers of Anifit for a good 2 years! Our 6 year old dog Sira (Appenzeller) is fit and healthy thanks to the good food from Anifit! She has a shiny, thick coat, no allergies, constant weight, good digestion and no stomach or intestinal problems, she is agile and has no joint problems and we owe this solely to the good, varied food - in short: she loves it!!! Delivery and service are excellent, the newsletter provide... Dear Anifit counsellors, dear Zintl family! We have been very, very satisfied customers of Anifit for a good 2 years! Our 6 year old dog Sira (Appenzeller) is fit and healthy thanks to the good food ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lola and Sally (food refusal) Hello dear Anifit team, My 2 Bolonka Zwetna, named Lola and Sally, didn't care for their food very early on and ate very badly. Anifit made feeding them a bit more interesting and they both still like it. They have a great figure and are very energetic, which is the result of a healthy diet. So far we have been very satisfied with Anifit, as we can contact our specialist advisor at any time, who takes our order or processes changes immediately. In addition, the home delivery service is a great ... Hello dear Anifit team, My 2 Bolonka Zwetna, named Lola and Sally, didn't care for their food very early on and ate very badly. Anifit made feeding them a bit more interesting and they both still lik... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Prinzessa & Rambosch (flatulence and dandruff) Dear Anifit Team, Our two dogs (Prinzessa, mongrel 2007 & Rambosch, mongrel 2008) have tolerated the change of food very well. They also love the food! Rambosch used to have severe flatulence, but this has now gone.Both dogs have a much better odour from their mouths.Rambosch still had dandruff at the beginning, but this has completely disappeared thanks to the food. We are very happy with Anifit! Anja Willms August 2013 This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, Our two dogs (Prinzessa, mongrel 2007 & Rambosch, mongrel 2008) have tolerated the change of food very well. They also love the food! Rambosch used to have severe flatulence, ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Cleo & Mau (asthma, aggressive) Dear Anifit Team, Cleo (our asthma cat) and Mau (our aggressive cat when visitors came) have changed a lot for the better! We have been feeding Anifit since September 2012. And since then, we haven't taken Cleo to the vet for an asthma injection. She hasn't had any more attacks since switching. She is very agile and fit. She even plays, which she never used to do. Everything has also turned positive for Mau. To make her feel comfortable, we always bought Feliway and used it in the living room ... Dear Anifit Team, Cleo (our asthma cat) and Mau (our aggressive cat when visitors came) have changed a lot for the better! We have been feeding Anifit since September 2012. And since then, we haven't... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Abby (stomach and intestinal infections) Dear Anifit Team, My name is Abby. I haven't been the most voracious dog since I was born. I'm more like a small child. I like to leave my main meal until the evening, but I'm right up there with the treats. But once I've dared to go to my bowl, no-one can get me away so quickly. I'm always loud and clear that I'm full and satisfied afterwards. In the first few months of my life, I was often out of action with flu, colds or stomach and intestinal infections and had to lie around in my basket. ... Dear Anifit Team, My name is Abby. I haven't been the most voracious dog since I was born. I'm more like a small child. I like to leave my main meal until the evening, but I'm right up there with the... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Samson (dull coat, itching) Dear Anifit Team, Our shorthaired dachshund Samson, 10 years old, has been struggling with severe itching for several months and is also very overweight. He also needs to have his anal gland expressed from time to time. His coat has recently become very dull and lacklustre. We have been to the vet several times to treat the itching in particular and he has been given injections, but these only help for a certain time. It doesn't tackle the cause, but it's easier on the wallet. A few weeks ago, ... Dear Anifit Team, Our shorthaired dachshund Samson, 10 years old, has been struggling with severe itching for several months and is also very overweight. He also needs to have his anal gland expresse... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Kira (overweight) Dear Anifit Team, We are very happy with the Anifit dog food. Our dog has even lost weight, although he gets enough to eat. It seems to us that his general condition is fitter. At the age of 13, he can still run around like a young dog, but not with as much stamina of course. Have a nice time until the next order. Yours Beate Jonas September 2012 This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, We are very happy with the Anifit dog food. Our dog has even lost weight, although he gets enough to eat. It seems to us that his general condition is fitter. At the age of 13, he ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Now she loves it My Lurchi didn't want to eat the food at first, then I didn't order any more. Then I tried it again and now she loves it. A little patience. Her favourite is the Eismeer Terrine and anything with fish. Next time I'll try Puterich's Delight. Yours sincerely This product review was translated automatically. My Lurchi didn't want to eat the food at first, then I didn't order any more. Then I tried it again and now she loves it. A little patience. Her favourite is the Eismeer Terrine and anything with fish... Erfahrungsbericht lesen One tap and it's gone Dear Anifit Team, We are very satisfied with the products. The turkey sticks are great as a reward after walking when Odin and Loki are in the car. The only thing that isn't great is that the pieces are getting smaller and smaller, e.g. the sticks. They are ok for small dogs, but not for our big ones, they are gone in a flash! Keep up the good work and thank you very much! This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, We are very satisfied with the products. The turkey sticks are great as a reward after walking when Odin and Loki are in the car. The only thing that isn't great is that the piece... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Increased vitality with Anifit Our Labrador Bailys was very ill at the end of last year and I was very desperate so I contacted not only the vet but also a veterinary practitioner. The vet diagnosed adrenal insufficiency and prescribed her cortisone, which she is still taking in very small doses, but as the dog had been having gastrointestinal problems for a long time and had very high allergy levels in her blood, I carried out an intestinal cleanse with the naturopath and then switched to her food. She gets the renal insuf... Our Labrador Bailys was very ill at the end of last year and I was very desperate so I contacted not only the vet but also a veterinary practitioner. The vet diagnosed adrenal insufficiency and presc... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Redfish and chicken breast are a big hit! Hello Provital Team, We have two BKH tomcats. Their names are Mats and Knut and they are both 2 years old. Their breeder recommended your food to us and I think they are both very happy with it. They love the treats, especially the redfish fillet and the chicken breast, which make them go wild. Keep up the good work and best regards. This product review was translated automatically. Hello Provital Team, We have two BKH tomcats. Their names are Mats and Knut and they are both 2 years old. Their breeder recommended your food to us and I think they are both very happy with it. The... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Improvement in Skyla's eyes Dear Anifit Team, We added the eye cleaning powder to our Maltese dog Skyla's food for three consecutive days at the beginning of the first week as described in the instructions, the following week for two consecutive days and since then we have been giving it regularly once a week with her main food. We clean Skyla's eyes every morning with cleaning wipes and also brush out the hardened eye secretions, and after about 6 weeks we have actually noticed a significant improvement. Skyla's eyes w... Dear Anifit Team, We added the eye cleaning powder to our Maltese dog Skyla's food for three consecutive days at the beginning of the first week as described in the instructions, the following week f... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Food is eaten with pleasure Hello Anifit team! I have to say that the food is very well received, no matter which one I have tried so far it has been eaten with pleasure, I only have problems with the quantity because I don't know exactly how much I should take for my dog, he weighs 5kg, I give according to feeling, his intestines are also very stimulated. He does up to 3 three times when he goes out in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. Mfg M.Betcher This product review was translated automatically. Hello Anifit team! I have to say that the food is very well received, no matter which one I have tried so far it has been eaten with pleasure, I only have problems with the quantity because I don't ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Weight problems with Jule Dear Anifit team, Our Jule's weight was actually always on the lower side and she was also very picky about her food. We then tried something new and changed the types of food in the hope of finding something she liked to eat. After an illness, she lost a bit more weight and we struggled to feed her up. After she once again refused to eat for almost two days, the first packet of Anifit arrived. Admittedly, I was still very sceptical at first. When I put the first portion in her bowl, she ate im... Dear Anifit team, Our Jule's weight was actually always on the lower side and she was also very picky about her food. We then tried something new and changed the types of food in the hope of finding ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen My cats are much more active! Dear Anifit team, My cats are much more active and have a healthy core! Switching to anifit was the right decision, no more bladder infections, no more obesity or dull fur! Before, I trusted vets and bought expensive medical food. Thanks to the great conversation with my consultant, I learnt what my cats really need. I haven't had to go back to the vet yet! I also notice that my cats are now full and beg for food less 😊 All in all, my cats and I are very happy. Lg Jennifer Beuth This... Dear Anifit team, My cats are much more active and have a healthy core! Switching to anifit was the right decision, no more bladder infections, no more obesity or dull fur! Before, I trusted vets an... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bärli's bad breath is gone! Dear Anifit team, In July 18, a friend asked me if I would like to come along to a lecture on dog nutrition. She knew that I was very interested in it. Up to that point, Bärli had been on a kibble diet. I always endeavoured to use organic products. Barfeeding is very time-consuming, but I hadn't yet found a very good alternative with tinned food. It was only after Mr Kultermann's very interesting and extremely informative presentation that I was almost convinced that this could be a very good f... Dear Anifit team, In July 18, a friend asked me if I would like to come along to a lecture on dog nutrition. She knew that I was very interested in it. Up to that point, Bärli had been on a kibble di... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Shira, Shari, Shica & Mini Dear Anifit team,Before I came to the Anifit food, I fed my 4 little girls with good wet food from the shops, as I was aware that dry food, but also most types of wet food, is not species-appropriate and healthy food for dogs. A friend then told me what else to look out for in order to feed the dogs an even healthier diet. Because of the high meat content, the gentle preparation and the production in Sweden, I tried Anifit and have to say that even my oldest Yorkie, Mini (16 years old), accepted... Dear Anifit team,Before I came to the Anifit food, I fed my 4 little girls with good wet food from the shops, as I was aware that dry food, but also most types of wet food, is not species-appropriate ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Joker (inflamed ears) Dear Anifit team, Our Joker is doing very well. He is now 9 1/2 years old and tolerates the food very well. I always mix in some oat flakes and carrot pellets. He gets food twice a day. His coat is shiny and his ears are in tip-top condition, unlike before (often inflamed and dirty ears). This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, Our Joker is doing very well. He is now 9 1/2 years old and tolerates the food very well. I always mix in some oat flakes and carrot pellets. He gets food twice a day. His coat is s... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Sir Henry (shed) Dear Anifit team, For some time now, our Sir Henry (Cocker) has been fed the high-quality food from ANIfit. The changeover went without a hitch. He tolerates it very well and, above all, it tastes great. Sir Henry still had dandruff at the beginning, but this has completely disappeared thanks to the food, as has the constant scratching.His coat is also no longer shaggy. Sir Henry feels good as a cocker. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your friendly advice and for ... Dear Anifit team, For some time now, our Sir Henry (Cocker) has been fed the high-quality food from ANIfit. The changeover went without a hitch. He tolerates it very well and, above all, it tastes gr... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Maja & Willi (flatulence / autoimmune disease) Dear Anifit team, We have two cats. Maja is almost five years old and our Willi has just turned three. Maja used to have constant flatulence, her anus was full of faeces and she often threw up. She is sensitive all round and very fussy when it comes to eating, and anything she doesn't like is scratched away. Willi was only with us for a short time when we realised that he was ill. First he had bloody, burst paws, then his hind legs were full of blood crusts. Next, his skull was affected in the ... Dear Anifit team, We have two cats. Maja is almost five years old and our Willi has just turned three. Maja used to have constant flatulence, her anus was full of faeces and she often threw up. She i... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Diabetes - insulin requirement Hello Anifit Team, Another pleasing report from one of my patients: Sheila the cat was diagnosed with diabetes and the owner had to inject her with 4 units of insulin every day. The cat had been stable on this dose of insulin for several months. After my nutritional counselling, the owner decided to change the food from conventional dry food to Anifit. After 2 weeks, Sheila went into insulin shock and was downgraded to 2 units of insulin by the vet, as the amount of insulin injected was sudden... Hello Anifit Team, Another pleasing report from one of my patients: Sheila the cat was diagnosed with diabetes and the owner had to inject her with 4 units of insulin every day. The cat had been stab... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Enzymes against tartar I actually wanted to do something for my body and as I was aware of the effects of enzymes, I started taking them daily. Apart from the fact that amazingly a lot was happening in my body, among other things it was clearly recognisable that a detoxification was beginning, I noticed after just a few days that my tartar, which was always slightly present (in the lower tooth area behind the front teeth), was literally crumbling away. At my next visit to the dentist, my dentist was amazed at the di... I actually wanted to do something for my body and as I was aware of the effects of enzymes, I started taking them daily. Apart from the fact that amazingly a lot was happening in my body, among other... Erfahrungsbericht lesen How we came to Anifit! After the death of our cats, we decided to get a dog. Our Elo "Foster" has been living with us since April 2012. And when you have an Anifit specialist advisor in the family, it's obvious that you also use this food! We had no previous experience with it and can now only say that it was a good decision! Just opening the tin gives off a delicious odour. The composition is very varied, there are many different flavours with funny names, such as Schäfers Pfanne or Thanksgiving Day. We occasionally ... After the death of our cats, we decided to get a dog. Our Elo "Foster" has been living with us since April 2012. And when you have an Anifit specialist advisor in the family, it's obvious that you als... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Experience therapy dog handler We work with our dogs in animal-assisted therapy and gave a presentation in this context at the dog fair in Aachen in spring 2012. After work, we strolled round the fair with our dogs and had a look at the many stands. There was also a whole range of stands with pet food, and we were offered something from almost every one of them. Our reaction was always the same: our dogs won't eat that anyway. Our dogs are very instinctive and only used to the best food, so it's not easy to convince them. S... We work with our dogs in animal-assisted therapy and gave a presentation in this context at the dog fair in Aachen in spring 2012. After work, we strolled round the fair with our dogs and had a look ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen simply satisfied Ladies and Gentlemen, We have been feeding anifit for about 3 weeks now and have only positive things to report. Our dog has benign tumours that are already visibly receding and getting smaller. Her coat is shiny and her digestion is optimal. We would recommend the food at any time. The delivery is also super fast and the advice is also excellent. Dogs and owners are happy. :-) Many thanksBarbara Jahnes Consultant's note: it was very pleasing to see that the benign tumours the size of tennis ... Ladies and Gentlemen, We have been feeding anifit for about 3 weeks now and have only positive things to report. Our dog has benign tumours that are already visibly receding and getting smaller. Her ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Experience report from a breeder "What do I feed my dog?" This is a question that millions of pet owners ask themselves. But the right question would be "How do I feed my pet appropriately?"! Every pet food manufacturer claims to have "the best food". Some claim that dry food is the healthiest solution, others swear by barfing and still others swear by their wet food. So how do I do it right? We all want the best for our four-legged friends. How can you find your way through the huge range of products on offer with all their p... "What do I feed my dog?" This is a question that millions of pet owners ask themselves. But the right question would be "How do I feed my pet appropriately?"! Every pet food manufacturer claims to ha... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Jule (pancreas) Dear Anifit Team, We have been feeding our Jule, a border-shepherd mix, (4 years old) Anifit food regularly for over a year now. It was always a problem with other dog foods, sometimes she didn't like it or simply couldn't tolerate it. After the intestinal build-up treatment with your fructosan, we quickly got her intestinal problems under control. At first we thought our dog was very picky, but now we know that he just has a good taste. He loves eating Anifit and also feels much fuller and fo... Dear Anifit Team, We have been feeding our Jule, a border-shepherd mix, (4 years old) Anifit food regularly for over a year now. It was always a problem with other dog foods, sometimes she didn't li... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Romeo & Juliet (shaggy coat) Dear Anifit Team, My cats Romeo and Julia now accept the cat food unconditionally after some effort. Unknowingly, I have been feeding them dry food for the last 11 years. The cats kept vomiting and I couldn't make any sense of it. Their fur was scaly, shaggy, they shed and often had real "snotty eyes". Thanks to Anifit, all these symptoms have disappeared. My tigers' fur is shiny and no longer sheds. There is no secretion from their eyes, they no longer vomit and are still really active in thei... Dear Anifit Team, My cats Romeo and Julia now accept the cat food unconditionally after some effort. Unknowingly, I have been feeding them dry food for the last 11 years. The cats kept vomiting and I... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Felix loves Anifit Dear Anifit Team, My dachshund loves Anifit food, I also mix it with flakes, e.g. natural flakes, potato, carrot or apple.carrots or apples, he likes everything, his coat is very shiny and he tolerates everything very well.As for the treats, he is particularly keen on the chicken hearts, I have to put the treat tin on top of the cupboard, he gets them from the table and skilfully opens the lid (I sometimes have problems with this).but all the others are also very desirable venison beetroot shri... Dear Anifit Team, My dachshund loves Anifit food, I also mix it with flakes, e.g. natural flakes, potato, carrot or apple.carrots or apples, he likes everything, his coat is very shiny and he tolerat... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Charly (overweight) Dear Anifitteam, We have had our Charly since he was a puppy. Everything was great at first. Our dog grew and grew until at some point a neighbour said, I think Charly is a bit too fat. At first we dismissed this as nonsense. Until we went to the vet again and he said Charly weighed 29kg. I thought I was going to fall out of the clouds. Our vet recommended that we switch to dry food. Which we did. Only Charly didn't get any slimmer but put on even more weight. We were almost desperate. Charly n... Dear Anifitteam, We have had our Charly since he was a puppy. Everything was great at first. Our dog grew and grew until at some point a neighbour said, I think Charly is a bit too fat. At first we d... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mia loves it! Hello dear Anifit team, This is our Mia. Up to now, she has been given food from a discounter that didn't contain much more than 5% meat. She didn't eat much of it. Then we discovered Anifit through Mrs Nederkorn and tried it straight away. Mia is delighted and has been eating her bowl empty ever since. She no longer touches the old food. Best regards, the Schopphoven family This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear Anifit team, This is our Mia. Up to now, she has been given food from a discounter that didn't contain much more than 5% meat. She didn't eat much of it. Then we discovered Anifit through M... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We are very satisfied. My 3-year-old dog has been eating ANIfit's wet food for about 5 weeks now. He loves it and always sits expectantly in his seat. It is very good for him, stools are formed, even less than with dry food. I also add coconut oil and cereal flakes. We are very satisfied.Best regards This product review was translated automatically. My 3-year-old dog has been eating ANIfit's wet food for about 5 weeks now. He loves it and always sits expectantly in his seat. It is very good for him, stools are formed, even less than with dry foo... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Squeak Fidel with Anifit! On 7 March 2022 we were looking for new food for our two dogs 🐶 🐕! We came across some very good information about ANIfit. We then left a message on Mrs Zintl's machine! She called us back very quickly. She explained to us what we could take for a very sensitive dog. Our Timmy, a male dog, is white and very sensitive. According to the vet, he should eat an expensive special dry food. Enthusiasm of our sunshine - I allow it, I'm hungry but I don't like it. When we started the changeover, we m... On 7 March 2022 we were looking for new food for our two dogs 🐶 🐕! We came across some very good information about ANIfit. We then left a message on Mrs Zintl's machine! She called us back very quic... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The light diet helps with hyperacidity My sensitive shelter dog Wilma reacts very quickly to stress with gastrointestinal problems (hyperacidity, flatulence, vomiting, diarrhoea).The Anifit light diet is ideal for precisely these problems.In the case of acute diarrhoea and/or vomiting, I feed the food in several small portions. Wilma eats it very well and because it has a slimy consistency after soaking, the food is very gentle on the stomach and intestines. Wilma really likes it.If I only notice slight upsets in Wilma (flatulence, h... My sensitive shelter dog Wilma reacts very quickly to stress with gastrointestinal problems (hyperacidity, flatulence, vomiting, diarrhoea).The Anifit light diet is ideal for precisely these problems.... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Better digestion Our two cats have been eating Anifit wet cat food for 8 weeks now. Their favourite flavours are: "Fish la mode 200g" and "Naurilus ragout". The coat is nicer, shinier and the cats are much more agile. The food is very well tolerated and there were no problems with the changeover. We tried the complete changeover straight away without adding the old food first. Our cat in particular, who has a sensitive stomach and often has to deal with diarrhoea and vomiting, has had no more problems since ... Our two cats have been eating Anifit wet cat food for 8 weeks now. Their favourite flavours are: "Fish la mode 200g" and "Naurilus ragout". The coat is nicer, shinier and the cats are much more agil... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Gina is tick-free! Dear Ani Fit Team, I'm Gina, an 11-month-old Chihuahua lady and I live with my owner in beautiful Lower Franconia. We spend a lot of time out and about on country lanes and in the woods, where I like to pick up ticks. My mistress rejects chemicals when it comes to tick protection as she says they are a neurotoxin. But of course I still don't want to get sick from a tick bite, so I had to find something else. My mum used to rub coconut oil on me, but it always makes me look so sticky and greasy,... Dear Ani Fit Team, I'm Gina, an 11-month-old Chihuahua lady and I live with my owner in beautiful Lower Franconia. We spend a lot of time out and about on country lanes and in the woods, where I like... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Odourless litter Dear team, We love using the deer treats when training our dog.Caya really likes the deer treats and is then particularly attentive.It's a good way to learn. They are small, almost odourless for us humans and good for on the go. Caya loves to eat everything from Anifit! This product review was translated automatically. Dear team, We love using the deer treats when training our dog.Caya really likes the deer treats and is then particularly attentive.It's a good way to learn. They are small, almost odourless for us h... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Suri Hello, dear Anifit team, I've had my Suri (5 years old) for just over 3 years now and I've been feeding her Anifit for that long. Today I took her to the vet and had a blood count and a worm test done. What can I say... Everything is fine . The last time she had worms was in 2012. I give her Manosan in her food every day and coconut flakes twice a week. She has always done very well, has a great figure and a super coat and healthy teeth :-) Animal greetings from Dresden From Suri and Mum Thi... Hello, dear Anifit team, I've had my Suri (5 years old) for just over 3 years now and I've been feeding her Anifit for that long. Today I took her to the vet and had a blood count and a worm test don... Erfahrungsbericht lesen My three cats (hair loss) Dear Anifit team, Since the end of August 2014, my three cats (2 British Shorthair cats, both 4 years old and 1 Maine-Coon-Ragdoll mix male) have been fed Anifit. I have always been interested in healthy, species-appropriate pet food but have not managed to make the switch as my cats refused everything I put down. My cats were losing their hair and my cat kept having diarrhoea. Then I came across Anifit on the Internet by chance. I made an appointment for a consultation with a free trial meal. ... Dear Anifit team, Since the end of August 2014, my three cats (2 British Shorthair cats, both 4 years old and 1 Maine-Coon-Ragdoll mix male) have been fed Anifit. I have always been interested in hea... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Snoopy (stomach problems and vomiting) Dear Anifit team, My Snoopy is a purebred Jack Russell Terrier bitch at the proud age of 16! She does have a rattly frame and a few extra pounds around her hips here and there, but who doesn't have that as they get older! As I have only been feeding Anifit for a good six months, I am confident that this will soon be sorted out, as I have been assured. Her favourite foods are Thanksgiving Day, Witwe Bolte and Schäfers Pfanne. Her faeces have been firmer since she was first given Anifit food. Sto... Dear Anifit team, My Snoopy is a purebred Jack Russell Terrier bitch at the proud age of 16! She does have a rattly frame and a few extra pounds around her hips here and there, but who doesn't have t... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lollipop Dear Anifit team, Now that our Lollie has been an enthusiastic consumer of your dog food for over a year and a half, we would like to tell you briefly how satisfied we are with the excellent products from ANIfit. Despite being 12 years old, Lollie is a lively, lively dog thanks to ANIfit. The digestive problems are now history. His coat looks much better and his eyes are clearer. Thanks to the high quality of the food, Lollie needs less of it to get full. With ANIfit, we don't have any higher f... Dear Anifit team, Now that our Lollie has been an enthusiastic consumer of your dog food for over a year and a half, we would like to tell you briefly how satisfied we are with the excellent products... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Ben (fur problems) Hello dear Anifit team, I got Ben 1 1/2 years ago with a dull and rough coat, overweight and when he pooped, you thought a German shepherd had put his foul-smelling droppings in the litter tray. The Anifit food has made his coat shiny and soft. His droppings are within the normal range <=> mass and odour. But what pleases me most: he is full! When he gets other food, he smells it first, but not with Anifit food. If he likes other food, he eats it, but he's still hungry. I still test him f... Hello dear Anifit team, I got Ben 1 1/2 years ago with a dull and rough coat, overweight and when he pooped, you thought a German shepherd had put his foul-smelling droppings in the litter tray. The ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Finja (underweight) Dear Anifit Team, This is my Finja, a black Labradoodle dog. She is now 5 years old and I have my friend and Anifit consultant Anja Beyers to thank for the fact that she has been eating Anifit for 3 years. She first showed me why her muzzle hair had turned orange and that I had been feeding her far too little of what I had previously bought from the supermarket. She weighed 17kg at the time, which I thought was completely normal as I also keep a close eye on my figure. However, her poops were e... Dear Anifit Team, This is my Finja, a black Labradoodle dog. She is now 5 years old and I have my friend and Anifit consultant Anja Beyers to thank for the fact that she has been eating Anifit for 3 ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Better than diet food We are very happy with the food. Our problem child Ron (German shepherd 5.5 years) is fit as a fiddle. Our 13-year-old Ayla (Labrador) is fit as a fiddle and our youngest, KlM (4 years old) is just as fit as the older ones. They have all reduced their deficits and are extremely healthy. Conclusion: We have never achieved such good results - not even with diet food - as we have now with the Anifit food. Schäfer's Pfanne for the male dogs and the Gockerle for our senior dog are highly recommended... We are very happy with the food. Our problem child Ron (German shepherd 5.5 years) is fit as a fiddle. Our 13-year-old Ayla (Labrador) is fit as a fiddle and our youngest, KlM (4 years old) is just as... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Weeping blisters "I met my cat Hugo nine and a half years ago in a motorway car park. He no longer had an owner. We went to the vet because he wasn 't house-trained and was urinating everywhere. He also had weeping blisterson his lower lip, so he had an autoimmune disease. The vet also found tartar. The vet wanted to give me a certain diet food to combat the struvite stones. I refused, as I had already worked with Anifit food as a consultant at the time, but I didn't have a cat yet. Lo and behold, after a few ... "I met my cat Hugo nine and a half years ago in a motorway car park. He no longer had an owner. We went to the vet because he wasn 't house-trained and was urinating everywhere. He also had weeping bl... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Success in old age One of my favourite experiences was by far a 13-year-old male Golden Retriever. When I got to know him and his "companion" (owner), the boy was listless, a bit obese, losing fur without end and his hips didn't want to be like they used to be. Yes, I thought, 13 years is a proud age. When I asked what he got to eat, the answer came out of the gun "dry and the best !!!!!". After I explained to the owner that dry food always has to do with industrial production and is far from species-appropriate... One of my favourite experiences was by far a 13-year-old male Golden Retriever. When I got to know him and his "companion" (owner), the boy was listless, a bit obese, losing fur without end and his h... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Completely satisfied! These are our two mice Carlos and Paulchen! We have been feeding Anifit for about 1 1/2 years now and are completely satisfied with it and of course so are our two mice. After just a short time we have already noticed a huge improvement: Their coats became very shiny and very soft. Their faeces and the smell of their urine also became much better, it no longer smelled so strong and their digestion was stimulated more by Anifit. We noticed this when we found some leftovers from our old food and... These are our two mice Carlos and Paulchen! We have been feeding Anifit for about 1 1/2 years now and are completely satisfied with it and of course so are our two mice. After just a short time we h... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Change of food - losing weight Dear Anifit team, On 13 September 2014, during the summer festival of the South Crete Animal Welfare Association, you informed us about Anifit, and today we have to say that it was the right decision. Our dog, Paula, shows only advantages as described by you. We are delighted and have a really great dog thanks to your advice. We and Paula are now enjoying all the benefits you mentioned. We are slowly making progress with losing weight. Your character and physical condition have changed for t... Dear Anifit team, On 13 September 2014, during the summer festival of the South Crete Animal Welfare Association, you informed us about Anifit, and today we have to say that it was the right decision... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Simply satisfied! Dear Anifit team, For some time now our Emely (Austr.Shep.Mix) has been fed the high quality food from ANIfit. The changeover went without a hitch. She tolerates it very well and, above all, she obviously loves it. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your competent and friendly advice and for the many small and large tips you have given me for Emely. I wish you all the best and continued success With kind regards A. Claßen This product review was translated auto... Dear Anifit team, For some time now our Emely (Austr.Shep.Mix) has been fed the high quality food from ANIfit. The changeover went without a hitch. She tolerates it very well and, above all, she obv... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Flo (fur) Dear Anifit Team, Our Flo is definitely one of your biggest fans. Ever since she was invited to the trial meal in April 2012, she hasn't wanted to eat any other cat food. She always had a rather rough coat. This changed completely just a few weeks after the change of food. It has become totally fluffy, soft and wonderfully shiny. The change of coat for the winter has also passed us by without a trace. She has also become much more attentive and interested. We simply have a new cat! If I hadn't... Dear Anifit Team, Our Flo is definitely one of your biggest fans. Ever since she was invited to the trial meal in April 2012, she hasn't wanted to eat any other cat food. She always had a rather roug... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Last resort for Sakira Here you can see my almost 16-year-old Sakira from Hungary. According to a veterinary prescription, I fed her a kidney diet for 1.5 years due to renal insufficiency. Then she became very unwell and I consulted a veterinary practitioner who recommended her freeze-dried food. One week after changing her food, she was fine again. Today her kidney values are being checked again and I have a good feeling. Mrs Bruckert's advice and your food saved my dog. This product review was translated automatical... Here you can see my almost 16-year-old Sakira from Hungary. According to a veterinary prescription, I fed her a kidney diet for 1.5 years due to renal insufficiency. Then she became very unwell and I ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Reddened eyes are now a thing of the past Dear Anifit Team! My cat Sparky is now 7 years old, I got him when he was 2 years old. He had redness over his eye again and again, where he scratched himself bloody. Of course we went to the vet we "trusted". Sparky was immediately injected with antibiotics and had a funnel put round his neck. He was not at all happy about this! The vet gave us a hypoallergenic food that was supposed to help allergy sufferers... I've been doing this for years. But I didn't let him have any more injections. U... Dear Anifit Team! My cat Sparky is now 7 years old, I got him when he was 2 years old. He had redness over his eye again and again, where he scratched himself bloody. Of course we went to the vet we... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Dunja & Eve -two beautiful dog ladies *conspicuous kidney values áde! Dunja, my collie bitch, was born in 2010.She has been my faithful companion since she was 9 weeks old, and Eve, my Australian Shepherd bitch, also born in 2010, came to me when she was 1.5 years old. I've always thought a lot about dog nutrition. Dry food? Wet food? Both? Barfeeding was and is out of the question for various reasons. I have really tried a lot of things, but was never particularly satisfied with the "result" (too much output, dull and flaky coat). My friend, who is also a dog o... Dunja, my collie bitch, was born in 2010.She has been my faithful companion since she was 9 weeks old, and Eve, my Australian Shepherd bitch, also born in 2010, came to me when she was 1.5 years old. ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Labrador no longer has digestive problems Hello Provital Team, I tried Anifit for the first time on the recommendation of my sister, who also ordered Anifit. The order contained various products, including Art Dog Vital Menu Poultry and a chicken breast treat/reward. I can only say everything is great. Our dog, a 7-year-old Labrador, is delighted. The treats smell intensely of chicken, everything is easily digestible. There were no digestive problems and the eczema on his legs has healed for the first time in years. Our dog has lost we... Hello Provital Team, I tried Anifit for the first time on the recommendation of my sister, who also ordered Anifit. The order contained various products, including Art Dog Vital Menu Poultry and a ch... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mira shines again! Dear Anifit team, I first heard about AniFit from my dog groomer, who told me about the food and suggested that I feed it to make grooming less problematic. At that time, our Maja could hardly be brushed because it pinched and tweaked. I was very sceptical at first and wondered what was supposed to be different about this food, especially as I thought I was feeding a very high-quality wet food. I tried it anyway and I have to say it's just great. Our Mira loves it. When she sees the tin she ju... Dear Anifit team, I first heard about AniFit from my dog groomer, who told me about the food and suggested that I feed it to make grooming less problematic. At that time, our Maja could hardly be bru... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We are convinced! Our cat is crazy about the redfish snack and demands it at every opportunity. Even if we do not always comply with this, we are very convinced of the product - no additional ingredients - "only" the freeze-dried fish. We are happy to spend a little more on a snack, but we know that it contains no sugar or other additives... This product review was translated automatically. Our cat is crazy about the redfish snack and demands it at every opportunity. Even if we do not always comply with this, we are very convinced of the product - no additional ingredients - "only" the ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Levi's favourite snack Levi is really greedy for the dry food! I was also looking for a dry food for holidays or when he gets a little hungry in between. That's when we discovered ANIfit deer meat flakes. Levi has never liked dry food so much. They are like little dog biscuits. So they're also great for training. This product review was translated automatically. Levi is really greedy for the dry food! I was also looking for a dry food for holidays or when he gets a little hungry in between. That's when we discovered ANIfit deer meat flakes. Levi has never lik... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The puppy accepted the food well One puppy from the last litter has not yet been sold and she is now allowed to eat a sample. The puppy accepted the food well, but after a few days did not want to eat it properly. Digestion was very soft in the first few days (Powerdarm was used) although the puppy is being fed some of the other Anifit varieties. Most of my puppy buyers switch to dry food because the puppies have soft faeces or diarrhoea. As the Junior has a relatively soft consistency, I think it is suitable for younger puppie... One puppy from the last litter has not yet been sold and she is now allowed to eat a sample. The puppy accepted the food well, but after a few days did not want to eat it properly. Digestion was very ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our Knut loves them. Dear Anifit team, I always like to order the turkey sticks. Our Knut loves them. Because they are relatively soft, they are easy to portion and he can chew them well. The stick fits perfectly in your trouser pocket, doesn't crumble or smear and can be broken into small portions if required and if the dog is totally sweet again, he can have them whole;) This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, I always like to order the turkey sticks. Our Knut loves them. Because they are relatively soft, they are easy to portion and he can chew them well. The stick fits perfectly in your... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No problems with digestion We adopted our dog Nero from animal welfare in the summer when he was 8 months old.We continued to feed him the food from the foster home. However, he had 7-8 bowel movements a day, which were quite thin and he spat regularly. We didn't like that. By chance, I came across a counsellor from Anifit. The changeover went without a hitch. We feed the combination of wet food Gockels Duett and meat flakes deer, carrot flakes and power intestine.This is very good for him and he likes to eat it. The freq... We adopted our dog Nero from animal welfare in the summer when he was 8 months old.We continued to feed him the food from the foster home. However, he had 7-8 bowel movements a day, which were quite t... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Colic is a thing of the past Dear Anifit team, I've finally got round to sending you a picture and sharing my experience with Anifit food. After the first taster pack, I was really amazed at how well my rascals, who have very sensitive stomachs, tolerated the food. Although I had always taken care to feed them wet food with a high meat content, grain-free and specially formulated for sensitive dogs, they did have problems. Colic with strong and loud stomach noises, vomiting and diarrhoea ... the whole programme tormented t... Dear Anifit team, I've finally got round to sending you a picture and sharing my experience with Anifit food. After the first taster pack, I was really amazed at how well my rascals, who have very sen... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pandy&Tommy The photo shows Pandy and Tommy after lunch. A midday nap is a must :-) They love power pots, fish a la mode and delice de coeur. Advised and ordered at Thank you This product review was translated automatically. The photo shows Pandy and Tommy after lunch. A midday nap is a must :-) They love power pots, fish a la mode and delice de coeur. Advised and ordered at Thank you This produc... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Shiny coat thanks to Anifit My dog always had very soft stools and diarrhoea. On the advice of a friend, I found out about Anifit. My little one accepted it very well straight away and had no more diarrhoea after just 3 weeks. He has also got a beautiful shiny coat. For us, no other food comes into question, because the quality is super, it smells really good, which you can't say about conventional tins. This product review was translated automatically. My dog always had very soft stools and diarrhoea. On the advice of a friend, I found out about Anifit. My little one accepted it very well straight away and had no more diarrhoea after just 3 weeks. ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Experience with the carrot flake Hello dear Anifit team, Because my dog also likes to eat raw carrots, I thought I would also use them dried. Especially as I don't always remember to buy them and I know that Anifit treats them well before they go on sale. The first time my Nelly (Jack-Russel, now 10 years old) ate the carrot flakes immediately and without hesitation completely with her meat meal. Her faeces were yellowish-orange afterwards, but normal. Perhaps I had mixed in too many carrots. The next time I gave her a little ... Hello dear Anifit team, Because my dog also likes to eat raw carrots, I thought I would also use them dried. Especially as I don't always remember to buy them and I know that Anifit treats them well ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Ronja and her favourite activities Ronja has two favourite pastimes: Sleeping and eating. And her favourite thing to eat is Anifit's Eismeer Terrine. She can't get enough of it. And I am reassured that she likes a food whose ingredients are 100% good for her and contain no unnecessary fillers. Ronja and I are delighted! Looked after by Mrs Sandra Paruzel. This product review was translated automatically. Ronja has two favourite pastimes: Sleeping and eating. And her favourite thing to eat is Anifit's Eismeer Terrine. She can't get enough of it. And I am reassured that she likes a food whose ingredient... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Great assortment Hello Provital Team,Our Tilly likes all types of food from Anifit. We have also tried the food from RyDog so that she has enough variety. She really likes the chicken vitality menu. Many thanks to Mr Meyer and Mrs Möller, as well as to the dispatch department for the fast and correct processing of our orders. Keep up the good work and best wishes from Tilly and the Reichel family. This product review was translated automatically. Hello Provital Team,Our Tilly likes all types of food from Anifit. We have also tried the food from RyDog so that she has enough variety. She really likes the chicken vitality menu. Many thanks to Mr ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Shiny coat with duck Hello dear team! Our cats like the food very much.They both look great, their coats are shiny and they look very healthy. All flavours are tasted, I myself find that the organic duck food smells even more intense, it is also liked and eaten with pleasure! This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear team! Our cats like the food very much.They both look great, their coats are shiny and they look very healthy. All flavours are tasted, I myself find that the organic duck food smells ev... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Sir Elton no longer wants to do without these snacks. Our little Sir Elton was switched to Anifit in June 2020 and then of course also in the snack area... He loves the beef hearts, every evening my husband is forced by Sir Elton to give them at least 3-4 pieces of beef hearts. We also use them in training because he chews them quickly and can then concentrate on the next commands. Sir Elton and I no longer want to do without these snacks. They are easy to transport, easy to eat and are completely well tolerated. This product review was transla... Our little Sir Elton was switched to Anifit in June 2020 and then of course also in the snack area... He loves the beef hearts, every evening my husband is forced by Sir Elton to give them at least 3-... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Vital thanks to Vital Menu Hello Anifit team, We have been feeding the wet food and Rydog Vital Menu for a week now. Our dog Winston has a sensitive stomach and doesn't tolerate all foods. We have fed him BARF since he was a puppy and were actually happy with it. Now he is 5 years old and we were concerned about his diet, as he is wild about faeces and licks everything off the floor that is not firmly attached. We became sceptical as to whether he was really getting all the nutrients from the BARF. We wanted to find a h... Hello Anifit team, We have been feeding the wet food and Rydog Vital Menu for a week now. Our dog Winston has a sensitive stomach and doesn't tolerate all foods. We have fed him BARF since he was a p... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Super training treat My neighbour, who also has a Golden Retriever, recommended your very meat-heavy products to me, as I was still looking for good, well-tolerated dog food. My neighbour gave me some of your snacks to try out beforehand. In addition to the veal shank, which he has been gnawing on for days and won't take away, my dog also had the pleasure of trying the gourmet sausage game, beef shoots, Picco Train and Picco Tabs. What can I say, my dog loved everything. With many other brands, he often turned his... My neighbour, who also has a Golden Retriever, recommended your very meat-heavy products to me, as I was still looking for good, well-tolerated dog food. My neighbour gave me some of your snacks to tr... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We are delighted with the chlorella snack I didn't expect this, but my four dwarves are all crazy about the chlorella snack.We use it during training. They are not completely overfed and get something healthy. They all tolerate it really well and since we switched completely to ANIFIT food, their faeces and coats are great again and they are all at their ideal weight!!! This product review was translated automatically. I didn't expect this, but my four dwarves are all crazy about the chlorella snack.We use it during training. They are not completely overfed and get something healthy. They all tolerate it really well... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Weight problems are a thing of the past Hello my name is Molly, I turned 2 years old in September and come from Romania. I came to my new family when I was 4 months old. I had problems with my food and my owner bought Ani fit for me in August, everything tastes very good. I'm now keeping my weight down and don't have to go on the scales all the time! Now I only get meat flakes of venison as a treat, because my master has noticed that I hear particularly well. Did I do something clever? Best regards Molly and family This product ... Hello my name is Molly, I turned 2 years old in September and come from Romania. I came to my new family when I was 4 months old. I had problems with my food and my owner bought Ani fit for me in Aug... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Delicious food Hello Anifit, I (Winnie , Beagle ) would like to thank you very much for opening my owner's and master's eyes to my diet. Until March 2014, I had to live on dry food, supplemented with a little wet food. It was well-intentioned (advertising and all that), but I didn't really like it. So I usually waited until the evening to see if there was anything better to eat. That wasn't the case. So I had to eat that. Then came March and the Anifit consultant Mrs Nederkorn (then still Janssen) from Wassen... Hello Anifit, I (Winnie , Beagle ) would like to thank you very much for opening my owner's and master's eyes to my diet. Until March 2014, I had to live on dry food, supplemented with a little wet f... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Trixi (diarrhoea) Dear Anifit Team, With Trixi (a small rough-haired mix) it took quite a long time before she was willing to eat Anifit. For the first few days she was crazy about it; then she looked into the bowl in disgust and went 2/3 days without eating at all. She always had enough exercise, which is actually a reason to be hungry. She didn't even touch "Widow Bolte", which made the cats happy. She is also neutered, which does not stimulate her appetite, as many dog owners believe. Only after trying to mix... Dear Anifit Team, With Trixi (a small rough-haired mix) it took quite a long time before she was willing to eat Anifit. For the first few days she was crazy about it; then she looked into the bowl in... Erfahrungsbericht lesen She has a very beautiful silky coat I kept a little bitch from my last litter with us. She was first fed the Anifit "Gockels Duett" with additional flakes. Then Anifit's wet food specially for puppies, "Junior", came onto the market. She was given this and, as with Gockels Duett, I am very enthusiastic. She has a lovely silky coat, her faeces are firm and she defecates a maximum of twice a day, although puppies get more than an adult dog. She has never had thin or mushy faeces or any other problems, as she did during the entire re... I kept a little bitch from my last litter with us. She was first fed the Anifit "Gockels Duett" with additional flakes. Then Anifit's wet food specially for puppies, "Junior", came onto the market. Sh... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Digestion has improved a lot Hello everyone!Our mongrel Aaron really likes the wet food. As you recommended, I first fed him the 4 tins of chicken and then the other varieties from the taster pack and I have to say that he also likes it very much. He metabolises this food much better, no longer has diarrhoea and also has to poo much less. The cattle ears are also great. He's never had anything like them before. He goes crazy for them. I will definitely continue to feed him these great products. Best regardsErna van Mil Thi... Hello everyone!Our mongrel Aaron really likes the wet food. As you recommended, I first fed him the 4 tins of chicken and then the other varieties from the taster pack and I have to say that he also l... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We need redfish!!! Dear Anifit team, Today I'm sending you a picture of my two pussies, Alisha and Baghira, enthusiastically eating the redfish. My two pussies love the redfish from Anifit!!! It is used for special moments, small rewards, in play or just to "make them happy". The consistency is great - freeze-dried - consistently high quality. We have already ordered it several times and it always comes in the same quality - not so firm but still stable - smells appetising and not "strictly fishy". I sometimes... Dear Anifit team, Today I'm sending you a picture of my two pussies, Alisha and Baghira, enthusiastically eating the redfish. My two pussies love the redfish from Anifit!!! It is used for special mo... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Light diet chicken/rice - the saviour when travelling Dear Provital Team, Our dog Terza often has stomach/intestinal problems, especially when travelling. The soft food in the bag only needs to be topped up with hot water and can then be fed. It helped our dog very quickly. I always have a small supply at home in case I need to give her a light meal from time to time. A nice greeting S. Depaoli This product review was translated automatically. Dear Provital Team, Our dog Terza often has stomach/intestinal problems, especially when travelling. The soft food in the bag only needs to be topped up with hot water and can then be fed. It helped... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No more diarrhoea thanks to Anifit Hello dear Provital team For both dogs it is RoyDog Goat & Horse! Our bitch Nele had a serious digestive tract disease and our male dog, who is already 12 years old, unfortunately can no longer tolerate everything, he often got diarrhoea and even refused to eat. We experimented for a long time and tried out different varieties of Anifit and Roydog to find out what was good and tasty for our dogs. Our dogs have been doing really well again for 2 months and eating is a pleasure - both bowls ... Hello dear Provital team For both dogs it is RoyDog Goat & Horse! Our bitch Nele had a serious digestive tract disease and our male dog, who is already 12 years old, unfortunately can no longer t... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Enzyme booster Dear Anifit Team, This is our Khan, a 4.5 year old German Shepherd. Six months ago we were diagnosed with exotrine pancreatic insufficiency. Until then he was absolutely mobile, had a shiny coat and was always up to mischief. At 70 cm tall, he weighed a whopping 47 kg. Today he is only a shadow of his former self and has lost 12 kg. He had constant diarrhoea and yellow faeces. A medical marathon began. We have now been to three doctors and had four different enzymes. From human medicine to vete... Dear Anifit Team, This is our Khan, a 4.5 year old German Shepherd. Six months ago we were diagnosed with exotrine pancreatic insufficiency. Until then he was absolutely mobile, had a shiny coat and ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Gizmo and Josie (Mäkelig) Dear Anifit team,Our Bully's Josie (2 years old - right) and Gizmo (4 years old - left) have been eating Anifit food for about 4 weeks now. The change of food was without any problems. Both of their coats are noticeably softer. Gizmo was always very picky when it came to food and only ate every 2-3 days. Since Anifit has been on the menu, he can hardly wait to get his food and now eats the bowl empty. Many thanks and best regardsIndra & Gilbert This product review was translated autom... Dear Anifit team,Our Bully's Josie (2 years old - right) and Gizmo (4 years old - left) have been eating Anifit food for about 4 weeks now. The change of food was without any problems. Both of their c... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lissy (digestive problems) Dear Anifit team,Lissy, my little Maltese-Shihtzu dog is now just over a year old and was switched to Anifit food quite early on. As it is my first dog, I relied on the breeder's recommendation and fed Lissy conventional food. She had digestive problems right from the start, often threw up and had diarrhoea just as often. Fortunately, this is now over and Lissy is doing splendidly. She has a great figure and no more digestive problems. As I eat a very healthy diet myself and watch what I eat, I... Dear Anifit team,Lissy, my little Maltese-Shihtzu dog is now just over a year old and was switched to Anifit food quite early on. As it is my first dog, I relied on the breeder's recommendation and fe... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Nena is finally fit again! Dear Anifit Team, My Nena (Epagneul Bretone, 5 years old) is in TOP FORM thanks to the healthy food from Anifit. When I visited the dog fair in Brühl, Anifit was recommended to me. The advice was very detailed and not at all pushy, so I decided to buy this food. I had previously fed dry food, which my Breton lady didn't even like. Despite enough activity, she gained weight steadily and slowly...often had intestinal problems...was lethargic and listless...her coat was quite dull. That all chang... Dear Anifit Team, My Nena (Epagneul Bretone, 5 years old) is in TOP FORM thanks to the healthy food from Anifit. When I visited the dog fair in Brühl, Anifit was recommended to me. The advice was ver... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Leroy (dark circles) Dear Anifit team, Since the dog party in August last year, my grandchildren (one long-haired, two short-haired huahuas) Epy (13 years), Otis (8 years) and Leroy (7 years) have been enthusiastic Provital (fr)eaters. The "Golden Ox" and the "Cock" are particularly popular, and the Anifit treats such as turkey breast bites, chicken gizzards and premium turkey sticks are also much sought-after snacks between meals. A pleasant side effect of the healthy and tasty dog food is that Leroy used to have... Dear Anifit team, Since the dog party in August last year, my grandchildren (one long-haired, two short-haired huahuas) Epy (13 years), Otis (8 years) and Leroy (7 years) have been enthusiastic Provi... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Amadeus (no digestive problems) Dear Anifit Team, I would like to share my experience of switching to Anifit dog food with you. I am a completely satisfied customer, but first and foremost, of course, my mixed-breed dog Amadeus (6 years old). The dog food is a special highlight for him every day, because he loves to eat it and is always looking forward to it. For my dog, every day is a holiday because he gets it served on his white plate and only when I say: "Here you go" is he allowed to eat it with great relish. I quickly... Dear Anifit Team, I would like to share my experience of switching to Anifit dog food with you. I am a completely satisfied customer, but first and foremost, of course, my mixed-breed dog Amadeus (6... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The beetroot snacks are perfect for training Hello .We would like to tell you about our experience with the turmeric and beetroot snacks. Firstly, the consistency is very suitable for training. They are very easy to chew without being too firm, similar to very fluffy biscuits.I have not yet noticed any discolouration on my hands or on my dog. Even if the colours suggest it. My dog Cinno (Shetland sheepdog) is very enthusiastic about the beetroot snacks. Even when he was growing up and didn't want to eat any treats at all, the only ones he ... Hello .We would like to tell you about our experience with the turmeric and beetroot snacks. Firstly, the consistency is very suitable for training. They are very easy to chew without being too firm, ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen See what Anifit can do! Look what ANIfit can do: Look at him, the young man Shiny and smooth coat His teeth - healthy and bright His beard Matching his nature... Anifit gives my Bodo the power he needs to grow up, to mature (he is very big) and to perform on the hunt, which he has to prove every day. He has to run a lot and fast, he has to retrieve things, he has to search and find, and always be alert. To do this, he has to work. And with ANIfit I know that he has enough nutrients in him so that his body and als... Look what ANIfit can do: Look at him, the young man Shiny and smooth coat His teeth - healthy and bright His beard Matching his nature... Anifit gives my Bodo the power he needs to grow up, to m... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Gizmo had the full programme Thanks to the super competent advice from the lovely Andrea Herrmann, I no longer have any inflammation with my senior pug Gizmo due to the change of food to Anifit... whether ear, nose fold or skin... The constant gastrointestinal problems are also a thing of the past and no more inflamed anal glands. The coat has become softer and my little senior is even fitter than ever.... are very happy and grateful for these great changes. It also tastes excellent to him. This product review was translat... Thanks to the super competent advice from the lovely Andrea Herrmann, I no longer have any inflammation with my senior pug Gizmo due to the change of food to Anifit... whether ear, nose fold or skin..... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Best experiences with Anifit Hello Anifit team, Our shorthaired collie Devan (2 years and 4 months) is quite a sensiebel, so we tried a few things and then got the tip from a collie breeder to try Anifit. Of course, not all varieties were successful, but we had the best experiences with "Wiitwe Bolte" and "Gockels Duett". He likes it and - most importantly - he tolerates it. Best regards Kerstin This product review was translated automatically. Hello Anifit team, Our shorthaired collie Devan (2 years and 4 months) is quite a sensiebel, so we tried a few things and then got the tip from a collie breeder to try Anifit. Of course, not all vari... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Paula no longer has stomach pains Dear Ani Fit Team, Anifit Gockels Duett is the first wet food you can say where Paula has absolutely no tummy upsets and no stomach pains. I can only recommend it. I was very sceptical at first because we've tried so many brands and she always had tummy upsets after 2 days, but it works really well with Anifit! The quality is really great. And the good thing is that there is no linseed oil in it, for example, because Paula also reacts to it with heartburn. The output has also decreased. We will... Dear Ani Fit Team, Anifit Gockels Duett is the first wet food you can say where Paula has absolutely no tummy upsets and no stomach pains. I can only recommend it. I was very sceptical at first becau... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Tiara (the itching has almost completely disappeared and so have the epileptic seizures) Dear Anifitteam, Here is Tiara's report. She is very fond of the Anifit dog food. She tolerates it well and likes to eat it. The itching has reduced, but she still has problems with her ears, so I will take her to the vet tomorrow. Tiara is very agile and fit and loves to run and chase after balls, which she never gets enough of. Tiara is now nine years old. Her coat is fluffy and long and if she is not clipped every three months she looks like a sheep. She hates being clipped and has to be muz... Dear Anifitteam, Here is Tiara's report. She is very fond of the Anifit dog food. She tolerates it well and likes to eat it. The itching has reduced, but she still has problems with her ears, so I wi... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mala has a very soft, shiny coat These treats are of excellent quality, they are well tolerated by my dog Mala and are very popular with her and her dog friends. They also make a wonderful gift. As a suggestion, I recommend halving the tabs for smaller dogs as an alternative to your Picco Trains. After some initial hesitation, the chicken vitality menu is now very popular, I sprinkle it with a few grains of your meat spice on the food, also on all other types of meat. Overall your products are excellent, Mala has a very so... These treats are of excellent quality, they are well tolerated by my dog Mala and are very popular with her and her dog friends. They also make a wonderful gift. As a suggestion, I recommend halving... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bento litter is great We have been buying the Bento cat litter from Ani-Fit since day one. Both our cat and we are very happy with it. The litter binds the cat's faeces very well and leaves a pleasantly neutral smell. The cat litter also makes cleaning the litter tray very easy. The lumps that form can be easily removed with a small scoop. Furthermore, we are always very satisfied with the speedy delivery of the goods. We can recommend Bento litter to every cat owner. This product review was translated automatically... We have been buying the Bento cat litter from Ani-Fit since day one. Both our cat and we are very happy with it. The litter binds the cat's faeces very well and leaves a pleasantly neutral smell. The ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Nelly (gastrointestinal problems) "Dear Anifit team, I have good news to report about Nelly: Since we started feeding her Anifit, she has had far fewer gastrointestinal problems. If she has to spit up, which is now only rarely the case, then at most white mucus, but no longer the whole food. Diarrhoea has also become less frequent. This is partly due to the "Gockels Duett" dish, which cleanses the intestines and ensures that they are well. Since the change of food, she has already lost 3 kg from an initial 9 kg (since April 20... "Dear Anifit team, I have good news to report about Nelly: Since we started feeding her Anifit, she has had far fewer gastrointestinal problems. If she has to spit up, which is now only rarely the c... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Gourmet sausage goes down very well with Fiene Dear Provital team, Our 9-year-old dog Fiene has been part of our family for two years now. We have tried to feed her a healthy and varied diet right from the start. With food from Anifit and Rydog, we manage this without any problems and with a very clear conscience. But sometimes we want something really special. That's why I regularly order the gourmet sausage game and horse. This is no ordinary sausage, no, it's super juicy, full of pieces of meat and smells delicious. The dog's eyes shine ... Dear Provital team, Our 9-year-old dog Fiene has been part of our family for two years now. We have tried to feed her a healthy and varied diet right from the start. With food from Anifit and Rydog, ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Well tolerated despite sensitive stomach Dear Anifit team, Very well tolerated dog food. We received six tins as a gift from our friends. Our dog has a sensitive stomach and so we tried a lot of different foods. Fortunately, we have found a second manufacturer through RyDog food. I can highly recommend the food. With kind regards Andrzej Harasimowicz This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, Very well tolerated dog food. We received six tins as a gift from our friends. Our dog has a sensitive stomach and so we tried a lot of different foods. Fortunately, we have found a... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Paul's new food The new food arrived just in time for the cat's evening meal on the afternoon of the second day after the order was placed. As we all know, cats love boxes, and so did my Paul and was on hand to open them. The smell coming from the inside was very interesting. I didn't even get round to reading all the enclosed information and opened the first power pot. I put a full spoonful into Paul's food bowl on one side and a spoonful of the previous food on the other. Paul's reaction was amazing. He s... The new food arrived just in time for the cat's evening meal on the afternoon of the second day after the order was placed. As we all know, cats love boxes, and so did my Paul and was on hand to open ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen More active and fitter with ANIFIT Our little Bolonka zwetna boy (14 years old) no longer wanted his food. We have been feeding him wet food all these years and always split it into 3 meals, as he has had a sensitive stomach from the start. Some time ago he stopped eating with pleasure and friends, so we started a change of food (AniForte® wet food LandChicken - "chicken with carrots") for 4 weeks. And then, four weeks ago, he vomited endlessly, we went to the vet, diagnosed gastritis. The doctor said it wasn't due to the chan... Our little Bolonka zwetna boy (14 years old) no longer wanted his food. We have been feeding him wet food all these years and always split it into 3 meals, as he has had a sensitive stomach from the... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Fuerza (aseptic femoral head necrosis) Hello, Yesterday I fed them salmon with herring, which is very fishy and they said that some cats have problems with it. But the three of them jumped at it as usual and today I fed them the lamb and heart variety in the evening. There are actually whole hearts inside. I am thrilled. My little carrot normally eats for a very long time, goes away, comes back, eats some more and then leaves some, but since Anifit she no longer does that. Now she always eats everything straight away. Which is rela... Hello, Yesterday I fed them salmon with herring, which is very fishy and they said that some cats have problems with it. But the three of them jumped at it as usual and today I fed them the lamb and... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lumpi (fussy when choosing food) Hello dear animal lover! I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the good, very nice and detailed advice. It's hard to believe what's hidden in our pets' food, and we wouldn't know it today if you hadn't explained it to us. Our Lumpi usually likes to leave the wet food, so that it ends up in the rubbish bin rather than in his stomach, but when you were with us and Lumpi was allowed to test the food, he polished it all off straight away and that hasn't changed since we started fee... Hello dear animal lover! I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the good, very nice and detailed advice. It's hard to believe what's hidden in our pets' food, and we wouldn't know it ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Emma (rumbling in the stomach, hair loss) Dear Anifit Team, I believe in fate - not just for me or for my husband or for all the people in the world, no, for animals too. That's how Emma, our mix of Labrador, Boxer and multicultural, came to us, through the TV monitor so to speak, like a bolt of lightning into my heart. We got her from Poland in January of this year, disgraced, already recovered, but still with many deficits. And we continued to feed her with chunks of dry food, as the deliverer had signalled. Many nights we heard gro... Dear Anifit Team, I believe in fate - not just for me or for my husband or for all the people in the world, no, for animals too. That's how Emma, our mix of Labrador, Boxer and multicultural, came to... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Xera (emaciated) Dear Anifit Team, Our 2nd dog Xera came to us from southern Spain at the end of February. The dog was in a miserable condition. I received the animal emaciated and dehydrated. She immediately contracted a bladder infection, which had to be treated with antibiotics. Xera was now able to enjoy all Anifit products: Intestinal build-up with Manosan and Fructosan. This got her first bout of diarrhoea under control within a day. However, it took a few weeks for the faeces to solidify. Brewer's yea... Dear Anifit Team, Our 2nd dog Xera came to us from southern Spain at the end of February. The dog was in a miserable condition. I received the animal emaciated and dehydrated. She immediately contrac... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bravos (purulent necrosis, diarrhoea and dull coat) Hello Mrs Zintl,Hello, dear Anifit team, As you know, we had enormous difficulties with his eating behaviour after Bravo's release after 4 years in kennels, and we tried several types of food, all of which were rejected, until we got to know Anifit. After initial difficulties, we now have a dog who has developed a ravenous appetite. There is no longer any trace of diarrhoea, his coat is no longer dull and the purulent necroses have completely receded. He has become more energetic and behaves li... Hello Mrs Zintl,Hello, dear Anifit team, As you know, we had enormous difficulties with his eating behaviour after Bravo's release after 4 years in kennels, and we tried several types of food, all of... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Billy (permanent diarrhoea) Ladies and Gentlemen, My cat has had persistent diarrhoea for over half a year. All conventional medical treatments were unsuccessful. Only cortisone helped, but not always. However, as I didn't want to put up with the constant cortisone doses, I have now given him Mannosan. And miraculously, it worked immediately. I am totally thrilled. I've been giving it to him for a week now and am in the process of phasing out the cortisone. Marion SchneiderAugust 2013 This product review was tra... Ladies and Gentlemen, My cat has had persistent diarrhoea for over half a year. All conventional medical treatments were unsuccessful. Only cortisone helped, but not always. However, as I didn't w... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We think Moby Dick is great I came across Anifit through my own research on the Internet. I liked the fact that this food contains no preservatives and is produced without animal testing. I also like the fact that "Moby Dick" as a fish dish makes a nice change from meat food. It also gives Bubi a very shiny but not greasy coat. This product review was translated automatically. I came across Anifit through my own research on the Internet. I liked the fact that this food contains no preservatives and is produced without animal testing. I also like the fact that "Moby Dick" as... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Positive aspects of the feed change Dear Anifit Team,First of all, thank you for always delivering my darling's food on time. What actually makes good food? I don't think many people give it much thought and just buy what's on the supermarket shelf. I'll be honest - I didn't really look at the products beforehand and bought what was there. Until an Anifit consultant made me think about it. My dog always had dry food because she always gobbled up wet food. Then I slowly started to switch to the Thangsgiving Day product. Of course, ... Dear Anifit Team,First of all, thank you for always delivering my darling's food on time. What actually makes good food? I don't think many people give it much thought and just buy what's on the super... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Nala has become a lively and very energetic young dog Dear Zintl family, We wanted to write to you a long time ago, but have only now got round to it. Perhaps also because almost a quarter of a year has now passed and our young dog Nala, a lovely doodle girl, is free of diarrhoea and we have had to enjoy the time! About five months ago we started to change her food to Anifit. She reacted with severe diarrhoea and we thought it was due to the food. In the nice and competent conversations with you, we were at a loss as to why the diarrhoea kept recur... Dear Zintl family, We wanted to write to you a long time ago, but have only now got round to it. Perhaps also because almost a quarter of a year has now passed and our young dog Nala, a lovely doodle ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The food is great! My dog Eddie is almost 8 months old, he is lively, playful, funny, cheerful, a bundle of energy, he tolerates the food very well, likes it very much, has great bowel movements and makes big and small piles twice a day, before I had fed other food because I couldn't find the right one. Eddie often didn't eat it, he didn't like it, or had diarrhoea and tore piles and 4 times a day, the food stank very unpleasantly and Eddie's bowel movements too. since Eddie has been eating your food, everything ... My dog Eddie is almost 8 months old, he is lively, playful, funny, cheerful, a bundle of energy, he tolerates the food very well, likes it very much, has great bowel movements and makes big and small ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Frida loves it 1000% and most importantly, she gets full Our Cavapoo dog of 8 months is very fussy and picky and suddenly refused all dry food when she was 7 months old.I never wanted to feed her wet food because I didn't like the smell and the lack of meat and the composition. I have now been switching to Anifit wet food for 3 weeks and my conclusion is that she loves it 1000%.-Frida loves it 1000% and the most important thing is that she is full-Food changeover went without a hitch-wet food smells pleasantly delicious-Adding flakes, vegetable mix or... Our Cavapoo dog of 8 months is very fussy and picky and suddenly refused all dry food when she was 7 months old.I never wanted to feed her wet food because I didn't like the smell and the lack of meat... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Super coat with Anifit I bought the product because my cats were allergic to many brands and varieties of wet food and were therefore only allowed to eat dry food. With RyCat Organic Duck, I have now found a high-quality product that both of them can eat without allergic reactions. Both accepted it immediately and ate it with relish without leaving anything behind.It is made with high-quality ingredients and 99% meat and is also free from grain, sugar, flavour enhancers, attractants or other harmful additives that cou... I bought the product because my cats were allergic to many brands and varieties of wet food and were therefore only allowed to eat dry food. With RyCat Organic Duck, I have now found a high-quality pr... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The absolute favourite food! Hello dear team, The absolute favourite food! As we always take in older shelter dogs with stomach/intestinal problems, RyDog Chicken is well suited as it is light with a little rice and carrots and is very well accepted and tolerated. This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear team, The absolute favourite food! As we always take in older shelter dogs with stomach/intestinal problems, RyDog Chicken is well suited as it is light with a little rice and carrots and ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Healthy and tasty treat Hello dear team, Whilst looking for a healthy and tasty treat for our cat, I came across the product Hirsch (35g). Our cat loves it very much and I use it to practise clicking with him or to add flavour to his wet food. Best regards Donja Sultan This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear team, Whilst looking for a healthy and tasty treat for our cat, I came across the product Hirsch (35g). Our cat loves it very much and I use it to practise clicking with him or to add flav... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Taster pack from Anifit Hello dear Anifit team, I ordered the medium taster pack from Anifit some time ago and am very happy with it. As recommended, I started with Gockels Duett and my dog tolerated it without any problems. He also likes the other flavours very much. I will continue to I would definitely order from you again. All in all, you hear a lot of good things about Anifit. Such a high proportion of meat as in your food is very rare to find. So thank you very much. Best regards Elke Kötter This prod... Hello dear Anifit team, I ordered the medium taster pack from Anifit some time ago and am very happy with it. As recommended, I started with Gockels Duett and my dog tolerated it without any problem... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The coat shines again! Dear Anifit team, We and our cats are very happy with the food. It is well accepted by the cats. Since the change of food, we have seen successes, especially in the beautiful coat. It shines and looks healthy. I can only recommend it! April 2018 This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, We and our cats are very happy with the food. It is well accepted by the cats. Since the change of food, we have seen successes, especially in the beautiful coat. It shines and look... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Aaron loves Anifit Dear Provital team, As a large tin of Anifit wet food was not enough for our Aaron, I thought about giving him some dry food in the morning. He accepted the dry food immediately - every morning he is already waiting in the wings :)) Not a crumb is left over. The deer meat flakes are also very well tolerated. I personally also think the packaging, paper bags, are great! The only small drawback for us is that there is only 1kg of it. For large dogs, 5 KG would actually be more appropriate and I... Dear Provital team, As a large tin of Anifit wet food was not enough for our Aaron, I thought about giving him some dry food in the morning. He accepted the dry food immediately - every morning he is... Erfahrungsbericht lesen ANIFIT for years Dear Anifit team, Assessment We have been feeding our dogs and cats with Anifit pet food for several years. They have many advantages, such as a beautiful, shiny coat. We also like to use chews such as the scalp. They are always well received and offer our dogs a good change. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, Assessment We have been feeding our dogs and cats with Anifit pet food for several years. They have many advantages, such as a beautiful, shiny coat. We also like to use chews such... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Food allergy is gone! Dear Anifit team, I would also like to give my feedback on the comparison before/after:) My Shi tzu dog suffers from a food allergy...I have tried so much food, had umpteen visits to the vet with my sweetie...until this food was recommended to me by Julia Adler :-) I had really given up hope, didn't know how many creams and other products I should try and then tried Anifit and saw really quick results, for example my Gipsy always had blocked anal glands and I had to express them regularly, not ... Dear Anifit team, I would also like to give my feedback on the comparison before/after:) My Shi tzu dog suffers from a food allergy...I have tried so much food, had umpteen visits to the vet with my ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Dry food never again! Dear Anifit team, My dog Lotte reacted extremely to the change to dry food. She scratched and bit herself so badly that she had open sores on her back. After I spoke to Mrs Zintl, we changed her food to Ry Dog Vital Menu Lamb. After about 1 week there was an extreme improvement. No more scratching and biting! And there was something else positive. The coat has become noticeably smoother and shinier! Thanks again Lotte 🐾 and Diana Pasch This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, My dog Lotte reacted extremely to the change to dry food. She scratched and bit herself so badly that she had open sores on her back. After I spoke to Mrs Zintl, we changed her foo... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Prince: fussy, coat shines, regression of open wounds, good advice and dispatch Dear Anifit team, I am very happy with ANIfit food! I tried different brands before and my fussy prince ate badly. He loves ANIfit - he is fit and lively and his coat is shiny. In addition, my dog Prinz Fingernagel had large open sores in various places, under his armpits and on his nose, which all disappeared after switching to ANIfit. They also gave me good advice and the despatch went smoothly. we will stick with this food and are happy to recommend it. Roswitha Bachner This product review... Dear Anifit team, I am very happy with ANIfit food! I tried different brands before and my fussy prince ate badly. He loves ANIfit - he is fit and lively and his coat is shiny. In addition, my dog Pr... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our Anifit story! We are delighted that you are joining us on our eventful journey to Anifit. You'll see that it won't be one of those boring stories or testimonials, it's a real journey of experience that you'll go through with us. First of all, I'm sure you're interested in who we are. We have two grown-up children, two dogs, three cats, a large koi pond and a saltwater aquarium. We have been breeders for many years and run a dog school. Our "problem child" from the very beginning was our Golden Retriever, whi... We are delighted that you are joining us on our eventful journey to Anifit. You'll see that it won't be one of those boring stories or testimonials, it's a real journey of experience that you'll go th... Erfahrungsbericht lesen At Sancho, tricolour stands for all positive things. Our Irish setter Sancho, 8 months old, loves his Anifit food, especially the snacks. The Tricolour is particularly suitable because it is varied with the three flavours. Sancho gets it as a reward during special activities such as walks, runs and activities with the dog whistle. For Sancho, Tricolor stands for all positive things. This product review was translated automatically. Our Irish setter Sancho, 8 months old, loves his Anifit food, especially the snacks. The Tricolour is particularly suitable because it is varied with the three flavours. Sancho gets it as a reward dur... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our dog Jessica in a wheelchair: an example of joie de vivre in old age Dogs can be so lively even in old age and with a handicap in a wheelchair if they are given the right food and good supplements. Jessica is a very rare King Charles Spaniel bitch in Germany. As far as I know, there are only 2 breeders of this breed in Germany. Our second dog Okidoki (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel bitch) also gets her excellent food. This product review was translated automatically. Dogs can be so lively even in old age and with a handicap in a wheelchair if they are given the right food and good supplements. Jessica is a very rare King Charles Spaniel bitch in Germany. As far as... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Switched to Anifit after pancreatitis Hello dear Anifit team, We are very happy with the dog food. Bonnie actually likes all varieties (especially goat) and is eating very well again. Last year he had pancreatitis and so we switched to Anfit. Since then the values have been fine again. We would like to thank you very much for offering such high-quality food. If the health of your pet is important to you, feed it Anifit. MfG Bonnie and Diana This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear Anifit team, We are very happy with the dog food. Bonnie actually likes all varieties (especially goat) and is eating very well again. Last year he had pancreatitis and so we switched to ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen ANIfit: High-quality food that our cats love We are very satisfied with ANIfit. As soon as you open the tin, you realise that the food is of a higher quality than the standard food from the supermarket. What's more, Coco (and our other cat) are now very happy with it and prefer it to any other food. Many thanks and best regards This product review was translated automatically. We are very satisfied with ANIfit. As soon as you open the tin, you realise that the food is of a higher quality than the standard food from the supermarket. What's more, Coco (and our other cat) are ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The hungry wolf gets its fill. After trying out different types of dry and wet food for a long time, we came across this wet food thanks to the super competent nutritional advice from AniFit. Our dog Sammy had been suffering from extreme stomach problems and constant diarrhoea for the last 3 months. Suspicions of giardia, worm infestation etc. were not confirmed - it was entirely due to the wrong wet food that had caused all the unpleasant things :/ By gently switching to GOCKELS DUETT - together with the potato flakes - we ... After trying out different types of dry and wet food for a long time, we came across this wet food thanks to the super competent nutritional advice from AniFit. Our dog Sammy had been suffering from e... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Feeding after gastritis Dear Anifit team, After a severe gastritis, our dwarf spitz "Boo" (3 years old) no longer accepted any food. When it got worse and worse, our neighbour sponsored two tins of ANIfit "RyDog Vital Menu Poultry". Due to the use of only one type of meat and the excellent digestibility, even for sensitive animals, the product was also suitable for use with the above-mentioned indication. It was unbelievable, Boo accepted the food immediately, his digestion regulated itself and there was no flatulenc... Dear Anifit team, After a severe gastritis, our dwarf spitz "Boo" (3 years old) no longer accepted any food. When it got worse and worse, our neighbour sponsored two tins of ANIfit "RyDog Vital Menu ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Feed changeover with Gockels Duett Dear Anifit team, Hadn't managed to get in touch until now. I have a Jorkhire of almost 12 months. The search for a suitable food has finally come to an end. My little Snoopy of 2.4 kg is not only very picky, but he completely rejected his food. He didn't like companies like Terra Canis, Vet Concept, Royal Canin or Wilderness, which are also very good. I had no choice but to cook my own food. I came across Anifit by chance while searching the Internet. The overall rating was very good and the a... Dear Anifit team, Hadn't managed to get in touch until now. I have a Jorkhire of almost 12 months. The search for a suitable food has finally come to an end. My little Snoopy of 2.4 kg is not only ve... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Due to food intolerance to Ry dog and Anifit Dear Anifit Team, My dog Bubi, almost 2 years old, had a food intolerance. Since I've been feeding him Ry dog beef, he has virtually no more flatulence, no itching, a shiny coat and he no longer spits up. Unfortunately, at 25kg he needs an 800g tin + 4 tablespoons of buckwheat to keep his weight down. So the feed costs are a lot higher than expected. Best regards Jessica Dökmetas This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, My dog Bubi, almost 2 years old, had a food intolerance. Since I've been feeding him Ry dog beef, he has virtually no more flatulence, no itching, a shiny coat and he no longer spit... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Luna (diarrhoea) Dear Anifit team, I would like to introduce my dog: her name is Luna and she was born on 21 August 2018. Unfortunately, we initially had a lot of problems with her food. She always reacted with diarrhoea and we tried everything. Then I tried Anifit and she tolerated it very well. At first we only fed her Gockels Duett, but in the meantime we have tried several varieties and she has enjoyed and tolerated them all. You can't imagine how happy you are as a dog owner when your dog finally tolerates... Dear Anifit team, I would like to introduce my dog: her name is Luna and she was born on 21 August 2018. Unfortunately, we initially had a lot of problems with her food. She always reacted with diarr... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Perfect for dental care Following a recommendation from friends, we ordered the scalp snack online, along with the bulk order of wet food. As we like to spoil our 5-year-old Corgi mix after a very long walk, we enquired about healthy & sugar-free snacks, both for training and dental care. It is important to us that food and snacks are natural and free from chemicals/additives, which is definitely the case here! That's why we love Anifit. Advantage of the treat: The pieces are suitable for medium + large dogs, defi... Following a recommendation from friends, we ordered the scalp snack online, along with the bulk order of wet food. As we like to spoil our 5-year-old Corgi mix after a very long walk, we enquired abou... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The rash has improved with goat & horse Our Maltipoo Beni loves the food from ANIfit, especially RyDog Goat & Horse. We made the change because our dog had a rash. Now the rash is much lighter. We are thrilled! This product review was translated automatically. Our Maltipoo Beni loves the food from ANIfit, especially RyDog Goat & Horse. We made the change because our dog had a rash. Now the rash is much lighter. We are thrilled! This product review was t... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The apple flake is in great demand Dear Provital team, My two dogs love the wet food from Anifit. I have been looking for a suitable and well-tolerated food for them for years, as they have very sensitive stomachs and constantly suffered from digestive problems. Since I've been feeding Anifit, we've had no more problems. To give them that little bit extra, the two little foodies get apple flakes mixed in with their food, which they particularly like. Best regards Emma and Laila This product review was translated automatically. Dear Provital team, My two dogs love the wet food from Anifit. I have been looking for a suitable and well-tolerated food for them for years, as they have very sensitive stomachs and constantly suffe... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Natural flakes in combination with wet food Hello Provital team,Our two female dogs, Luna and Bijou, are fed a mix of natural flakes and wet food. We change the wet food every two days. The flakes are weighed out and hot water is poured over them before they go for a walk. Back from the walk, the flakes have swollen and cooled down. We add the wet food, mix everything together and the dog meals are ready. The picture shows the two of them waiting on the blanket in the kitchen while the food is being prepared.With kind regards Karsten&... Hello Provital team,Our two female dogs, Luna and Bijou, are fed a mix of natural flakes and wet food. We change the wet food every two days. The flakes are weighed out and hot water is poured over th... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Coat discolouration decreases Our Maltese dog, JULIE, has had severe coat discolouration since spring 2020 and nothing has improved with vet medication.We are in close contact with Mrs Zintel from Anifit...and she recommended the alternative practitioner Mr Rüben...with his medication and the further improved lamb food, a significant improvement has now been achieved, so we are optimistic about the future This product review was translated automatically. Our Maltese dog, JULIE, has had severe coat discolouration since spring 2020 and nothing has improved with vet medication.We are in close contact with Mrs Zintel from Anifit...and she recommended the ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The flatulence is blown away We've been through a lot of food with Tilly. From dry to wet food. Either she wasn't full and was always hungry or she had a lot of flatulence and a very dull coat. Then I came across the Anifit website and haven't regretted it for a second. She tolerates the Vital Menu Goat and Horse very well, the flatulence is gone and her coat shines and is silky soft. We both say thank you This product review was translated automatically. We've been through a lot of food with Tilly. From dry to wet food. Either she wasn't full and was always hungry or she had a lot of flatulence and a very dull coat. Then I came across the Anifit web... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Both my cats love the meat spices My two cats Coco and Chanel love the meat spices. They sometimes have a hard time with the Putereichs Delight and don't always want to eat it because they are little "divas", but with the meat spice it always works great and bowls are empty after a short time. Thanks for that! This product review was translated automatically. My two cats Coco and Chanel love the meat spices. They sometimes have a hard time with the Putereichs Delight and don't always want to eat it because they are little "divas", but with the meat spice i... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Rumen treats have a pleasant smell Dear Anifit team, Our Mojito is now four and a half years old. Our breeder recommended Provital products to us. Since then he has been given Anifit and also the freeze-dried treats. He tolerates everything and loves the great treats both during training and on our walks. He particularly likes the scampi and white lamb rumen. A balanced diet is very important to me for my dog. It's nice that the rumen treats don't stink. It's simply fun! This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, Our Mojito is now four and a half years old. Our breeder recommended Provital products to us. Since then he has been given Anifit and also the freeze-dried treats. He tolerates ev... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Feeding for cancer Dear Anifit team, Feeding with cancer - not always an easy thing with cats... here's a little tip: We all know by now how important the right diet is for cancer. Cereals in particular, because they contain a lot of sugar, promote the growth of cancer. But changing a cat's diet is not easy, often not even possible. A cat is a bit like my great-grandfather: "What the farmer doesn't know, he doesn't eat!". A cat is taught by its mother what to eat and what not to eat. It remembers this for the res... Dear Anifit team, Feeding with cancer - not always an easy thing with cats... here's a little tip: We all know by now how important the right diet is for cancer. Cereals in particular, because they c... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Elvis (strengthened immune system) Hello Anifitteam, Our Elvis, a Bordeaux bulldog, is now 2 years old and has been eating Anifit for a good six months. Previously he was given dry food and sometimes a tin. Everything was wonderful. Until suddenly his health deteriorated. Elvis, still young, ate everything he could from the street - including sheep faeces. To his and our dismay, he had caught giardia because the sheep had not been properly wormed. Not bad enough, his immune system had also deteriorated as a result. Firstly due t... Hello Anifitteam, Our Elvis, a Bordeaux bulldog, is now 2 years old and has been eating Anifit for a good six months. Previously he was given dry food and sometimes a tin. Everything was wonderful. U... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Corina (shiny coat) Dear Anifit team, We would like to thank you very much for your excellent advice and support. Corina has been on ANIFIT for four years now and since then diarrhoea has been a thing of the past. If she drinks salt water on her holiday and gets diarrhoea as a result, we give her the ANIFIt bowel restorative treatment and the problem is gone the next day. Wherever we go, we always get lots of compliments about our wonderful dog and her beautifully shiny coat, which we owe to ANIFIT. Corina is in... Dear Anifit team, We would like to thank you very much for your excellent advice and support. Corina has been on ANIFIT for four years now and since then diarrhoea has been a thing of the past. If s... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Moby Dick is top class Hello, Anifit dog food is really top class. The quality of these products is not only reflected in the shiny coat or the general state of health of our health of our dog, but also in the enthusiasm of the animal when we feed it. We are very satisfied. This product review was translated automatically. Hello, Anifit dog food is really top class. The quality of these products is not only reflected in the shiny coat or the general state of health of our health of our dog, but also in the enthusiasm of... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Tricolour snacks smell great! Hello dear Provital team, I am happy to support you with my experience report on Tricolor-Snack. Our Chihuahuas really liked the little cubes. At first I thought that the consistency might be too dry for them, but I was wrong - they love them. The nice thing is that they don't smell unpleasant like many other snacks. We are totally satisfied with them and will continue to buy them. Yours sincerely Sandra Baumgart This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear Provital team, I am happy to support you with my experience report on Tricolor-Snack. Our Chihuahuas really liked the little cubes. At first I thought that the consistency might be too d... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Scalp suitable for dental care Dear Anifit team, Our two dogs, a St Bernard and a blue mastiff, are crazy about the very well-dried scalp. They both look for a cosy spot and eat it with relish. A great, natural, inexpensive and intensively motivating treat for our best and most loyal friends. I can also highly recommend this product in terms of dental care. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, Our two dogs, a St Bernard and a blue mastiff, are crazy about the very well-dried scalp. They both look for a cosy spot and eat it with relish. A great, natural, inexpensive and in... Erfahrungsbericht lesen First experience with chicken breast treats Dear Anifit team, We were introduced to the new chicken breast treats from Anifit by the specialist advisor and our little man really likes them. He would love to eat the whole packet. The addition of water also works extremely well. We were surprised ourselves at how easy it is to get from the freeze-dried state back to the original form. We're also going to try the EasyBarf and Schonkost products, which are also freeze-dried, and I think he'll like them just as much. The Anifit treats are a ... Dear Anifit team, We were introduced to the new chicken breast treats from Anifit by the specialist advisor and our little man really likes them. He would love to eat the whole packet. The addition o... Erfahrungsbericht lesen In top shape thanks to alkaline powder Dear Anifit team, Here she looks healthy again with a great shiny black coat. Her eyes also reflect Itzy's excellent state of health! This was not always the case, at times her coat was shaggy, scaly and lacklustre. Itzy wasn't so lively in other respects either, rather quiet and listless. The fact that she now looks so beautiful again and is in top form is also thanks to the alkaline treatment. The alkaline balance was restored with a cure lasting several weeks. Thanks to Mr Rüben for the gre... Dear Anifit team, Here she looks healthy again with a great shiny black coat. Her eyes also reflect Itzy's excellent state of health! This was not always the case, at times her coat was shaggy, scaly... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our fur nose and Gockel's duet Dear Anifit Team, Our fur nose likes Gockel's Duett very much. He's really keen on it. And it's also very good for him. I'll buy it again and maybe try other flavours too. Greetings from Grünhain-Beierfeld This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, Our fur nose likes Gockel's Duett very much. He's really keen on it. And it's also very good for him. I'll buy it again and maybe try other flavours too. Greetings from Grünhain-Be... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bonnie has been very satisfied for years Hello Anifit Team, Our little Bonnie loves the wet food from Anifit. She particularly likes the golden ox. Once the tin is open, it doesn't smell of dog food. We are also very happy with the size of the tin (400 g). All in all a very nice product, we have always enjoyed buying from Anifit for years. Best regards Laura Rentz This product review was translated automatically. Hello Anifit Team, Our little Bonnie loves the wet food from Anifit. She particularly likes the golden ox. Once the tin is open, it doesn't smell of dog food. We are also very happy with the size of ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Sammy (cystitis) Hello dear Anifit team, .... 7 years ago, I was still stressed by the sometimes daily visits to the vet. My black tomcat Sammy's bladder was constantly inflamed and he was given antibiotic injections at the vet for 10 days. He was then "prescribed" ROYAL CANIN URINARY dry food. ... It all started when I noticed Sammy sitting in his toy box. On closer inspection, I discovered that he'd got rid of himself there. BLOOD ... I went looking and found several places in the flat. Always just droplet... Hello dear Anifit team, .... 7 years ago, I was still stressed by the sometimes daily visits to the vet. My black tomcat Sammy's bladder was constantly inflamed and he was given antibiotic injections... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Anifit on the recommendation of the vet Hello Anifit team, On the recommendation of my vet, I was able to give my 17 year old cats successfully switched to Anifit wet food. I have always paid attention to high-quality food and previously fed Lucky Kitty, for example. Unfortunately, at some point Ginger and Mikesch no longer liked eating it. Out of desperation, I fed my dog "Whiskas" and "Gourmet" for a few weeks, which led to Ginger having 4-5 bowel movements a day and these were extremely smelly. My vet explained to me that ... Hello Anifit team, On the recommendation of my vet, I was able to give my 17 year old cats successfully switched to Anifit wet food. I have always paid attention to high-quality food and previousl... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lilli (itching) Dear Anifit team, Our lilli likes Anifit very much, we were a bit sceptical at first because our little diva is very picky about what she eats (she only eats good things that taste really good) but with ANIFIT we have really hit the bull's eye and I think her itching may eventually be completely gone, at least it has become less after a few days and that means something! MfG from Meissen This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, Our lilli likes Anifit very much, we were a bit sceptical at first because our little diva is very picky about what she eats (she only eats good things that taste really good) but w... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pepe (reward treat) Hello Anifit team, After intensive research, we decided in favour of Anifit products because the nutrition of our Pepe is very important to us. We were fed up with the fact that the composition of German dog food products is vague and not clearly labelled. "Animal by-products" no longer have any place in Pepe's diet. We really like the consistency of the wet food and Pepe also gets larger pieces easily chopped up. We particularly like the fact that there is hardly any aspic in the tins, as we ... Hello Anifit team, After intensive research, we decided in favour of Anifit products because the nutrition of our Pepe is very important to us. We were fed up with the fact that the composition of Ge... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mogli (itching) Dear Anifit team, We have had excellent experiences with Rydog Vital Menu Lamb. We have switched our French bulldog from Wolfsblut to Anifit. Since the change of food, he scratches much less. In particular, he defecates much less, which is a sign of excellent food utilisation. Mogli particularly likes the above-mentioned variety. We are very satisfied with all Anifit products. Yours sincerely Michael Walterscheid This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, We have had excellent experiences with Rydog Vital Menu Lamb. We have switched our French bulldog from Wolfsblut to Anifit. Since the change of food, he scratches much less. In p... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Curly food allergy Dear Anifit team, I got my dog Curly from the animal shelter 3 years ago when she was about 11 years old. At the time, she was in a poor nutritional state and suffered from a food allergy, which manifested itself in severe itching and which we couldn't get under control for a long time. Then, 6 months ago, we switched Curly's diet to Anifit. Shortly after the change, the itching got worse and then Curry lost a lot of fur. However, this phase was soon over and since then she has hardly scratched... Dear Anifit team, I got my dog Curly from the animal shelter 3 years ago when she was about 11 years old. At the time, she was in a poor nutritional state and suffered from a food allergy, which mani... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Can only recommend it to every dog owner! Dentax powder is a real miracle cure for tartar in dogs, even if it did take a while as it is a natural product. Since I've been giving it to my dog (mini Aussie 3.5 years old), his teeth are much cleaner and healthier. Because it's easy for things to get stuck in those little teeth and I decided to use it to prevent plaque. It's easy to use and my dog accepts it without any problems. I am absolutely delighted with the results and can only recommend it to every dog owner! This product review was... Dentax powder is a real miracle cure for tartar in dogs, even if it did take a while as it is a natural product. Since I've been giving it to my dog (mini Aussie 3.5 years old), his teeth are much cle... Erfahrungsbericht lesen He loves his new food Our dog Pepe came from a Russian animal shelter and initially had severe gastrointestinal problems for months. We tried everything, including BARF. By a stroke of luck, we got to know Sandra Paruzel, who then drew our attention to ANIfit.After a detailed consultation, we switched our Pepe to ANIfit products together with her. Our vet was in favour of the trial.I was sceptical because Pepe has always had problems with everything. But he tolerates everything perfectly. He eats Gockels Duett, with ... Our dog Pepe came from a Russian animal shelter and initially had severe gastrointestinal problems for months. We tried everything, including BARF. By a stroke of luck, we got to know Sandra Paruzel, ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chuck always looks forward to every meal In December 2021, we brought our dog Chuck from Bosnia to us from a shelter via an organisation. He was about six months old at the time. Naturally, he was not well nourished, so we fed him food supplements on the advice of the vet. Unfortunately, he had a very sensitive stomach. However, this normalised after six months. Suddenly, from one day to the next, he hardly touched his dry food and lost a lot of weight again. We were repeatedly recommended Anifit from various sources. At that time, how... In December 2021, we brought our dog Chuck from Bosnia to us from a shelter via an organisation. He was about six months old at the time. Naturally, he was not well nourished, so we fed him food suppl... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Sissi loves the food Dear Anifit Team. We have a Yorkshire Terrier lady 12 years old, she suffered from constipation. I found out about Anifit on Facebook and spoke to Carolin Glomb personally. She gave me very good advice and I then started with the food conversion pack and the Powerdarm. Sissi loves the food and all the treats. We have been using the food for almost half a year now and she is doing very well. No more constipation and she is more vital. The vet is a thing of the past. Thank you for your great... Dear Anifit Team. We have a Yorkshire Terrier lady 12 years old, she suffered from constipation. I found out about Anifit on Facebook and spoke to Carolin Glomb personally. She gave me very good ad... Erfahrungsbericht lesen He loves this food very much Hello dear Anifit team, Fortunately, I found my pet nutritionist on the Internet. Nina Kniely pushed, who informed me about the Anifit diet with very sound knowledge. Ever since we bought the food for our Golden Retriever Samson to Anifit, the following happened: First of all, he loves this food very much. His digestion has become very good and manageable, above all he no longer produces XXL piles of faeces, as was the case with dry food. He also had frequent heartburn before the cha... Hello dear Anifit team, Fortunately, I found my pet nutritionist on the Internet. Nina Kniely pushed, who informed me about the Anifit diet with very sound knowledge. Ever since we bought the foo... Erfahrungsbericht lesen EVERYONE HAS TO EXPERIENCE THAT! Dear ANIfit and RyDog team, Our dogs (Roja & Raja) and we (Laura & Marco) would like to express our deepest THANKS to you. We are not only grateful, but have found our inner peace with your food. Our Roja is particularly grateful. She was poisoned a few years ago and has had very bad intestinal problems ever since. :( She kept having diarrhoea with blood in her faeces and wasn't as fit as she used to be... We tried so much and didn't get the help we wanted from the vets. It was ver... Dear ANIfit and RyDog team, Our dogs (Roja & Raja) and we (Laura & Marco) would like to express our deepest THANKS to you. We are not only grateful, but have found our inner peace with your f... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Shinier coat thanks to Anifit Hello, I would also like to write a comment about Anifit wet food. My consultant, Mr Giersch, informed me that I should send a review with a photo directly to you in order to receive a voucher. Our dog Nelly (Labrador) is 12 years old and had an inflammation of the pancreas in May. Since switching to Anifit wet food, she has a much shinier coat and her digestion has improved a lot. She looks forward to every meal and is doing really well again! This product review was translated automatically. Hello, I would also like to write a comment about Anifit wet food. My consultant, Mr Giersch, informed me that I should send a review with a photo directly to you in order to receive a voucher. Our ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen I can only recommend the food to everyone. Lotte tolerated the switch to Anifit wet food very well. We've tried so much, but Anifit RyDog Vital Menu Chicken is her favourite. Previously we had a lot of problems with diarrhoea, but that is now history. The chicken treats are also great. She really likes the Picco Tabs snacks and would do almost anything for them. I can only recommend the food to anyone. The delivery is also always fast. This product review was translated automatically. Lotte tolerated the switch to Anifit wet food very well. We've tried so much, but Anifit RyDog Vital Menu Chicken is her favourite. Previously we had a lot of problems with diarrhoea, but that is now ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Anizeck tick protection Dear Anifit Team, My name is Nelly and I am already 6 years old. The cat in the picture is my mate (also lives with us). I had a terrible experience this year, I stepped into a nest of ticks. They were all over my neck, on the balls of my feet and it itched everywhere. My mistress got to know Anizeck tick repellent through her friend. She applies it early on my neck and hind legs and that lasts me the whole day. Unless we go into the woods, then she repeats the application before we leave. The ... Dear Anifit Team, My name is Nelly and I am already 6 years old. The cat in the picture is my mate (also lives with us). I had a terrible experience this year, I stepped into a nest of ticks. They we... Erfahrungsbericht lesen ANIfit treats I'm not only impressed by the great food, but also by the treats from ANIfit. I also attach great importance to quality when it comes to snacks. The dog has a treat and dental care at the same time. And all without artificial additives. It simply doesn't get any better than this. I particularly like to take the snack items as souvenirs / small gifts for my friends with dogs and cats. Special thanks to my personal ANIfit consultant Sandra Paruzel. This product review was translated automatically. I'm not only impressed by the great food, but also by the treats from ANIfit. I also attach great importance to quality when it comes to snacks. The dog has a treat and dental care at the same time. A... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Good digestion and shiny coat. Dear Provital Team, Our Louis has a food intolerance. We tried many different options and ended up with Anifit/Rydog on recommendation.He has been fed the Rydog lamb vitality menu for some time now and he tolerates it very well.He looks forward to his food every day and is doing very well with it. Good digestion and a shiny coat. I can highly recommend this food! This product review was translated automatically. Dear Provital Team, Our Louis has a food intolerance. We tried many different options and ended up with Anifit/Rydog on recommendation.He has been fed the Rydog lamb vitality menu for some time now a... Erfahrungsbericht lesen His bowl is sparkling clean in no time at all Micky really likes the Rycat organic duck because the high meat content makes it very tasty for him. The fine preparation is easily digestible and his bowl is sparkling clean in no time. The analytical ingredients are good so far, the crude ash content seems to me to be slightly higher than Anifit, but still within the green range. Cats with incipient kidney disease should switch to Anifit Eismeer terrine, as the phosphorus content is lower. Otherwise highly recommended! This product review was ... Micky really likes the Rycat organic duck because the high meat content makes it very tasty for him. The fine preparation is easily digestible and his bowl is sparkling clean in no time. The analytica... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We will continue to buy this healthy variety at any time! We, our Simba and I, bought the turmeric snack because of its many good properties. As turmeric is known to have anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties, we bought these snacks for our little allergy sufferer. He tolerates them very well, loves eating them every day and they improve the allergy a little. You shouldn't expect a miracle cure, that should be clear. But they are a great snack for in between meals! We will continue to buy these healthy snacks at any time! This product review w... We, our Simba and I, bought the turmeric snack because of its many good properties. As turmeric is known to have anti-inflammatory and antipruritic properties, we bought these snacks for our little al... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Diarrhoea, itching and runny nose Dear Ani Fit Team, We have a soon to be 7 year old Eurasier/Shepherd mix dog. Three months ago we noticed that she had problems with diarrhoea, itching and a runny nose. At first we suspected that it was a parasite infestation on her skin. She was injected with cortisone and antibiotics. The cortisone didn't do her any good. At our insistence, an allergy test was carried out on her blood. Unfortunately, the results were not so good: grass pollen and house dust allergy! Our vet recommended furt... Dear Ani Fit Team, We have a soon to be 7 year old Eurasier/Shepherd mix dog. Three months ago we noticed that she had problems with diarrhoea, itching and a runny nose. At first we suspected that it... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Niko loves the Pico Tabs and will do anything for them! Our Labrador Niko came to us four years ago at the age of 2.5 with an extra 10kg in weight. We took him to dog school and he struggled to keep up with the other dogs. The dog trainer Sybille Göbel then drew our attention to Anifit and Niko is now at his normal weight and is totally lively and persistent. He is also rewarded with healthy treats from Anifit. Niko loves the Pico Tabs and will do anything for them!We are all completely satisfied and happy with the products you sell. This product rev... Our Labrador Niko came to us four years ago at the age of 2.5 with an extra 10kg in weight. We took him to dog school and he struggled to keep up with the other dogs. The dog trainer Sybille Göbel the... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No signs of allergy thanks to wet food Dear Provital Team, I feed your wet food and snacks because my two cats Sepp & Hans are allergic and have an autoimmune problem.As your products are very pure, have a high meat content and few plant-based ingredients, this reduces the allergy symptoms enormously. So my experience can definitely be seen as positive as far as the health of my cats is concerned. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Provital Team, I feed your wet food and snacks because my two cats Sepp & Hans are allergic and have an autoimmune problem.As your products are very pure, have a high meat content and few pla... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No more food intolerance at last Hello dear Provital team, Our Shi Tzhu Cooper has a food intolerance and we were looking for a new food and came across ANIFIT on recommendation. Our Copper now eats RyDog Vital Menu to his heart's content, has regular bowel movements and sleeps through the night. We feed him beef hearts as a treat, which are very digestible and light. We have nothing better for our dog with this food from ANIFIT!With kind regards Jens Thiele This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear Provital team, Our Shi Tzhu Cooper has a food intolerance and we were looking for a new food and came across ANIFIT on recommendation. Our Copper now eats RyDog Vital Menu to his heart's ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Cat Frieda with severe food allergy Dear Anifit team, Around 3½ years ago, a completely terrified cat was sitting under a tree in a small wooded area, screaming its head off. It had obviously been abandoned there. A severe food allergy was probably the reason. Now little Frieda was with us. At first she strictly refused Anifit, she must have been very focussed on dry food, because she reacted immediately to rustling and was there straight away. After five days of consistent changeover, she gradually began to accept the Anifit fo... Dear Anifit team, Around 3½ years ago, a completely terrified cat was sitting under a tree in a small wooded area, screaming its head off. It had obviously been abandoned there. A severe food allergy... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our cat finally has no more kidney problems! Dear Anifit team, I have 2 cats. The cat supposedly had problems with his kidneys and was therefore given special dry food prescribed by a doctor. Elster was also relatively heavy and a bit chubby. A few months ago, a friend told me about the Anifit food, that it was of high quality and also showed me a comparison of the ingredients of both types of food. So I gave it a try. Three months have now passed. The cat no longer has any problems with his kidneys and has even lost 1kg. He feels much b... Dear Anifit team, I have 2 cats. The cat supposedly had problems with his kidneys and was therefore given special dry food prescribed by a doctor. Elster was also relatively heavy and a bit chubby. A... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Felix and Micky are completely satisfied! The food evaluation for Anifit from the BKH's Felix and Micky, 8 months old and neutered 2 weeks ago: If there's fish a la mode or ice sea pots on Fridays, there's not a drop left in the bowl. We eat Nautilus Ragout or Delice de Coeur without any mishap. If we are served Puterich's Delight with jelly, our mum can happily eat her breakfast bread with plum jam without us quickly devouring it! Should there be drugs in the power pot? After that we can hardly contain ourselves! However, if we were ... The food evaluation for Anifit from the BKH's Felix and Micky, 8 months old and neutered 2 weeks ago: If there's fish a la mode or ice sea pots on Fridays, there's not a drop left in the bowl. We ea... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Elly has finally reached her ideal weight! Dear Anifit Team, My little Yorkshire Terrier Elly has been on Anifit food for a few weeks now and, as with most of her breed, she has always been a little overweight. In addition, she has a heart defect that we have had to treat with medication for years. That's why it was incredibly important to me to get Elly's weight problem under control. Since she has been eating the Anifit food, she has lost a lot of weight and is now at her ideal weight. In just a few weeks! I have also noticed that sh... Dear Anifit Team, My little Yorkshire Terrier Elly has been on Anifit food for a few weeks now and, as with most of her breed, she has always been a little overweight. In addition, she has a heart de... Erfahrungsbericht lesen All-round happy four-legged friends Dear Anifit Team, My experience with Anifit went very well from the very first contact, a nice consultation with Mrs Nederkorn led to me ordering a trial/familiarisation package for my animals. This arrived very quickly. Our animals came to have a look straight away and the food was accepted. Our 2 dogs couldn't wait and inhaled the bowl straight away, our cats needed a moment longer, but they tasted it too. I also think the composition is great and they tolerate it well. I look forward to the ... Dear Anifit Team, My experience with Anifit went very well from the very first contact, a nice consultation with Mrs Nederkorn led to me ordering a trial/familiarisation package for my animals. This ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We have finally found the right food! Dear Anifit Team, Our two dogs have been on Anifit for almost two weeks now and we are delighted with it. It looks and smells great, and the most important thing is that the dogs love it. We really think the quality of the food is very good. Our two dogs always go crazy when we prepare the food. They seem to really like it and it's very important that the dog likes his food. The bowel movements are also really great and, above all, very small. They usually only defecate twice a day and then not... Dear Anifit Team, Our two dogs have been on Anifit for almost two weeks now and we are delighted with it. It looks and smells great, and the most important thing is that the dogs love it. We really t... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Dasha is overjoyed and loves ANIfit Dear Anifit Team, I have also been taking ANIfit for our dog Dasha for some time now, she is totally greedy for it and doesn't get enough, she has got a beautiful coat, is totally active, has no faecal problems, everything is wonderful! What I also like is that there is a great selection of treats, vegetable flakes, potato flakes and much more. It looks and smells delicious. The delivery was also quick. It's worth mentioning that the consultant took a lot of time to explain everything to me and... Dear Anifit Team, I have also been taking ANIfit for our dog Dasha for some time now, she is totally greedy for it and doesn't get enough, she has got a beautiful coat, is totally active, has no faec... Erfahrungsbericht lesen With Anifit the food intolerances are gone! Dear Anifit Team, Kimiko (7 years old), a French bulldog, has a very sensitive stomach and is prone to severe flatulence, and also has a lot of food intolerances. However, all Anifit varieties have solved this problem in a flash. She also had small bald patches on the top of her head, and as soon as she is given Anifit over a longer period of time, the patches thicken again. I have been using the food for years and am very enthusiastic about the quality and can recommend it with a clear conscie... Dear Anifit Team, Kimiko (7 years old), a French bulldog, has a very sensitive stomach and is prone to severe flatulence, and also has a lot of food intolerances. However, all Anifit varieties have s... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Sir Henry and Flocki are perfectly healthy! Dear Anifit Team, I have had Sir Henry and Flocki with me for almost 5 years now. Initially, we gave the two tigers ordinary tinned food from the supermarket. However, Sir Henry developed a food intolerance. He often had diarrhoea and had to vomit - Flocki, on the other hand, had a totally dull coat. Both were also often cold and had eye infections. Visits to the vet and antibiotics were the result. We found out about Provital by chance. This was about 3 years ago. Since then, neither tiger ... Dear Anifit Team, I have had Sir Henry and Flocki with me for almost 5 years now. Initially, we gave the two tigers ordinary tinned food from the supermarket. However, Sir Henry developed a food into... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Alma (diarrhoea and vomiting) Dear Anifit Team, In August 2017 I got my little Alma (Spanish for soul) a "Lagotto Romagnolo" girl. Although little known, this breed has been around since the 17th century. These dogs are correspondingly robust and instinctive. As usual, the breeder gave us a bag of food and a small blanket with "Mum's" scent to take home with us. So that the changeover and familiarisation should not be so difficult. So far so good. But after a very short time Alma refused this food. What a pity - because I... Dear Anifit Team, In August 2017 I got my little Alma (Spanish for soul) a "Lagotto Romagnolo" girl. Although little known, this breed has been around since the 17th century. These dogs are correspon... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Kim (underweight) Hello lovelies, Today I would like to write an experience report. I got to know Mrs Nederkorn via Facebook when I was very worried about my German shepherd Kim, who weighed only 21kg at the end of April. Even my trusted vet didn't know what to do. Mrs Nederkorn advised me to use Anifit in combination with an intestinal cleansing cure (fructosan/mannosan), rice/millet pops, brewer's yeast and salmon oil and accompanied me continuously during the change of food. Kim suffered from flatulence at t... Hello lovelies, Today I would like to write an experience report. I got to know Mrs Nederkorn via Facebook when I was very worried about my German shepherd Kim, who weighed only 21kg at the end of Ap... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Field report on the "pine litter" Hello lovelies, Your cat litter completely won me over yesterday. My husband and I were sitting in the conservatory drinking coffee yesterday. Our litter trays are there, unfortunately there's no other way. It was 3 pm when our old cat came and went to the loo, where the old sand is still in there, he did his business - the big one of course - I can tell you...the smell...well...but the other 3 also came 15 minutes apart. My husband and I fled, but the three of them went into the ANIfit litter ... Hello lovelies, Your cat litter completely won me over yesterday. My husband and I were sitting in the conservatory drinking coffee yesterday. Our litter trays are there, unfortunately there's no oth... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chimera & Tom (Diabetes) Dear Anifit team, We are two pedigree Maine Coon cats called Chimera and Tom. Unfortunately, we both have diabetes. My owner was already worried because the diabetes was getting worse and worse. We were losing weight every day. Our owner injects us with Landis insulin glargine to control our blood sugar and always checks our blood sugar levels. He does everything in his power. We have also been to the vet, but unfortunately without success. Our owner then went to the pet fair in Kalkar to look ... Dear Anifit team, We are two pedigree Maine Coon cats called Chimera and Tom. Unfortunately, we both have diabetes. My owner was already worried because the diabetes was getting worse and worse. We w... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Better quality of life thanks to ANIFIT I bought my dog Piwi in Feb 2003 from a so-called "breeder" at the age of about 5 months. At that time I did not know that Piwi had enormous health problems and in particular considerable nutritional problems. However, I realised this very quickly, as Piwi wasPiwi had to go to the vet every 2 days at first because she could hardly keep food down or digest it.This condition improved later but Piwi could never really eat what she wanted without problems. Piwi had particular problems with offal or ... I bought my dog Piwi in Feb 2003 from a so-called "breeder" at the age of about 5 months. At that time I did not know that Piwi had enormous health problems and in particular considerable nutritional ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Amy (change of food) Dear Anifit team! More than 2 years ago I met Katharina Reimann while shopping - and if my memory serves me right, Amy, my dog, was waiting at the door. Mrs Reimann spoke to me about dog nutrition and asked me if we could meet so that she could introduce me to her product. She came to my house and told me about the benefits of "Anifit". Of course: dogs are canids and are carnivores. I had found out about the most suitable dry food from Stiftung Warentest, but it also contains a large proportio... Dear Anifit team! More than 2 years ago I met Katharina Reimann while shopping - and if my memory serves me right, Amy, my dog, was waiting at the door. Mrs Reimann spoke to me about dog nutrition a... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Louis (itching) On 3 July 2014, we travelled to Hamburg to pick up our animal welfare dog Louis from the airport. Our poodle mix came directly from Cyprus, where he was Cyprus in March, where he was found completely neglected and covered in fleas and ticks. I remember our dog scratching himself constantly, which I put down to the vermin. If you have to scratch endlessly, you can't get rid of it so quickly, I thought. Our dog was just right for the vet. I went home with hyperallergenic and hyper-expensive sensit... On 3 July 2014, we travelled to Hamburg to pick up our animal welfare dog Louis from the airport. Our poodle mix came directly from Cyprus, where he was Cyprus in March, where he was found completely ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Moritz: my story from diarrhoea (giardia), allergy until everything is ok again Woof, I am little Moritz, a West-Highland-Terrier as he is written in the book - -and I have to tell you my little story. As a puppy, I came to my new family in Hückelhoven and I can tell you that I had the best time there. My master and mistress are the best dog parents, where cats can only dream of. Settled in well, puppy school, everything was perfect. But then I caught intestinal parasites (giardia). Of course they had to get out of my intestines. I was given a strong deworming medication.... Woof, I am little Moritz, a West-Highland-Terrier as he is written in the book - -and I have to tell you my little story. As a puppy, I came to my new family in Hückelhoven and I can tell you that I ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Kira: Reduced excess weight, good counselling and treatment by ANIfit alternative practitioner Dear ANIfit team, Our Kira was born on 24 July 1999 and is therefore already an old girl. She has been on ANIfit for over three years now. She can eat her fill and was initially able to reduce her excess weight. We are very happy with the food. Kira has tried all the varieties but her favourite is the "False Rabbit". She gets the dried meat for dessert, which she loves more than anything. We haven't had any major problems with her so far. Of course, her bones are no longer the youngest and she ... Dear ANIfit team, Our Kira was born on 24 July 1999 and is therefore already an old girl. She has been on ANIfit for over three years now. She can eat her fill and was initially able to reduce her ex... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Topic "Pine litter" Hello dear Anifit team, "I have been using Anifit pine litter for over a year now. My 4 free-range cats like to use it in winter because of the smell of the forest and my 2 indoor cats think it's great. again, it works very well in summer. The commercially available bentonite litter, which I always use is not nearly as productive and economical in clumping as your pine litter. When the cats urinate, the pine smell comes through. All in all, a very good and economical product. I also sav... Hello dear Anifit team, "I have been using Anifit pine litter for over a year now. My 4 free-range cats like to use it in winter because of the smell of the forest and my 2 indoor cats think it's... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Tinka (stomach problems) Tinka is 15 years old and until 6 weeks ago she had a - not exactly inexpensive - food for cats with stomach problems. In general, she has "come of age" and was rather quiet, but not lethargic! As I said, I have been feeding them AniFit for almost 6 weeks now. At first I ordered the taster pack, then I bought a larger quantity of one type. The price is about the same as the diet food (moist). Tinka "survived" the switch to AniFit without any problems. I even had the impression that she enjoyed... Tinka is 15 years old and until 6 weeks ago she had a - not exactly inexpensive - food for cats with stomach problems. In general, she has "come of age" and was rather quiet, but not lethargic! As I ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Change of food from Idefix Dear Anifit team, Our Idefix is now a 2-year-old little Havanese and has a mind of his own. He was a bad eater right from the start. It took us quite a while to find a suitable food for him. After your kind visit, we then started to switch Idefix to Anifit food in December 2014. That was a challenge in itself. "I don't know it, I don't like it and that's it..." Initially, we mixed the "old food" with the new one. But he didn't always eat that either. Often nothing at all for days. But after ab... Dear Anifit team, Our Idefix is now a 2-year-old little Havanese and has a mind of his own. He was a bad eater right from the start. It took us quite a while to find a suitable food for him. After y... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Dimbo (dandruff, itching) Dear Anifit Team, Today I would like to talk about our experience with ANIfit products: 1A first class! We have a 4-year-old Chavalier King Charles called "Dimbo". His ordeal began when he was about 2 years old: Constant itching Open sore skin areas severe scaling We changed the dog food, no improvement! He was given injections at the vets. These helped him for a few days, after which everything was back to normal. For about 1.5 years we bought all the different products available on th... Dear Anifit Team, Today I would like to talk about our experience with ANIfit products: 1A first class! We have a 4-year-old Chavalier King Charles called "Dimbo". His ordeal began when he was about ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Sienna (bad breath) Dear Anifit Team, My blonde Labrador dog Sienna (5 years old) has been eating Anifit dog food for five months. The result: The bad breath has disappeared. She has a coat like velvet and silk. Top figure - you rarely see labis like this. She is agile and can easily keep up with the 1-year-olds. She sheds less (much to my husband's delight). No longer smells. All round: a happy and satisfied dog. I would also like to thank your staff for their excellent care and expertise. A big compl... Dear Anifit Team, My blonde Labrador dog Sienna (5 years old) has been eating Anifit dog food for five months. The result: The bad breath has disappeared. She has a coat like velvet and silk. To... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Anifit always works I am very happy with the Anifit food. My 11-year-old Maltese has nibbled at his paws with every other food, but with Anifit he stops. He also seems to like it, although he is a real gourmet and has left many other food brands behind, Anifit always works. I can recommend Anifit with a clear conscience. This product review was translated automatically. I am very happy with the Anifit food. My 11-year-old Maltese has nibbled at his paws with every other food, but with Anifit he stops. He also seems to like it, although he is a real gourmet and has le... Erfahrungsbericht lesen 100% natural and delicious Dear dog lovers, I am happy to recommend the product Hirsch 35g, as it is free from sugar and preservatives and is still an effective training treat. I use the Hisch snack for search games or training sessions with high distraction motivation. The natural odour and delicious taste always motivate our dog to learn new tricks and concentrate on the training session. This product review was translated automatically. Dear dog lovers, I am happy to recommend the product Hirsch 35g, as it is free from sugar and preservatives and is still an effective training treat. I use the Hisch snack for search games or trainin... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Moby Dick smells very pleasant Hello dear Provital team, I'd love to tell you about Moby Dick and my two dogs. Firstly, the Moby Dick food smells really pleasant, which I already know from the other varieties, but I was very pleasantly surprised by the fish. My two dogs, Eddy (Yorkshire mix) and Buddy (Dachshund-Maltese), devoured Moby Dick in no time at all. They also tolerate it very well. Since I have been feeding Anifit, Buddy's itching has also subsided. He is a bit sensitive. We've tried a lot of dog foods, but we've... Hello dear Provital team, I'd love to tell you about Moby Dick and my two dogs. Firstly, the Moby Dick food smells really pleasant, which I already know from the other varieties, but I was very ple... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Emmy is really blossoming now Dear Anifit Team, I was actually always an opponent of wet food until I found out about you on Facebook. I then read up on your site and was thrilled. Since then I have been ordering the Gockels Duett, natural flakes, vegetable mix and carrot flakes. Our Emmy is the best example of the fact that you simply have megaaa great products. The carrot flakes are great! Especially when switching from dry to wet food. Emmy came to us 3 years ago from a very bad home. She was always a bad eater. She ... Dear Anifit Team, I was actually always an opponent of wet food until I found out about you on Facebook. I then read up on your site and was thrilled. Since then I have been ordering the Gockels D... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Ivan tolerates Anifit excellently Hello Anifit Team! My dog ivan, very sensitive, hypoallergenic, hypothyroidism and heart muscle weakness, tolerates a food excellently for the first time, faeces optimal, after he often reacted to other food brands with diarrhoea and weight gain, barfing would have to be studied, with anifit I drive excellently, woof top fit and tastes excellent to him. Al chrissi and ivan This product review was translated automatically. Hello Anifit Team! My dog ivan, very sensitive, hypoallergenic, hypothyroidism and heart muscle weakness, tolerates a food excellently for the first time, faeces optimal, after he often reacted to o... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Herbs Wurm-Ex tested Dear Ani Fit Team, We have two young Bengal cats, a boy and a girl from the same litter. The two are now 9 months old. Both had soft stools and diarrhoea right from the start. We repeatedly had their faeces examined by the vet and despite repeated deworming with conventional products, it didn't get any better. Then I changed the food to Anifit and discovered the herbal wormer on the website. Despite the high price, I ordered it. The product is very economical, you only need half a teaspoon... Dear Ani Fit Team, We have two young Bengal cats, a boy and a girl from the same litter. The two are now 9 months old. Both had soft stools and diarrhoea right from the start. We repeatedly had the... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Luna is crazy about the lamb vitality menu Dear Provital Team, I have a mongrel from Romania and a Havanese. My mongrel Luna is crazy about this lamb. She loves it very much, her bowl is always completely empty. My Havanese, on the other hand, is not so keen. Tastes are just different. I continue to buy it for my mongrel. 👍🏼 This product review was translated automatically. Dear Provital Team, I have a mongrel from Romania and a Havanese. My mongrel Luna is crazy about this lamb. She loves it very much, her bowl is always completely empty. My Havanese, on the other hand... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lotta (weight problems) Dear Anifit team, We think Anifit is really good. Our Labrador Lotta still loves it. She has even lost 4 kilos in the meantime. At the moment the weight is staying the same, but that's probably because she doesn't get as much exercise in winter as she does in spring or summer. You do a lot more long walks in winter and this is also reflected in her weight. (Also with us ;-)) Her coat has become softer and shines beautifully. I also attribute this to the food. We are very satisfied with Anifit... Dear Anifit team, We think Anifit is really good. Our Labrador Lotta still loves it. She has even lost 4 kilos in the meantime. At the moment the weight is staying the same, but that's probably becau... Erfahrungsbericht lesen A small, picky gourmet dog Dear Provital Team, Our Lucky is now over one and a half years old. He is a Bolonka Zwetna mix.He is very picky when it comes to food. Also because he has a sensitive stomach.I became aware of your product range this year. Partly because I had read a few testimonials. Of course, I first ordered the taster pack to find out what Lucky likes and what he doesn't like.His favourites were quickly found. Lamb and sometimes chicken. Tendency towards lamb.Then your product range was extended a little an... Dear Provital Team, Our Lucky is now over one and a half years old. He is a Bolonka Zwetna mix.He is very picky when it comes to food. Also because he has a sensitive stomach.I became aware of your p... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chlorella and turmeric snack for your health I use the chlorella snacks as treats and for search games, my dog and the neighbour's dog like them very much and tolerate them well. As the chlorella algae also binds harmful substances, I have a good feeling that this is also good for my dog's health. The turmeric snacks also taste very good to my dog and the neighbour's dog. As turmeric also has many positive properties such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, this is also good for my dog's health. However, she only tolerates tur... I use the chlorella snacks as treats and for search games, my dog and the neighbour's dog like them very much and tolerate them well. As the chlorella algae also binds harmful substances, I have a goo... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chicken, redfish and chlorella saved Grisu Our cat Grisu no longer ate anything due to an intestinal inflammation after antibiotics, no longer accepted any food, refused everything, only drank. She survived on the chicken, redfish and chlorella snacks until the medication kicked in. She ran away in disgust from all other food. Even without this life-threatening situation she loves the snacks, but now they were life-saving for our Mietze. THANK YOU! This product review was translated automatically. Our cat Grisu no longer ate anything due to an intestinal inflammation after antibiotics, no longer accepted any food, refused everything, only drank. She survived on the chicken, redfish and chlorel... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Moby Dick is now one of our favourite varieties Hello dear Anifit team, About the product Moby Dick, first of all, it's great as always! About the product: Appearance of the tin, very appealing design. The food itself smells deliciously of fish and you can see lots of fish pieces in it. Unfortunately, our little one has a sensitive stomach, so we are careful with new flavours. But thanks to the very good quality of the food, we haven't noticed any problems so far. As she loves eating fish, Moby Dick is now one of our favourite varieties. T... Hello dear Anifit team, About the product Moby Dick, first of all, it's great as always! About the product: Appearance of the tin, very appealing design. The food itself smells deliciously of fish ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Emma loves Moby Dick Emma loves Moby Dick! Fish is always popular and we were delighted that this flavour is now on offer and immediately went for it. The test was clear! Always included in the order! This product review was translated automatically. Emma loves Moby Dick! Fish is always popular and we were delighted that this flavour is now on offer and immediately went for it. The test was clear! Always included in the order! This product revie... Erfahrungsbericht lesen More agile and fitter with ANIFIT Hello dear AniFit team, I have been feeding my eleven-year-old Brandlbracken dog your food for about six weeks now. She alternates between your menus in combination with the brilliant vegetable flakes and carrot flakes!As she was badly bitten two months ago and was therefore very weak, I came across your food after a lot of research. I switched her from dry food to the AniFit food, which was no problem at all! She tolerates it excellently and the dog's muscles and overall vitality have chang... Hello dear AniFit team, I have been feeding my eleven-year-old Brandlbracken dog your food for about six weeks now. She alternates between your menus in combination with the brilliant vegetable flak... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Amy loves her chicken treats Hello dear Anifit team, Amy has now also tried the chicken treats and I think she would do anything to get the whole bag in one go. We are still in the transition phase and still have to deal with flatulence and occasional soft faeces. But.... it is getting better. The food Gockel's Duett, Witwe Boltes Schrecken and the RyDog Vital Menu Organic Beef are very well accepted. She is always ready to be fed. But what has impressed me the most so far is the human support. There is always someone t... Hello dear Anifit team, Amy has now also tried the chicken treats and I think she would do anything to get the whole bag in one go. We are still in the transition phase and still have to deal with ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Leckerli Mix - Natural and species-appropriate Dear Anifit Team, Today we received our monthly delivery, but this time I also ordered the treat mix. As you can see from the pictures, all 3 furry friends are excited and interested to see what's new to nibble on today. I gave them each a piece and they are now busy with it for a while. The quality of the treats is excellent. We are delighted with this great treat mix and will definitely be buying it again with our next order, as it is simply a natural, species-appropriate, tasty activity for... Dear Anifit Team, Today we received our monthly delivery, but this time I also ordered the treat mix. As you can see from the pictures, all 3 furry friends are excited and interested to see what's n... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Nele with severe discolouration under her eyes Dear dog lovers and Anifit team, When I got my French bulldog "Nele" at 8 weeks old, she had severe discolouration under her eyes. Attempts with wipes and co. from the pet shop were unsuccessful. I then came across experiences and recommendations for Anifit - Augenrein - on the Internet. As I also buy the wet food from there, I gave it a try. I started with the recommended treatment and after just 3 days of using it once a day, the traces under the eyes were much less visible. At the end of the... Dear dog lovers and Anifit team, When I got my French bulldog "Nele" at 8 weeks old, she had severe discolouration under her eyes. Attempts with wipes and co. from the pet shop were unsuccessful. I t... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We can only report good things Hello Anifit team, Apart from that, we have only good things to say since switching to Anifit food. We don't regret it for a second, he likes the new food, it's very well tolerated because it's species-appropriate and natural. He devours the wet food just as he did the first time and, very importantly for us, it contributes positively to Tapsy's state of health. We always had a guilty conscience about the poor diet, as you know our dog used to struggle with allergies and illnesses. This was pro... Hello Anifit team, Apart from that, we have only good things to say since switching to Anifit food. We don't regret it for a second, he likes the new food, it's very well tolerated because it's speci... Erfahrungsbericht lesen From dry food to wet food from Anifit Dear Anifit team, 3 weeks ago I gradually changed my two dachshunds' food from dry food to wet food from Anifit. I ordered the taster pack and was delighted as soon as I opened the first tin. My two dachshunds literally inhaled the food. It's still like that today - no matter which variety I offer, they both go crazy for it. Of course it's important to me that the dogs like their meals, but there have already been some changes. Knut and Mary had bad breath before the changeover. Knut was o... Dear Anifit team, 3 weeks ago I gradually changed my two dachshunds' food from dry food to wet food from Anifit. I ordered the taster pack and was delighted as soon as I opened the first tin. My tw... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pepper eats with pleasure and stays full for longer Dear Anifit Team, Hello, I have switched my cat Pepper to their food. My experience has been very good. He eats all varieties with relish and stays full for longer! The treats are also great. L G S.Krings This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, Hello, I have switched my cat Pepper to their food. My experience has been very good. He eats all varieties with relish and stays full for longer! The treats are also great. L G S.... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Tequila loves Anifit Dear team, Tequila, our little "dustbin robber" from the Czech Republic, was always very particular when it came to her food. She only ate dry food if you mixed it with cream cheese or liver sausage and she didn't like tinned food at all. In short, Tequila liked everything but dog food. Then, in the summer of 2018, she was only allowed to eat a light diet due to health problems. She wouldn't even touch the special food from the vet, so we cooked for her. But that wasn't a long-term solution eit... Dear team, Tequila, our little "dustbin robber" from the Czech Republic, was always very particular when it came to her food. She only ate dry food if you mixed it with cream cheese or liver sausage ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Switch from dry to wet food! Dear team, We have been feeding our dogs Anifit food since 8 January 2019. Previously we fed them dry food, which was in the medium to high price segment. We were paying around €60 a month for dry food. Now with Anifit we are at around €125. But it's worth it to us now. The composition has really convinced me. I was always looking for a food that my Dalmatian dog, who suffers from allergies, could eat. The dry food had given her bumps/pimples on her head, which are now slowly diminishing. She ... Dear team, We have been feeding our dogs Anifit food since 8 January 2019. Previously we fed them dry food, which was in the medium to high price segment. We were paying around €60 a month for dry f... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Fit and agile - there's always room for improvement! Dear Anifit team, Basically, I never had the feeling that my cat Caspian had "a problem"... cats sleep a lot... and even though he had been given the nickname "Bolle" by a family member, according to the vet's opinion, at almost 7kg he was by no means too fat for his size. I came to Anifit a bit "like a virgin to a child" - through a lot of hearsay, from my mother who had attended a lecture - then reading and ultimately the conviction that I wanted to give my dry food puppy a healthy diet, jus... Dear Anifit team, Basically, I never had the feeling that my cat Caspian had "a problem"... cats sleep a lot... and even though he had been given the nickname "Bolle" by a family member, according to... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Nymeria and Venom are convinced Nymeria and Venom love the Provital food and devour it in minutes. The food was accepted without any problems, and the change of food went really well. The quality is super high and the advice is excellent. Support from Sandra Paruzel. Thank you very much This product review was translated automatically. Nymeria and Venom love the Provital food and devour it in minutes. The food was accepted without any problems, and the change of food went really well. The quality is super high and the advice is exce... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Fay loves her food Dear Anifit team! Thank you very much for the great support. My Chihuahua mix dog found the change of food quite difficult at first. Although I had very slowly acclimatised her, she got diarrhoea. The lovely person from the food counselling service then gave me the tip with the carrot soup and my little Fay was happy and fit again very quickly. Since then she loves her food and her coat is getting more and more beautiful. Thank you very much! Christiane and Fay This product review was t... Dear Anifit team! Thank you very much for the great support. My Chihuahua mix dog found the change of food quite difficult at first. Although I had very slowly acclimatised her, she got diarrhoea. Th... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Tiger (finally fit again) Hello, dear Anifit team, I am very, very glad that my can opener became aware of this super tasty food through your move and the Anifit lettering on the car. At 18 years old, I'm considered an "old" cat - pretty cheeky, isn't it? I adopted my two-legged friend 17 years ago and have been making sure my house and property stay mouse-free ever since. Every now and then I have also caught a tasty rabbit. I'm probably not allowed to say that I've sometimes eaten birds, because some people react st... Hello, dear Anifit team, I am very, very glad that my can opener became aware of this super tasty food through your move and the Anifit lettering on the car. At 18 years old, I'm considered an "old"... Erfahrungsbericht lesen A little more normality again with Anifit-Vet My dog Max is a German shepherd mix and is a proud 15.5 years old. He was diagnosed with renal insufficiency almost two years ago. He also suffers from incontinence At first we fed him normal food from Anifit and let him outside every 3 hours (even at night). He refused more and more of his food and his general condition deteriorated. I tested the Anifit-Vet renal insufficiency food. He accepted it immediately.Together with infusions from the vet, we were able to stabilise him well.He has no... My dog Max is a German shepherd mix and is a proud 15.5 years old. He was diagnosed with renal insufficiency almost two years ago. He also suffers from incontinence At first we fed him normal food f... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Cat Fluse + tomcat Ferb (change of food) Dear Anifit team, Yes, both my cats are very happy with their new food. The change of food was no problem at all. They both accepted the food very well. I have to admit that I tried to sell them some cheap food - the leftovers from the time before ANIfit - but they ignored it. I've already placed my second order, but I'll be switching to the larger tins next time. They both just like it too much. As you can see: Everything is great! Kind regards Anja Briel + cat Fluse and tomcat Ferb Schw... Dear Anifit team, Yes, both my cats are very happy with their new food. The change of food was no problem at all. They both accepted the food very well. I have to admit that I tried to sell them som... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lou and Penny enjoyed eating every variety Lou and Penny enjoyed eating every flavour. Their food dishes were always sparkling clean, that's how much the cats like the food. Many thanks to Sandra Paruzel for her support and to Anifit Tierhilfe. We will order again. This product review was translated automatically. Lou and Penny enjoyed eating every flavour. Their food dishes were always sparkling clean, that's how much the cats like the food. Many thanks to Sandra Paruzel for her support and to Anifit Tierhil... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Cosmo raves about ANIfit chicken hearts: perfect as a training snack and reward Cosmo loves all Anifit products so far, but he is particularly fond of the chicken hearts. The size is perfect as a training snack and as they seem to smell very strong to him, they are also perfect for search games... he always finds his chicken hearts! We also give them to him whenever we want to practise new commands and reward him with something particularly tasty. As the chicken hearts are very light and the whole pack only weighs 35g, we can give him a few more without hesitation. The on... Cosmo loves all Anifit products so far, but he is particularly fond of the chicken hearts. The size is perfect as a training snack and as they seem to smell very strong to him, they are also perfect f... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Rocky's success with ANIfit: Free from diarrhoea After Easter, our Rocky had diarrhoea from one day to the next (3-4 weeks).I had tried all sorts of things, and of course I had her faeces checked for worms etc. beforehand. Everything was fine.Unfortunately, I can't take Rocky to the vet easily because she's not very nice to the vet.I was already very desperate.My last attempt was the Anifit food. I had read a report on the Internet which also told of a cat with diarrhoea that no longer had diarrhoea after the change of food. That gave me hope.... After Easter, our Rocky had diarrhoea from one day to the next (3-4 weeks).I had tried all sorts of things, and of course I had her faeces checked for worms etc. beforehand. Everything was fine.Unfort... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Dopa and Mina enjoy ANIfit: a much-loved tinned meal Dopa and Mina are very grateful for the great tinned meals. We are particularly pleased that the quality of the food is well received by the cats, as they have eaten every variety with pleasure so far. Fish à la Mode in particular has been a hit with both of them, so much so that Dopa, the fast eater of the two, checks almost every time to see if he can still get the leftovers from Mina. Many thanks to Sandra Paruzel forher advice and to the Anifit animal welfare organisation. This product revi... Dopa and Mina are very grateful for the great tinned meals. We are particularly pleased that the quality of the food is well received by the cats, as they have eaten every variety with pleasure so far... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Toni's path to health and vitality with ANIfit This is Toni and she is 6 years old. At the beginning of the year we were diagnosed with cancer (mast cell tumour). This prompted me to change his food from now on. My vet recommended that I switch to a good wet food. I came across Anifit on the Internet. Thanks to Mrs Räth, Toni was completely switched to wet food without any problems. It is important for Toni to strengthen his immune system. A little food supplement (intestinal cure,...) in addition. Toni has been much fitter since then. I t... This is Toni and she is 6 years old. At the beginning of the year we were diagnosed with cancer (mast cell tumour). This prompted me to change his food from now on. My vet recommended that I switch to... Erfahrungsbericht lesen AniFit makes every meal a highlight Both our cats really like Anifit food. I can't tell any difference between the varieties either. When it's feeding time, they meow vigorously and when I walk into the garden with the tins to take a photo, they come along curiously. This product review was translated automatically. Both our cats really like Anifit food. I can't tell any difference between the varieties either. When it's feeding time, they meow vigorously and when I walk into the garden with the tins to take a ph... Erfahrungsbericht lesen More energy with beef fat Hello Provital Team,Our Viszla dog Emmie, almost 7 months old, is too thin and seems to have a higher energy consumption. That's why we ordered the beef fat to give her more energy and put more on her ribs, because more food only led to more output ;-) And with success! She also loves eating it.Best regards Miriam Krüger This product review was translated automatically. Hello Provital Team,Our Viszla dog Emmie, almost 7 months old, is too thin and seems to have a higher energy consumption. That's why we ordered the beef fat to give her more energy and put more on her... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Amy's favourite food impresses with its quality and taste" In April 2024, I adopted a new cat from the animal shelter after the death of my previous 19-year-old cat. Amy is also already a senior cat and came to the shelter because her previous owner had to go into a nursing home. Amy has settled in really well with us and my food consultant Sandra Paruzel made me aware of the ANIfit animal welfare programme for adopted cats. Amy received one month's free food. Amy really likes ANIfit's food and the high-quality ingredients and high meat content really i... In April 2024, I adopted a new cat from the animal shelter after the death of my previous 19-year-old cat. Amy is also already a senior cat and came to the shelter because her previous owner had to go... Erfahrungsbericht lesen A new life for Mira Mira and I are infinitely grateful to Anifit and our consultant Annette Klisz for the personalised advice. Mira moved in with me from the Gifhorn animal shelter, where I was told about the Anifit animal welfare support programme for shelter dogs. I was put in touch with my counsellor and was thrilled at how lovingly she dealt with my concerns. But not only that! I was also extremely impressed by the Anifit products! The high meat content and the origin of the meat speak for themselves. Especiall... Mira and I are infinitely grateful to Anifit and our consultant Annette Klisz for the personalised advice. Mira moved in with me from the Gifhorn animal shelter, where I was told about the Anifit anim... Erfahrungsbericht lesen His digestion is great and his coat is shiny I have been feeding my Paul (Golden Retriever) only the junior food since he was 9 weeks old and have had nothing but the best experiences with it so far. There are no crumbs left in the bowl (he didn't like the dry food from the breeder). His digestion is also great and his coat is shiny. We're definitely sticking with it 😁" Best regards This product review was translated automatically. I have been feeding my Paul (Golden Retriever) only the junior food since he was 9 weeks old and have had nothing but the best experiences with it so far. There are no crumbs left in the bowl (he didn... Erfahrungsbericht lesen So thumbs up from us These are the first puppies to start their "solid food" journey with Anifit Junior. We mix it into mash and the feeding fun can begin. Acceptance is good, the mash is not only gobbled up quickly, but is of course also spread all over the puppies' faces. The mums are always happy to clean up the babies and, of course, to eat the leftovers.We can't complain about the subsequent output either. So from us, quite clearly, thumbs up. This product review was translated automatically. These are the first puppies to start their "solid food" journey with Anifit Junior. We mix it into mash and the feeding fun can begin. Acceptance is good, the mash is not only gobbled up quickly, but ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen There is nothing better for me There's nothing better for me. I love eating it and I'm slim and fit. My coat is soft and I get lots of compliments. This product review was translated automatically. There's nothing better for me. I love eating it and I'm slim and fit. My coat is soft and I get lots of compliments. This product review was translated automatically. Erfahrungsbericht lesen Shiny coat and power My favourite variety of Anifit. Shiny coat and power, even though I'm already 11 years old. This product review was translated automatically. My favourite variety of Anifit. Shiny coat and power, even though I'm already 11 years old. This product review was translated automatically. Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lando loves his Anifit Lando loves his Anifit. He has been getting it for almost 13 years and the bowl is always licked empty. This product review was translated automatically. Lando loves his Anifit. He has been getting it for almost 13 years and the bowl is always licked empty. This product review was translated automatically. Erfahrungsbericht lesen We are more than satisfied Our Emma loves this food very much. She is healthy, slim and has got a really nice coat. We are more than satisfied. This product review was translated automatically. Our Emma loves this food very much. She is healthy, slim and has got a really nice coat. We are more than satisfied. This product review was translated automatically. Erfahrungsbericht lesen Super service and great food We had already read a lot about Anifit on the Internet and were very impressed. Then I spoke to our advisor Annette Klisz and she helped me choose the right food and assisted us with the change of food. Great service and she has always been able to help us so far. Our Knut is 11 years old and we hope that he will stay with us for a long time. Our tomcat Smocky, 12 years old, also gets Anifit and it is very good for him. This product review was translated automatically. We had already read a lot about Anifit on the Internet and were very impressed. Then I spoke to our advisor Annette Klisz and she helped me choose the right food and assisted us with the change of foo... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Digestive saviour as a first aid measure My dogs have been eating ANIFit for years. We are very happy with the high-quality food and the great service from Provital. Special thanks also go to my consultant Sandra Paruzel from, who is always on hand with help and advice. She also gave us the tip to have the digestive saviour in the house for emergencies. Unfortunately, we often hear about poisoned baits in our neighbourhood. Having the Digestion Rescuer at home as a first aid measure gives me a good feeling. Than... My dogs have been eating ANIFit for years. We are very happy with the high-quality food and the great service from Provital. Special thanks also go to my consultant Sandra Paruzel from www.GuteTiernah... Erfahrungsbericht lesen I get compliments again and again Nobody takes my Anifit away from me! I always get compliments on how nice his coat shines and how slim he is. We never have to go to the vet either. This product review was translated automatically. Nobody takes my Anifit away from me! I always get compliments on how nice his coat shines and how slim he is. We never have to go to the vet either. This product review was translated automatically... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We will definitely be reordering I have tried the Pro coat care product. We have 2 indoor cats but they can also go outside. One cat has a constant nervous twitching, fleas and vermin excluded. The other always has a spot on her back at the base of her tail where she loses hair. That's why I tried grooming. They both take it really well, which is not the case at all. The twitching has already improved. With the other cat it takes a little longer but she no longer scratches so much. It will take some time but so far we are very ... I have tried the Pro coat care product. We have 2 indoor cats but they can also go outside. One cat has a constant nervous twitching, fleas and vermin excluded. The other always has a spot on her back... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The quality is very good Bella is a convinced Anifit fan. Other food is rejected. The quality is very good and both dog and mum are very happy.Best regards This product review was translated automatically. Bella is a convinced Anifit fan. Other food is rejected. The quality is very good and both dog and mum are very happy.Best regards This product review was translated automatically. Erfahrungsbericht lesen Paula loves her Anifit food Paula loves her Anifit food. She is almost 14 and fit as a fiddle 💪, quick to go jogging in the countryside 🏃‍♀️ 🐕 and at least as quick at her food bowl. Thanks to Anifit, lots of exercise and love, this animal is vital and full of life. Thank you 😘 This product review was translated automatically. Paula loves her Anifit food. She is almost 14 and fit as a fiddle 💪, quick to go jogging in the countryside 🏃‍♀️ 🐕 and at least as quick at her food bowl. Thanks to Anifit, lots of exercise and love, ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Anifit makes our dogs fit! Anifit makes our dogs fit! Eny and Ronja love the venison flakes and Thanks giving day. They also love the carrot flakes and the rice pops as a topping. We have found the right and super healthy food. Thank you very much. This product review was translated automatically. Anifit makes our dogs fit! Eny and Ronja love the venison flakes and Thanks giving day. They also love the carrot flakes and the rice pops as a topping. We have found the right and super healthy food.... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The good quality of Anifit is convincing The good quality of Anifit is impressive. Our dog Shari has a great coat and super white teeth. This product review was translated automatically. The good quality of Anifit is impressive. Our dog Shari has a great coat and super white teeth. This product review was translated automatically. Erfahrungsbericht lesen Even happier thanks to ANIfit food I got Brandy the dog from the animal shelter a month ago and was very happy about the Anifit Tierhilfe support in the form of a food package. Brandy received a colourful mix of different types of wet food such as "Zum goldenen Ochsen", "falscher Hase", "Witwe Boltes Schrecken", "Thanksgiving Day" and "Schäfers Pfanne". He has eaten his food enthusiastically from day one and would love to eat it by the kilo. He has tolerated the food well right from the start and has become even happier since I s... I got Brandy the dog from the animal shelter a month ago and was very happy about the Anifit Tierhilfe support in the form of a food package. Brandy received a colourful mix of different types of wet ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Grow old healthily with Anifit! Szarik has been delighted with Anifit for years and his predecessor, a Cavalier King Charles lady called Lissy, was also allowed to grow old healthily with Anifit!Mum is also very pleased with the prompt delivery and the very friendly service! This product review was translated automatically. Szarik has been delighted with Anifit for years and his predecessor, a Cavalier King Charles lady called Lissy, was also allowed to grow old healthily with Anifit!Mum is also very pleased with the pro... Erfahrungsbericht lesen I am Hawki and I love my Anifit Hey, you mates out there. I'm Hawki and I love my Anifit. I'm 11 years old and fit as a fiddle 👟 good food makes it 💪🏻🐶♥️Best regards This product review was translated automatically. Hey, you mates out there. I'm Hawki and I love my Anifit. I'm 11 years old and fit as a fiddle 👟 good food makes it 💪🏻🐶♥️Best regards This product review was translated automatically. Erfahrungsbericht lesen Nausea is a thing of the past thanks to Anifit Good morning Mr Kellermann, I wanted to leave some feedback. Thank you for always making sure everything runs smoothly. Emma always has something to eat. Since she has only been given horse and beef 🥩 she no longer suffers from nausea and the symptoms she brought with her have disappeared. 🙏🏼 Best regards, Olivia Romero and Emma 🐶 This product review was translated automatically. Good morning Mr Kellermann, I wanted to leave some feedback. Thank you for always making sure everything runs smoothly. Emma always has something to eat. Since she has only been given horse and b... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We love duck necks As always, I was eagerly awaiting the parcel.After a short, smooth delivery time, I was able to offer the duck necks to my 4 BKH cats for the first time. They all sat excitedly in front of me while the bag rustled.I was very pleasantly surprised by the subtle odour and the firm consistency. It really gives my cats a healthy chew and something to do :-)Emmi (one of my kittens from my last litter) really liked it.She has shown perseverance and it will be a while before she has eaten the first duck... As always, I was eagerly awaiting the parcel.After a short, smooth delivery time, I was able to offer the duck necks to my 4 BKH cats for the first time. They all sat excitedly in front of me while th... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Brewer's yeast & chlorella helped us! Hello I have a 7 year old Pekingese mix Cookie who has had a lot of problems with his anal glands recently. Under anaesthetic during dental treatment, an anal sac had to be treated with antibiotics and then the vet came to us twice more and had to squeeze out the anal sac again and again (very painful). As I had heard of Anifit in the past, I came across Britta via WhatsApp. She took a lot of time for me and my fears about my dog and gave me great advice right from the start, no matter what ... Hello I have a 7 year old Pekingese mix Cookie who has had a lot of problems with his anal glands recently. Under anaesthetic during dental treatment, an anal sac had to be treated with antibiotics ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No bloated belly thanks to ANIFIT! Dear Mrs Forkel, Thank you for asking, everything is fine. Our little cat Mika accepted the food with enthusiasm, the changeover was practically instantaneous. He is 14 weeks old and no longer has a bloated belly after eating. And so much energy 😁. He is a mix of British Shorthair and Bengal. I am glad to have discovered your website. Yours sincerely Ulrike Fuchs This product review was translated automatically. Dear Mrs Forkel, Thank you for asking, everything is fine. Our little cat Mika accepted the food with enthusiasm, the changeover was practically instantaneous. He is 14 weeks old and no longer has a... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Moby is absolutely delighted! He accepted the food straight away and ate it with relish. He also loved the chicken breast and beef heart snacks.I am pleased that I can now feed my cat a healthy and species-appropriate diet, as he used to have frequent problems with diarrhoea and the change in food has improved his condition somewhat. This product review was translated automatically. He accepted the food straight away and ate it with relish. He also loved the chicken breast and beef heart snacks.I am pleased that I can now feed my cat a healthy and species-appropriate diet, as he ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen A real stroke of luck. I am more than satisfied with the products from Anifit. At the moment I have been going through a difficult time with my dog. He kept having stomach pains. He moaned to himself, no longer enjoyed going for walks and preferred to hide away. An ultrasound scan revealed gastritis and a lot of air in his small intestine. Diet and medication were now the order of the day. I searched the Internet for a contact to Anifit and found Mr Kellermann. A real stroke of luck. He helped me, drew up a special di... I am more than satisfied with the products from Anifit. At the moment I have been going through a difficult time with my dog. He kept having stomach pains. He moaned to himself, no longer enjoyed goin... Erfahrungsbericht lesen It strengthens the immune system! Dear Anifit TeamI came across Anifit and Jola Polenz in a roundabout way. Fortunately. I've always been interested in healthy nutrition for dogs, but I've never been completely satisfied. As I sometimes feed meat raw and sometimes cook it, I use the tinned meat when I need it quickly. But the rice pops, natural flakes and carrot flakes are on the menu every day. Yes, and on Jola's advice, Power Darm too. At first I kept forgetting to give it and only gave it irregularly. But for about 6 weeks no... Dear Anifit TeamI came across Anifit and Jola Polenz in a roundabout way. Fortunately. I've always been interested in healthy nutrition for dogs, but I've never been completely satisfied. As I sometim... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our cat really likes the food Our cat is taking to the new food wonderfully. It's almost as if he's been waiting for it. I have not yet observed any potentially negative effects such as digestive problems or similar, in fact the opposite is the case. The cat is very lively, plays even more than before and looks happy all round. It's great that there are such alternatives to "supermarket food". The next order has already been placed. This product review was translated automatically. Our cat is taking to the new food wonderfully. It's almost as if he's been waiting for it. I have not yet observed any potentially negative effects such as digestive problems or similar, in fact the ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Super pine litter I wanted to give you some feedback on how our two tigers got used to the pine litter... it took a long time as we weaned them off the old litter step by step, but in the end we managed to get them used to it - you have to be really careful as at least our cats reacted very sensitively to other litter! But for a few weeks now we have been using the pine litter exclusively and are very satisfied as it is almost dust-free! This product review was translated automatically. I wanted to give you some feedback on how our two tigers got used to the pine litter... it took a long time as we weaned them off the old litter step by step, but in the end we managed to get them use... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bettina is totally into it and enjoys the improvement of her food. (copy) My cat Bettina and I would like to thank you and ANIfit from the bottom of our hearts.Bettina really loves it and enjoys the improvement in her diet.To be honest, I didn't expect this and I'm now thinking about switching to ANIfit cat food 😅😂😅...The tips and suggestions have also shown me that ANIfit provides extremely useful expertise.I even believe that ANIfit will significantly increase Bettina's life expectancy.My cat became ill from supermarket cat food. Teeth were broken because there was ... My cat Bettina and I would like to thank you and ANIfit from the bottom of our hearts.Bettina really loves it and enjoys the improvement in her diet.To be honest, I didn't expect this and I'm now thin... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lifesaving for Benny My dog Benny has renal insufficiency (stage 3), I looked for a suitable renal diet on the Internet andand came across the Ani-Vet renal insufficiency food (consultant Mrs Stangenberg).The food is very well accepted by my dog, he is crazy about it.I can and will definitely recommend this food to others.I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Stangenberg for her expert advice. This product review was translated automatically. My dog Benny has renal insufficiency (stage 3), I looked for a suitable renal diet on the Internet andand came across the Ani-Vet renal insufficiency food (consultant Mrs Stangenberg).The food is very... Erfahrungsbericht lesen I recommend the wet food Dear Anifit team, I am very happy with the Anifit wet food. My dog is doing very well with the food and has tolerated it very well without any side effects. I recommend the food to others! Best regards from Kassel This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, I am very happy with the Anifit wet food. My dog is doing very well with the food and has tolerated it very well without any side effects. I recommend the food to others! Best reg... Erfahrungsbericht lesen They smell good and are non-greasy - perfect! Hello dear team! The "HIRSCH" meat flakes were recommended to us by our fantastic Anifit consultant, Team Zintl! They are much loved! !!! Whether as a dessert or a special treat - also as a reward on the go, because they are so nice and dry! They smell good and are not greasy - perfect! Our two really love them! We can recommend them 100%! This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear team! The "HIRSCH" meat flakes were recommended to us by our fantastic Anifit consultant, Team Zintl! They are much loved! !!! Whether as a dessert or a special treat - also as a reward on ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our Terry thanks them and us We were interested in their products because of reviews on the Internet and the detailed composition of the food. After our mongrel dog Terry was apparently also enthusiastic about your products (the food bowl was always empty after a short time), we now only use your products. We had tried other products from the supermarket in the past, but have now completely abandoned them. Our Terry thanks them and us. This product review was translated automatically. We were interested in their products because of reviews on the Internet and the detailed composition of the food. After our mongrel dog Terry was apparently also enthusiastic about your products (the ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Top quality. "RyDog Goat&Horse is a firm favourite with our dog. Her mouth literally waters every time she eats it. It's also very pleasant for humans, as it doesn't smell unpleasant when opened. Top quality." "Scalp sounds funny at first, but it's a super tasty activity for the dog. Our dog gets really excited every time we open the bag. We will buy these again and again." This product review was translated automatically. "RyDog Goat&Horse is a firm favourite with our dog. Her mouth literally waters every time she eats it. It's also very pleasant for humans, as it doesn't smell unpleasant when opened. Top quality."... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bonnie loves everything from Anifit. Our Bonnie loves the Premium Turkey Sticks, she tolerates them really well. That wasn't always the case, we have tried many different snacks and have been with Anifit for two years and are very satisfied. Bonnie loves everything from Anifit. This product review was translated automatically. Our Bonnie loves the Premium Turkey Sticks, she tolerates them really well. That wasn't always the case, we have tried many different snacks and have been with Anifit for two years and are very satis... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Super snacks for Loca Beef lung:Beef lung from Anifit is absolutely amazing!!! My dog Loca has always loved beef lung. But the competition can pack it in. There are always different sized pieces in the bag, which is great for dog owners to divide up. Depending on whether it should be large or slightly smaller for your four-legged friend. I think Loca would love to tear the beef lung out of my hand. However, she has got used to doing a command or trick before she gets the beef lung. But she does this quite quickly so ... Beef lung:Beef lung from Anifit is absolutely amazing!!! My dog Loca has always loved beef lung. But the competition can pack it in. There are always different sized pieces in the bag, which is great ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Great product! My dog Chico loves it when I add the beetroot snack as a topping to any food. Of course he would also like to eat it on its own, but less is more :) Great product! I do the same with fishmeal as a topping, which is always a surprise for him This product review was translated automatically. My dog Chico loves it when I add the beetroot snack as a topping to any food. Of course he would also like to eat it on its own, but less is more :) Great product! I do the same with fishmeal as a ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen They are very firm, intensely fragrant The beef ears from Anifit are no comparison to those previously bought from feed stores.They are very firm, have an intense odour and our 2-year-old Karlsson - a Chodsky Pes - sniffs out his snack purposefully and successfully every time, and then he has something to "do" ...., so we highly recommend it This product review was translated automatically. The beef ears from Anifit are no comparison to those previously bought from feed stores.They are very firm, have an intense odour and our 2-year-old Karlsson - a Chodsky Pes - sniffs out his snack pur... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Moby Dick - Quality that convinces Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to give some feedback on Moby Dick. We have been feeding our dogs (male Weimaraner, male Wirehaired Dachshund) with Anifit since the beginning.Why? Because the quality has convinced us!This also applies to the new fish variety.Admittedly, I was pleased that fish was added to the range, it was just missing. The consistency, colour and smell are what I expect from wet food.Absolutely natural. Both the colour and smell correspond to fresh fish. The consistency ... Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to give some feedback on Moby Dick. We have been feeding our dogs (male Weimaraner, male Wirehaired Dachshund) with Anifit since the beginning.Why? Because the qua... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Tricolour recommended for gourmets. Dear Provital Team, We tried Anifit food for our Labrador on recommendation and as he tolerated it well, we ordered the Tricolor Snacks, along with others. They are ideal for training and on walks because they don't crumble in the bag. Our dog really likes the flavour and we are pleased that he gets a healthy snack without additives. Even though Labbies are considered omnivores, ours is quite picky and chooses exactly what he likes! Tricolor is therefore highly recommended for four-legged gourm... Dear Provital Team, We tried Anifit food for our Labrador on recommendation and as he tolerated it well, we ordered the Tricolor Snacks, along with others. They are ideal for training and on walks be... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Venison snacks are the perfect training treats Dear Provital Team, The deer snack treats go down very well with my Border Collie mix Monty, who is actually very fussy. They are small but not too small and hard but not too hard. Ideal for training but also as a reward when travelling. And I don't think there's any question about the quality, the products are consistently high quality. I will definitely be ordering them from time to time. Jutta Hennig This product review was translated automatically. Dear Provital Team, The deer snack treats go down very well with my Border Collie mix Monty, who is actually very fussy. They are small but not too small and hard but not too hard. Ideal for training... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Recommendation of beetroot snacks Hello dear Anifit team, We are very happy with the beetroot snacks. They are nice and small for training, but you can break them again without crumbling if they are too big, and they both like them very much and tolerate them really well. We always use the treats for something special during training, such as recall. Conclusion: They are great and I would definitely recommend them. LG Evelyn Becker This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear Anifit team, We are very happy with the beetroot snacks. They are nice and small for training, but you can break them again without crumbling if they are too big, and they both like them v... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Finally free of complaints thanks to Anifit Hello dear Anifit team, I have been feeding my 6-year-old terrier mix Balu RyDog Goat&Horse from Anifit for some time now and I am delighted. For 5 years he was plagued by constant gastrointestinal complaints. Many different types of food and tablets were tried, but nothing helped permanently. Only this food brought peace to his stomach and he can finally live relaxed without gastritis and diarrhoea and visibly enjoys it. This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear Anifit team, I have been feeding my 6-year-old terrier mix Balu RyDog Goat&Horse from Anifit for some time now and I am delighted. For 5 years he was plagued by constant gastrointestin... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Training success with shrimps My two Bombay cats, Xander and X-Berg, are really addicted to the shrimps and I am very happy that they like this kind of healthy treat.Since they moved in with me, I've been doing a lot of research into cat food and snacks. And I very quickly came across Anifit, as both the wet food and the snacks impressed me with their ingredients, composition, production and acceptance by my pets.I give the shrimps as a special reward when travelling together, during clicker training and when playing. This ... My two Bombay cats, Xander and X-Berg, are really addicted to the shrimps and I am very happy that they like this kind of healthy treat.Since they moved in with me, I've been doing a lot of research i... Erfahrungsbericht lesen RyDog Vital Menu Chicken recommended. Hello, I came across the Ry Dog menus. My Lilly, a little Rusty Toy Terrier, really likes these menus. The consistency is very good and probably the flavour too ;) . The 200 gram tin is perfect for us as we don't have any leftovers. RyDog Vital Menu Chicken 200g is therefore highly recommended. Your test eater Lilly This product review was translated automatically. Hello, I came across the Ry Dog menus. My Lilly, a little Rusty Toy Terrier, really likes these menus. The consistency is very good and probably the flavour too ;) . The 200 gram tin is perfect for ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Success in training with shrimps (copyIt smells very tasty and also has a very nice consistency. Hello, We have been feeding our dogs Zeus and Apollo with Anifit for the third year now.Zeus has always been a rather fussy eater. This has changed dramatically since Anifit. We have tried all the varieties. Our favourites are all the varieties with chicken and poultry. Especially the RyDog Vital Menu Chicken. It smells delicious and has a very nice consistency. What can I say, Zeus and Apollo love it This product review was translated automatically. Hello, We have been feeding our dogs Zeus and Apollo with Anifit for the third year now.Zeus has always been a rather fussy eater. This has changed dramatically since Anifit. We have tried all the va... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Fit and shiny coat Hello dear Provital team, Our seven-year-old Westie called Billy gets the Anifit menu every day. We regularly order RyDog Vitalmenue lamb or the chicken variety. He tolerates it very well and his bowl is always completely empty. He has a shiny coat and is in top condition. We will continue to use this food. This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear Provital team, Our seven-year-old Westie called Billy gets the Anifit menu every day. We regularly order RyDog Vitalmenue lamb or the chicken variety. He tolerates it very well and his... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Less hair loss and a super shiny coat. Hello to the Provital team, Your products are very popular with our dog (Jack Russell Terrier) Mogli. The new food variant, RyDog goat and horse, is also very well tolerated. We have been feeding her products for over a year and have noticed much less hair loss and a super shiny coat since then. Mogli is also absolutely delighted with the Picco Tabs, as is his dog friend Django. He waits for his reward every evening. This product review was translated automatically. Hello to the Provital team, Your products are very popular with our dog (Jack Russell Terrier) Mogli. The new food variant, RyDog goat and horse, is also very well tolerated. We have been feeding h... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lotta feels good all round Hello Provital, Our Goldendoodle dog Lotta has been getting Anifit natural flakes with vegetables mixed into the various Anifit wet food mixes for some time now. Her favourites are Schäfer's Pfanne, Witwe Boltes Schrecken, Falscher Hase and Thanksgiving Day. They all mix wonderfully with the natural flakes and our Lotta has enjoyed them for a long time. She has a beautiful coat and feels good all over, as you can easily see in the picture.I have been ordering the Anifit and the natural flakes ... Hello Provital, Our Goldendoodle dog Lotta has been getting Anifit natural flakes with vegetables mixed into the various Anifit wet food mixes for some time now. Her favourites are Schäfer's Pfanne,... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The natural flakes look appetising and smell pleasant. Dear Anifit team, We have been Anifit customers for over 8 years. Our beagle dog Alexia (soon to be 10 years old) loves the Anifit food.We always add natural flakes to the tinned Anifit food, as the consultant recommended. Alexia seems to like it very much and also seems to be getting it, as she has no problems and is still very fit. The natural flakes look appetising and smell pleasant. We can only recommend them, like everything from Anifit. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, We have been Anifit customers for over 8 years. Our beagle dog Alexia (soon to be 10 years old) loves the Anifit food.We always add natural flakes to the tinned Anifit food, as the ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen A healthy alternative I found out about Anifit products when there was a market stall with Anifit products at a festival in our town where, among other things, free samples were being handed out and a discount code for first-time customers for ordering online. After I had offered the free sample to my two cats Jackie and Zulu and they devoured everything immediately, I went to the Anifit website and looked at other products. As my cats (12 years old and slightly overweight) really like a treat between meals, I thoug... I found out about Anifit products when there was a market stall with Anifit products at a festival in our town where, among other things, free samples were being handed out and a discount code for fir... Erfahrungsbericht lesen My two think RyCat organic duck is great! After some initial and only brief hesitation on the part of my two sweeties following the change of food, they are now pouncing on their bowls like crazy. The constipation has improved considerably as a result of the change to wet food and the itching has also disappeared, that my one cat always had with other types of food is as good as gone - we are very happy! This product review was translated automatically. After some initial and only brief hesitation on the part of my two sweeties following the change of food, they are now pouncing on their bowls like crazy. The constipation has improved considerably as... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The coat shines and the bad breath is gone Hello Anifit team, I spent a long time trying out different types of dry food for my Eddi, which he never really liked, until I came across a very good Anifit advisor who explained good dog nutrition to me. Since then, Eddi loves his food and his bowl is quickly empty. The RyDog Vital Menu Chicken smells delicious and looks appealing. It comes out of the tin very firm, I always shred it with a fork and mix in the potato flakes, which are very quickly mixed. At the word "dinner" Eddi goes crazy ... Hello Anifit team, I spent a long time trying out different types of dry food for my Eddi, which he never really liked, until I came across a very good Anifit advisor who explained good dog nutrition... Erfahrungsbericht lesen After almost a year there is no more diarrhoea! Ladies and Gentlemen, After a long search on the Internet, I came across Anifit and immediately ordered a sample.As my dog suffers from gastrointestinal problems, I found Anifit to be a well-tolerated food. My dog really likes their gourmet horse sausage! It's like a treat for him.After almost a year he no longer has diarrhoea! My dog and I are very happy. This product review was translated automatically. Ladies and Gentlemen, After a long search on the Internet, I came across Anifit and immediately ordered a sample.As my dog suffers from gastrointestinal problems, I found Anifit to be a well-tolerat... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Buddy no longer has a rash Dear Provital team, We are also happy to share our experiences with your products. Our collie Buddy is now 6 years old and suffers from food allergies. We have tried a lot and yet we have never been able to get the diarrhoea and skin rash under control. We have been feeding AniFit for a good 3 years now and Buddy has had no more problems since then. As everything is listed here in terms of ingredients, we can choose the products that he tolerates. There are no animal by-products here that we d... Dear Provital team, We are also happy to share our experiences with your products. Our collie Buddy is now 6 years old and suffers from food allergies. We have tried a lot and yet we have never been ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The wet food is a big hit! Hello dear Provital team, We have 7 cats, 6 of which are enthusiastic Anifit eaters :) All 6 of them really like the wet food, but 3 of our cats particularly love the freeze-dried chicken hearts. They naturally ate the deer treats with thanks straight away. My little Maxi (loves the wet food, especially the varieties with fish) and the tomcats Zois, Apollon and Roco are testing the Hirsch. Felina and Orpheus also like the wet food. Only our senior of 15 years just didn't want to change her ... Hello dear Provital team, We have 7 cats, 6 of which are enthusiastic Anifit eaters :) All 6 of them really like the wet food, but 3 of our cats particularly love the freeze-dried chicken hearts. T... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The cats love them as a last snack in the evening Hello dear Anifit team, Today I would like to tell you about the "beef hearts" snack. My four cats Mum Emma and her children Tomke, Hanno and Erik are delighted with the beef hearts, which together with the beef liver and chicken breast snacks provide a tasty, healthy and nutritious change. A natural product with no artificial additives. The beef hearts look and smell very appealing and keep fresh for a long time in the packaging. Cats love them as a last snack in the evening. This product r... Hello dear Anifit team, Today I would like to tell you about the "beef hearts" snack. My four cats Mum Emma and her children Tomke, Hanno and Erik are delighted with the beef hearts, which together... Erfahrungsbericht lesen My two girls Dear Anifit team, I have two dogs that I got from the killing centre in Greece, both are three years old and girls. Since I have been feeding them Anifit, I need less food as it is very filling due to its very high meat content. My girls love to eat it and have absolutely no problems with it, they tolerate it very well! Their faeces no longer smell as bad as with the old food and they no longer have flatulence. So we think Anifit is really great! We can recommend it with a clear conscience. Ki... Dear Anifit team, I have two dogs that I got from the killing centre in Greece, both are three years old and girls. Since I have been feeding them Anifit, I need less food as it is very filling due t... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bailey simply feels good all round. Our whirlwind Bailey is a 2-year-old Australian Shepherd bitch and very active. That's why the natural flakes together with the wet food provide her with all the nutrients and proteins she needs. Her coat is shiny, her teeth are free of plaque and she has no digestive problems. Bailey simply feels good all round.We were recommended the food by the breeder and can only recommend it. This product review was translated automatically. Our whirlwind Bailey is a 2-year-old Australian Shepherd bitch and very active. That's why the natural flakes together with the wet food provide her with all the nutrients and proteins she needs. Her ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Redfish powder enjoyed with a pleasurable purr. My cat Luca is now over 1 year old and has been eating Anifit since he was 12 weeks old. He loves all varieties. He also only gets Anifit treats and really loves them. I have now ordered him the redfish fillet powder to test how he likes it. As soon as I opened the packaging he could hardly wait. I sprinkled a little over his food and he was at his bowl in no time, purring with delight. Now just opening the tin with it in it is enough to make him impatient. I can only say keep up the good work A... My cat Luca is now over 1 year old and has been eating Anifit since he was 12 weeks old. He loves all varieties. He also only gets Anifit treats and really loves them. I have now ordered him the redfi... Erfahrungsbericht lesen He is an absolute gourmet! Our terrier mix Boomer loves the RyDog Vital Menu Chicken. He is an absolute gourmet!Once the chicken vitality menu is in his bowl, he pounces on it and "devours" it completely. The food smells relatively pleasant, even for human noses, and the consistency is okay and easy to portion. Boomer tolerates the food very well, his coat has become thicker and shiny, and his digestion is also OK. We like feeding the food and can recommend it. This product review was translated automatically. Our terrier mix Boomer loves the RyDog Vital Menu Chicken. He is an absolute gourmet!Once the chicken vitality menu is in his bowl, he pounces on it and "devours" it completely. The food smells relati... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Finchen loves our snacks Finchen (now 2 years old) has been eating the food right from the start.She eagerly devours it and every treat is snatched from our hands. The compatibility is very good even after 2 years. Finchen thinks the food is great :) We feed Finchen everything from Schäfers Pfanne to Gockels Duett :D Her favourite treats are Picco Train and the deer snacks.She also likes the turkey sticks, but likes to bury them under various cushions. All in all, for our dog, Anifit is a very good way to offer the... Finchen (now 2 years old) has been eating the food right from the start.She eagerly devours it and every treat is snatched from our hands. The compatibility is very good even after 2 years. Finchen t... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Deer flakes on holiday also as complete food Dear Anifit team, Lotte even loves the deer flakes as a treat and when we are on holiday she also loves them as a complete food! And the Picco Tabs are the best thing for her, but I have to say that I must have overdone it a bit, because she had put on 800 g and I don't think she can tolerate cereals and sugar! Best regards and thank you for really good food! This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, Lotte even loves the deer flakes as a treat and when we are on holiday she also loves them as a complete food! And the Picco Tabs are the best thing for her, but I have to say tha... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We are super happy with this dry food The venison flakes are a very good substitute when our little Chaya doesn't fancy wet food. Which of course sometimes happens. We are very happy with this dry food. No effect on faeces or other side effects. Definitely recommendable. This product review was translated automatically. The venison flakes are a very good substitute when our little Chaya doesn't fancy wet food. Which of course sometimes happens. We are very happy with this dry food. No effect on faeces or other side... Erfahrungsbericht lesen RyDog Goat&Horse is always available regularly! As with all other Anifit products, nothing can be said against the quality and packaging.RyDog Goat and Horse is one of Mailo's favourite foods alongside Widow Bolt's Terror.It has a much "drier" consistency, which Mailo really likes.Like every portion of Anifit, this is also prepared with natural flakes.Mailo also tolerates this variety, as well as all other varieties, very well.RyDog Goat and Horse is an integral part of his diet and is served regularly. This product review was translated auto... As with all other Anifit products, nothing can be said against the quality and packaging.RyDog Goat and Horse is one of Mailo's favourite foods alongside Widow Bolt's Terror.It has a much "drier" cons... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The itching has finally come to an end! Hello Anifit Team, Our breeder has drawn our attention to Anifit. Mogli often had diarrhoea and scratched a lot. Switching to Anifit has significantly reduced these symptoms, he scratches less and defecates much less.We are very happy with the horse and game sausage. We feed it to our French bulldog as a complete food. This product review was translated automatically. Hello Anifit Team, Our breeder has drawn our attention to Anifit. Mogli often had diarrhoea and scratched a lot. Switching to Anifit has significantly reduced these symptoms, he scratches less and d... Erfahrungsbericht lesen My Buddy loves the food more than anything Hello dear Provital team, My Buddy loves your food more than anything and it is very good for him. The only thing I've noticed recently is that when I want to open the tins, the flap always breaks off and you almost break your fingers with a tin opener. The information on the contents of the can sometimes doesn't always seem correct to me, because I don't quite get there with three times 270. But otherwise we are very satisfied, also with the delivery, which is always super and reliable. Than... Hello dear Provital team, My Buddy loves your food more than anything and it is very good for him. The only thing I've noticed recently is that when I want to open the tins, the flap always breaks of... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Beef hearts and redfish are the favourite For my cat, Paul, beef heart and redfish are the absolute favourites from your range. Afterwards he licks himself and takes up a comfortable position on the sofa until the next meal is served. This product review was translated automatically. For my cat, Paul, beef heart and redfish are the absolute favourites from your range. Afterwards he licks himself and takes up a comfortable position on the sofa until the next meal is served. This pr... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Well tolerated and quick to prepare Dear Provital team, Well tolerated and quick to prepare! I bought this light food for emergencies, as gastrointestinal problems always come at the wrong time, i.e. in the evening or at the weekend. The light food is easy to prepare (just add hot water) and my rascals loved eating it and tolerated it very well. I can only recommend it. Yours sincerely, B. Treber This product review was translated automatically. Dear Provital team, Well tolerated and quick to prepare! I bought this light food for emergencies, as gastrointestinal problems always come at the wrong time, i.e. in the evening or at the weekend. T... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Favourite deer flake treat! Dear Anifit team, Our rascal Spot gets the deer flakes as a treat. He would just love to learn new things so that he can eat the deer flakes. He simply loves them, tolerates them very well and they are a great change from his wet food. Have a nice week Elke Ittner This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, Our rascal Spot gets the deer flakes as a treat. He would just love to learn new things so that he can eat the deer flakes. He simply loves them, tolerates them very well and they ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Picco Tabs - A welcome reward treat Dear Anifit team, I am happy to share my experience with the dog biscuits with you! Nino, our Jack Russell, loves these biscuits more than anything. He sits at the breakfast table in the morning and waits to finally eat a Picco Tabs. Even when I take him on longer walks, the Picco Tabs are always a welcome reward treat. We have tried many treats, but Picco Tabs are the best dog biscuits. Our Jack Russell is very picky when it comes to food and treats. He always craves a Picco Tabs! We won't ... Dear Anifit team, I am happy to share my experience with the dog biscuits with you! Nino, our Jack Russell, loves these biscuits more than anything. He sits at the breakfast table in the morning and... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Popi finally maintains her weight Dear Anifit team, My dog Popi, 3 years old, and I would like to share our experiences with RyDog Goat&Horse with you. Back story: I have been looking for the right food for her since she was a puppy. Whether expensive or cheap, brand name or no name, I tried everything, dry or wet food or mixed, she just wouldn't eat, my dog almost starved to death. She was severely underweight and no matter what I did, maybe one bite and that was it... Afterwards I'm not surprised when you read a bit more ... Dear Anifit team, My dog Popi, 3 years old, and I would like to share our experiences with RyDog Goat&Horse with you. Back story: I have been looking for the right food for her since she was a pu... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No more complaints thanks to Anifit Dear Anifit team, My Malinois dog Lucy has been on RyDog Vital Menu lamb and goat/horse and Moby Dick as a supplement, as well as Powerdarm and Amovit Hund. She has the genetic defect D Lokus genotype d/d (blue, grey) With ANIfit it is great, she has no complaints and we are all happy that she is doing so well, nothing else comes into our house. I would also like to thank you for the great feeding plan, the advice and that I can call at any time if there is anything wrong. LG U.Rodriguez This p... Dear Anifit team, My Malinois dog Lucy has been on RyDog Vital Menu lamb and goat/horse and Moby Dick as a supplement, as well as Powerdarm and Amovit Hund. She has the genetic defect D Lokus genotyp... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Potato flakes help with bladder problems Dear Provital Team , I have been feeding my two hunting dogs Provital wet food for several years. I always mix it with potato flakes and vegetable flakes. My older Brandlbracken bitch (12 years old) often had bladder problems. By adding the water with which I soak the potato flakes and vegetable flakes, any bladder problems have disappeared! The bladder is probably flushed better by the additional liquid. By switching from dry food to the wet food from AniFit, my older ladies are much more agi... Dear Provital Team , I have been feeding my two hunting dogs Provital wet food for several years. I always mix it with potato flakes and vegetable flakes. My older Brandlbracken bitch (12 years old)... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Always a welcome snack Ladies and Gentlemen, Our dog Lucky already knows the chicken stomachs and enjoys this treat. They are always a welcome snack. Storing the open packaging is no problem as it is odourless. I am glad that this article is now also available from AniFit. Also ideal for topping up to the postage-free order total. Yours sincerely This product review was translated automatically. Ladies and Gentlemen, Our dog Lucky already knows the chicken stomachs and enjoys this treat. They are always a welcome snack. Storing the open packaging is no problem as it is odourless. I am glad t... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Baloo loves the chicken dishes from Anifit! Hello dear Anifit team, I have ordered your wet food for my dog Balu (two and a half years old). I was convinced by the statement that no animal testing and only ingredients that are edible for humans are used. When the first parcel arrived and I put the wet food in front of my Baloo for the first time, he literally sucked it in and didn't get diarrhoea. The wet food is very high quality with its high meat content and it also smells good. We have been ordering "Gockels Duett" and "RyDog Vita... Hello dear Anifit team, I have ordered your wet food for my dog Balu (two and a half years old). I was convinced by the statement that no animal testing and only ingredients that are edible for huma... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Tricolour snack and venison are the favourite Hello, We are very happy with the Tricolour Deer Snack 35g, especially our Bella. She always gets the snack as a reward when she has eaten the wet food and goes wild for it. But the chicken hearts are not inferior either. It's only the wet food that she's unfamiliar with. She doesn't like Thanksgiving Day, for example, so I no longer need to order it. But overall we are very happy.Kind regards This product review was translated automatically. Hello, We are very happy with the Tricolour Deer Snack 35g, especially our Bella. She always gets the snack as a reward when she has eaten the wet food and goes wild for it. But the chicken hearts ar... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Dilaw loves beef lung Hello dear Anifit team! This is the second time we have bought the beef lung and also included it in the subscription delivery as our dog Dilaw loves it! We have given a seven-year-old mixed breed dog from a Romanian animal shelter a new home. Finding a suitable snack for in between meals was not so easy, as he only eats pure meat products. Beef lung, however, is perfect. He is busy nibbling for a while and yet the light lung is less rich than other snacks. This product review was translated ... Hello dear Anifit team! This is the second time we have bought the beef lung and also included it in the subscription delivery as our dog Dilaw loves it! We have given a seven-year-old mixed breed do... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Tricolour snack for a great change Dear Provital Team I am happy to tell you about my experience with the Tricolour snack. Our Caesar loves this snack. As it contains different flavours, it is very varied. His friend Teddy almost bites your finger to get this treat. Our Caesar is also crazy about the goat and horse vitality menu. Best regards This product review was translated automatically. Dear Provital Team I am happy to tell you about my experience with the Tricolour snack. Our Caesar loves this snack. As it contains different flavours, it is very varied. His friend Teddy almost bite... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bibo's favourite dish is Moby Dick Moby Dick: A new product in the range and already our Bibo's favourite. As with the other varieties, the contents are of very high quality. You can tell as soon as you open the tin. The dog goes crazy for it. A clear purchase recommendation from me and Bibo! Turkey sticks: Very high quality treats for in between meals, the dog likes it. This product review was translated automatically. Moby Dick: A new product in the range and already our Bibo's favourite. As with the other varieties, the contents are of very high quality. You can tell as soon as you open the tin. The dog goes crazy... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No more stomach ache with Vital Menu Chicken! Thank you Anifit,Six months ago we switched our 9-year-old rough-haired dachshund Bert to wet food from Anifit Provital. For a long time he was plagued by stomach pains and a poor appetite. The changeover went smoothly.The tins are really great. The food smells good and it's a pleasure to watch your dachshund eat it. So far we have tried 6 different flavours in 200g and 400g tins.All highly recommended. Our favourite is the RyDog Vital Menu Chicken 200g.You can't look so quickly and the bowl i... Thank you Anifit,Six months ago we switched our 9-year-old rough-haired dachshund Bert to wet food from Anifit Provital. For a long time he was plagued by stomach pains and a poor appetite. The chang... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Full of energy like a whirlwind thanks to Anifit Dear Anifit team, My Frieda has been fed this wet food for almost three years, if I remember correctly.After the puppy food, I switched directly to Anifit because I kept coming across Anifit on the net in my search for a good wet food.good wet food, I kept coming across Anifit on the net. Frieda loves eating it, she has tolerated every variety so far.We have now ordered Moby Dick for the first time, which she hasn't had before.I'll be able to tell you more about this next week. She is lively,... Dear Anifit team, My Frieda has been fed this wet food for almost three years, if I remember correctly.After the puppy food, I switched directly to Anifit because I kept coming across Anifit on the n... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Otto loves Picco Tabs I really like buying the Picco Tabs. We keep them in a discarded biscuit tin. The Picco Tabs don't have an unpleasant odour. They last a long time (as our Otto is a small dog) and stay crunchy. I also like the fact that they don't get soggy. Our vet recommended the Anifit brand to us and since then we have only bought treats from here.Very importantly, ... our Otto loves to eat them. This product review was translated automatically. I really like buying the Picco Tabs. We keep them in a discarded biscuit tin. The Picco Tabs don't have an unpleasant odour. They last a long time (as our Otto is a small dog) and stay crunchy. I also... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bento litter - A super litter! We were recommended the Bento litter by our breeder and now, after 2 1/2 weeks with our sweet Gandhi, we are so convinced that we have reordered it.The litter is super absorbent, forms large clumps that are easy to remove. The scent is subtle and not as overpowering as you would expect from scented candles. The litter is very low-dust and super economical, we have only reordered because we have bought a second litter tray. All in all, we are very satisfied! This product review was translated aut... We were recommended the Bento litter by our breeder and now, after 2 1/2 weeks with our sweet Gandhi, we are so convinced that we have reordered it.The litter is super absorbent, forms large clumps th... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Jake is crazy about Anifit Hello dear team, My dog and I are really very happy with your products. He tolerates the RyDog Vital Menu Lamb very well and it tastes really good.He especially loves the Picco Tabs - he goes crazy for them. A great reward at any time. And this is Jake, the gourmet. This product review was translated automatically. Hello dear team, My dog and I are really very happy with your products. He tolerates the RyDog Vital Menu Lamb very well and it tastes really good.He especially loves the Picco Tabs - he goes crazy... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The lamb food is great! My Chihuhua has always had a very sensitive stomach and couldn't tolerate wet food. After a dental operation, I ended up with Anifit through my internet research and have no regrets! The new organic beef and organic lamb products are also great, they are currently our favourites! The varieties are very well tolerated and easy to portion in the small tin. For a small dog, 1 small tin is enough throughout the day. The consistency of the organic lamb is very pleasant and easy to chop up. There are ... My Chihuhua has always had a very sensitive stomach and couldn't tolerate wet food. After a dental operation, I ended up with Anifit through my internet research and have no regrets! The new organic b... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lamb pancakes are a hit with Lola! Pure flavour and a fantastic smell for our Lola. Lola loves rumen more than anything and these lamb rumen treats are a real hit with her. I can hide them wherever I want, she always finds them. I am really convinced by the product. This product review was translated automatically. Pure flavour and a fantastic smell for our Lola. Lola loves rumen more than anything and these lamb rumen treats are a real hit with her. I can hide them wherever I want, she always finds them. I a... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Luna loves the StayCalm Snack Dear Provital Team, I am Luna and a mini Australian Sheppherd. I am now almost 2 years old and what a whirlwind and sooo cuddly! I love the Anifit food and tolerate it so well! I have such a beautiful shiny coat and feel very fit! The Stay Calm Snack tastes really good and I get a few treats from it on my walks. I love being free and wild without a lead, with a lead I can get restless when I meet dogs and my mistress likes to distract me with the StayCalm snacks. I'd say that works really well... Dear Provital Team, I am Luna and a mini Australian Sheppherd. I am now almost 2 years old and what a whirlwind and sooo cuddly! I love the Anifit food and tolerate it so well! I have such a beautifu... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pina's top favourite is RyDog Goat&Horse Hello dear Anifit team, My Maltese girl Pinchen (Pina), 8 years old, was recently spoilt by me with the new RyDog Goat & Horse. She loves this menu and can hardly wait for her "food" to arrive in her bowl. She likes all Anifit and RyDog menus, but this one is her absolute favourite. She tolerates it very well and apparently the combination of goat and horse is even tastier than the other flavours she knows. Pinchen licks her snout long after her meals in the hope of finding any leftovers in... Hello dear Anifit team, My Maltese girl Pinchen (Pina), 8 years old, was recently spoilt by me with the new RyDog Goat & Horse. She loves this menu and can hardly wait for her "food" to arrive in... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Hummels loves Anifit Dear Sir or Madam As our Hummels has been an absolute fan of your products for some time, I am happy to write you a testimonial! "Our male Labrador Hummels does not live up to the "gluttony" attributed to Labradors in terms of his eating behaviour. He is rather snoozy and also leaves food that he doesn't like in his bowl. That's how we came across ANIfit products a few years ago. RyDog Vital Menu Chicken and Lamb take the cake (we use the 400 g tins). You should see the look on his face when w... Dear Sir or Madam As our Hummels has been an absolute fan of your products for some time, I am happy to write you a testimonial! "Our male Labrador Hummels does not live up to the "gluttony" attribu... Erfahrungsbericht lesen If the dog is doing well, the master is doing well too. My 4-year-old dachshund "Yaco vom Granitz-Hof" initially ate the food from another company.As dachshunds are, they will eat anything. However, his coat was dull, his stools were muddy and he liked to eat the faeces of other dogs. Then I switched him to the "Provital-Anfit" food.His faeces were fine straight away. When he was then also given the amount of "Amovit" powder from "Provital-Anfit" every morning, he no longer ate any faeces.The dosage is very good thanks to the enclosed measuring spoo... My 4-year-old dachshund "Yaco vom Granitz-Hof" initially ate the food from another company.As dachshunds are, they will eat anything. However, his coat was dull, his stools were muddy and he liked to ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Thanks to Anifit, Lilly has no digestive problems Dear Anifit Team, Due to her difficult start (she was a street dog), Lilly had quite an offended digestive system. In the first year we tried all types and brands of food. Most of them resulted in diarrhoea or constipation and we were desperate. Eventually we came across Anifit through friends and we tried a few things here too. Our vet advised us to find something that she hadn't eaten before (as she wouldn't have found it on the street) and so we came across "lamb" from RyDog. She loves it.... Dear Anifit Team, Due to her difficult start (she was a street dog), Lilly had quite an offended digestive system. In the first year we tried all types and brands of food. Most of them resulted in di... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our Amy is a poultry fan! Dear Anifit Team, My Havanese puppy Amy is 10 months old and loves all RyDog vitality menus.Only the beef variety doesn't taste so good to her.She is the biggest poultry fan of all.She is also very enthusiastic about Gockels Duett.As a snack, she is crazy about the dried chicken stomachs available in the programme. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, My Havanese puppy Amy is 10 months old and loves all RyDog vitality menus.Only the beef variety doesn't taste so good to her.She is the biggest poultry fan of all.She is also very e... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Joint problems are a thing of the past Dear Provital Team, I am happy to share my experience with your products. My Jimmy enjoys everything you give him. His joint problems have completely disappeared, he had his 11th birthday on 16 January and walks like a young dog over hill and dale, even the steep mountain paths. I divide his wet food of 800 g into 200 g each, in between he gets his Tricolor snack and after his evening meal a handful of beef lung, which he can hardly wait for. We are both completely satisfied. The prompt deli... Dear Provital Team, I am happy to share my experience with your products. My Jimmy enjoys everything you give him. His joint problems have completely disappeared, he had his 11th birthday on 16 Janua... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Change of feed with carrot flakes Dear Anifit team, When I first became interested in species-appropriate, tasty and healthy dog food, I came across Anifit on the Internet. I received competent, friendly and quick advice from a member of their food advice team. I had quite a few questions as Lucy, my nine-week-old Chihuahua puppy at the time, was my first dog. She came to me and had previously only been fed dry food. I didn't know how to change her food properly. I just wanted to get away from the dry food quickly and feed her ... Dear Anifit team, When I first became interested in species-appropriate, tasty and healthy dog food, I came across Anifit on the Internet. I received competent, friendly and quick advice from a membe... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Paul is doing better thanks to the carrot flakes Our dog has been eating Anifit's Gockel Duett wet food for some time now. As he is still growing at the age of 10 months and has a very sensitive stomach, the Anifit nutritional counsellor recommended that we supplement his meals with flakes. We decided in favour of carrot and potato flakes. The carrot flakes come in a 700g resealable bag, which makes handling very easy. Nothing spills, everything stays clean, portioning is easy and the product is well protected after use. It is also very easy ... Our dog has been eating Anifit's Gockel Duett wet food for some time now. As he is still growing at the age of 10 months and has a very sensitive stomach, the Anifit nutritional counsellor recommended... Erfahrungsbericht lesen More alert and full of life thanks to ANIFIT Dear Anifit Team, I have been looking for a high-quality and affordable wet food for my dog Lilly for a long time because there was always something wrong with it. Either she often had diarrhoea, never or rarely touched it, or it simply contained significantly more broth than meat and looked less appetising. Fortunately, since I started feeding her wet food from Anifit or RyDog, these complications are now a thing of the past. You can recognise the ingredients it contains as soon as you open t... Dear Anifit Team, I have been looking for a high-quality and affordable wet food for my dog Lilly for a long time because there was always something wrong with it. Either she often had diarrhoea, nev... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our dog is enthusiastic about every product. We have been feeding Anifit and RyDog (Vital Menu Poultry) for about 2 months now. Our dog is delighted with every product. The changeover went smoothly and was completed after 4 days. As our dog wouldn't touch her old food and wouldn't eat anything for 2 days, I came across Anifit and tried the trial pack. Lo and behold, she ate the food and liked it. The flakes also work really well. I must also say it smells very good when you open the tin. We are delighted. Even though the price is higher ... We have been feeding Anifit and RyDog (Vital Menu Poultry) for about 2 months now. Our dog is delighted with every product. The changeover went smoothly and was completed after 4 days. As our dog wou... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Beautiful coat and more activity! Hello dear Anifit team, I got to know Anifit through a dog friend when I was out walking and ordered and tried it straight away. I have a 13 year old Beagle lady and have always fed her high quality food, but since I started feeding Anifit my dog is fitter and in a better mood. When we go for a walk (and she knows very well that there is something to eat after the walk) she always runs the last bit ahead and hurries home. I used to always have to wait for her. Now she runs to the car and barks.... Hello dear Anifit team, I got to know Anifit through a dog friend when I was out walking and ordered and tried it straight away. I have a 13 year old Beagle lady and have always fed her high quality ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Good figure, beautiful coat and good digestion with Anifit! Dear Anifit team, My two dogs from animal welfare, Aaron, a Bearded-Collie mix, approx. 12 years old, and little Pepe, a Canary mix, approx. 8 years old, have been fed Anifit for years. Aaron had many intolerances and Pepe was a heap of misery when he came to me 5 years ago. Both are healthy and lively, have a good figure, a beautiful coat, good digestion and visits to the vet have long been a thing of the past. They love all varieties of Anifit and as a special change they have RyDog Vitalmen... Dear Anifit team, My two dogs from animal welfare, Aaron, a Bearded-Collie mix, approx. 12 years old, and little Pepe, a Canary mix, approx. 8 years old, have been fed Anifit for years. Aaron had man... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We love the chicken hearts Hello! After I told you in "Tiger - finally fit again" over 2 years ago how delicious the Anifit-Mampfi tastes to me, you now get a second helping. I am now 20.5 years old and my can opener still gives me the best and most delicious smelling food on our cat planet!!! Of course, I have to make a lot of fuss regularly so that she doesn't forget to keep reordering the tins. She certainly wouldn't be able to do it all by herself. But I'm used to taking care of everything. For example, I tell her w... Hello! After I told you in "Tiger - finally fit again" over 2 years ago how delicious the Anifit-Mampfi tastes to me, you now get a second helping. I am now 20.5 years old and my can opener still giv... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No intolerances with ANIFIT My dog, a mix of Chihuahua and Beagle, 6 years old and weighing 5 kilograms, no longer has any problems with any intolerances thanks to Anifit. That means no diarrhoea, no itching, no inflamed ears. The coat is shiny, my vet is also delighted, he praised me a lot last time, such a small dog that looks so great, not overweight and so athletic. It's a very expensive food, but it's worth the price. What I also love about the food is that you open the tin and don't think it's dog food, it smells n... My dog, a mix of Chihuahua and Beagle, 6 years old and weighing 5 kilograms, no longer has any problems with any intolerances thanks to Anifit. That means no diarrhoea, no itching, no inflamed ears. ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The B.A.R.F. series is great! As a barf trainer, I have been looking for a good alternative to tinned food for a long time! With Anifit I can say for the first time that this is a wet food that has inspired me from the beginning! 1. Clear and exemplary declaration 2. main ingredient meat 3. free from attractants and colourings And no animal by-products such as fibres, hips, wool, intestines, horns etc. are present! It's also suitable for all ages, and that's exactly the right thing to do! and not this confusing decla... As a barf trainer, I have been looking for a good alternative to tinned food for a long time! With Anifit I can say for the first time that this is a wet food that has inspired me from the beginning! ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Silky & shiny coat at last Our dog Moritz, about 10 years young and adopted from animal welfare, had been suffering from all sorts of skin complaints for some time, which really annoyed us all, mainly our poor dog of course. The vet and the veterinary dermatologist had endlessly fiddled around, collected a lot of money and failed to find a cure. When he was then told to take cortisone for a long time and if that didn't help, antibiotics should be used, all my alarm bells started ringing because that was out of the questio... Our dog Moritz, about 10 years young and adopted from animal welfare, had been suffering from all sorts of skin complaints for some time, which really annoyed us all, mainly our poor dog of course. Th... Erfahrungsbericht lesen EasyBarf - Toni loves it! Hello! We have a 3-year-old dwarf spitz who is very picky when it comes to food. I have already invested hundreds of euros in various foods, some of which he eats for 2-3 days and then suddenly won't touch. I've always liked the idea of barfing, most recently I bought the meat from Graf Barf. Our dog didn't like it either, and the meat packets take up a lot of space in the freezer. Whilst googling, I discovered your homepage and thought to myself, let's give it a try. And what can I say, you... Hello! We have a 3-year-old dwarf spitz who is very picky when it comes to food. I have already invested hundreds of euros in various foods, some of which he eats for 2-3 days and then suddenly won't... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Fabia loves the chicken hearts Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy to give you the following feedback on your products. I and especially my husky dog Fabia are delighted to receive recognition, because I am investing in her favourite treats and food from Anivit again. But first things first: 1st dogFerrara FABIA from Snowdog Farm, a 12-year-old sterilised female, is a real purebred husky lady: female, beautiful, stubborn and dominant. Unfortunately, she is understandably getting a bit old at the age of 12, which means that s... Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy to give you the following feedback on your products. I and especially my husky dog Fabia are delighted to receive recognition, because I am investing in her favourite... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our cats have been eating with joy since ANIFIT I am very enthusiastic about the food and can only recommend it to everyone. I used to feed my cat tinned food, but unfortunately my little cat didn't like it. She is finally eating again and I really like the fact that, unlike other tinned food, it doesn't have such a strong odour. It is also important to me that there are no grains and only good meat, which they fulfil! I would like it if there were larger economy packs, as I like to buy in advance and the food is accepted! The dispatch was... I am very enthusiastic about the food and can only recommend it to everyone. I used to feed my cat tinned food, but unfortunately my little cat didn't like it. She is finally eating again and I reall... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Duffy-Diamond is doing better with ANIFIT My German Pinscher Duffy-Diamond is an absolute gourmet. Unfortunately, with her 8 years, my inexperience as a first-time dog owner and other circumstances, she has not been as healthy as one would wish. Due to a digestive illness last year, I had to admit to myself that I had made a lot of mistakes when it came to healthy eating. Renate Denger, your specialist consultant from Hesse, took the time to have a "serious" conversation with me and dispelled many prejudices. Then your webinar came ... My German Pinscher Duffy-Diamond is an absolute gourmet. Unfortunately, with her 8 years, my inexperience as a first-time dog owner and other circumstances, she has not been as healthy as one would w... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Spike is doing much better with the carrot flakes Hello dear ANIfit team, My French. Bulldog Spike and I would like to thank you very much, as you offer a super high-quality food and this can be individually supplemented with e.g. carrot flakes. We would therefore like to tell you briefly about our experiences. Since we came across your food by chance on the Internet, Spike's constant diarrhoea has finally come to an end. We had previously tried all the different varieties at a large and well-known pet shop. However, it never really got bette... Hello dear ANIfit team, My French. Bulldog Spike and I would like to thank you very much, as you offer a super high-quality food and this can be individually supplemented with e.g. carrot flakes. We ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Training success with Picco Train We have a little bullydame, now 6 months old.She loves many anifit products and fortunately tolerates them very well. It took a long time and we tried a lot until we came across ANIFIT. She particularly likes the treat mix. There's a little bit of everything. But her favourite treat from the bag is the beef jerky. She doesn't mind being left alone for a while because she is well occupied with the treats. But not only the treat mix is great. With the little Picco Train, for example, she learnt "s... We have a little bullydame, now 6 months old.She loves many anifit products and fortunately tolerates them very well. It took a long time and we tried a lot until we came across ANIFIT. She particular... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Turnip is doing well with ANIFIT Before switching to Anifit and 2 other high-quality organic dog foods, Rübchen had various health problems that occurred in bouts, such as watery diarrhoea and vomiting as well as red, itchy skin, especially in her ears and around her snout. She has been doing very well since the changeover. Rübchen loves eating Anifit, and I don't find it disgusting to smell the food either, whereas I often felt disgusted with other brands. My dog is allergic to carrots and cereals, so I can only order 2 of the... Before switching to Anifit and 2 other high-quality organic dog foods, Rübchen had various health problems that occurred in bouts, such as watery diarrhoea and vomiting as well as red, itchy skin, esp... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Carrot flakes against diarrhoea Dear Ani Fit Team, I recently ordered Anifit carrot flakes because my dog likes to react with diarrhoea or vomit after an exciting event. So he is really very sensitive. The first time I gave him some of the carrot flakes in his food after he reacted with diarrhoea and his stools improved immediately and he no longer had any problems. I put some of the carrot flakes in a separate bowl (not that much) and pour some hot water from the kettle over it, mix it, let it swell and cool down a little an... Dear Ani Fit Team, I recently ordered Anifit carrot flakes because my dog likes to react with diarrhoea or vomit after an exciting event. So he is really very sensitive. The first time I gave him som... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pina loves the veal shank bone Dear Ani Fit Team, My name is Pina and I am 5 years old. I am a Chihuahua and one of the smallest dogs in the world. I have a very special coat colour called Merle. My owner ordered me a bone from Anifit so that I wouldn't chew on his shoes any more. The bone tastes very good to me. But I have a lot of work to do, the bone is now almost bigger than me. When the weather is nice, I can run around our garden without a lead and enjoy my chewing pleasure. I also like to bury it so that it doesn't g... Dear Ani Fit Team, My name is Pina and I am 5 years old. I am a Chihuahua and one of the smallest dogs in the world. I have a very special coat colour called Merle. My owner ordered me a bone from An... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Natural protection against ticks Dear Ani Fit Team, Hello, my name is Selina, I am 5 years old and a Persian Forest cat mix. I would like to tell you my story. I've been an outdoor cat for about 2 years, I just found flat life too boring, anyway I always came home with little visitors and my owner didn't like that at all. We had to go to the vet 3 times because I absolutely wouldn't keep still when my mistress removed my ticks. We've been using Anizeck for about 20 days and I've had 2 ticks so far, which is a pretty good resul... Dear Ani Fit Team, Hello, my name is Selina, I am 5 years old and a Persian Forest cat mix. I would like to tell you my story. I've been an outdoor cat for about 2 years, I just found flat life too b... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Amy is over the moon with Anifit Dear Ani Fit Team, Our little Amy Havanese, 8 months old, was very unhappy with the food from other manufacturers right from the start. We were therefore very happy to have finally found the right wet food with different flakes for Amy. She loved the wet food immediately and devoured it in a matter of seconds. We are totally convinced by Anifit. She also loves the carrot, rice and apple flakes and the Power Darm powder is super important for her intestines. The poo is small and firm and she has... Dear Ani Fit Team, Our little Amy Havanese, 8 months old, was very unhappy with the food from other manufacturers right from the start. We were therefore very happy to have finally found the right we... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Clear recommendation for Ani-Zeck Dear Ani Fit Team, We have two Labradors and live in an absolute tick area. We've tried a few other tick repellents before but haven't been really impressed with any of them. Before we tried the Ani Tick Spray, our two dogs had about ten ticks a day between them. We have now been using it for about three weeks and have noticed a significant reduction in ticks. During our "test phase" we also had days with a lot of rain, i.e. it wasn't as hot and dry as last year. They didn't disappear completel... Dear Ani Fit Team, We have two Labradors and live in an absolute tick area. We've tried a few other tick repellents before but haven't been really impressed with any of them. Before we tried the Ani ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Snooky is very satisfied Dear Ani Fit Team, Our dog Snooky has been on Anifit for about 5 weeks now and we are very satisfied. Snooky was previously on a kibble, which we had good experiences with for years. However, for some time now he has had recurring inflammations on his ears, small spots that are very itchy and flaky. A friend of mine told me to change his food. Snooky is now 7 and maybe he just can't take the barfing any more. We have now done that and it has already got better but unfortunately it hasn't gone ... Dear Ani Fit Team, Our dog Snooky has been on Anifit for about 5 weeks now and we are very satisfied. Snooky was previously on a kibble, which we had good experiences with for years. However, for som... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Still very satisfied after 8 years! Dear Ani Fit Team, I have been feeding my 3 cats Anifit for a good 8 years and they are doing great on it. It all started when we got the British, when the breeder said to give them GOOD food, nothing from the chemist or anything else you see advertised. In the beginning, we also tried to buy good food from the market or a specialist store, until we met an Anifit consultant at an open day. He gave us very nice advice and we immediately made an appointment for a test meal. Of course they also l... Dear Ani Fit Team, I have been feeding my 3 cats Anifit for a good 8 years and they are doing great on it. It all started when we got the British, when the breeder said to give them GOOD food, nothin... Erfahrungsbericht lesen No more diarrhoea with RyDog Lamb! Dear Ani Fit Team, Our Wilma is an almost 4-year-old mixed-breed dog and came to us from the animal shelter almost 2 years ago. Right from the start, she had recurring problems, both with digestion and with intolerances, and we tried different types of food. Initially dry food, then later wet food. In my search for suitable wet food, I came across Anifit. The changeover went well and now she doesn't eat anything else. The RyDog Vital Menu Lamb is one of her favourite varieties. In addition to ... Dear Ani Fit Team, Our Wilma is an almost 4-year-old mixed-breed dog and came to us from the animal shelter almost 2 years ago. Right from the start, she had recurring problems, both with digestion a... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Goodbye to health problems Hello dear Anifit team, We first tried the Goldener Ochsen. Later we switched to Thanksgiving Day and were also very satisfied. My little dog (a Bichon Maltese) is now 3 years old and she likes it very much. The chicken breast and chicken heart treats are also great. The chicken breasts have a very good consistency and taste and have become my absolute favourite. To summarise: She likes the Anifit dog food very much and has become a real fan. I give her the food once in the morning and then in... Hello dear Anifit team, We first tried the Goldener Ochsen. Later we switched to Thanksgiving Day and were also very satisfied. My little dog (a Bichon Maltese) is now 3 years old and she likes it ve... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We can recommend Ani Zeck tick protection Dear Ani Fit Team, We are a pack of 8 small dogs (Chihuahua), and live in the beautiful Erzgebirge with our dog mum. We introduce ourselves: Nala, Ida, Alfred, Admiral, Tamme, Alma, Adelheid and Hazel. As we walk a lot on meadows and country lanes with our mum, it happens again and again that we take ticks home with us. For this reason, our owner has bought us AniFit tick spray so that we don't bring any more of our little friends with us on our walks. Our mistress applies the spray to our fur ... Dear Ani Fit Team, We are a pack of 8 small dogs (Chihuahua), and live in the beautiful Erzgebirge with our dog mum. We introduce ourselves: Nala, Ida, Alfred, Admiral, Tamme, Alma, Adelheid and Haze... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The odour of the cans convinced us Dear Anifit Team, I have a nine-year-old dog. She is very picky, but tolerates most things very well. Poultry in particular is at the top of her "food list" and she is always absolutely delighted. But she also loves the other varieties. The tins are certainly worth their price, although they are very expensive for me as a pensioner. I like to take different tins with me when travelling if it is too inconvenient to feed her fresh meat. They are the perfect substitute for raw meat. Optimal digest... Dear Anifit Team, I have a nine-year-old dog. She is very picky, but tolerates most things very well. Poultry in particular is at the top of her "food list" and she is always absolutely delighted. Bu... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Tick-free with Anizeck! Dear Anifit Team, Anizeck tick repellent has been our new daily companion for about 2 months now. We find it super practical because we can dose it ourselves and don't have to use it every day (e.g. when it's very cold or raining), which is unfortunately not possible with other products. What's more, it is the power of nature and not harmful to the dog. So far we haven't had any ticks on our Balou and hope it stays that way thanks to Anizeck. Balou is outside most of the day, guarding the house... Dear Anifit Team, Anizeck tick repellent has been our new daily companion for about 2 months now. We find it super practical because we can dose it ourselves and don't have to use it every day (e.g. ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our experience with RyDog poultry Dear Anifit Team, I have tried almost all the tins, including RyDog Vital Menu Poultry (800gr). I don't think the consistency is as good as the other tins, but it's still okay. I have four dogs. Two of them simply eat everything and tolerate most of it very well. The other two are more "fussy" - they eat it, but are not totally enthusiastic. Unfortunately, they're not really that keen on the other varieties either... just like with other brands. And unfortunately they usually react to poultry ... Dear Anifit Team, I have tried almost all the tins, including RyDog Vital Menu Poultry (800gr). I don't think the consistency is as good as the other tins, but it's still okay. I have four dogs. Two... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Leon loves the apple flake Hello dear Anifit team, My second dog "Leon" (also a French bulldog from animal welfare, 9 years old) is also a glutton. When I got him he had a dull, flaky and greasy coat. He was of normal weight, was fed cheap dry food and I was told he had allergies. Then he was also given Anifit. His coat is now beautifully shiny and I can no longer detect any allergies. However, he started to lose weight on the same amount as my dog gets. He is a bundle of energy. He loses what he eats as he walks past. M... Hello dear Anifit team, My second dog "Leon" (also a French bulldog from animal welfare, 9 years old) is also a glutton. When I got him he had a dull, flaky and greasy coat. He was of normal weight, ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Encrusted areas are a thing of the past Dear Anifit team, Milo, my 6-year-old German Shepherd/Bernese Mountain Dog mix, has had open or encrusted areas on his lips for six months. Most recently, his front paws were also affected. Although medication worked, it was not a permanent solution. Switching to a special hyperallergenic food was also unsuccessful. On the contrary... he was then switched to Rydog Lamb Vital Menu. For him, who previously only had dry food, the switch to wet food was a highlight in itself. Now, after 6 weeks o... Dear Anifit team, Milo, my 6-year-old German Shepherd/Bernese Mountain Dog mix, has had open or encrusted areas on his lips for six months. Most recently, his front paws were also affected. Although ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We can only recommend Anifit to every dog owner Dear Anifit team, We ordered Anifit for the first time about 2 months ago. It was clear from the start how high quality the food is. Our little dog liked the food right from the start. We were also very impressed with his tolerance at the beginning. He gets his little menu every day - flakes, wet food and vegetable mix. He loves it. As animal welfare is also very important to us, we are also on the same wavelength here. We can only recommend Anifit to every dog owner. Simply a great and species... Dear Anifit team, We ordered Anifit for the first time about 2 months ago. It was clear from the start how high quality the food is. Our little dog liked the food right from the start. We were also v... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The high meat content is also exactly what convinces me Dear Anifit team, We have a beagle who is now just over a year old and we didn't want to keep feeding our Toni such smelly crap from other manufacturers, so we searched and found it. I have to say that some of my friends feed Anifit. It's amazing how good the quality is. If you take a closer look, you'll see that the standards in Sweden, and that's where Anifit comes from, are much higher than here in Germany. More interestingly, this applies to all food. Factory farming is a foreign concept th... Dear Anifit team, We have a beagle who is now just over a year old and we didn't want to keep feeding our Toni such smelly crap from other manufacturers, so we searched and found it. I have to say th... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Street tiger Rocky eats with relish Hello ANIFIT team, After we decided to feed our cat food without artificial additives in future, we ordered a sample pack from Anifit to see if our street tiger would be enthusiastic about high-quality food. To our delight, Rocky devoured the new food with relish... Kind regards A. Des Loges This product review was translated automatically. Hello ANIFIT team, After we decided to feed our cat food without artificial additives in future, we ordered a sample pack from Anifit to see if our street tiger would be enthusiastic about high-quali... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our dogs now have the ideal weight Dear Anifit team, We have been feeding Anifit for about 3 weeks. We are delighted with the food. Our dogs eat more, are fuller and have lost weight to their ideal weight. Their coats are shiny and the house smells less of dog, and the change of food was absolutely problem-free. The dogs like it much better than the dry food. It's good to be able to feed with a clear conscience and, as hoped, the dogs have less stress due to the reduced faeces. Compared to other brands, the meat content is highe... Dear Anifit team, We have been feeding Anifit for about 3 weeks. We are delighted with the food. Our dogs eat more, are fuller and have lost weight to their ideal weight. Their coats are shiny and th... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Simply delicious for our dogs Hello Anifit team, Simply soon as you open these tins, the appetising and pleasant smell hits your nose...quite unlike other tinned food manufacturers. And both our dogs are crazy about ANIFIT. Gone are the frequent bouts of diarrhoea that were considered normal and our "old" Eddy in particular is now somehow cutting a better figure again, is more agile, seems more lively and full of life. A clear recommendation to buy, you can certainly trust what is printed on the tin, but the ... Hello Anifit team, Simply soon as you open these tins, the appetising and pleasant smell hits your nose...quite unlike other tinned food manufacturers. And both our dogs are crazy abou... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Wilma (food allergy) Hello Anifit team, I would like to tell you about the great success with RyDog Vital Menu Lamb. My dog Wilma is a 5-year-old French Bulldog with a food allergy. From puppyhood onwards, she suffered from severe flatulence, abdominal pain, occasionally dull fur with holes and diarrhoea. She often didn't even eat at all. I tried a lot of things and spent a lot of money on different types and brands of food. Wilma is a very lively dog but unfortunately she was very often ill. We suffered so much t... Hello Anifit team, I would like to tell you about the great success with RyDog Vital Menu Lamb. My dog Wilma is a 5-year-old French Bulldog with a food allergy. From puppyhood onwards, she suffered ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chicken breast treats in the usual quality Dear Anifit team, Experience report on Leckerli Hühnerbrust Like everything from Anifit, the chicken breast comes in the usual quality. All I have to do is go to the drawer and my 4 fur kids already know that it's time for treats from Anifit. They all seem to love the flavour, because they really go for it. I also have nothing but positive things to say about the smell and appearance of the chicken breast. The pieces are bite-sized and very easy to eat. Whether it's our 4 cats or 3 dogs - they ... Dear Anifit team, Experience report on Leckerli Hühnerbrust Like everything from Anifit, the chicken breast comes in the usual quality. All I have to do is go to the drawer and my 4 fur kids already ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Vet costs have halved Dear Anifit team, Ida (2 years) and Marlene (17 years) feel completely at ease. We have been feeding Anifit for 3 years. Since then, vet costs have halved. Marlene's digestive problems have disappeared. Marlene also no longer has tonsillitis. Ida is full of vitality. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, Ida (2 years) and Marlene (17 years) feel completely at ease. We have been feeding Anifit for 3 years. Since then, vet costs have halved. Marlene's digestive problems have disappear... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Much livelier with ANIFIT Dear Anifit team, A lot has changed since I started feeding my two Maine Coons Anifit. Changing their food was a challenge. They refused the new food for days on end, even though I consistently followed my consultant's changeover plan. When I was on the verge of despair because they were "starving" (from their point of view) in front of the full bowl, the day came. Finally, on day 4, they accepted the food. They are still devouring it today and can hardly wait for the next meal. I have noticed ... Dear Anifit team, A lot has changed since I started feeding my two Maine Coons Anifit. Changing their food was a challenge. They refused the new food for days on end, even though I consistently follo... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chicken breast treat for Eva Hello Anifit team, Chicken breast treat, 35g I have just ordered these treats for the first time and our Eva is delighted. They are just the right size for our little dog to snack on between meals and as a reward when doing tricks with our daughter. And the flavour seems to be right too, because Eva would never voluntarily lie down on a cold floor - but she would for the chicken breast pieces! I personally like the size and consistency of the treats and the subtle chicken flavour. This produc... Hello Anifit team, Chicken breast treat, 35g I have just ordered these treats for the first time and our Eva is delighted. They are just the right size for our little dog to snack on between meals ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Allergy dog notices the difference Hello Anifit team, Unfortunately we have a dog with allergies and after a long ordeal we ended up with Anifit. We use Rydog Vital Menu Organic Beef and our dog is absolutely delighted. The bowl is empty in no time at all and the dog is finally feeling better again. Thanks to the food, we finally have an agile, pain-free dog again. You can see and smell the difference to cheap food as soon as you open it. So it's better to have this high-quality food and a healthy, happy dog than some cheap rubb... Hello Anifit team, Unfortunately we have a dog with allergies and after a long ordeal we ended up with Anifit. We use Rydog Vital Menu Organic Beef and our dog is absolutely delighted. The bowl is em... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The composition is optimal Dear Anifit team, Buddy, our 8-month-old Romanian puppy, loves this food and looks forward to his feast every evening! The composition seems to be optimal for him, both the strong, shiny coat and the good digestion speak in favour of this. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, Buddy, our 8-month-old Romanian puppy, loves this food and looks forward to his feast every evening! The composition seems to be optimal for him, both the strong, shiny coat and th... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our dog finds the tins very tasty Hello Anifit team, I ordered a taster pack some time ago and have now switched from barf to tinned food. Our dog obviously finds the tins very tasty. I think the declaration on the tins is okay, better than most manufacturers. I think it's a pity that the individual ingredients of the meat (muscle meat, lung, rumen, etc. in per cent) are not mentioned. My dog seems to tolerate the doses well, the output is good and the coat also looks nice. Normally I would prefer to feed monoproteins, which se... Hello Anifit team, I ordered a taster pack some time ago and have now switched from barf to tinned food. Our dog obviously finds the tins very tasty. I think the declaration on the tins is okay, bett... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Our cats are delighted with the Strauss treats Hello Anifit team, We had received a voucher and used it straight away to order some new treats for our little ones. I have to admit that my two cats didn't like the shrimps. We then gave them away as gifts. However, we then opened the treats with ostrich straight away and both were absolutely delighted. They were really keen on them. They haven't opened the other varieties yet, but I'm assuming that they'll love them just as much. Here is another photo :) Lg Vanessa Ennen This product rev... Hello Anifit team, We had received a voucher and used it straight away to order some new treats for our little ones. I have to admit that my two cats didn't like the shrimps. We then gave them away a... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The food was eaten immediately with appetite Dear Anifit team, We tried Ani-Fit and they ate it straight away and with appetite. The food smells wonderful and as a human I would even try it myself. The consistency is great, even for small breeds, and we would buy it again straight away. Now we're going to try the other flavours. The treats (freeze-dried) are great and are also readily accepted. We are happy that we have found something that the Mäkellies like. Keep up the good work! With kind regards Angela Eisermann This product rev... Dear Anifit team, We tried Ani-Fit and they ate it straight away and with appetite. The food smells wonderful and as a human I would even try it myself. The consistency is great, even for small breed... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Anifit wet food for 3 months and everything is great Hello Provital Team, We have been feeding Ani fit for about 3 months now and the changeover has gone really well and without any problems. The dogs like it very much👌We feed the Ani fit tins of wet food. LG Erna and Rosi This product review was translated automatically. Hello Provital Team, We have been feeding Ani fit for about 3 months now and the changeover has gone really well and without any problems. The dogs like it very much👌We feed the Ani fit tins of wet f... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Luna now without gastrointestinal problems Dear Provital Team, Our Luna had to deal with stomach and intestinal problems from time to time. We have tried many different types of food (wet/dry food). After switching to Anifit products on the Internet, we and our Luna are totally delighted. The gastro-intestinal problems are gone, Luna pounces on her new food with eagerness and ravenous appetite and is also much more agile. Here is a photo of our sweet Luna. Best regards Anne and Jürgen Krell This product review was translated automati... Dear Provital Team, Our Luna had to deal with stomach and intestinal problems from time to time. We have tried many different types of food (wet/dry food). After switching to Anifit products on the I... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pino and Luna love the food Dear Provital Team, My two dogs Pino and Luna love the food from Ryzoom. I order the three varieties: chicken, lamb and organic beef. I like the consistency, the food is nice and firm and not runny and also without unnecessary jelly. It's appetising and looks good. But most importantly, it tastes good to both my dogs. Pino in particular is very picky when it comes to his food. The three varieties also make it very varied and the bowls are clean and empty after every feed. I buy the food because... Dear Provital Team, My two dogs Pino and Luna love the food from Ryzoom. I order the three varieties: chicken, lamb and organic beef. I like the consistency, the food is nice and firm and not runny a... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Setter - Bitch (weight loss) Hello and good day Anifit, The food was bought for a sick 14-year-old setter bitch. Unfortunately, she is losing weight due to her underlying illness despite a good and plentiful food ration. I was therefore looking for a high-quality food with a high protein content, high fat content and low carbohydrate content. In addition, the nutrient supply should correspond to a complete feed. In my opinion, this is the case with this food (Gockels Duett). So much for the theory! In practice, t... Hello and good day Anifit, The food was bought for a sick 14-year-old setter bitch. Unfortunately, she is losing weight due to her underlying illness despite a good and plentiful food ration. I ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen My dog has never enjoyed eating so much Dear Anifit team, For my border collie Shelby, there is nothing more important than showing off the tricks he has learnt and running around the fields with his toys. She was fed a few types of food, but eating was only a necessity. And the slightest distraction resulted in leaving the full dog bowl and returning a little later if nothing happened! Crazy! But that has changed! Since I've been feeding her ANIFIT from Sweden, she whines as soon as I put it in the kitchen, can't be moved from t... Dear Anifit team, For my border collie Shelby, there is nothing more important than showing off the tricks he has learnt and running around the fields with his toys. She was fed a few types of food, ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bitch Lia with renal insufficiency Dear Anifit team, My dog Lia will be 15 years old in April. She was diagnosed with chronic renal insufficiency 2 years ago. We really tried a lot, tried all the kidney diets... but unfortunately she ate the food badly or not at all. Then I became aware of the positive feedback from the RyDog Vital Menu Lamb and tried it straight away. She eats the food with relish again and is doing so well! I am totally satisfied and will stick with it. Kind regards B.Bauer This product review was translate... Dear Anifit team, My dog Lia will be 15 years old in April. She was diagnosed with chronic renal insufficiency 2 years ago. We really tried a lot, tried all the kidney diets... but unfortunately she ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Everything as it should be since switching to Anifit Dear Anifit team, At 8 months old, my dog's faeces were always far too soft. Since I switched to Anifit, everything is as it should be. Great food that my dog likes very much and I have a very good feeling that I am giving him a very high quality food. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, At 8 months old, my dog's faeces were always far too soft. Since I switched to Anifit, everything is as it should be. Great food that my dog likes very much and I have a very goo... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Found Anifit through a recommendation Hello Anifit team, I came across Anifit on the recommendation of Simone and her dog Paule, who we often meet in the morning. I feed a very high-quality cold-pressed dry food. I recently ordered the taster pack. Ellie now gets her food mixed with Anifit in the morning and she loves it. I am also impressed by the good ingredients, odour and appearance and will certainly continue with this method. However, I won't be switching completely to wet food, as dry food is more practical for us in many si... Hello Anifit team, I came across Anifit on the recommendation of Simone and her dog Paule, who we often meet in the morning. I feed a very high-quality cold-pressed dry food. I recently ordered the t... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Jacky Dear Anifit Team, Thanks to Mrs Gaigl's dog training, we have been successful with our dog Jacky, who was previously a problem dog, strictly speaking. He had the sceptre in his "paw". As we were given the wrong information at the time, he really danced around on our noses. He didn't listen, let alone let us tell him what to do. He thought he was the boss and we were the subjects. Thanks to a very nice, patient dog trainer with no prejudices against punks;), who was always on hand with help and... Dear Anifit Team, Thanks to Mrs Gaigl's dog training, we have been successful with our dog Jacky, who was previously a problem dog, strictly speaking. He had the sceptre in his "paw". As we were give... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Flóki and Tuffy now stay with this food Dear Anifit team, Our two pets Flóki (Maltese) and Tuffy (Yorki) tolerate the food well. Flóki gets diarrhoea easily, but since he has been given Anifit, his digestion is fine. We are now sticking with this food after having had other brands before, but the tolerance was never perfect. LG Karoline Pemberger This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, Our two pets Flóki (Maltese) and Tuffy (Yorki) tolerate the food well. Flóki gets diarrhoea easily, but since he has been given Anifit, his digestion is fine. We are now sticking wi... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Digestion back to normal Dear AniFit Team, We gave AniFit a try and were pleasantly surprised! Although the food has a relatively high price, it is really worth it. Mr Jiggles tolerated the food really well and thanks to the high meat content of your food, he no longer has any digestive problems as this is normally a very big problem for him. What's more, our little Coco has finally finished her bowl - and that's saying something for her ;) Another plus point is the fact that AniFit contains no grain, which is very... Dear AniFit Team, We gave AniFit a try and were pleasantly surprised! Although the food has a relatively high price, it is really worth it. Mr Jiggles tolerated the food really well and thanks to t... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mohrchen and Lucie test the taster pack Well, neither of them touch the spikey fish and the chicken hearts to this day, but Mohrchen likes the Piccolina. As for the wet food, it can be said that the Nautilus variety was particularly popular with Mohrchen. Fish à la Mode was somewhat less attractive to Mohrchen and Lucie than Nautilus. Puterich's Delight, on the other hand, did not meet with much enthusiasm from either of them. Like Nautilus, they both accepted the Eismeer terrine and the Power pot quite well, but Mohrchen seemed to f... Well, neither of them touch the spikey fish and the chicken hearts to this day, but Mohrchen likes the Piccolina. As for the wet food, it can be said that the Nautilus variety was particularly popula... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lola loves Picco Train My Jack Russell dog Lola is always happy when we equip the sniffer carpet and she can work with her nose: Especially in rainy weather, this is a welcome "indoor activity" for a spirited dog who likes to have 2 horsepower more than the other family members.With Picco Train, we have found the perfect treat for this and can also use it very well outdoors. Lola loves it when we throw some of them into the garden and she can work through the meadow.Picco Trains are also ideal for filling so-called in... My Jack Russell dog Lola is always happy when we equip the sniffer carpet and she can work with her nose: Especially in rainy weather, this is a welcome "indoor activity" for a spirited dog who likes ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen In search of healthy food! Dear Anifit team, I had been looking for a long time for a healthy and nutritious food that my two eleven-year-old tomcats would also like to eat. They are siblings and very picky, so I was curious to see how they would take to the wet food. I ordered a taster pack to get them started and then began the food changeover, during which my consultant helped me a lot with tips and tricks. At first they both refused the food, but with a lot of patience and consistency I managed to get them to eat it ... Dear Anifit team, I had been looking for a long time for a healthy and nutritious food that my two eleven-year-old tomcats would also like to eat. They are siblings and very picky, so I was curious t... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Cat taster pack tested Dear Anifit team, We were made aware of Anifit products by your lovely colleague Lisanne. She had seen on Instagram that we pay a lot of attention to high-quality food and wrote to us. We are very grateful to her. She explained a lot of things to us that we didn't even know, such as that dry food is not good for the little ones. She also told us a lot about Anifit, how much meat it contains, what the salmon oil is good for and much more. When we ordered your trial pack, we were delighted that i... Dear Anifit team, We were made aware of Anifit products by your lovely colleague Lisanne. She had seen on Instagram that we pay a lot of attention to high-quality food and wrote to us. We are very gr... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Change of food for Branka Dear team, I would like to share my experience with Anifit food. Branka, my 4 year old French Bulldog is a very poor eater and it is difficult to find something suitable that she can also tolerate. We were initially given great advice and the trial set was delivered very quickly. And what can I say? I was annoyed that I had ordered the small set, Branka inhaled the tins one after the other and I was amazed when she "just" ate 400g. And best of all, she tolerates it really well. No more than th... Dear team, I would like to share my experience with Anifit food. Branka, my 4 year old French Bulldog is a very poor eater and it is difficult to find something suitable that she can also tolerate. W... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Enni is crazy about Anifit Dear team, I've been feeding AniFit for a few months now and she really likes it. I find that the food doesn't smell as bad as many other types of wet food. I find this very positive, as it means that the whole room doesn't smell of food if Enni has left some out for a change. So far I have tried 3 varieties, but I will also try others. I have the feeling that her faeces have become even better and her coat looks even nicer. It is shinier and has also become smoother. I also have the feeling t... Dear team, I've been feeding AniFit for a few months now and she really likes it. I find that the food doesn't smell as bad as many other types of wet food. I find this very positive, as it means th... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Jeff impresses with his shiny coat! Dear team, Our Jeff, a very active pointer that we took over from the animal shelter 4 years ago, was only given dry food at first. Even at the animal shelter he had repeated problems with his food. He only tolerates the grain-free food and is also very sensitive otherwise. However, we always had the feeling that the dry food was not being utilised well by him. He also always shed a lot and his skin was often very flaky, so that he often scratched himself. After very good advice and a trial fee... Dear team, Our Jeff, a very active pointer that we took over from the animal shelter 4 years ago, was only given dry food at first. Even at the animal shelter he had repeated problems with his food. ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Agile through Anifit Dear team, My two young tomcats Grey and Romeo moved in with us in August 2018 at the age of 14 weeks. They were given Anifit right from the start and are characterised by their incredible agility. Of course, I have no comparison with other food, but what's really great is that they don't shed at all and have an incredibly silky, shiny coat. They love their food and the stinginess that you always hear from other cat owners doesn't exist here. They always eat everything straight away. We feed t... Dear team, My two young tomcats Grey and Romeo moved in with us in August 2018 at the age of 14 weeks. They were given Anifit right from the start and are characterised by their incredible agility. O... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Change of diet for diabetes Dear Anifit team, Our little cat is getting on in years. He is diabetic and last year we thought he didn't have long to live. He could no longer scratch himself with his hind legs and he was finding it increasingly difficult to walk. He could no longer climb stairs either. He was thin and his coat was shaggy. It is really marvellous what a change the change of food has brought about. He is now a fit cat. He runs and jumps and even plays again. He even catches a mouse now and again and his coat ... Dear Anifit team, Our little cat is getting on in years. He is diabetic and last year we thought he didn't have long to live. He could no longer scratch himself with his hind legs and he was finding ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Happy is eating again! Dear Anifit team, It's been 10 years since I brought my two dogs into my life. A Colly and a Sheltie, named Aaron and Happy. Unfortunately, Aaron died this summer because he had a nervous disorder. So Happy was suddenly alone. He mourned the loss of his companion. This was most evident when he refused to eat. He had been happily eating his food for 10 years and suddenly he refused it. So I went in search of something new. My daughter came across ANIfit on the Internet. We ordered some and offer... Dear Anifit team, It's been 10 years since I brought my two dogs into my life. A Colly and a Sheltie, named Aaron and Happy. Unfortunately, Aaron died this summer because he had a nervous disorder. S... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Renal insufficiency in Leyla and Prinz Hello Anifit Team, Like our two dogs Prinz (Vizsla, 4 years old) and Leyla (Bracke mix, 13 years old), we are absolutely delighted with this food, which we have been feeding for 6 months now. Our dogs really love it and it is really good for them. After a very poor vet diagnosis for our dog Leyla (stage 3 renal insufficiency), we had to feed her a special kidney diet in addition to medication. The values improved slightly, but this special diet was not suitable as a permanent diet and we were... Hello Anifit Team, Like our two dogs Prinz (Vizsla, 4 years old) and Leyla (Bracke mix, 13 years old), we are absolutely delighted with this food, which we have been feeding for 6 months now. Our do... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lola loves the food Dear Anifit team, We are very happy with the Anifit food. Our mixed breed dog Lola loves the food. The treats have also gone down very well with her :) The treats are very suitable for training as they are relatively small. The dog doesn't have to chew for long. The product contains a high proportion of meat (without waste). Natural raw materials are also used. No artificial additives or preservatives are used. It's good to know that the same criteria are used in the production of this Swedish ... Dear Anifit team, We are very happy with the Anifit food. Our mixed breed dog Lola loves the food. The treats have also gone down very well with her :) The treats are very suitable for training as the... Erfahrungsbericht lesen CHEWY and his first samples of Anifit Dear Anifit team, Since 19 June, we have had a mongrel from animal welfare, who now accompanies me and us all the time and makes us all very happy. I wanted to give my "Chewy", a Chow-Chow-Havanese mix from southern Spain, the same food as my previous dog, who unfortunately died in the spring. I initially ordered a taster pack. I have now been feeding him different varieties of Anifit for 2 weeks and have noticed that he has become much more alert and attentive. For me this was very noticeable ... Dear Anifit team, Since 19 June, we have had a mongrel from animal welfare, who now accompanies me and us all the time and makes us all very happy. I wanted to give my "Chewy", a Chow-Chow-Havanese m... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chico and his cuddly and shiny fur! Dear Anifit team, After our beloved Birman tomcat Obelix died, we couldn't do without a cat for so long. We researched on the Internet, visited breeders and found Chico, a British longhair tomcat, by chance. As he had his home near us, we drove out to meet him on 2 August. We were shocked to find no toys, no scratching post, but a shaggy bundle of fur lying lethargically behind the television in the warmth. I realised that I wanted to lovingly care for and nurture this furry friend in my home.... Dear Anifit team, After our beloved Birman tomcat Obelix died, we couldn't do without a cat for so long. We researched on the Internet, visited breeders and found Chico, a British longhair tomcat, by... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Baloo and the wet food Dear Anifit team, My customer feedback from my experience, I was initially a little unsure about wet food or food in general, my Balu didn't really want to eat wet food and was therefore only given dry food, which caused him to put on a lot of weight. I was then contacted by my consultant and we found the perfect solution. She sent me a few tins to try out and I was so happy. When I tried the food on Baloo, I couldn't stop him, he wanted to eat even more, which he had never done before. I then w... Dear Anifit team, My customer feedback from my experience, I was initially a little unsure about wet food or food in general, my Balu didn't really want to eat wet food and was therefore only given dr... Erfahrungsbericht lesen My two Maine Coon cats finally happy! Dear Anifit team, My two main coons, that was a long story... They are only a year apart in age but are like night and day in temperament. It was always a big struggle to find the right food. One gives them intestinal problems, the other is not nutritious enough or they won't even touch it. They are quite big cats and I think a healthy diet is very important to keep them healthy and fit. One of them has always had problems with her coat, she always had knots and it was very greasy. Since I've... Dear Anifit team, My two main coons, that was a long story... They are only a year apart in age but are like night and day in temperament. It was always a big struggle to find the right food. One gi... Erfahrungsbericht lesen My experience with Anifit Dear Anifit team, I am very happy to fulfil your request and tell you about my experience with your cat food. First of all: it is very good! An organic (sensible) diet has been a top priority for me for several years now. Now I thought it made sense to take a closer look at pet food - I was shocked by the ingredients in the "advertising products" and immediately ordered your sample pack. After just two "familiarisation meals" (your food mixed with the previous food), my two cats, Jamie and Be... Dear Anifit team, I am very happy to fulfil your request and tell you about my experience with your cat food. First of all: it is very good! An organic (sensible) diet has been a top priority for me... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Shaggy fur on Nala and Balou Dear Anifit team, We have two cats, one is our cat Nala and the other is our tomcat Balou. Our Nala has always tolerated all food, but we were very worried about our Balou. He had very rough fur, shaggy and had constant diarrhoea almost every day. It was no longer nice to see how much our cat was suffering. Until we came across the Anifit food. At first I was sceptical as to whether the circumstances would really change. After a little patience and consistency, it turned out that Baloo had no m... Dear Anifit team, We have two cats, one is our cat Nala and the other is our tomcat Balou. Our Nala has always tolerated all food, but we were very worried about our Balou. He had very rough fur, sha... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Field report from Charly, Mila and Matilda Dear Anifit team, My husband and I live together with Charly & Mila, our wonderful dogs, and Matilda, our enchantingly wild cat lady. All three of them are always waiting with water in their mouths when there's "munchies". Matilda loves to eat power pots. She is a five-month-old brown-grey tabby power kitten, so it suits her perfectly :). She also loves the treats and always runs wildly around the kitchen before she eats them. It's nice to see how she grows and thrives and feels good. Ch... Dear Anifit team, My husband and I live together with Charly & Mila, our wonderful dogs, and Matilda, our enchantingly wild cat lady. All three of them are always waiting with water in their mout... Erfahrungsbericht lesen We are very satisfied with Anifit! Dear Anifit team, My sister has a 2-year-old dog that she has been feeding Anifit for a long time. She gave me a few small tins for our dog to try out. Our dog Bosse tolerates the Anifit food very well right from the start. His coat is beautiful and he has a slim and athletic body thanks to the well-balanced Anifit food. Our vet is very happy with our dog's health. Sport, play and the right diet are the most important things for our dog. We are very happy to recommend Anifit! This product... Dear Anifit team, My sister has a 2-year-old dog that she has been feeding Anifit for a long time. She gave me a few small tins for our dog to try out. Our dog Bosse tolerates the Anifit food very we... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Lotte likes the food Dear Anifit team, I'm Lotte and I really like your food! I also eat my portion every day and lick the bowl clean afterwards! Here is a picture of me and the evening meal. This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, I'm Lotte and I really like your food! I also eat my portion every day and lick the bowl clean afterwards! Here is a picture of me and the evening meal. This product review was... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Switch to Anifit Dear Anifit team, It took a while, but I have now switched my puppies over completely to Anifit. They both eat very well and I'm glad to have found a healthy, species-appropriate food. Best regards,Klaudia This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit team, It took a while, but I have now switched my puppies over completely to Anifit. They both eat very well and I'm glad to have found a healthy, species-appropriate food. Best regards,... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Diarrhoea is a thing of the past! Dear Anifit team, This is my little Crumbl. He is a Chihuahua & now almost 2 years old. Actually, he was always quite well & we never had any problems...except for his sensitive stomach, which hardly tolerated any wet food. Diarrhoea & even vomiting were part of our days. I tried everything; different foods, mixing in dry food...even the really expensive food from the vet didn't help. So I only gave him dry food, which neither he nor I were really happy with. But when we tried the... Dear Anifit team, This is my little Crumbl. He is a Chihuahua & now almost 2 years old. Actually, he was always quite well & we never had any problems...except for his sensitive stomach, whi... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bailey is healthy and vital! Dear Anifit team, I would like to give you a short feedback! Our Bailey came to us when he was 10 weeks old. At that time he had severe diarrhoea. We thought it was the stress of moving in with us. After 3 days it got so bad that he had blood in his faeces. The vet's diagnosis: giardia. Within a few days, he had slumped from a bundle of joy to a skinny frame, had a dull coat and was getting weaker and weaker. At the same time, I started looking for well-tolerated dog food without superfluous o... Dear Anifit team, I would like to give you a short feedback! Our Bailey came to us when he was 10 weeks old. At that time he had severe diarrhoea. We thought it was the stress of moving in with us. A... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Loss of appetite gone! Dear Anifit Team, My Bichon Frise didn't want to eat for a long time. He also always had digestive problems and often had soft faeces. Since we have been feeding him "Gockels Duett" from Anifit, he is happy when his bowl is filled and eats his portion quickly. We are delighted to have found this food! With kind regards Martina Hascher This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, My Bichon Frise didn't want to eat for a long time. He also always had digestive problems and often had soft faeces. Since we have been feeding him "Gockels Duett" from Anifit, he i... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Dandruff is a thing of the past Dear Anifit team, I am reporting on my French Bulldog Amy, female neutered, 4 years old. Amy has been suffering from food intolerance for a long time. This manifests itself in itching, various skin problems and paw licking. Various types of food from different companies have been tried. Dry food as well as different types of wet food. Somehow none of it was tolerated. It became noticeable through diarrhoea, dandruff and a dull coat. The skin also deteriorated. Wiebke Krogmann then told me abo... Dear Anifit team, I am reporting on my French Bulldog Amy, female neutered, 4 years old. Amy has been suffering from food intolerance for a long time. This manifests itself in itching, various skin p... Erfahrungsbericht lesen From dry to wet food Dear Anifit team, Wendy, 12 years old, was confiscated from a Messi household and housed at the Mon Ro Ranch cat shelter for a year. There she was offered wet and dry food (all kinds of donations). But she only ate dry food. She also did not eat well and did not like to eat (without appetite). On 07.10.2018 I was allowed to take her into care. I got some dry food (I'm Bella beautiful - rich in chicken with anti - hairball and for supple skin and shiny coat as well as Kitty's Cuisine, Adult, Rin... Dear Anifit team, Wendy, 12 years old, was confiscated from a Messi household and housed at the Mon Ro Ranch cat shelter for a year. There she was offered wet and dry food (all kinds of donations). B... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Relax drops on New Year's Eve! Dear Anifit team, Today I would like to thank you for the tip to mix Relaxs drops into the feed in case of New Year's Eve and thunderstorm excitement as well as visitor stress. It works very well for our Airedale Terrier Ben now that I have experimented with the amount. It is of course good to know about such events in advance - e.g. heavy thunderstorms or fireworks in the evening, then I add about 20 drops to the food in the morning, to the cottage cheese at lunchtime and to the food in the ... Dear Anifit team, Today I would like to thank you for the tip to mix Relaxs drops into the feed in case of New Year's Eve and thunderstorm excitement as well as visitor stress. It works very well fo... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Diarrhoea is now a thing of the past! Dear Anifit team, Würmchen, my cat would describe ANIfit like this: I like ANIfit because it is "natural" and good for me and also tastes delicious. Actually, my favourite place to be is outside in nature, in my natural environment, in the garden in the herb bed :-) (or on the sofa ;-)) Or I like to catch a mouse or a bird But when my mistress opens the tin, I prefer to be in the kitchen and never leave her side. I do that without her having to lure me in any way - I don't need any attract... Dear Anifit team, Würmchen, my cat would describe ANIfit like this: I like ANIfit because it is "natural" and good for me and also tastes delicious. Actually, my favourite place to be is outside in n... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Change of food since 2 weeks Dear Anifit team, Our Gina had the peculiarity (Seitz food) of first circling over the food bowl "what's all this in it, where do I start?" and has actually managed from time to time that we had sprinkled some meat sausage or similar over it, because she then slowly started to eat with this addition, then licked over the rest and finally started to eat - as if she needed it to start - she doesn't do that at all anymore: she sets off at speed and without leftovers! Henny is even happier - if t... Dear Anifit team, Our Gina had the peculiarity (Seitz food) of first circling over the food bowl "what's all this in it, where do I start?" and has actually managed from time to time that we had spri... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Dina - our little construction site Dear Anifit team, Dina came to us as a completely distraught 9-month-old girl dog. We were told that she had previously been locked in a cage or locked out in the garden. Dina was very insecure and nervous. However, she radiated such a sweet and gentle nature that we immediately fell in love with her. Due to her nervousness and fear, she had problems eating her food. Nothing seemed suitable for her. We tried a lot of things: No grain, monoprotein, cooking her own food etc. We couldn't get her d... Dear Anifit team, Dina came to us as a completely distraught 9-month-old girl dog. We were told that she had previously been locked in a cage or locked out in the garden. Dina was very insecure and n... Erfahrungsbericht lesen DIABETES/OBESITY/DANDRUFF Dear Anifit team, I have two dogs. Filly (Galgomix) is 17.5 years old and has age-related handicaps. Very fussy with her diet. She also had skin problems that were accompanied by loss of fur behind her ears. Cheech (pit bull) is 10 years old. He was overweight, had dandruff and, last but not least, diabetes. After I sought advice from Yvonne Nederkorn and she put me in touch with a veterinary practitioner, I changed the diet for both dogs to Anifit. In the meantime, the skin problems have dis... Dear Anifit team, I have two dogs. Filly (Galgomix) is 17.5 years old and has age-related handicaps. Very fussy with her diet. She also had skin problems that were accompanied by loss of fur behind h... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Goodbye diarrhoea! Dear Anifit team, my name is Greta Fluse von Winzig I am 3,5 years old and a purebred Yorkschudel (Yorki -Poodle mix). I often had diarrhoea and vomited blood. I didn't really like the food I was given at the time and it didn't do me any good either. Then I went to a dog fair with my owner. It was really exciting. I got lots of new dog things. And then we came to the Anifit stand. That was my good fortune! My mum got advice from some really nice people there and took part in a competition. ... Dear Anifit team, my name is Greta Fluse von Winzig I am 3,5 years old and a purebred Yorkschudel (Yorki -Poodle mix). I often had diarrhoea and vomited blood. I didn't really like the food I was g... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Kidney problems have vanished into thin air! Dear Anifit team, The cats are doing wonderfully. My black and white tomcat Sami was vomiting badly and had diarrhoea - terrible. The vet said he was terminally ill - what a load of rubbish! With the new food EVERYTHING is fine! It's great that you "popped into the shop" back then! One more thing about Sami's illness. According to the blood count, his kidney values were slightly elevated. The vet therefore thought he was poisoning himself internally and that was why he was breaking. I could ne... Dear Anifit team, The cats are doing wonderfully. My black and white tomcat Sami was vomiting badly and had diarrhoea - terrible. The vet said he was terminally ill - what a load of rubbish! With the... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Amy finally has no more sores! Dear Anifit team, Our Amy came to us from Greece when she was 3 months old. To start with, we fed her dry puppy food from the pet shop. After 2 weeks we switched to Reiko Vital dry food. Gradually, our dog began to scratch and nibble frequently. In the end, so much so that she had open and bleeding spots. Sometimes even without fur. A torture for Amy and for us. The vet didn't know what to do. We had cortisone injections, anti-allergy medication, blood tests and leishmaniasis tests. It just did... Dear Anifit team, Our Amy came to us from Greece when she was 3 months old. To start with, we fed her dry puppy food from the pet shop. After 2 weeks we switched to Reiko Vital dry food. Gradually, o... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Gina is happy with her bowl Hello dear Anifit team, My Gina likes the Anifit food so much that she still goes back to the empty bowl 2-3 times and licks through it again - she used to push her old tin bowl across the flat and it became a tripping hazard.... so I gave her the ceramic bowl from Anifit! It is well made all round, is a nice size, is very stable and my initial concern that the motif might come loose through licking is obviously unfounded - so far it has held really well! That's why I now have a second bowl fo... Hello dear Anifit team, My Gina likes the Anifit food so much that she still goes back to the empty bowl 2-3 times and licks through it again - she used to push her old tin bowl across the flat and i... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Gipsy's coat is shiny again! Dear Anifit team, I am so grateful that I was able to meet Anke. I was actually pretty sure that the dry food I had chosen was really good for Gipsy. He was praised at the vet, good weight, healthy and lovable. But after 3 years, something inside me was upset. The food seemed so loveless to me. Dusty dry food every day. Even when I wanted to add some variety with water or a raw egg. I wouldn't want to eat the same thing every day myself. Especially as I noticed that his coat looked dull. And ... Dear Anifit team, I am so grateful that I was able to meet Anke. I was actually pretty sure that the dry food I had chosen was really good for Gipsy. He was praised at the vet, good weight, healthy ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Barney is much more alert! I have been feeding ANIfit to our 6-year-old Barney, who has a heart condition, for about 3 months. It's a pleasure to see how it's doing my dog good. Not only has he got a great shiny coat, he has also become much more agile. Over the last few weeks, I've been asked again and again by friends what I've been doing with my dog because he's suddenly such a bright bundle of energy. When I reply that I've just changed his food, they are amazed. He tolerated it well right from the start. ANIfit ha... I have been feeding ANIfit to our 6-year-old Barney, who has a heart condition, for about 3 months. It's a pleasure to see how it's doing my dog good. Not only has he got a great shiny coat, he has a... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Emma finally has her zest for life back! Emma, an English Springer Spaniel, came into our family in November 2011 as a six-month-old. She was very problematic in her food intake right from the start, as she was used to fighting for her food in the pack and could now refuse it in peace with us. One week after another she refused her food, only accepting the change. So she was spoilt rotten by us, because 'the dog didn't eat well'. She was also sensitive from the start, one loud word and she lay flat on the floor and at most moved her e... Emma, an English Springer Spaniel, came into our family in November 2011 as a six-month-old. She was very problematic in her food intake right from the start, as she was used to fighting for her food ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen A new life begins for Hoschy! Dear Anifit Team, There's even a little preamble to this story. One and a half years ago, when I was at Hoschy's for the festive meal, he had only been given dry food up to that point. He was 6 years old then. His owner had followed her vet's advice with a clear conscience that dry food should aid digestion to counteract diarrhoea, as French Bulldogs are more prone to it. So there wasn't much in the way of variety. The feast with Anifit convinced his mum, so we wrote down the order. The low co... Dear Anifit Team, There's even a little preamble to this story. One and a half years ago, when I was at Hoschy's for the festive meal, he had only been given dry food up to that point. He was 6 years... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bailey has a beautiful coat! Dear Anifit Team, I wanted to give some feedback. Our dog is absolutely thrilled with his new food and can't wait for mealtime 😅 Bailey is a lively and absolutely happy male Labrador who loves to eat (what dog doesn't?). But I have a feeling that he is even happier since then! Even though his food rations are a little less per day, he is satiated and completely satisfied (at least I think so ;) ) His coat is much softer and, above all, shinier and he no longer has any bad breath :) So complim... Dear Anifit Team, I wanted to give some feedback. Our dog is absolutely thrilled with his new food and can't wait for mealtime 😅 Bailey is a lively and absolutely happy male Labrador who loves to eat... Erfahrungsbericht lesen If the gut is healthy, the dog is happy Dear Anifit Team, I am a veterinary practitioner with additional training as a certified animal mycotherapist. My focus is on intestinal health and the immune system. The two are inextricably linked "If the gut is healthy, the animal is happy" and especially the pet owner. For this reason, I am always on the lookout for food that I can recommend with a clear conscience. Not everyone can and wants to barf. That's why you need a good tinned food. I found this with Anifit. I started feeding it to ... Dear Anifit Team, I am a veterinary practitioner with additional training as a certified animal mycotherapist. My focus is on intestinal health and the immune system. The two are inextricably linked ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Anouk (weight problems) Dear Anifit team, My dog Anouk will be fourteen years old in October. I fed her fresh meat for many years. She was always in good health until she was very old, but last year she lost more and more weight, even though I increased the amount of food significantly. After a consultation with Katharina Reimann, I decided to feed Anouk AniFit. I had already fed AniFit on holiday because I had noticed that my dogs tolerated a change from raw food to AniFit without any digestive problems. With other t... Dear Anifit team, My dog Anouk will be fourteen years old in October. I fed her fresh meat for many years. She was always in good health until she was very old, but last year she lost more and more w... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Boomer - beautiful coat! Dear Anifit team, Hello my name is Boomer. I am a strong male German Wirehaired Pointer and 9 months old. I have a huge appetite and am delighted that my boss orders such delicious food from Anifit. It tastes great and smells delicious when I open the tin. My coat is shiny, no dandruff, everything is fine. My boss recommends it to all dogs because it contains so much meat. Everything is ordered over the phone from the lovely Mrs Nederkorn. The delivery is super fast and my mum doesn't have to c... Dear Anifit team, Hello my name is Boomer. I am a strong male German Wirehaired Pointer and 9 months old. I have a huge appetite and am delighted that my boss orders such delicious food from Anifit. ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Finally a shiny coat again! Dear Anifit team, We got to know AniFit through our groomer and current consultant. She told us about AniFit on her first visit. She said that Luke's coat was dull and that our dog was a bit chubby. After a while we decided to feed him AniFit and lo and behold, his coat (which we thought was soft and beautiful) has become even softer and shinier. It is much easier to comb and tangles can be brushed out. (Luke had always had a lot of flatulence. He no longer has this, his faeces don't smell and ... Dear Anifit team, We got to know AniFit through our groomer and current consultant. She told us about AniFit on her first visit. She said that Luke's coat was dull and that our dog was a bit chubby. ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Barney (diarrhoea, dull coat, itching) Hello and good afternoon, I would like to say thank you on behalf of our cat Barney. A few weeks ago, our Barney wasn't feeling well at all. Diarrhoea, dull coat, itching and listless. We were at a loss as the symptoms persisted for several weeks. Until we spoke to our friend Barbara Sahlmann about it. She recommended the taster pack from Anifit. At first we thought it wouldn't work. But just a few days after Barney had eaten the food, he was feeling better. He became agile again, his bowel mov... Hello and good afternoon, I would like to say thank you on behalf of our cat Barney. A few weeks ago, our Barney wasn't feeling well at all. Diarrhoea, dull coat, itching and listless. We were at a l... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Titus (immunodeficiency) My name is Titus and I am 9 years old. I would like to share my experience and that of my owner with Anifit brand food. My owner affectionately calls me the dustbin cat because she found me there. Unfortunately, I was still far too young and didn't get any mum's milk, so my immune system is very weak, which we now have to live with and which led us to test Anifit. As I unfortunately have allergic reactions to almost everything, in the form of skin reactions and severe vomiting, we have been test... My name is Titus and I am 9 years old. I would like to share my experience and that of my owner with Anifit brand food. My owner affectionately calls me the dustbin cat because she found me there. Unf... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Tapsy (healthy all round) Hello, I am Tapsy 6 years old and moved in with my family when I was 2 years old. At the vet's health check I had my anal gland expressed and the vet recommended that we buy good food. Good advice was expensive. Then I heard about AniFit. There's plenty to choose from and I like it. My vet is delighted and says I'm healthy, I get my injection and worming treatment, that's it. Kind regards I. Wendland This product review was translated automatically. Hello, I am Tapsy 6 years old and moved in with my family when I was 2 years old. At the vet's health check I had my anal gland expressed and the vet recommended that we buy good food. Good advice w... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Satisfied all round! Dear Anifit team, Some time ago I got to know Anifit at a city festival. I was given good advice. I was convinced by the fact that this food is produced in Sweden. Sweden has stricter regulations regarding animal husbandry (no antibiotics, no hormones, species-appropriate animal husbandry, etc.). Furthermore, because the product contains a high proportion of meat (without waste) and natural raw materials are used. No artificial additives or preservatives are used. It is also cold-filled so tha... Dear Anifit team, Some time ago I got to know Anifit at a city festival. I was given good advice. I was convinced by the fact that this food is produced in Sweden. Sweden has stricter regulations reg... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pepper and Meico (joint problems) Our experience with Anifit! We became aware of Anifit a good year ago at a city festival. We had our Continental Bulldog Pepper with us and asked Mrs Zintl for advice at a stand. Until then, our Pepper had been suffering from joint problems time and again. As soon as she exerted herself (and that's all the time with a bulldog and its muscle mass), she limped on her front legs. We already wanted to take her to the vet. Mr and Mrs Zintl asked us if we were feeding her dry food. I replied in the ... Our experience with Anifit! We became aware of Anifit a good year ago at a city festival. We had our Continental Bulldog Pepper with us and asked Mrs Zintl for advice at a stand. Until then, our Pep... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Premium turkey sticks as a bedtime snack Dear Provital team, Every evening he gets a premium turkey stick as a bedtime treat. He waits eagerly for the stick before going to bed. This product is very high quality, carefully packaged and easily digestible. Pepper had skin problems, he tolerates these sticks without any problems. Unfortunately, Pepper also had problems with his gastrointestinal tract. When he was "new", we fed him Anifit because we really liked the concept. Unfortunately, all the tins contained beef except for "Gockels ... Dear Provital team, Every evening he gets a premium turkey stick as a bedtime treat. He waits eagerly for the stick before going to bed. This product is very high quality, carefully packaged and easi... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Coco, Shiva & Vani (semolina and fur problems) Three cheers for ANIFIT - I can only warmly recommend it!!! After a few days ago with my three cats: COCO (domestic cat, 9 years old)SHIVA(Bengal, 4 years old) andVANI (Turkish Van, 3 years old) to our vet for the annual check-up, what I had hoped for based on my observations has now been confirmed! I switched completely to ANIFIT in September. It took about 3 weeks for all three cats to get along with it without any problems. The complaints that were present: Coco had a severe allergy, which... Three cheers for ANIFIT - I can only warmly recommend it!!! After a few days ago with my three cats: COCO (domestic cat, 9 years old)SHIVA(Bengal, 4 years old) andVANI (Turkish Van, 3 years old) to... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Duncan (B.A.R.F. incompatibility) Dear Anifit team, Here is a photo of our dog Duncan. We took the photo on 11 February 2017 on Duncan's 15th birthday. Duncan is an American Collie and with his 65cm a handsome dog. Despite his advanced age, he is still in great shape. We have always paid attention to high-quality feeding. Until a few months ago, we barfed. However, as we had the impression that he no longer tolerated barfing so well, we decided to feed him Anifit and have not regretted it. He really likes the food. After abou... Dear Anifit team, Here is a photo of our dog Duncan. We took the photo on 11 February 2017 on Duncan's 15th birthday. Duncan is an American Collie and with his 65cm a handsome dog. Despite his advanc... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Amy (joint problems) Dear Anifit team, It's time for me to say something positive about ANIfit products. As soon as I open the product packaging, i.e. the tin can, I get a pleasant smell. Even the appearance of the various food products does NOT make me shudder. I can feed my dog ladies, Cleo and Amy, French Bullies aged 1 1/2 and 11, the SAME product. It is suitable for senior and young active dogs. Counting calories is taboo AND the older dog's stomach problems are also greatly reduced. The Gelenkfit tablet a... Dear Anifit team, It's time for me to say something positive about ANIfit products. As soon as I open the product packaging, i.e. the tin can, I get a pleasant smell. Even the appearance of the var... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chester (cystitis) Hello Anifit Team, My cat, Chester, started having bladder problems over a year ago. I took him to the doctor, he was given medication and everything was fine for maybe 3 months, then he had the same problem again, took Chester to the doctor again, again medication and completely different food. That went well for maybe 5 months... He didn't like the food at all and it was very expensive :( Until I came across her nice counsellor (Andrea Herrmann);) She took a lot of time to explain everything... Hello Anifit Team, My cat, Chester, started having bladder problems over a year ago. I took him to the doctor, he was given medication and everything was fine for maybe 3 months, then he had the sam... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Emma (shiny coat) Dear Anifitteam, My name is EMMA and I am a German shepherd husky mongrel. I was abandoned at the tender age of 4 months and my boss found me at the Aachen animal shelter, took me into her heart and took me home with her. Up until 4 months ago, I was fed such boring dry food until Barbara turned up, combed out my wolf and told the boss about the food. That was a good day. I'm really thrilled. It's delicious, my teeth are great (my boss says I no longer stink from my mouth), my coat is easier to... Dear Anifitteam, My name is EMMA and I am a German shepherd husky mongrel. I was abandoned at the tender age of 4 months and my boss found me at the Aachen animal shelter, took me into her heart and ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Luna (hair loss, severe itching and diarrhoea) (copy) Dear Anifitteam, Luna (a very beautiful female pug Maltese) came into my life on 5 January 2012. She is my soul mate and my best friend. In summer 2014, Luna and I moved to Mülheim an der Ruhr. My son was born in February 2015. Everything was fine, but suddenly Luna became very ill. Hair loss, severe itching and diarrhoea were the order of the day. She also no longer wanted to go for walks and refused her food. In addition, she began to limp badly. We were constantly taking her to the vet. I wa... Dear Anifitteam, Luna (a very beautiful female pug Maltese) came into my life on 5 January 2012. She is my soul mate and my best friend. In summer 2014, Luna and I moved to Mülheim an der Ruhr. My so... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Shiva is finally putting on weight again! Dear Anifitteam, My name is Shiva and I've been doing really well since I got Anifit. I come from Hungary and am from the animal welfare organisation Notpfote. I was very thin at the beginning and have gained a lot of weight thanks to Anifit. I digest the food very well and my digestion is great. My coat has also changed, it has become very shiny. I'm just crazy about the food and I'm really full. My friend Shania is also eating much better now and she is also doing brilliantly. My mum stays wi... Dear Anifitteam, My name is Shiva and I've been doing really well since I got Anifit. I come from Hungary and am from the animal welfare organisation Notpfote. I was very thin at the beginning and ha... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Joint fitness for masters and mistresses too? Dear Anifitteam, I would like to thank you very much for the advice about the ANIfit joint pills. It actually helps. From Sept - Dec 13 I had so much pain in my left knee that I could no longer move it. I could only walk with my knee bent and could no longer walk up the stairs. After the MRI and physiotherapists, several orthopaedists advised me to have an operation and not to wait too long (endoscopy). If I waited too long, the knee could become stiff, one therapist told me from his own expe... Dear Anifitteam, I would like to thank you very much for the advice about the ANIfit joint pills. It actually helps. From Sept - Dec 13 I had so much pain in my left knee that I could no longer mov... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Julius (weight problems) Dear Anifitteam, Three years ago in September, a little Greek girl came to us as a foster dog. As a former street dog, she utilised everything she could find to eat and had a tendency to put on weight quickly. It was pointed out to us that she was very good at eating. We tried a lot of things and sought advice, but unfortunately without success. A visit to the doctor was followed by sheer horror: 17.5 kg. I asked for advice in our Facebook group and got the answer. Try Anifit. I did some resea... Dear Anifitteam, Three years ago in September, a little Greek girl came to us as a foster dog. As a former street dog, she utilised everything she could find to eat and had a tendency to put on weigh... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Change of food Pepe Dear Anifitteam, I have been feeding Anifit for a few weeks now. Pepe tolerated the change from dry food to the new wet food very well. After a short time, he was increasingly abandoning the dry food he had previously been offered. The advice we were given in the specialised shop was: "Why don't you try a different food?" Pepe is in top condition and always cleans his bowl. His bowel movements are regular and easy for Pepe. As there is enough moisture in his food, he needs to drink less. Pepe u... Dear Anifitteam, I have been feeding Anifit for a few weeks now. Pepe tolerated the change from dry food to the new wet food very well. After a short time, he was increasingly abandoning the dry food... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Kitty and Freddy really fit again thanks to ANIfit! Dear Anifitteam, About 9 years ago, our can opener picked us up as found baby cats from a rescue centre of the Heinsberg animal shelter. As we were separated from our mother at a very early age, we lacked many of our natural defences. We were often ill and Kitty even suffered from constant diarrhoea for almost a year. Even the special food from the vet didn't really help. Expensive, but not good! Kitty was also not enthusiastic about eating. When she was about four years old, Kitty was diagnose... Dear Anifitteam, About 9 years ago, our can opener picked us up as found baby cats from a rescue centre of the Heinsberg animal shelter. As we were separated from our mother at a very early age, we l... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mali (shiny coat, reduction of weight problems) (copy) Hello Anifitteam, Mali has been on Anifit since she was 6 months old. We met Mrs Nederkorn at a dog fair and hadn't heard of the food before. Mali was previously fed dry food from Real Nature, which she didn't like. Her coat improved immediately. It is shiny and very supple. She was previously slightly underweight and didn't put on weight, but this changed quickly with Anifit. Maybe it's because she had to eat 5-6 times a day before and since Anifit only three times. She really likes the vari... Hello Anifitteam, Mali has been on Anifit since she was 6 months old. We met Mrs Nederkorn at a dog fair and hadn't heard of the food before. Mali was previously fed dry food from Real Nature, which ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Dimbo (no dandruff infestation, great care by FB) Hello Anifitteam, We have been with you for 4 years now. At the beginning I praised you to the skies. What can I say, it hasn't changed. Our Dimbo really likes your food. He has never had any more dandruff. No more scratching attacks, no more sores. The issue with his digestion has disappeared after switching to your sensitive food. Our Dimbo is doing great thanks to Anifit. The care provided by the Zintl family is also first class. They are always on hand with help and advice if you have any q... Hello Anifitteam, We have been with you for 4 years now. At the beginning I praised you to the skies. What can I say, it hasn't changed. Our Dimbo really likes your food. He has never had any more da... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Bella (shiny coat) Dear Anifit Team,Bella was born on 23 February 2011 and is a black Labrador bitch. For the first few months, Bella was fed dry food. However, after I, as her owner, familiarised myself with the ingredients and compatibility, I realised that the food was not as good as the saleswoman in the pet shop had told me. That's how I came across Anifit. What has changed since Bella started eating Anifit? Apart from the fact that she is totally happy when she hears the word food or hunger (not unusual for ... Dear Anifit Team,Bella was born on 23 February 2011 and is a black Labrador bitch. For the first few months, Bella was fed dry food. However, after I, as her owner, familiarised myself with the ingred... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Yup (intestinal problems) Dear Anifit team, We have been feeding Anifit for over a year now and are more than satisfied! Our dogs have become more agile and are able to maintain their ideal weight. In addition, our Jupp previously had very bad intestinal problems and bloody diarrhoea. After we switched to Anifit and worked with Fructosan and Mannosan, the bad diarrhoea stopped. And now, after this time, he can even drop something off the table, because if he eats anything other than Anifit, he no longer has any problems... Dear Anifit team, We have been feeding Anifit for over a year now and are more than satisfied! Our dogs have become more agile and are able to maintain their ideal weight. In addition, our Jupp previ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Nana (food refusal) Dear Anifit team, Until 3 years ago, my Bernese Mountain Dog called Nana was fed dry food, which was recommended to me by a specialist retailer. Nana always struggled a lot with her skin and regularly had a hot spot, which was painstakingly treated by the vet with medication.Nana also ate very badly and always left half of her food out. We almost had to force her to eat.After switching to Anifit 3 years ago, Nana's skin gradually improved and there was no longer any trace of a hot spot. You cou... Dear Anifit team, Until 3 years ago, my Bernese Mountain Dog called Nana was fed dry food, which was recommended to me by a specialist retailer. Nana always struggled a lot with her skin and regularl... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Castor Hello dear Anifit team! For almost three years I have owned an extremely greedy and always hungry male Labrador. Before that, Castor was my foster dog for about three years. In true Labrador fashion, Castor usually eats everything he can get or find anywhere. As a result, he actually had a barrel-shaped body, as described in the dog book. On the other hand, he constantly smelled unpleasant and - sorry - bloated a lot. I also picked him up with diarrhoea almost every time. It wasn't always pleas... Hello dear Anifit team! For almost three years I have owned an extremely greedy and always hungry male Labrador. Before that, Castor was my foster dog for about three years. In true Labrador fashion,... Erfahrungsbericht lesen "I feel good, oh so good ..." The successes with ANIFIT dog food from the perspective of Golden Retriever "Nico" When my mum heard about ANIFIT, she was immediately enthusiastic and signed up as a consultant right after the first information evening. However, as she is fundamentally sceptical and had been looking for a good dog food for me for a long time, she decided to use me as a "guinea pig" for at least two weeks before her first ANIFIT business party - luckily for me ... Equipped with rice, dumpling bread, antibiophil... The successes with ANIFIT dog food from the perspective of Golden Retriever "Nico" When my mum heard about ANIFIT, she was immediately enthusiastic and signed up as a consultant right after the first... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Blacky (fatty tumour) Dear Anifit Team, First of all, I would like to thank you once again for allowing me to get to know Anifit through my consultant, Mrs Engelhardt. The dog food has brought about many positive changes in our dog Blacky. We have all gained from it. Blacky is now much more alert and full of vigour. It's as if she feels more comfortable in her own skin. It's just so much more fun to do things with her. Even when she was in heat, she was more responsive and cheerful than in previous years. Four to s... Dear Anifit Team, First of all, I would like to thank you once again for allowing me to get to know Anifit through my consultant, Mrs Engelhardt. The dog food has brought about many positive changes ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Ginga and Stanley Hello, our names are Ginga and Stanley. We didn't used to be very happy with our food. We always ate a little, but we left the rest and often knocked over the food bowl. Our mum was always angry! But now we get Anifit and we love it. We like the dog food with potatoes best. Ginga has already lost some weight and can jump on the kennel again. That's nice, it was a bit boring, she didn't move that much. This product review was translated automatically. Hello, our names are Ginga and Stanley. We didn't used to be very happy with our food. We always ate a little, but we left the rest and often knocked over the food bowl. Our mum was always angry! Bu... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Buffy Dear Anifit Team, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for the donation of dog foodfrom Anifit Tierhilfe for our protégé Buffy. It was phenomenal to see how within just 14 days (!) the perianal fistulas, which we had been treating with cortisone and antibiotics for months to no avail, had completely disappeared. I must honestly admit that I would not have thought it possible beforehand and was very sceptical. Buffy became fitter overall and her coat also looked very goo... Dear Anifit Team, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for the donation of dog foodfrom Anifit Tierhilfe for our protégé Buffy. It was phenomenal to see how within just 14 da... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pia & Paul Dear Anifit Team, I would like to thank you very much and tell you about my experience with your pet food. Paul, my daughter's dog, used to suffer from severe diarrhoea. By switching to Anifit, my dog Pia and my daughter's dog Paul have become much more balanced. The hair loss has already decreased. The body may still need some time to eliminate all the toxins that used to be in the dog food. The dogs are delighted with the new dog food and eat it with enthusiasm. To my relief, Anifit has a v... Dear Anifit Team, I would like to thank you very much and tell you about my experience with your pet food. Paul, my daughter's dog, used to suffer from severe diarrhoea. By switching to Anifit, my d... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Emperor Dear Anifit Team, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my consultant once again for her kind advice. We really did the right thing by switchingto Anifit dog food. Our dog Kaiser no longer has any pox or pustules. His coat has also become thicker and he no longer has any bald patches. And he still likes it too. His portion is always gone in no time at all. Kaiser has now reached his ideal weight thanks to Anifit. We had no problems whatsoever with the change of dog food. We no long... Dear Anifit Team, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my consultant once again for her kind advice. We really did the right thing by switchingto Anifit dog food. Our dog Kaiser no longer ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chico Hello my name is Chico I came to my current family at the tender age of 8 weeks. I am a Labrador mix and in my new home I was given food that I had never eaten before. It was so delicious that I stole the tin every time after feeding to see if there was anything else in it. The dog food is called ANiFiT, which I memorised as my master and mistress talked about it. I can tell you that it tastes damn good! Unfortunately I only get one tin, I know where they are kept at home, but unfortunately I ... Hello my name is Chico I came to my current family at the tender age of 8 weeks. I am a Labrador mix and in my new home I was given food that I had never eaten before. It was so delicious that I sto... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chester Dear Anifit Team, I was very sceptical about Anifit at first. But my scepticism quickly disappeared when I saw how Chester (our eleven-year-old beagle) "fell over" his dog food. Anifit made me aware of the book "Cats would buy mice" - an absolute "must-have" for every animal lover. I was totally appalled at how much bad, but expensive, chemical food can be found on the shelves of dog food retailers and supermarkets. We are glad to have found Anifit. It is a very high-quality, species-appropria... Dear Anifit Team, I was very sceptical about Anifit at first. But my scepticism quickly disappeared when I saw how Chester (our eleven-year-old beagle) "fell over" his dog food. Anifit made me aware ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The Möppels from Herzberg Opinions differ on the "best dog food". Over the many years that we have had dogs, we too have tried again and again to find it. Convinced by the positive effects, we ended up with Anifit. Our dogs hardly shed at all any more. We could have knitted jumpers with the hair our Labrador had lost in the past. The pugs also shed a lot. That's over now. The coat is shinier and thicker. There is less faeces and we have noticed that water consumption has decreased. OK, the pug is hungry about 24 hours a ... Opinions differ on the "best dog food". Over the many years that we have had dogs, we too have tried again and again to find it. Convinced by the positive effects, we ended up with Anifit. Our dogs ha... Erfahrungsbericht lesen A poem on Anifit "Once upon a time there were two dachshund girls, One was quick, the other very leisurely. Pauline, the little one, jumped with quick legs. Jette, our little "fat one", walked leisurely towards the bed. The food, over three years old already, was the best thing every day - food is reward. As they were also very fussy, we always tried something new, but they only ate for a few days. What should it be now, was our question. Mrs E. Engelhardt ... "Once upon a time there were two dachshund girls, One was quick, the other very leisurely. Pauline, the little one, jumped with quick legs. Jette, our little "fat one", walked ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Elly Dear Anifit Team, We would like to share our enthusiasm about Anifit with you. Our boxer dog Elly simply didn't want to eat the dry dog food. This is now completely different with Anifit, she can hardly wait until she gets it. She really enjoys eating it and the natural flakes taste particularly good to her. She also enjoys the treats. She always looks forward to her meals and the high meat content in the dog food means she is always full. In the meantime, she has also gained a beautiful shi... Dear Anifit Team, We would like to share our enthusiasm about Anifit with you. Our boxer dog Elly simply didn't want to eat the dry dog food. This is now completely different with Anifit, she can ha... Erfahrungsbericht lesen They feed tinned food - oh God - why? Now they almost hit me on a sore spot - I was a "canned food opponent" since the "Chappi and Loyal era" of my "childhood dogs" from grandmother, uncle and aunt. The "stuff" stank like the plague (the dog afterwards too), attracted maggots like flies and I shook myself at the sight of opening the can and the loud word: FRESSI.... As I got older, I myself decided never to offer my later dogs tinned dog food, but fresh (barf, as it is called today). Just like my parents gave our dogs. Predominantl... Now they almost hit me on a sore spot - I was a "canned food opponent" since the "Chappi and Loyal era" of my "childhood dogs" from grandmother, uncle and aunt. The "stuff" stank like the plague (the ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Paul and Leo Dear Anifit Team, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Anifit and my consultant Mr Zintl for their excellent advice and dedicated support. I have been feeding my cats (3 1/2 years old) with the Anifit programme for a month now, and thanks to your tips they were able to adapt quickly. Although I used to think that I was feeding my cats a good diet to the best of my conscience, I have been able to see the first results of the change to Anifit cat food for just under a week now. The coa... Dear Anifit Team, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Anifit and my consultant Mr Zintl for their excellent advice and dedicated support. I have been feeding my cats (3 1/2 years old) with... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Penelope Schäfers Pfanne & Co as therapy The white German shepherd Penelope - she is called Penny - is six years old and blind. She ended up at the Munich animal shelter, was severely emaciated, had diarrhoea and was in a poor general condition. After a thorough veterinary examination, it turned out that she had a pancreatic malfunction and tumours. Penny underwent two operations and was put on a special diet with the addition of supporting enzymes, which she would have to follow for the rest of her... Schäfers Pfanne & Co as therapy The white German shepherd Penelope - she is called Penny - is six years old and blind. She ended up at the Munich animal shelter, was severely emaciated, had diarr... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Vital cats Dear Anifit Team, On the recommendation of the Anifit animal friends, of whom I am now one, I wanted to make a contribution to help other dog and cat lovers understand the positive effects of Anifit food. We ourselves have been switching to Anifit cat food for about six months now and have noticed many positive developments in our cat and our tomcat in this relatively short time. For example, the activity of the animals has improved considerably since the change of food, i.e. they used to lie ... Dear Anifit Team, On the recommendation of the Anifit animal friends, of whom I am now one, I wanted to make a contribution to help other dog and cat lovers understand the positive effects of Anifit ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pinki and 10 kittens Dear Anifit team! We have been feeding our three four-legged friends (all rescued from adverse circumstances) Anifit cat food every day since 17 June 2007. The effects of feeding Anifit became apparent after a short time. Not only has our Minka, who is very plump and weighs too many kilos despite eating very little, become much more agile since Anifit and our 14-year-old problem child Gisi (with severe kidney disease) is suddenly eating with appetite again, no, our Pinki became the mother of n... Dear Anifit team! We have been feeding our three four-legged friends (all rescued from adverse circumstances) Anifit cat food every day since 17 June 2007. The effects of feeding Anifit became appar... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Susi Happy Birthday! ANiFiT would like to congratulate SUSI, a dog who has been receiving healthy ANiFiT pet food every day since June 2001, making her our "oldest" regular customer. ANiFiT started selling its premium pet food in June 2007 and it is a pleasure to see how well it has done our loyal customer. SUSI is now 12 years old, hasn't had to go to the vet in all that time and enjoys excellent health and vitality. She enjoys all varieties of Anifit dog food and looks forward to opening the tin... Happy Birthday! ANiFiT would like to congratulate SUSI, a dog who has been receiving healthy ANiFiT pet food every day since June 2001, making her our "oldest" regular customer. ANiFiT started selli... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Jenny Woof woof! When I came to my new owner from the animal shelter exactly 14 months ago, I was very sad at first and had no appetite at all because I had lost my previous owner. My new owner made every effort and offered me lots of different types of food, but I was never really enthusiastic. Until the day my best new friend Bella came round with her owner and had a tin of Anifit in her bag. She told me to try it, that you couldn't buy it in the shop, you could only order it. My mistress was very... Woof woof! When I came to my new owner from the animal shelter exactly 14 months ago, I was very sad at first and had no appetite at all because I had lost my previous owner. My new owner made every ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Kiara Hello animal lover! My name is Kiara and I am a little Maltese lady. I'm doing great. I've just celebrated my second birthday and my owner has given me ANIFIT as a permanent present. That's great and you can even see it. My foster father (breeder) recommended dry food to my owner, which worked, because I didn't know anything else. My mistress then had to take me to the doctor once because of a minor issue and he really grumbled about the dog food. After that I was given tinned food, which was ... Hello animal lover! My name is Kiara and I am a little Maltese lady. I'm doing great. I've just celebrated my second birthday and my owner has given me ANIFIT as a permanent present. That's great and... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Piefke and Püppie Hello Anifit! We have been buying Anifit for our West male named Piefke (born 3 July 1997) since 1 August 2004. In November 2004 we took the female western dog called Püppie (born 23 January 1996) into our family. The development since summer 2004 and now is fantastic, there is no comparison to how she looks today. We are so proud of our "old" lady! Thanks to Anifit dog food: the coat has become shiny and really thick no skin or other diseases have occurred since then She really comes al... Hello Anifit! We have been buying Anifit for our West male named Piefke (born 3 July 1997) since 1 August 2004. In November 2004 we took the female western dog called Püppie (born 23 January 1996) in... Erfahrungsbericht lesen "Lady" Lumpe Hello!! I am a little Chihuahua bitch and my name is "Lady". I spent the first 6 years of my life in a kennel. Animal welfare got me out of there because I was at the end of my tether due to having lots of babies. My current owner took me into her arms and nursed me back to health. With a lot of love and patience, she showed me how wonderful a dog's life can be. For the past 1 1/2 years, everything has become even more beautiful, because my mistress met Mrs Klandt and with her a new dog food f... Hello!! I am a little Chihuahua bitch and my name is "Lady". I spent the first 6 years of my life in a kennel. Animal welfare got me out of there because I was at the end of my tether due to having l... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Carlo Carlo is doing splendidly "That's a lovely dog, and he has such a beautiful, shiny coat!" Yes, he often gets compliments like that when we go for a walk together. We're talking about our eight-year-old Boxer-Labrador mix "Carlo". However, Carlo has not always enjoyed this admiration! Just four months ago, our dog had an extremely dull, dry coat and suffered from dandruff and excessive hair loss. In the hope of achieving an improvement, we tested all kinds of dog food: from dry to wet, from prem... Carlo is doing splendidly "That's a lovely dog, and he has such a beautiful, shiny coat!" Yes, he often gets compliments like that when we go for a walk together. We're talking about our eight-year-o... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Mali Mali from Munich I have been feeding ANiFiT to two always hungry cats and my dog Mali since August 2004. Before that, because it is so "practical", we were travelling in a dry food "environment". We can sing along to the well-known lament about dry food in all variations. The cats had bad coats, the cat in particular had repeated metabolic problems and, to be honest, they hadn't played for a long time. But our dog was the worst affected and I had to take her to the vet more and more often. Her ... Mali from Munich I have been feeding ANiFiT to two always hungry cats and my dog Mali since August 2004. Before that, because it is so "practical", we were travelling in a dry food "environment". We ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Pine litter Dear Anifit Team, I would like to praise your product "Anifit pine litter". I think the cat litter is simply marvellous. There is no odour, on the contrary, it even smells pleasant. It binds the cat's urine and faeces very well and so there is very little waste, which you can dispose of in a remote corner of the garden with a clear conscience. Simply super! Sincerely Marlene Jansen April 2012 This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, I would like to praise your product "Anifit pine litter". I think the cat litter is simply marvellous. There is no odour, on the contrary, it even smells pleasant. It binds the c... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Cat (does not eat) Dear Anifit Team, I came across the Anifit brand a few years ago but my cat at the time was not ready and I was not patient enough to accept the cat food. Today I live with a tomcat (12 years old) and a cat (5 years old). The cat has had elevated kidney values for several years, which I managed to get under control thanks to homeopathy. Unfortunately, it was also necessary to change his diet, which caused a few problems. The first problem was that everyone had their own cat food which was only ... Dear Anifit Team, I came across the Anifit brand a few years ago but my cat at the time was not ready and I was not patient enough to accept the cat food. Today I live with a tomcat (12 years old) an... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Randy & Wally Dear Anifit Team, and now a big compliment to your great work with your dog food: The week before last I took my Westies Randers, almost 13 years old, and Wallkyrie, 10 years old, for their annual health check-up. Both have blood values like two-year-old dogs. The vet puts this down to a healthy diet. There have also been no skin problems or intolerances from the digestive tract in all these years. Unfortunately, there are quite different cases, as I regrettably discover time and again with s... Dear Anifit Team, and now a big compliment to your great work with your dog food: The week before last I took my Westies Randers, almost 13 years old, and Wallkyrie, 10 years old, for their annual he... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Gipsy (overweight) Dear Anifit Team, My name is Gipsy - I will be 10 years old in May. I am a Westi and live with my daughter Shari - now seven years old - with my extremely lovely owner and master. My problem has been my figure since I was a puppy. My mum tried everything - she really didn't pay attention to money. But then everything changed: an obnoxious person from the neighbourhood didn't like us. It's actually legal - one likes dogs, the other cats, but he just threw food into our garden - he'd smeared po... Dear Anifit Team, My name is Gipsy - I will be 10 years old in May. I am a Westi and live with my daughter Shari - now seven years old - with my extremely lovely owner and master. My problem has been... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Sina Dear Anifit Team, By switching from puppy food to Anifit at the beginning of 2011, my dog no longer has diarrhoea. My other dog stank terribly from his mouth for several weeks, and since I have been feeding Anifit, there is no longer any trace of bad mouth odour. Your dog food is really great, and of course I don't know what else the dogs would have got if I had continued to feed the other dog food. I hope I can give you many more recommendations, Yours Barbara Schröer March 2011 This prod... Dear Anifit Team, By switching from puppy food to Anifit at the beginning of 2011, my dog no longer has diarrhoea. My other dog stank terribly from his mouth for several weeks, and since I have been ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Corina (diarrhoea) Dear Anifit Team, I would like to thank you once again for the pleasant and detailed discussion with my consultant Zintl. Corina hasn't had any more diarrhoea for three weeks since the intestinal build-up cure and the change to Anifit Gockel`s Duett canned food(dog food). Only after we switched to Thanksgiving Day did she have a few soft stools but no diarrhoea. With her sensitive bowel this is probably due to the changeover. I am firmly convinced that we are on the right track with Anifit. ... Dear Anifit Team, I would like to thank you once again for the pleasant and detailed discussion with my consultant Zintl. Corina hasn't had any more diarrhoea for three weeks since the intestinal bu... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Anja Hello, dear "food lover", Greetings from Anja. Unfortunately, I became ill more and more often many years ago. Sometimes I had diarrhoea, sometimes constipation. Then again I was sick to vomit! This went on for almost a whole year. My humans were already very desperate! Well, luckily for me, you, dear "food buddy", came to visit us one day. You told my humans about the great things they could order from you and how great they were supposed to taste. They were also supposed to be very healthy ... Hello, dear "food lover", Greetings from Anja. Unfortunately, I became ill more and more often many years ago. Sometimes I had diarrhoea, sometimes constipation. Then again I was sick to vomit! This... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Luna (thin and oily hair) Dear Anifit Team, My five-year-old mixed-breed dog Luna suddenly refused to eat her dog food. She also shed terribly, started to smell from her mouth and traces of tartar became visible. Her coat was thin and greasy. I would never have thought that all these symptoms were related to the dog food. A friend told me about Anifit and I switched my dog to it quite quickly. After just two weeks, I noticed the first change in my dog's coat. It became shinier and finer in texture. Four months later, ... Dear Anifit Team, My five-year-old mixed-breed dog Luna suddenly refused to eat her dog food. She also shed terribly, started to smell from her mouth and traces of tartar became visible. Her coat wa... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Andy Dear Anifit Team, On 22 December 2010, our dog Andy was invited to a festive meal. On this day, our specialist consultant Mrs Zintl visited us to give Andy a taste and to tell us in detail about a healthy and species-appropriate diet. Up to this point, Andy had been fed dry food for 11 years. Mrs Zintl informed us that dry food is absolutely not species-appropriate. As we had already seen with Andy, he had already completely discoloured due to the many preservatives in the dry food. His coat w... Dear Anifit Team, On 22 December 2010, our dog Andy was invited to a festive meal. On this day, our specialist consultant Mrs Zintl visited us to give Andy a taste and to tell us in detail about a he... Erfahrungsbericht lesen The animal is what it eats! A report by Dr Rosmarie Poskocil, veterinary surgeon We all know that our diet is an essential basis for a life full of vitality, energy and health and is an important prerequisite for maintaining all bodily functions. On the other hand, poor quality, inadequate food can cause a whole range of serious health problems, such as allergies, metabolic disorders, intestinal, liver and kidney diseases, etc. These facts apply not only to humans, but also to our four-legged friends. Food can therefore ... A report by Dr Rosmarie Poskocil, veterinary surgeon We all know that our diet is an essential basis for a life full of vitality, energy and health and is an important prerequisite for maintaining al... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Paul Dear Anifit team, I've been very happy with the dog food I've been feeding my "Paulchen" for years and haven't given much thought to other dog food. Paul did have a few skin problems, but I just accepted that. I would never have thought that the dog food could be to blame. When I met my consultant Mr Zintl and his lovely wife and she told me about ANIfit pet food, I was very reluctant at first. I was put off by the relatively high price. I also didn't realise that my dog should eat such high-... Dear Anifit team, I've been very happy with the dog food I've been feeding my "Paulchen" for years and haven't given much thought to other dog food. Paul did have a few skin problems, but I just acc... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Coco (kidney) Dear Anifit Team, After almost 2 months, our 8-year-old mixed-breed dog Coco no longer has colic (kidney). She has a nicer and shinier coat and less bad breath. We were sceptical at first because our dog didn't accept the new food straight away. Now Coco really likes Anifit and we no longer have any problems with it. Best regards Karin Erharter February 2012 This product review was translated automatically. Dear Anifit Team, After almost 2 months, our 8-year-old mixed-breed dog Coco no longer has colic (kidney). She has a nicer and shinier coat and less bad breath. We were sceptical at first because ou... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Dog & cat (flatulence) My name is Jacqueline D. and I am the proud pet owner of two cats and a dog. My cats have always had dry food from me and one of them has often vomited. But not cat hair, always the kibble. I noticed that the other cat looked very bloated. The problem with my dog was that she always had a bloated stomach and constantly suffered from foul-smelling flatulence. Since I've been feeding Anifit for about 4 months, my pets have been doing great - they don't have bloating, they don't vomit and my cat ... My name is Jacqueline D. and I am the proud pet owner of two cats and a dog. My cats have always had dry food from me and one of them has often vomited. But not cat hair, always the kibble. I noticed ... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Elvis & Joey Hello dear Anifit team! Now that we and our animals have been having good experiences with Anifit for several years, we would like to tell you a little about them. It all started with our rough-haired dachshund Charlie. At that time she was still being fed dry food mixed with 1-2 tablespoons of tinned food and we thought we were only doing her good. At the age of 10, at the beginning of 2006, she began to suffer from itchy eczema between her claws, flaky oily skin, especially on the "brush" on... Hello dear Anifit team! Now that we and our animals have been having good experiences with Anifit for several years, we would like to tell you a little about them. It all started with our rough-hair... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Susi Dear Anifit Team, Advent - a time for reflection. I'm taking this opportunity to look back. Just over a year ago, I switched my then almost 12-year-old Yorki dog to "Anifit" dog food. My "old" dog quickly became a lively, lively creature again. This was also noted with great astonishment by my 80-year-old neighbour. Only a few problems remained the same. The vet who treated me referred to my age. Thanks to the mediation of my consultant Mrs Lumpe, my Susi was able to experience and enjoy the ... Dear Anifit Team, Advent - a time for reflection. I'm taking this opportunity to look back. Just over a year ago, I switched my then almost 12-year-old Yorki dog to "Anifit" dog food. My "old" dog qu... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Chumani (weight problems) Dear Anifit Team, Chumani was fed dry dog food from a well-known manufacturer for almost four years and tolerated it more or less well. However, we had to remove tartar for the first time when she was three years old. We also repeatedly had to deal with slight weight problems. It was normal for me for her to shed all year round anyway. Unfortunately, I only recently started to take a closer look at dog nutrition. I was shocked at how little meat I had been feeding my carnivore. I heard about... Dear Anifit Team, Chumani was fed dry dog food from a well-known manufacturer for almost four years and tolerated it more or less well. However, we had to remove tartar for the first time when she wa... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Toto and his three siblings Hello! I'm Toto, 19 weeks old. Me and my whole family love to eat Anifit. My mum also ate it during her pregnancy and gave me four siblings. They are already in a new home, but I stay with my parents and get Anifit every day. That's really good for me! I'm growing and thriving wonderfully. Before we were in her belly, my mum was fed normal cat food and always had miscarriages. But luckily it wasn't like that with my litter, thanks to Anifit. Sent in by Mrs Silke Heller This product revie... Hello! I'm Toto, 19 weeks old. Me and my whole family love to eat Anifit. My mum also ate it during her pregnancy and gave me four siblings. They are already in a new home, but I stay with my parent... Erfahrungsbericht lesen Cherie and Minchen Dear Anifit Team, Our two Maltese dogs Cherie and Minchen play a very special role in our lives. Especially Cherie, who we fell in love with immediately when we first met her in Spain. However, she was sickly from the start and we took her to the vet very often, especially as visits to the vet are always very stressful for dogs. We have been feeding her Anifit dog food for about six months now and our dogs have been doing wonderfully ever since. Cherie, in particular, has been spared many a tr... Dear Anifit Team, Our two Maltese dogs Cherie and Minchen play a very special role in our lives. Especially Cherie, who we fell in love with immediately when we first met her in Spain. However, she w... Erfahrungsbericht lesen